My Mate's Choice 31

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In my sleep, I felt slightly uneasy. It suddenly felt too hot under the covers and the bed was too tough underneath me. Opening my eyes, I realized that I was sweating so badly.

My eyes then fell on Calvin who was sleeping peacefully on the couch. But the next thing that caught my eyes wasn't a very nice thing.

Gabriel! How did he get in here? He was watching me with an amusing smile and then I saw his eyes flicked from me to sleeping Calvin. Suddenly, his fangs were visible and he had a knife in his right hand.

When he started approaching Calvin, I went panic. Gabriel wanted to kill Calvin!

In a split second, I was out of the bed and crawling on the floor when my knees failed me. I watched Gabriel neared Calvin with gritted teeth. I held my fists tightly and growled really really loud that I was in my wolf form.

I haven't released my wolf in a long time and right now, I could feel that she was a whole lot stronger than the last time I let her out. Growling, I pounced onto Gabriel and pinned him on the floor. The first thing I did was to throw the knife away from his reach. I clawed his face and kept doing it until I felt a soft hand on my fur.

I turned and saw a very surprised Calvin. "Beatrix, easy. It's okay. Relax," he told me.

I growled but step aside from Gabriel. However, when I looked back down on the floor, Gabriel wasn't there. Looking up, I saw Eddie, the Luna, my parents and Rose standing by the open door. I growled at all of them. Who knows that Gabriel was hiding behind one these faces?

Turning back to Calvin, I pushed him to the couch slightly and then curled myself around Calvin; protecting him. I eyed everyone who was still not moving from standing by the door and growled again.

"It's okay. I'm here," I heard Calvin said, "Go on and rest. I'd still be here later on."

I made a small sound and then leaned my wolf closer to Calvin. Eventually, I fell asleep with Calvin softly stroking my fur.


"What happened, Calvin?" Alpha Eddie asked quietly but sternly.

"I don't know. I was asleep. I only woke up when I heard her growl so loudly and trying to claw the ground. I think she's having a nightmare again," I informed Alpha Eddie.

Alpha Eddie muttered something that things can't be good and then told me to take good care of Beatrix before he and the rest went out, shutting the door.

I wonder what exactly Beatrix was seeing that I couldn't because it was definitely making me feel uneasy. I wanted to make her feel better whenever she wasn't at her easy state but because Beatrix haven't really open up to me, I couldn't do that.

Nonetheless, I was grateful that our relationship was getting better. We haven't argued. We're in good speaking terms most of the time and I take that as a good sign to make her mine again without anyone else interfering including that piece of Brody. We may be fine but if he ever wants to get close to Beatrix again, I'm not hesitating to shove a cow into his mouth.

* * *

When I woke up, it was bright already but still early. I looked down and saw Beatrix on my lap. She was back in her human form and, naked. I tried to not let my eyes linger around the areas that I shouldn't be staring, yet. I wanted to carry her to the bed but she was looking so peaceful in her sleep that I didn't want to wake her up if I were to move her. I hoped nobody would enter the room and saw Beatrix naked.

But not long after, as I was daydreaming and looking up to the ceiling, Beatrix woke up and went panic when she saw herself naked and on me. The look on her face was terrifying. She wanted to get away from me but fell on the floor because of her weak knees.

I knelt quickly next to her and placed both my hands on her shoulder to calm her down.

"What did you do to me?" She asked accusingly and terrified.

"You fell asleep with me in your wolf form last night," I told her even though she might not remember. "Do you want me to put you in bed or leave so that you can change?" I asked.

"I uhm... I want to go to the bathroom," she replied, stuttering.

I nodded and carried her to the bathroom all the while with my eyes locked on her. I didn't want Beatrix to think that I was gonna take advantage of her current state. Getting in the bathroom, I closed the toilet's lid with my leg and then placed her down.

"I'll just be outside if you need me," I told her and wanted to get out but she voiced out.

"I want to have a shower. Can you uhm put some of my clothes outside at the door?" Beatrix asked and I could tell from her voice that she was feeling awkward and hesitant when asking me for it.

