Chapter 4

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In a lab at Stark Industries

Dr. Connors was once again working late at night. The last co-worker left waving goodbye at Dr. Connors and him waving back with a friendly smile. He then went back to work analyzing Peters blood.

Connors head: Fascinating. I don't know how but Peters blood is some how able to accept the foreign virus DNA and integrate it into its own genetic makeup. It's possible that his DNA possess no altered human DNA from a quirk. Which there for allows change upon said DNA to be easier and even more so compatible. In simple......... my life's work... everything I have worked possible.

He then began to feel the lump of his shoulder.... Where his arm use to be. To be able to have that again was all he ever wanted. He lost his arm in an explosion from an experiment gone wrong. It wasn't anyone's fault it was just an accident. Although maybe he could blame God for this curse. So, he went against god and his rules of ethics. That's how he got into cross species genetics. Now for the first time in forever...... he has hope of a world without pain. A world where he...... doesn't have to feel this pain.

So, he went back to work. Coming closer and closer to the answers he seeks.


(Ok so this next bit is going to be like homecoming where he is recording vlogs. So anytime something is shown in (Example) It means it's the video dialogue. Anytime it shows this (Example) it means the camera perspective change to a new setting/ test. Ok now that that's out of the way back to the story)


With Peter at an empty rooftop building

The camera was shaky and had decent quality/audio. It was on his phone so what did you expect? As Peter was walking with the camera, he was talking to it also.

Peter: Alright in recent discovery of getting a quirk from a spider bite I have decided to do physical test to see what I can do and for future research purposes, I am recording these tests. I have picked a very abandon area of queens because I don't want secret government agents like men in black or something kidnapping me and experimenting on me sooo. *sigh* here goes nothing.

He then placed the camera down and set it up, so it was standing. He then put a notebook in front of the camera which read-

Web powers test 1

(He does the notebook thing for every test)

He had some paint cans and bottles set up on a ledge of a building and he stood back. He then pointed his arms outwards like Iron Man would for his repulsor blasts expecting something to come out. He didn't get anything.

Peter: Uhhh.................. GO WEB!

He then stopped seeing it didn't work. He then tried another gesture.

Peter: FLY WEB!......

It didn't work again. Peter just put his arms down in defeat. Just mumbling to himself.

Peter: I look so stupid right now.

He then took a closer look at his wrists. Noticing how they have changed into what he could guess as spinnerets. Basically, the thing that spiders use to make and use their webs. So, he knows he has organic webbing especially after he accidentally shot it when he fell off the ceiling and his Aunt May walked in at the wrong place and time. So-

Peter: Why can't I figure this out?!

He then just began to make a bunch of different hand gestures and trying to just flex any muscles he can to see if something could happen. Until eventually


Webs suddenly flew out of his wrist and missed the targets he set up.

Peter: Wha-uhhhh. What did I just do?

He then tried again to just flex everything he could getting it right and then not getting again but getting closer to figuring it out non the less.

Peter: Ok I think I finally figured it out. If I make a rock on sign with the thumb out and flex my wrist and fist at the same time, then it should-

He then did just that and shot the web right on command.


He then began to try and shoot the targets. It took him a few misses before he began to get a feel for his new web powers. He then was able to shoot the targets with ease and Peter ended the clip with 2 thumbs up and a smile on his face.

Peter: This is awesome!

Super Jump test 1

The camera was hooked up to a selfie stick which was webbed up to a higher building that had a good view of the 2 buildings and the ground in between them. Peter right now was at the bottom yelling at the camera.


Peter then took a few steps pacing back and forth before finally stopping. He then squatted down and jumped with all his might. He then went into the air screaming in excitement.


He then was about to try and land on top of the building but instead ended up missing it.

Peter: OH KRAP.

He then clung to the side of the ledge for dear life getting a look down seeing how high up he is. (A good 4 stories give or take).


Super jump test 2

The camera was in the same position


He then said the next part to himself which the camera still kinda heard.

Peter: Hopefully this works better than last time......yeah it should work......... hopefully.

After Peters "pep talk" to himself he walked backwards a bit shaking his arms and the nervousness away. He then ran to the ledge and jumped off the building and to the next one. Peter looked back in surprise yelling in victory.


Wall crawling test 1

Peter was in front of a wall. The camera was on the ground facing up.

Peter: Ok wall crawling test. I'm going to try and stick to the wall.

Peter then closed his eyes concentrating. He then put his hand on to the wall trying to make it stick. Only for him to be able to pull his arm off easily.

Peter: Oh, c'mon how can I not do this? This is the thing I keep doing on accident the most.

Peter then tried to jump onto the wall and stick to it repeatably and started to look like a cat scratching a couch. He then just threw his hands in the air in defeat.

Peter: Alright I'm going to try this again later.

He then walked away and off camera......nothing was happening on the camera. Peter didn't even pick it up yet.

Peter then was seen quickly running and jumping flat onto the wall pancake style with a heavy hit being heard and him falling onto the ground in pain.

Peter: OW!

Peter then just groaned in pain and regret.

Peter: Why would I think that'd work?!

Spidey sense test 1

Peter was holding the camera selfie style while walking and talking to it.

Peter: Ok so this is more of a theory I have about my new powers and I wanted to see if I was right. Whenever I was close to getting hurt or almost hit by something my head felt like a weird buzzing/tingling and like everything else slows down and my senses are cranked up to 11. Now spiders have very sensitives hair triggers allover their body that allow them to basically have a 6th sense or spider sense of their own. Maybe I have that also? I don't know how else to test this though, so we are going to do two tests in 1.

Peter then put the camera down and sat it up. The phone was showing Peter in a playground. There was a swing bar above him and on the swing, bar was a bucket of rocks tied to some strings and it was perfectly balanced on top of the bar and on top of Peter. He then closed his eyes so he wouldn't know when the bucket would fall. He knew it would eventually because he made it unbalanced and tied the string so it would land on him. He then spun himself around a bunch so he wouldn't know where he was. The bucket then began to fall. Peter then felt his head tingle just like before and his body moved on it own. The bucket fell and the string broke with the bucket crashing into the ground.

Peter: Holy shit....... that was close. That was such a bad idea. I could have actually got a concussion from that.

Super strength test 1

Peter was now in the same alley way he was in the previous test. He then breathed in and out trying to relax. Then he threw a punch into the brick wall of the building breaking into it. He then rubbed his hand in irritation and pain.

Peter: owowowow. Tssss. Ahhh-ok. Note to self. Super strength does not mean my skin is unbreakable.

Super strength test 2

Peter was in front of a dumpster. He squatted down and lifted the dumpster up with ease. Eventually lifting it in the air before letting it fall back down.

Peter: That is awesome!

Super strength test 3

Peter was then in front of a car. He then got under it and started to bench press it with a little sign of struggle but none the less was doing fine. The car alarm then started to go off on it and he then quickly got out from under the car and booked it grabbing the camera with him.

Peter: Shitshitshitshit.

Web powers test 2

Peter put the camera down, so it was looking into the alley between the 2 buildings.

Peter: Alright lets try and see how strong my webs are.

Peter then was able to quickly shoot a web line into the air with it hitting a A/C unit built into the wall of the building. He then jumped hoping the web would support him. The web was fine....

Peter: So far so-

The A/C unit gave out quickly breaking out of the wall.

Peter: Goo-AHK.

Peter then landed on his but and rubbed it.

Peter: *hiss* ouchouchouchouch.

His spider sense began to go off like crazy though. So, he instinctively rolled sideways. Then the A/C unit he webbed to came crashing into the ground shattering on impact.

Peter: ............... Ok.... I think its safe to say... Spidey sense......... is awesome.

Wall crawling test 2

The camera was in the same position as the previous wall crawl test. Peter looked at his hands and fingers. Able to barley notice the little micro hairs growing on them. He then closed his eyes and put his hand on the wall. Clenching it with his will. Telling himself that his hand will stick. Believing that it will stick. He then tried to pull it off and wouldn't you know it............ it didn't. He opened eyes and relaxed his hands. Believing that it would come off...... and it did.

Peter: So, I guess that's the key to wall crawling. Being confident that I can stick and unstuck.

He then put his hand on the wall again. This time instead of taking it off he put his other hand higher and it stuck as well. He then did this again with his other hand. Doing this over and over until he began climbing on the wall upright with nothing but ease. He then looked down to the camera and smiled. He felt confident in his abilities. He then put both hands on the wall and slowly started to do a hand stand on the wall. He then slowly put a hand out. Doing a one-handed stand on the wall. He then webbed the camera on the floor and pulled it to him catching it.

Peter: Ok so I think I got the hang of this. Which just leaves one last test.

Final test

The camera was a 1st person view of Peters perspective. It was a go pro headband set he got for his birthday. He was currently on a rooftop. He then started to talk to the camera.

Peter: Ok this is the final test of the day. I'm going to try and use all my powers at once or in continuous fashion.

Peter then took a deep breath in. Then a big release of air out.

Peter: Here goes nothing.

