My Mate's Choice 30

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I haven't told anybody about that nightmare that was still haunting me and Eddie assumed that being in the rogue's captured was the reason why. Even so, I didn't argue with him. That was why, despite me still being slightly weak and scared, Eddie dragged me down to the basement to pick the rogues whom he thought needed to be punish.

I had with me, the Luna, the beta, Mom, Dad, Sally and Calvin.

I haven't been talking to Calvin, my mate but I was silently thankful of his presence. Even though now, he would sleep in my room and on the couch, I still felt better that he was there and I'd love to think that he would protect me.

Switching the lights of the basement on, I was surprised that these rogues didn't shed as much blood as what I had seen on Matt. Remembering Matt, I felt the need to let all of them be punished but most of all, I wanted Carlos to be punished.

"Him," I pointed to Carlos once I spotted him in the middle of the pool of rogues sitting down on the floor. He looked up at me and then I saw his eyes flicked to something behind me before he made a whimpering voice.

"What did he do?" I heard Sean, the beta asked. Eddie was busy shooting daggers at all of them on the floor.

"He beat Matt! He beat me," I cried, remembering the time when he actually really beat the shit outta me when I admitted to letting Matt leave.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Carlos chanted and his voice was soft and hoarse.

Eddie slapped him across the face, making the females in there jump. Calvin went next to me and placed a hand over my shoulder but I quickly moved away from him. I didn't need any comfort. I was just startled.

I looked at Carlos who now had blood dripping from the corner of his mouth and then my eyes moved to where Sally was standing. She had a hand covering her mouth, obviously shocked to what she had just witnessed. But there was something else in her eyes. There were tears. And her eyes... and Carlos' eyes were locked.

I gasped at my own realization.

"We'll put him through the execution," Eddie said, informing the beta who then did some writing the palm of his hand. At the same time, Sally decided to excuse herself and left the basement.

"Wait," I said, making everyone turned to me. "Don't punish him first. There's something else needed to be done before that."

"What is it?"

"Just let me settle it and then I'll get back to you," I told Eddie.

"Stop wasting the damn time, Beatrix," Eddie hissed.

"I'm sorry Alpha," I bowed slightly, "If it is up to me, I don't wish for him to be punished first." With that, I followed Sally's way, leaving the basement weakly with my jelly legs.

Limping slightly as I looked for Sally all around the house, I found her in the kitchen, looking out into the forest through the opened back door.

"Sally," I called and when she turned around to look at me, her eyes were red and there were streaks of tears down her cheeks. She quickly wiped her whole face when she saw me. "Do you want to tell me anything, Sally?" I asked as I approached her.

"Nuh-uh. I'm just a bit emotional today, I have no idea why," Sally said and I knew she was lying. I went next to her and placed an arm on her shoulder, massaging it slightly.

"He's yours right?" I asked, but more of like a pressing statement. I looked at Sally knowingly, telling her that there was no way that she could lie to me because one, I've been through what she had and second, I had known her forever.

Sally looked at me and slowly, the tears started to pool some more in her eyes. I squeezed her shoulder, giving her some encouragements and said, "If he really is and if you'd admit, I will take back everything. I wouldn't let them do what I initially wanted them to."

"No, Beatrix. He was bad and... this is justice..."

"And let my best friend die along? I don't think so," I said, cutting her off. "I mean what I said. If you'd admit it now, I would stop everything."

"It's up to you, Beatrix. Plus, I don't know if he knows about it and would he accept me or... I don't know," Sally cried and covered her face with both hands. I knew she continued crying but I didn't bother to console her. Instead, again, I limped back to the basement.

Alpha Eddie, the beta, Calvin and Dad was just outside of the cell and I requested to enter. "What for?" Eddie scowled.

"I need to talk to Carlos," I said firmly.

"No," Eddie answered right away.

"I'll be quick. This is important," I argued.

"Bea, you know I won't let you in by yourself. I'm coming with you."

"I want my privacy," I said.

