My Mate's Choice 28

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I was up way before Beatrix and I got mom to help me prepare a bowl of porridge for Beatrix when she wake up later.

I have yet to apologize to my family for my attitude and act towards them for the whole time when Beatrix was taken away. I knew I should have appreciated them better because they were the only ones who didn't abuse me verbally for what I did to Beatrix.

"Mom..." I called when she just entered the kitchen from sending Jean some food.

"Beatrix is awake, Calvin. You may want to bring her the porridge now," Mom interjected me. She smiled warmly at me and then scooped a generous amount of porridge into the bowl. I nodded and then took a tray and a glass of water.

"All ready," Mom smiled.

"Thank you Mom," I said, kissing her cheeks and then went up the stairs carefully with the tray of food in my hands.

I was nervous. I wondered what Beatrix would think of me. The last time the both of us talked was when we argued. I wondered if she had forgiven me already. I wondered if she missed me like I missed her. I was wondering too much that I didn't realize that I reached her room already until Brody invited me in.

Everyone else was there; Beatrix's parents, the Alpha and Luna, Sally, Brody and Rose. And then my eyes landed on Beatrix who was sitting on the bed - her back supported by a pillow and both of her hands on her lap.

I walked slowly towards her, my eyes never leaving her and then carefully, I lowered the tray onto her bed before her mom took the bowl and started to feed Beatrix.

We were less than a meter away from each other and my wolf was going crazy on the inside for me to go over to Beatrix and hugged her tightly; never letting go. But I was forced to step away from the bed because Brody whispered something about the alpha wanting to ask Beatrix some questions.

I obeyed, standing next to Brody at one corner of the room, far away from the bed and listened to the alpha asking her sister some questions.

"How are you feeling, baby sister?"

"Good," she said, emotionless.

"We're sorry about not able to save you the other day. We tried! I promise, we tried," the alpha sighed.

"Don't worry about it. I'm fine now, aren't I?" Beatrix said in a light tone. I could easily see from her face that she was trying to waive the topic off.

"But you're not that fine. Just look at your bruises," alpha Eddie exclaimed, "But we caught some of the rogues and I could get some men to ask them questions about the bloodsucker's whereabouts."

"How did you know I was taken by a vampire?" Beatrix asked frowning and I didn’t like the way she said the word 'vampire' when all of us are always calling them a bloodsucker.

"Calvin saw him took you and Matt told us about it as well," the Luna voiced in.

"We'll seek revenge, Beatrix. I promise, we will," alpha Eddie assured.

"There's no need to," Beatrix said and it made everyone surprised. "The vampire - his name is Gabriel. He didn't take me away. I chose to follow him."

"What?" Everyone else chorused.

"We became good friends when I was caught. He was sweet, loving and he told me he loved me and I like him a lot too. He's just like the kind of mate I wanted," she said and her eyes finally landed on me when she said the word 'mate'.

I cringed and I could feel my heart break. That was what people call karma. I used to hurt her by liking someone else and now Beatrix was doing the exact same thing.

"He cared for me a lot. He took care of me. He loved me. He cherished me and on the day our pack attacked his territory, I was the one who requested for him to take me with him - away from everybody."

"What the hell do you think you're doing?! He's a freaking bloodsucker and you know none of our species can get well with each other!" Alpha Eddie roared.

"That's why he returned me and I am not very happy about that," Beatrix admitted and I could feel myself wanting to cry. I should be strong; was what I kept chanting in my head.

"Oh gosh! You're definitely not thinking straight. Then what about the bruises on your body? Is that what you mean by the bloodsucker loving you?"

"He didn't do this. In fact, he saved me from more. It was another rogue - a werewolf."

"We have a lot of rogues down in our basement. When you're well, we'll go down and you'll identify which one of them had hurt you and we'll think of a punishment. Right now, I want you to rest because... you're clearly aren't thinking very well," Alpha Eddie chided and stormed out of the room.

"I think we should let Beatrix rest like the Alpha ordered her to," Rose voiced out and one by one, the people who were gathered in her room left.

Brody had invited me out as well but I insisted that I wanted to stay. I was gonna talk to my mate because I had missed her and I wanted her to heal faster.

When everyone else had left, Rose gave me an eye signal for me to come closer to Beatrix while she disappeared into Beatrix's bathroom.

"Beatrix," I called for her longingly and the only replied I got was a very harsh one.

"What are you doing inside my room?"


I woke up feeling a whole lot better than the other night. I only managed to stay in peace for about a minute or two before everyone else started piling into my room.

And then my heart started beating fast when I recognized the all too well scent entering my room. He came with a tray of food and I had to fight all the urges to look at him.

But then, it was just me and him now. Everyone else had left because Eddie told them that I needed rest and Rose, the doctor now had disappeared as well. There was no way for me to confront this guy now or ever. There was no way for me to able to look at my mate the same way I did.

"Beatrix," he called me and I wished he had not. I didn't want to hear his voice. I didn't want to smell him. I didn't want to see him.

"What are you doing inside my room?" I asked him harshly. I wanted him to go away.

"Beatrix, I am so sorry," he dropped to his knees and then reached for my hand that was on the bed. I quickly pulled them back, shocked by the sudden electric feel that ran through my veins.

"Please leave," I said and this time, softer. I couldn't scream because I could feel lumps forming in my throat.

"Please leave," I repeated and then sank myself into my precious bed.

* * *

I woke up a few hours later when I felt something cold on my leg. I thought it was Calvin again but the moment I saw Sally, my best friend whom I haven't talk to in a long time, I smiled.

"Good afternoon sweetie pie," she said and then leaned to me and kissed my left cheek.

"Good afternoon," I said back and then observed Sally. She looked so different now without her big spectacles; she looked prettier in every way that I could see.

"Don't do that anymore, Beatrix," she warned me and then fell onto the bed next to me.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Make me worried, make everyone worried. I thought I wouldn't be able to see you anymore but I'm glad you're here now," Sally said and she left me in awe.

I realized that I was selfish. I wanted to follow Gabriel, not thinking about my family and friends. All I wanted to do was so that I could save myself from more heartbreak from Calvin. I didn't think my family and friends was worried for me. I was just thinking about myself.

"I'm sorry," I finally said to Sally and moved closer to her so that our heads were touching.

"I forgive you," Sally said simply and then we both went into a comfortable silence until Sally spoke again, "Were you tortured badly in there, Beatrix? I'm not gonna forgive whoever that did these to you."

"I was not badly tortured. Some of them are kind. I thought I fell in love with the vampire," I said and Sally cut me off.

"You thought? You fell in love with the vampire? Is he kind to you? Bonus question; is he handsome?"

"Yes, I thought. But now, lying down here I didn't think I could love him. I still like him a lot but I don't know... He's the kindest one to me. He treats me well and he's actually the leader. He's quite good looking if you wanna know. And he always stood up to me whenever there's this another damn rogue abuse me," I told her and again, another silence before she spoke up again.

"Who's that torturer? I'm gonna let him suffer to his death," Sally said and I could detect a hint of both sadness and determination in her voice.

"I remember him," I said, "He has this ugly scar on his forehead and his name is Carlos."

"I believe his name is just as ugly as his face," Sally said angrily and then left me with another kiss on my right cheek, telling me to rest and then stomped off my room.

I wondered where she was going.

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