Peter then started to run across the rooftop jumping off of it to the next one. He then did a safety roll landing with ease and continued to run in a sprint going fast. Another jump was next with a stretching wall next to the jump as well. Instead of making the jump all together Peter jumped towards the wall and began to wall run with ease using his "stick em" powers. Peter then jumped of the wall and towards a roof ledge of the next building. Doing a flip and landing on his hands and pushing himself into the air higher giving him a brief few seconds of air time before landing with a safety roll again and full on sprinting. He kept on doing leaps, jumps, flips, and extreme parkour all through out the rooftops of New York never stopping for a breath. He then finally stopped reaching the end of the rooftop buildings where they lead to a busy street in New York. With a construction crane being used nearby. Peter looked at it and then to his hand. He then webbed a line to the crane nailing the shot with ease. The camera couldn't see Peters face but it could hear his heavy breathing.... A deep breath in and out. A few seconds of silence..... and then-

Peter: ......Tallyho.

He then jumped off the roof top and started to swing on the web.


Peter was utterly terrified going down but at the same time excited. He was then near the end of his swing where he was at the height of his swing getting pretty far. But then felt his body going backwards.

Peter: Huh?

Peter then realized what happening and felt like an idiot. A scared idiot specifically. Because he didn't think about what happens when an object swinging reaches peak A to Peak B. It goes back to Peak A.


Peter body was swinging back to where it came from except without enough force and instead, he ended up slamming into the wall letting go of the web and falling back down to the ground. Still screaming and panicking his body hit a shade tent and broke but it also slowed down his fall. He had very little time to act and so tried to shoot another web to swing on. He was successful and webbed onto a vantage point strong enough to hold him......but not high enough to land successfully. So, he swung into a trash pile on the side of the road with some "umf" with trash flying everywhere. The camera was still for a moment. Before Peter slowly and shakily grabbed the camera off his head and pointed it at himself. He had a nose bleed and a bit of swelling on his eye. Not to bad considering what he could have gotten.

Peter: So uhhhh. That was stupid to do. I think I've done enough testing. So I'm just going to call it a day.

He then threw his head back still laying in the trash in pain. While turning off the camera with the feed turning black.

In a sandwich/convenient store

Peter was at the fridge section of the little store on the corner. Peter was grabbing a cold can of Coca-Cola (#notsponsored) and started to put it on his eye. He then started to walk up to the register while the guy was just smiling at Peter. The man was Latino and a bit on the obese side.

???: Hey Mr. Parker, howd you get that? Girlfriend? Hahaha.

Peter just smiled and laughed it off though.

Peter: Nah Marco. I just got this from uhhhh...-

Peter head: I can't say I got it from web swinging for the first time because he knows I don't have a quirk? So just think of anything else...

Peter: Skateboarding...... I-got-it-skateboarding.

Peter head: Really Parker? You skateboarding?!

The man just looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

Marco: Seriously? You skate.

Peter just laughed it off nervously with a hint of sarcasm.

Peter: ~Not anymore hehe. Never doing it again~.

Marco then motioned for Peter to show him and Peter did letting the Coke can off his eye.

Marco: Eh you'll be healed up in the morning. My old friends and I have taken worse slugs and been fine in the morning.

He then opened the register and Peter handed him some money.

Marco: You know I use to be a bit of a stunt man back in the day.

Peter: Really? You?

Marco: Heeyyy is that a fat joke?!

Peter just put his hands up defensively joking.

Peter: Nah just surprised is all.

Marco: Ahhh it was before my hip was dislocated when I was a kid and ever since then it never felt right so I stopped. Now I just work at a sandwich shop. *points seriously* That's why you need to stay in school.

Peter: Hey I promise man.

Peter then started to walk out.

Marco: Alright. Be good kid.

Peter: Will do. Goodnight.

Peter left the store and began to walk on the side walk planning to head home. However, a guy bumped into him with him saying sorry and the other guy giving a usual New Yorker answer.

Peter: Sorry. My bad.

???: Hey, watch it shit head!

Once they were both heading there own ways though Peter spider sense began to tingle.

Peters head: Danger! But where!

Peter then began to look around feeling everything around him do to his senses being so heightened. He then looked at the guy. His head was buzzing like crazy looking at him. He then took a closer look and noticed the gun tucked in the back of his shirt. Peters eyes widen seeing the gun. He then noticed how he was walking into the small shop he was just in.

Peter: Oh no...

He then quickly but peacefully and quietly walked to the door entrance of the shop. Just as the door was about to close, he quickly threw the coke can into the top corner of the door webbing it to it, stopping the door from closing completely. He then began to listen in on the conversation.

Marco: Hey man how can I-

Thug: Open the register.

Peter then heard the click of the gun's safety being turned off.

Marco: Ok just take it easy-


Marco: I cant. You have to buy something fir-

Thug: Stop stalling and just do it!

Peter then was quick to act opening the door without a sound. He then dashed at the thug grabbing the gun making a power struggle between the two.

Marco: Parker what are you doing!

Thug: Da hell you doing kid! Do you wanna die!