"Sure," I said and then closed the door behind me. I quickly went to her closet and picked a pair of long sleeved top and pants. I remembered Rose saying that Beatrix not being able to stand coldness. Along with her top and pants, I picked a pair of fresh underwear for her and then placed it at the front of her bathroom's door.

After that, I went downstairs and made Beatrix some toast and tea. While doing so, the Luna came into the kitchen and asked me about Beatrix and last night.

"She's having her shower now. I'm just gonna take this up to her for breakfast because her knees are still a bit weak," I informed.

"Well in that case you better hurry just in case the bathroom is slippery or anything," the Luna pressed, worriedly. It didn't occur to me that the bathroom could be slippery or would Beatrix have enough strength to move around the bathroom.

Nodding, I hurriedly went up the stairs with the tray in my hand but made sure I didn't spill anything. When I entered the room, it was just in time for the bathroom's door to open and Beatrix slowly want to step out, already dressed with the clothes I picked earlier.

I quickly placed the tray on her dressing table and then helped her out of the bathroom. She was walking really slowly but we made it to the couch.

"I brought you breakfast. Do you want to eat?" I asked, politely. Beatrix nodded and I quickly retrieved the tray. I placed it on my lap as I sat next to her and picked the first toast, making sure it wasn't very warm anymore before bringing it to her lips.

"Are you not eating?" She asked, eyeing me.

"It's okay. I'll eat later," I told her and moved the toast closer to her lips. She took the toast from me and took a small bite.

"You can have the other toast," she said, referring to the other untouched toast on the plate.

"It's okay. It's yours."

"No, eat with me," she demanded. I felt happy and glad that Beatrix wanted me to be eating with her. I knew that the fact that she didn't push me away anymore was a good thing. It was making us close even by little millimetres.

I smiled at Beatrix and then took the other toast and bite as I looked at Beatrix. We chewed and swallowed our toast in silence until I offered her, her tea.

"Beatrix, do you remember what happened last night?" I asked slowly, making sure that Beatrix wouldn't freak out or anything. And then she slowly nodded. "Do you want to tell me? Is it a dream - like the other night?"

"But but... it felt so real!" Beatrix claimed and she was getting panic.

"Beatrix, relax," I told her as I slowly massaged her shoulder. "Tell me. Tell me slowly..."

"He came last night and he was standing there," Beatrix started, pointing to the area next to her dressing table. "He was smiling but then he showed his fangs and he pulled out a knife!"

By this time, Beatrix was panting heavily as she was crying as well. I tried to shush her and told her that it was okay to not continue her story but she refused to listen to me.

"He wanted to kill you! He was coming for you!"

"And you went out of the bed and came to save me," I finished for her and cupped her face to calm her down. Beatrix nodded and continued crying. I didn't need to ask who was he that she was talking about. I just knew that it was the vampire except that I didn't know what exactly happened between him and Beatrix.

"Alright, now calm down. He's not here. Thank you for saving me," I said and brought her face closer to me. Beatrix rested her face on my shoulder and I rubbed her back, hoping that it wouldn't stress her too much and most of all calm her down.

"I'm sorry," Beatrix said after a while and pulled back from me.

"It's okay, don't be sorry," I told her.

"I got carried away," she stated.

"Beatrix, it's making me so happy and thankful that you actually came to save me. I know we haven't talk much about us and I'm not going to push you into it. I just want you to know that I will be here and I am not going anywhere - so you can depend on me, Beatrix. You can cry on my shoulder, you can sleep on my lap and you can tell me anything," I told her sincerely.

Beatrix went silent. The only sound was there was her sniffing. I knew she was feeling awkward hearing those from me because I was never one to say all of those to her. I was too busy taking care of someone else's feeling. Seeing that Beatrix wasn't going to say anything, I spoke.

"You have to let the Alpha know your final decision on the rogues today," I reminded her.

"I have the decisions made," she said, plainly.

"Do you want to tell me?" I asked shamelessly. I wanted her to be open to me and even if I had to be stupid and shameless to do so, I would.

"I want Carlos to stay in our pack and the rest of the rogues, those who wants to stay, they can but if they don't then it's up to the Alpha to decide on their punishments," