My Mate's Choice 29

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Beatrix went through her day mostly in bed while I stayed outside, protecting her from afar because I knew she didn't want me near her. She told me to leave; to stay away from her. She was still mad at me. She still hadn't forgiven me. But I understood it all perfectly. She had the rights to.

I wanted to give her all the time to think and forgive me. I could wait forever. I just didn't want her to like or even love somebody else. I wanted her liking for the bloodsucker - Gabriel to fade. She was meant for me and I was meant for her. Nobody else could fit in.

"Do you think you would be well enough to go down the basement with me tomorrow? I cannot stand not punishing these damn rogues. I want it to be done as soon as possible but I'd need you to be fully good," Alpha Eddie asked Beatrix, after dinner. I was just standing at her door with Brody because first, I never really left the outside of her room and Brody said he wanted to meet Beatrix.

"I don't know," Beatrix mumbled, "I'm so tired now and sleepy. I think if I'm fine tomorrow, then I'll let you know."

"Alright. I'm gonna say my good night now but before you go to sleep, Brody would first like to talk to you..."

"Brody, can we talk tomorrow? I'm so sleepy from all the drugs," Beatrix whined loudly, making all 3 of us heard her clearly and she definitely looked tired.

"Alright then, good night," Brody said and waved before going away.

I watched Alpha Eddie planted a kiss on Beatrix's forehead and said, "Calvin will accompany you here tonight."

"I don't need any accompany, Eddie," Beatrix replied, flatly.

"You definitely do, my dear. He will be just..."

"I don't need any accompany!" Beatrix repeated, cutting her brother's off and then hid her face in the pillows.

Alpha Eddie sighed but then didn't say anything anymore. He got up from Beatrix's bed and walked to me, giving my shoulder light slaps.

"It's okay Alpha. I'll just sleep outside her room," I volunteered.

"Don't be silly. It's cold on the floor. You just wait for a few minutes and once she's fully asleep, you can just get in and sleep in the room - but remember, no funny business! She's not well yet," Alpha Eddie warned and I just nodded.

But I wasn't going to really get into her room once she's fully asleep. I was gonna respect her wants. She didn't want me there but I still would want to protect and take care of her from afar, because I'm her mate. And with that in mind, I closed Beatrix's door and lied down on the cold floor.

* * *

The same night carried on for three more days with Beatrix, still refusing to go down the basement to identify the bad rogues. She kept on complaining about being tired and sleepy.

When Alpha Eddie and I consulted Rose, she said Beatrix was not getting weaker nor was she showing any sign of getting better despite of all the drugs that Rose had supplied her.

"She needs her mate," Rose stated.

"But she didn't even want me near her," I argued. Not that I didn't try but I was trying to gain Beatrix's trust but doing what she wanted me to.

"Try, Calvin. That's all I have to say."

And now, at 2am in the morning while I was still lying on the cold floor outside Beatrix's room, I couldn't find any way to get closer to Beatrix. I wanted her to so bad get better. I wanted to see her smile. I wanted to see her laugh. Even if I wasn't the reason why.

However despite of thinking about it, I was tired as well. But as soon as I felt myself drifting to sleep, I heard a sound of small cries. Getting up from my lying position, I wanted to first check on the living room until I realized that the sound was coming from Beatrix's room. I quickly stood up and opened up Beatrix's door because I had many different dangerous thoughts in my mind.

Beatrix was still lying on her bed but she was sobbing. Her arms were stretched out to the ceiling like she was asking for help. I wasted no time and rushed over to her.

"Beatrix, Beatrix..." I called as I held her stretched arms. "Beatrix..." I called again. I lightly slapped her cheeks to wake her up because she wouldn't stop crying and whimpering.

"Beatrix," I called again and this time louder. Beatrix opened up her eyes in shocked and once she saw me, she pulled my neck down with her hands wrapped around it.

"I'm scared..." she said, her voice was shaking.

"Its fine, Beatrix," I said, coaxing her, "There's nothing."

"He was here. I'm scared..." she said again.

I reluctantly pulled my head away from her gripped and softly whispered to her, "There's no one here. There's nothing to be afraid of. I'm here. I'm gonna protect you." And I kissed her forehead. "Now, go back to sleep okay?"

She shook her head vigorously. "Let's get out of here. He's gonna come back!"

"No Beatrix, there's no one here!" I said, raising my voice slightly. I needed her to be calm but she was getting nowhere near it. But the instance I raised my voice, I wished I hadn't because Beatrix burst into tears.

"I'm sorry, baby," I said and lied next to her, pulling her close to me. "I'm sorry."

"I'm so scared," she cried, "He's gonna murder me."

"No one is gonna murder you. I'm here and I'm gonna protect you, I promise," I assured her, "Now go to sleep okay?"

"Don't leave me,” Beatrix said, shielding her face with my chest. Her voice was still shaking and quiet.

"I won't," I said in a matter of fact. "I will never do that."

With that, Beatrix snuggled her head closer to my chest and hugged my torso very very tightly. And I knew that it was my first step to try to get closer to her.


I felt myself wanting to wake-up but I was also feeling lazy. My eyes felt so heavy and tired and suddenly, my bolster was feeling too good to let go.

"I'll ask her once she wakes up. I can't check on her now while she's clinging on you," I heard someone say and I thought, that was probably Rose. But I decided to finally get up because I was curious with whom was Rose talking to.

Opening my eyes, I loosely let go of my bolster until I realized that my bolster was wearing a shirt - it was definitely not a bolster anymore. I quickly let go and scooted away from my bolster. And the moment I saw his face, I was surprised. I wanted to scold him for being in my bed but then, he was so good to be hugged.

"Wh...what are you here?" I stuttered in my morning hoarse voice.

"Calvin says you had a nightmare last night. Do you remember anything?" Rose asked and her voice was so concerned that I know it wasn't the time for my mate's drama but something more serious.

"I don't remember having a nightmare," I said, scratching my tangled hair.

"You were, Beatrix. Think again, remember carefully," Calvin said. He had gotten into a sitting position at the end of the bed.

I wanted to smile because hearing Calvin's voice was making me at peace which I had no idea why when I should clearly still be angry at him. I didn't think I would want to forgive him for what he had done... all these while. But the look on both his and Rose's face was stern and I knew it wasn't the time to smile or start any drama.

So I went to think...

~ ~ ~

I was so happy that I could go back to another slumber. I've been so tired lately - I had no idea why. The bruises had slowly started to disappear from my body but the pain was still there.

I haven't really had the energy to go out and mingle yet nor do I have the energy to see the rogues at the basement. I got a feeling that Carlos was caught but I hadn't really decided what kind of punishments I would want to give them. I thought these were the Alpha's problems?

But knowing that there were a part of the rogues, being caught in this basement - I couldn't help but think about Gabriel. I would have saved him here even if he were to be caught as well. I could influence Eddie to let him go and let him in our pack. I didn't care if he was a vampire or not. I liked him a lot. A lot. And I missed him.


I turned around and saw Gabriel by my window. My heart was leaping in excitement. I was surprised to see him there but I was extremely happy and overwhelmed too. Suddenly having the energy, I ran out of the bed and across the room to be in his arms. We hugged, for a long time until he let me go and I realized that we were no longer in my room.

"Where are we?" I asked as he pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine.

"My place. My palace," he answered.

"What are we doing here?" I asked, smiling.

"I wanna show you around. How have you been doing?" he asked and started pulling me around the room. Everything was made of polished mahogany wood and they looked really beautiful that I was being envious. Gabriel could almost achieve anything that he wanted in a snap.

"I'm good," I said, lying a bit, "But I've been very tired. I just didn't have energy to do anything. And I kinda missed the time when I was still being caught."

Gabriel laughed. "You mean being caught by rogues? Then I guess you're the only werewolf I know that likes being under the rogues."

I stopped him from walking by pulling his arm. "It's not about being under the rogues, but it's about being with you there."

Gabriel stared at me for a long time and then said, "You mean that?" I nodded.

"Then what about your mate?"

"He doesn’t mean anything to me anymore," I said and at that moment, I felt a sting of pain on my chest. "I ignored him all the time when I see him. I even told him to leave me alone."

Gabriel smiled and I thought I had said the right thing. First on my list at this point was for me and Gabriel to be happy; together.

"Come on, I have something to show you," Gabriel said and tugged my hand into another room. It was dark that I could barely see anything but Gabriel was guiding me and I know I wouldn't get lost.

The light was then flicked on and I instantly wished that they had not because the supposedly white walls were covered with streaks of blood. "What are all these, Gabriel?" I asked, almost screaming.

"It's a part of the process you'd have to go through to be with me. Don't worry, sweetheart. It's only gonna last for a while. You do want to be with me right?"

Despite me not wanting to do anything with blood, I nodded.

"Do you want me to go into doing it or do you want to see how it works first?" Gabriel asked, whispering in my ear and then kissed my neck.

"I... I wanna see first," I finally decided and Gabriel nodded.

Before I knew it, there was another person in that place and she seemed to be oblivious to mine and Gabriel's presence. Her back was pressed against the wall and she was looking down on the ground. Gabriel went to join her soon after and the woman looked up. Only then I realized that the woman was me!

"Watch us," Gabriel hissed and I did.

I watched as Gabriel captured the other woman's mouth roughly with his and then his hands roamed over the other parts of her body. It carried on for a while and I felt a little jealous watching Gabriel doing those to another woman even though the woman looked like me.

It was until Gabriel showed off his fangs and took out a sharp carving knife from his pocket. He glanced at me before sinking his fangs into the woman's neck. I winced as though I was feeling the stinging. Gabriel let his fangs go deeper and with another hand, he tilted the woman's head back before he bit off the woman's skin where his fangs were.

I was shaking by now. What was it was he doing? The woman's eyes were closed but the moment she opened them, her eyes were red and she was tearing blood. My hand instantly went up to cover my mouth. What was Gabriel doing?

"Stop Gabriel! Stop," I said but he ignored me. Then he moved on to the carving knife and carved his name on the woman's now exposed chest. Once he was done, he let the woman dropped on ground and I watched as the woman's face drained from blood and turned completely white.

"Now, it's your turn," Gabriel said evilly and went after me. His eyes were red and his fangs looked like it had grown an inch. I did not recognize Gabriel as my Gabriel anymore. And I wasn't going to let him do anything to me.

So I started running but I was pretty sure that he was also running after me. I was crying. I didn't want to be where I was right now. I wanted to be home, no matter how much of a pain I could get there, at least I was at my home.

"Come here Beatrix! We'll live happily ever after," I heard Gabriel's mocking voice and evil laughter. I kept running and I promised not to turn around to look at Gabriel's scary face until I saw Calvin.

Calvin! My mate! And I flung my arms around his neck, wanting him to save me because I was so scared.

~ ~ ~

I remembered! I remembered the nightmare. It was the worst nightmare. And I didn't realize that I was crying heavily as I reminisced on what happened in that dream. It felt so real.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Rose asked and I shook my head vigorously as I tried to stop my tears from flowing.

"Rose, let's drop it," I heard Calvin say and then he wiped my tears with the hem of his shirt and embraced me.

And at that moment, I didn't want to be out of it.


So… Gabriel is not as kind-hearted vampire he was all these time?

Is Beatrix starting to forgive and take Calvin in? Do I have any Beatrix & Calvin shippers now?

Let me know what you guys think of this chapter below :)

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