The thug tried to overpower Peter, but it didn't work. Peter won the struggle and threw the gun away from reach down another aisle. While that happed Marco hit the red button that signals cops of a robbery. Peter guessed that the cops would show up soon knowing Marco has a red button.

Peter: Cops are already on their way. So just le-

Suddenly the thug hand began to charge up his hands with blue and light purplish energy. He then tried to punch Peter, but Peter easily ducked under it. However, the aisle behind Peter was knocked down a good 20 inches back.

Peter: What the hell was that?

Thug: My quirk. I can turn heat into kinetic energy. Including my own.

The thug then tried to hit Peter again, but Peter dashed backwards. However, he also tripped and fell to the ground. He saw the thug above him and began to crawl backwards.

Thug: You just had to play hero huh?

Peter was looking for a way to escape. He looked backwards and saw the giant freezer room they had for ice and other frozen products. The thug then began to charge his hands up again with kinetic energy. Peter then noticed something though. He was looking a but paler then before.

Thug: Hey kid-

Peter head: Wait he said he changes his own heat energy to kinetic energy. So that means his body is getting colder the more he uses his quirk. Which means he's near his limit about now. That's why he had a gun. He would freeze to death if he ever used his quirk too much.

Thug: -It's nothing personal.

The thug then went in for another attack to finish Peter off. Peter though webbed the freezer behind him and opened it up. He then put his feet up and used the thugs momentum to lead him into the freezer with his legs. The thug hit a box of ice-cream treats before looking up. Peter quickly got up and closed the freezer.

Peter: Sorry-

He then locked the door.

Peter: -Nothing personal.

The thug then tried to use his quirk and charge his hands up. However, he couldn't. His hands just had a dim glow of energy and wouldn't charge up. He then just tried to break out using his own fist, but the door wouldn't break.

Peter figured it was safe for now and checked on Marco.

Peter: Marco you good!

Marco was hiding under the counter for cover. He slowly looked up to see Peter alive.

Marco: Peter!? Oh god man what were you thinking?

Peter was still high on adrenaline and couldn't really think of an answer.

Peter: I-I don't know. I didn't really think at all.

Marco: You good?

Peter: Yeah just...... high on all that good adrenaline hehe.

They both then began to laugh off the whole ordeal that just happened. By this time the police had come and even a pro hero did. Just for awhile though. The pro hero was quick to head to the next cry for help. The police asked Peter questions and as soon as he was finished his Aunt May and Uncle Ben came to pick him up. With May yelling at Peter for scaring the hell out of her and that he will never EVER do that to her again.

With Peter in his room

Ever since Peter got home and the adrenaline in his system was wearing off. He hasn't stopped smiling. HE of all people stopped a robbery. Right now, he was walking back and forth upside on his roof using his "stick em" powers.

Peters head: It hasn't even been a week since I got my powers and I already stopped a robbery. I just can't stop thinking about what else I could do with these powers.

He then finally realized something else.

Peters head: I can finally be a hero! I can be just like Iron man and all those other pro heroes who stop the bad guys and where cool costumes and save the day.

There were no limits in his imagination. He imagined himself stopping bad guys left and right just like Iron man would. However, then reality rained in on his little parade.

Peter head: GAH but to be a pro hero will take forever. I have to take a 4-year course/ training for that. Not including finishing my last year of middle school first.

Peter hated the idea of waiting that long. He wanted to feel that rush and thrill again. The energy he felt when he was fighting that thug and won was amazing. He never felt anything like it before and he loved it. He was getting ADDICTED to it from just one moment. So addicted though that....... He cant wait.

Peter head: There's no way I can wait that long. Not after experiencing that tonight.

Peter then had an idea in his head. He looked at his closet and began to remuage through it.

Peter head: Maybe I don't have to wait that long.

He was pulling out anything he had that was black or just dark in general. He then started to pick through all the black/ dark clothes and accessories keeping what he wanted on his bed and throwing what he didn't want back in his closet. Until finally he had what he wanted. He then began to put all of it on. He had a black shirt underneath a black hoodie. He had black pads on his elbows and knees. Very dark blue sweat pants. Black combat fingerless gloves. And some blue vans. Then to top it all off Peter then put a black ski mask on. He looks at himself in the mirror feeling satisfied with the new look he gave himself.

Peter: I look pretty cool if I do say so myself.

(Here is an image to help. This image is in a comic which this entire fanfic is based off of. In no way is most of this story my own "original idea". It started with the artist "ducklord". However, I will say I had to fill in some gaps with the story that "ducklord" has not yet posted. So, most of it is my own work but at the same time the idea and most plot points are "ducklord".)

Peter then looked out the window with determined eyes set on the sky.

Peter head: Watch out world. Because Peter Parker is coming your way. 

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