Chapter 3

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At the Parkers apartment home

Peter was sound asleep in his room with messy brown hair and wrinkly/ messy PJ clothes on. His whole room was decorated with science posters and a periodic table. Along with some Iron man poster and his bed was also Iron man themed. His desk was across from his bed. Next to his bed was a window that led to a fire escape. It was a small room but considering its New York pretty great. As he was sound asleep though his alarm clock suddenly began to go off and he quickly slammed it completely shattering it. He then groggily woke up.

Peter: *groan*. C'mon Peter get up.

He then got up from his bed and headed to the bathroom. He grabbed his tooth brush and tooth paste. When he grabbed his tooth paste though it quickly exploded in his hand propelling forward into his mirror. Peter just looked at it with tired but also with confusion. He just awkwardly slid his tooth brush on the mirror to get some tooth paste from it. He then tried to turn the water on only for it to break off and spray everywhere.

Peter: Shitshitshit.

He then grabbed a towel and quickly put it on the faucet turner making the water stop spraying everywhere. He then was about to open the door but stopped. He then with 2 fingers carefully twisted the door knob making sure to NOT somehow break it. He then just backed away slowly confused about what was happening. He then began to feel a very weird tingle in his head. It started to get louder in his head turning into a headache. He rubbed his face and eyes to ease the pain confused.

Peter: Oh man, mornings are the wor-

Suddenly though a very loud knock and bang on his door startled him making him jump in surprise and hit the roof with his head and hold it in pain.


Aunt May: PETER WAKE UP AND GET DRESSED. Time to get the day started.

Peter: owowowowow. ohhh that really hurt.

He then ignored the pain in his head and started to get undressed taking his shirt off first. He turned around looking past his mirror to get to the dresser. However, he suddenly stopped for 3 seconds.... And looked back at the mirror.

Peter: What the-?

He had abs. Not just abs he had......... everything. It was like if Tom Holland, Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield had a kid giving him the perfect combination of buff, slim, and toned. He was feeling his arms wondering when and how they could have gotten like that.

Peter: Did I get roofied steroids or something.

He then saw his glasses on his desk and instinctively grabbed them and put them on. Except his vision went blurry when he put them on. His face furrowed in confusion. Looking at his periodic table poster and trying them on and off testing his vision finding he could see better without them.

Peter: That's....... new.

However, he was interrupted again by some banging on the door again except this time it was his Uncle.


Uncle Ben: Peter are you dressed?

He then called out to his uncle still looking at himself in the mirror.

Peter: Jut give me a sec. Almost changed.

Uncle Ben: Must be some change if it's taking you 20 minutes to get dressed and ready. C'mon kiddo.

Peter then just looked at himself one more time in the mirror. Talking slow and with confusion.

Peter: Yeah...... big change.

Later at school

Peter was walking in the halls of his school very confused about this morning. He was sweating and nervous and talking to himself trying to figure out what is happening to him.

Peter: What happened this morning? Everything I touched was broken like cheap plastic toys? Maybe I was just tired and didn't realize how much force I put into things out of habit. That doesn't explain my sudden body change though....... Wait is this puberty?

However, as he was in his own head everyone was gossiping how the clothes on him were a bit snug on him and too small. With guys making fun and girls giggling behind his back. He finally began to notice and was starting to feel self-conscious. It was like he could hear them all more than usual. Like his senses were in overdrive trying to figure out how to work all over again. It all stopped though when he made it just out of his home class room and Wanda came up and said her hellos/ good morning.

Wanda: Hey Peter. Good mornin.

As she had her usual up beat smile Peter returned finally thankful his headache was going away and his senses were back to normal. It was almost like he needed to focus on something else to block everything else out.

Peter: Morning Wanda.

Wanda: How are you feeling today? You got really sick on that trip huh?

Peter: Y-yeah, I don't know what that was. Guess I must have ate something bad I don't know.

Pietro then came out of the home room class seeing Peter.

Pietro: Hey Parker. Your looking better.

Peter: O-Oh thanks for noticing.

Pietro: Oh no don't get me wrong I don't. I'm just nice because your my sisters' friend.

Wanda quickly punches her brother with a pouty face, and he begins to walk back into the home room.

Wanda: Uhh hehe h-he doesn't mean that *punches arm* Right Brother?

Pietro: What ever you say sis.

It was then just Wanda and Peter. When Wanda realized this looking around seeing everyone doing their own thing, she had a happy smile on her face.

Wanda head: Finally. This is my chance!

She was then about to say something but was cut off by the school bell ringing turning her happy face to a "are you fucking kidding me face".


As a scary red aura that is similar to her quirk was surrounding her Peter began to feel the same weird tingle in his head holding it in a little annoyance but ignoring it none the less.

Peter: I guess we should head to class huh?

The tingling began to stop and so did Wanda's scary aura. Her face went from scary frustrated to sudden fake smile with closed eyes and the usual "not really fine but whatever face".

Wanda: O-Oh. Y-yeah, I guess so hehe.

In the lunch room

Peter sat down and was eating his lunch. As she was walking over, she wasn't paying attention to some juice on the floor and slipped on it. Once again Peters whole world slowed down, and it was like his senses got cranked up to 11. He quickly got up and caught Wanda startling her and making her blush. He caught the tray and one by one the milk, juice box, fruit cup and cookie was caught by Peter using the tray.

Wanda: Peter that was amazing! How did you do that?

Peter: Uhh I-I don't know. L-Lucky catch, I guess?

Wanda then was back on her own feet and Peter gave back her tray except she had a raised eyebrow at it.

Wanda: Where did my spaghetti go?

Peter was confused.

Peter: You got spaghetti too?

Wanda: Yeah, I always get it as my main dish food.

Peter then slowly looked around and behind him and his eyes went wide, and his knees buckled with fear. As Wanda's spaghetti landed on Flash Thompson head. He was sitting down from a table behind them facing them. His face was filled with rage and slowly the black ooze that is his quirk began to take over his arms and necks showing as black gooey veins. He then said with venom in his tone and in a slow growl.

Flash: Paaarrrkerrrrr!!!

The spaghetti bowl on his head then fell off "splatting" on the ground.

Peter: Oh shit.

Peter then started to try and walk away out of the lunch room but Flash just followed him.

In the hallways

As Peter was speed walking through the halls, he took turns left and right trying to throw Flash off. He looked back and saw he wasn't there. Peter took a big breath of relief and walked over to a specific locker. He opened it up. His head though began to get a now familiar tingle and everything around him slowed down. He looked behind him and immediately saw Flashes fist heading for his head. He dodged it just in time completely indenting it into the locker. Peter hugged the locker wall behind him on instinct.

Flash: You think your pretty funny huh wall crawler?

Peter: W-Wait I didn't mean to do it. It was an accident.

Flash: My fist going in your face is going to be the only accident!

Flash then went to punch Peter again. Peter tried to move but his hand was stuck to the locker and it wouldn't budge.

Peter head: What the hell!!?

Flash then landed a good hit on Peters body knocking him away and taking the locker door that he was stuck to with him onto the ground.

Flash: Get up Parker! We're not done yet!

Peter was trying to crawl backwards and away with the locker door still stuck to his hand.

Peter: I don't want to fight you Flash.

Flash then stomped into the ground with Peter getting up fast and hastily dodging it. With the locker door finally getting unstuck to his hand.

Flash: I wouldn't want to fight me either.

Flash then threw a right hook at Peter. Peter just squinted and let his instincts take over. His instincts lead to him catching Flashes punch making them both go wide eyed and then Peter punching Flash in his stomach launching him into a wall with a small thud. Peter was wide eyed looking at his fist.

Peter head: Did I just do that?

He was snapped out of it though with Flash easily recovering.

Flash: Where the hell did that come from?! It doesn't matter. I'll let you have it. Because it wont happen again.

Flash then ran at Peter expecting to tackle into Peter easily accept he does a back roll over Flash trips his momentum making him go head first into a locker with a loud bang of metal.



However, that's when Wanda showed up with a teacher. Once Flash saw the teacher he cooled down. They both were scolded but were lucky that the Teacher didn't care enough to give them detention or severe punishment. So, Flash just kicked the ground walking away grumbling to himself. While Peter just went to his locker that had no door now and grabbed his stuff. Meanwhile Wanda came up to him.

Wanda: Hey Peter...... you ok?

Peter: Oh-yeah, I'm fine thank you. It's not as bad as you think.

Wanda just gave a dissatisfied "Mmm".

Wanda: Peter you almost got really hurt. Why do you let Flash do that to you?

Peter: Uhh I-I don't know. I guess its just easier. A-Anyways thanks for the save Wanda really. I need to go though. Bye.

Peter then began to take off leaving Wanda there to herself. Thinking about what just happened and how strange and long of a day it's been.

In the streets of New York

Peter was running though the sidewalk in a panic trying to head back home. Ever since this morning his day has been nothing but weird and strange. Nothing made sense.

Peter: What is wrong with me? First, I break everything this morning, then my head just keeps pounding, and then I landed a hit on Flash and dodged some from him?

He wasn't paying attention though as a semi-truck was about to hit him when he was crossing a road.


Peter: WOAH!!!

His instincts took over and he immediately jumped into the air and away from the truck. He jumped towards an alley way. He slowly opened his eyes afraid he was going to get hit. He opened his eyes surprised though to see himself sticking to the wall.

Peter: H-Huh? I-I'm sticking to the wall. How am I doing this?

He then tried to pull his hand off but couldn't.

Peter: I can't get off. Why is this happening?!

He then tried again thrusting his body backwards to force his hands off.


Suddenly his hands and feet were freed...... along with his body.

Peter: OH KRAP!

His body was then taken by gravity and he fell into the alley way with his body bouncing up from the hard floor and then hugging his sides in pain.

Peter: *groan* I need help.

At Stark Industries in Dr. Connors lab

Peter was sitting on a table in Dr. Connors lab doing yet another checkup. He was looking inside his mouth with a popsicle stick and then took it out and threw it away.

Connors: Peter I don't see what the problem is. Your perfectly healthy.

Peter: No, I am not. I am telling you something is different. I feel different.

Connor then sat next to Peter and put a hand on his shoulder and took a deep breath in and then out....

Connors: Peter......... your around that age when things are......changing. These changes are normal should probably talk to your guardians about this and not me.

Peter then quickly got that he was talking about puberty and not what he is talking about.

Peter: I am not talking about puberty! This is not puberty. Look!

Peter then went over to a giant metal table that was filled with other very heavy lab equipment. He bent down and then lifted the table up into the air with ease.

Peter: See!

He then did it with one hand. Connors was amazed by what he was seeing. He knew Peter was qurikless. Qurikless people can't do what he is doing. It isn't enough though to say something is wrong with Peter. Peter put the table down and went back over to Dr. Connor.

Peter: Well?

Connors was trying to figure out what to do honestly. So, he thought maybe it was best to take precaution. It was to put Peters mind at ease mostly. Besides there wasn't any harm in being extra safe or cautious.

Connors: Alright you may have a point. However, I don't think there is anything wrong with you. So for now how about we just take some blood just to be safe and so you can put your mind at ease.

Peter: *sigh* Ok... Whatever you need.

10 minutes later

As Dr. Connor was analyzing Peters blood Peter was just scrolling through his phone reading the news.

Connors: Odd...

Peter was quick to get up and give Connors his full attention.

Peter: What is it? Is something wrong?

Connors: Well no not really but...... its strange.

Connor then pulled up a monitor and it showed what he was seeing in the microscope.

Connors: As you probably already know your body is constantly under attack by viruses and bacteria and such. Your immune system defends itself by categorizing and replicating a DNA strand of those viruses and bacteria so it can know how to fight them. Then it destroys any germs or viruses in the body.

Peter: Yeah that's basic anatomy 101 I already took that class.

Connor: Right sorry to patronize. Anyways usually in your younger or first years of life your body categorizes everything it comes into contact with. However there seems to be something else and its not only categorizing it.... It's integrating it into your immune system.

Peter: So, what is it? I don't have cancer or anything serious or something do I?

Connors: Oh no no no. GOD No. It's likely something small like a new strand of the flu or a cold. Your body is probably just working something off.

As they were talking though Peter got a call on his phone. It was his Uncle Ben. He was at Stark Industries.

Peter: I have to go. My Uncle is here to pick me up.

Connors: Ok well... I'll keep you updated if I find anything. I doubt it though.

Peter: Are you sure?

Connor then put his one hand on Peter shoulder with reassurance.

Connor: Peter.... You are fine. Now go home and rest.

Peter just took a breath out and nodded yes saying his goodbyes. Once he left Dr. Connors chuckled to himself at Peters paranoia and was about to turn his computer and microscope off. However, he then noticed something that caught his eye. The cells in Peters blood were changing. His Immune system was being completely replaced with something new. The thing is though is that...... its what Dr. Connor has been trying to replicate for years or at the very least something similar to what he was looking for. It was something he could never figure out.

Connors head: ....... Amazing.

In Uncle Bens car

Peter was in the passenger seat and his Uncle was driving them home. Ben Parker was not much in all honesty.

He was an old man who had a pretty normal life considering the world they live in. His quirk isn't that much either. It's called fast hands. Basically, he can just work his hands fast. It's not extremely fast though, just above average. Might as well just consider it a talent rather than a quirk. Great for working tools and even in his old days of WW2 and being in the field as an officer, weapons. When he was young and first out of high school, he joined the military in hope of making a difference. After that he settled down as a police officer retiring from field duty after an almost fatal heart attack. Ever since then he has done office work for the police department. He has been with May ever since he started the police academy. However, they took Peter in after his brother Richard Parker and his sister in law Mary Parker died in a plane crash. Ever since then Ben has stepped up as his father figure... or so he tries to.

After driving for awhile they finally made it back to their Apartment building.

Peter: Thanks for giving me a ride back.