"What privacy would you need talking to a rogue huh?" Eddie scolded. "Unless you have an unknown agenda," Eddie continued with an accusing tone.

I rolled my eyes. "Anyone else can enter with me except you. I need to talk to Carlos and this is very personal!"

"Son, let her in," Dad voiced out, "Calvin can go with her."

I smiled at Dad and then looked at Calvin before entering the basement. I didn't mind anyone coming with me except Eddie because he was the Alpha and he could be heartless sometimes.

Calvin stood quite a distance away from me while I sat crossed leg in front of Carlos. His eyes were sad and just like Sally, he had some streaks of tears down his cheeks.

"Did you know, about her?" I asked, not hesitantly. I wasn't scared of him right now because his hands were chained and even though he was probably capable of kicking me with his legs or doing something, Calvin was just behind me.

"I do," Carlos said painfully. "From the moment I was brought into here, I knew she was here."

"And what are you planning to do?"

"I don't know. I never think about it before. All that was on my mind was killing people. I... I don't know if she would want to accept me being like this. Plus... I'd die soon."

"Listen, if you'd talk to her and let her know that you want to be with her, I'd take back everything that I wanted my Alpha to do to you. Yes, you're a jerk and you're mean but killing you would only mean killing my best friend. I know the pain of losing or not being able to have your mate with you. But the only thing that would make me want to take back what I wanted to do to you is for you to talk to Sally - that's her name if you don't know - and tell her that you want to be with her. You guys are mates for goodness sake! It's time to be happy when you found your mate and not cry and be sad," I lectured. "Will you talk to her?"

"I want to talk to her. I've been wanting to since I saw her a few days ago. I really really do. I want to apologize for being a bad mate. I want to..."

"Carlos stop!" I chided. "I'll get the two of you to talk soon but not in here. You guys need to talk in private."

"Thank you Beatrix! Thank you," Carlos chanted and I saw his eyes brightened up a little. I gave him a curt nod before trying to get up from the floor. Calvin was right behind me, lending me his hand when I was about to drop back to the ground due to my jelly legs.

"Thanks," I said softly to him and then walked out.

* * *

I sat in my room, on the couch thinking about everything that happened this afternoon. I told Eddie to give those rogues another chance - maybe some of them would like to join a pack because not all of them wanted to be rogues at their own will. Plus, I wanted Carlos and Sally to be together - just like they meant to be.

Eddie was still hesitating about my suggestion but I hope Dad and the beta would voice something out and so Eddie would make a right decision. I mean, killing the rogues would not make us any different.

On the other hand, I was also wondering how I should make Carlos and Sally have a seat and talk. For the first time when talking to Carlos, I could definitely see and hear the sincerity in his voice when he talked about how he wanted to talk to Sally. I also know that Sally wanted to so badly be with Carlos even though she never really showed any interest in boys and mates. I mean, we're both girls and meeting and being with our mates is one of our dreams.

"Hey, can I come in?" A knocked on my door, caught my attention. I turned and saw Brody standing there with two mugs.

"Hey, come in," I welcomed him and scooted to the left side of the couch, making some space for him to sit down. He handed one of the mugs in his hand, filled with hot milk. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. You seemed to be in deep thoughts just now. What are you thinking about?" He asked.

"Nothing. Just...well, daydreaming," I said, lying a bit.

"About what?"

"Nosy!" I accused and he laughed.

"Anyway, I really would like to say thank you to you. I haven't got the chance to say it to you since you came back," Brody started.

"Thank you for...?"

"For saving Belle. I'm glad she's back now in my arms," Brody said cheerily.

"Well, Belle wasn't badly treated when she was captured. She had a lot of toys and I think she became good friends with Jayden, Valerie's brother," I told him.

"I know. She told me as well. That's another thing I wanna ask - are you okay with Valerie? I mean, you're not mad at her or anything?"

"Why should I?" I asked, questioningly.

"You should know why," Brody pressed on and I chuckled.