Uncle Ben: It's no problem Peter.

Peter was about to get out of the car but suddenly it locked when he tried to open it. Uncle Ben was the one to lock it.

Uncle Ben: Now hold on one second, we need to have a talk.

Peters heart dropped hearing those words. Every kid does. Especially when they know what its about. He was hoping he could let what happened at school today just blow by and forget about it.

Peter: Do we really need to have a talk? Can't we have one later?

Uncle Ben: No, we can have one right now. If you would let me. Besides it's not like I have anything to do and neither do you.

Peter: I mean I do have like home work and-

He then saw the look his uncle was giving him and knew he needed to not test his "oh so great Parker luck".

Uncle Ben: I got a call from the school today.... Said you got in a fight?

Peter just stayed silent looking out the window to specifically not look at his Uncle.

Uncle Ben: I'll take your silence that there not lying... Wanna tell me what happened?

Peter: It's not as big as it sounds. Flash was just being Flash again.

Uncle Ben: Well the teacher said you landed some good hits on him... So be honest with me... Yes or no do I need to call some one's father?

Peter: Nonono that would just make it worse.

His Uncle just sighed looking down.

Uncle Ben: Alright then. If there is any other problems though you need to be honest with me ok?

Peter: Ok....

With that they were about to get out of the car but then Uncle Ben stopped giving a side note to Peter.

Uncle Ben: Oh, and don't tell your Aunt May about this.... I pity the kid that has to suffer her wrath. Quirk or no quirk.

Peter just laughed at that imagining Flash begging for mercy from his Aunt May. Funny thing about Ben is that he could always find a way to make someone smile.

Later in Peters room

Peter is changing back into some PJ's and is finishing up in the bathroom running his hand through his hair and rubbing his neck. However, when he rubbed his neck, he felt a bit of numbness. Curious he felt the spot more and more and felt a string attached to his neck. He began to try and pull it off thinking it was an ingrown hair or something. He felt more stinging trying to pull it out though. So, he then yanked it out. With the sound of a snip from the string breaking.

Peter: gah!

He then began to pull the string into eye sight seeing it wasn't hair.... It was a single clear glimmering web string. Pulling more he felt a little weight on the string and noticed that there was a dead spider attached to the string. He was confused at first thinking why that was there. It was then his mind put everything into place. The weird body changes, sticking to objects and the wall, the sudden gain in strength and the heightened senses.

Peter: The spider....... that's why-

Suddenly he heard a knock on his door. He came out the bathroom quickly putting the dead spider on his desk under some papers. He then opened the door to see Aunt May.

Peter: Hey May what's up?

Aunt May: Just wanted to let you know we are having meat loaf tonight. So, finish washing up.

Peter: Okay be right out.

Once Aunt May left Peter looked at his hands and then at the wall. It was a few seconds of stillness with him taking his time. He put his hands on the wall and tried to climb and stick to the wall. However, his hands wouldn't stick. He just mumbled in frustration to himself under his breath.

Peter: C'mon I did this before.

He then stepped back from the wall and looked to his roof. He then closed his eyes and concentrated really hard. He then jumped up with his hands to the sky. When he jumped up, he didn't land back down. He slowly opened his eyes and found that he stuck to the roof.

Peter: Holy krap-

He then began to pull himself onto the roof with ease sticking to it on all fours.

Peter: -I have powers.

He then felt a smile crept on his face.

Peter: I have a quir-!

He was then cut off though by his hands not sticking to the roof and falling onto the ground creating a loud thump. When he fell though suddenly a white substance bursted out of his wrist shooting onto himself on his pants and bed.

Peter: *groan* what the hell was that! Do I have webs?!

Before he could even process everything happening around him though he suddenly heard his door open.

Aunt May: Hey are you ok? I heard something fal-OH MY GOD.

Peter then realized what this looks like with all the white webs over his pants and beds.

Peter: WAIT MAY. That's not-it isn't-this isn't what it looks like.

Aunt May: PETER! For Christ sake there is a time and place. AND ITS NOT BEFORE DINNER!

She then shut the door with a slam................... Only to then open it again.


She then slammed the door shut again. With Peter just falling flat onto the ground hearing his Aunt May and Uncle Ben through the thin walls.

Aunt May: Do you know what he is doing?

Uncle Ben: *joking around* What is he masturbating?

Aunt May: Yes! I just walked in on him.

Uncle Ben: Oh...............




well did you knock?

Aunt May: Well no but-

Uncle Ben: Well you gotta knock. That's an unsaid law and common sense with teenage boys.

Aunt May: It's my house I shouldn't have to knock.

Peter just put his hands over his face in pure embarrassment. Hoping the floor sinks in so he can escape this nightmare of a bad scenario.

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