"I know what you meant. I don't have any reason to be mad at her or anything. She's happy now, I can tell even without seeing her. She has her brother as well as her mate back with her. Who would have known that they were actually still alive?"

"So in conclusion, she's happy. What about you?"

"I'm fine," I said plainly.


"Oh Brody, do you know what exactly is the story behind all of the rogues' attack to your pack?" I asked, cutting him off and changing the topic. Brody shook her head a little bit and I proceed on my story - the same one as Gabriel had told me.

"Fiona, the used-to-be Luna in your pack is Gabriel's mate. At first, Gabriel thought that she had accepted him as her mate even though he was a vampire but Fiona tricked him. Fiona apparently had a boyfriend and she listened to what her boyfriend said and wanted her to do. Fiona and her boyfriend trapped Gabriel underground and they tortured him. And a few years later, Carlos, the rogue in the basement downstairs found him and they became a team. Gabriel wanted revenge of what Fiona and her boyfriend, the Alpha did to him. That explains the rogues' attack."

Brody went silent for a few minutes and I remained quiet as well, letting him take in whatever that I had just told him.

"How did you know about all these?" He asked.

"Gabriel. He told me," I said, honestly.

"Woah, you two really had something going on that he told you all of these," Brody said in a humour voice but I didn't find it funny at all because he brought up about me and Gabriel having something going on. It gave me shivers.

"Don't change the topic," I said, annoyed.

"I know."


"I know a part of the story that you had just told me. Fiona is my step-mother. Her boyfriend, the alpha is my Dad. I knew about them not being mates but decided to be together. I never found my real mom. But I never knew about Gabriel. And now, I don't think I want to be part of what my parents had done.  Fiona and Dad can be really mean people and I know because I've seen them killed a lot of people when I was younger. That's why when I grew up and replace Dad as the alpha when he died, I make sure I wouldn't be like him. I also wanted Belle to be someone better in the future so that all those bad genes running in Fiona wouldn't be passed on to her," Brody said and laughed a bit when he said about Fiona's bad genes. Then, he looked at me longingly which caused me to shiver again. "You're truly a hero, Beatrix."

I raised my eyebrows and he continued. "You saved a lot of people. You saved Belle. You saved my pack from more of rogue's attack because we have now caught most of them except for that bloodsucker."

"He won't attack anymore," I said confidently, more to myself because I wasn't sure if Gabriel would really go away now since he appeared in my dreams.

"I hope so," Brody said and kissed me on the forehead. At the same time, someone cleared their throat.

"Ah Calvin," Brody said, acknowledging Calvin who was standing at the door with a mug in his hand. Why was everyone coming into my room with a mug all the time? Brody got up and winked before going to Calvin. They talked softly and seriously for a while before Brody left my room, waving at me.

"Uhm, the Alpha said it's time to sleep. Here's your milk," Calvin said when he stood in front of me.

"I already had them. Brody brought for me," I informed and I almost heard Calvin cursed silently.

"Okay, then can I drink this?" He asked. I nodded and he really gulped down the whole mug in front of me. He placed the mug on my dressing table and then took the empty one that I was holding.

Without saying anything anymore, he placed a hand under my thigh and another one behind my back and carried me to my bed. He pulled the duvet up to under my chin before he leaned down and brushed his lips to my forehead - something he never did or I guess didn't dare to do before this.

My eyes watched him as he pulled away awkwardly and walked to the couch where she slept without a blanket except for the small cushion which was already there. I wanted to offer a pillow but I was hesitating.

At last, I fell asleep knowing that I was safe even though Calvin was about two meters away from me.

So Carlos is Sally’s mate. Yay or nay?

And, should Beatrix start making proper and friendly conversation with Calvin? He’s already being kind.

Let me know what you think of this chapter.


And while we’re at this, I just wanna say that if you guys want to comment (on my story or other people’s), you guys shouldn’t be rude at all. I’m not saying all of you but just a piece of advice. You guys can clearly state your opinions but put it in a proper sentence structure. I’ve been receiving story hates and it’s not making me feel good at all.

Happy reading! :)

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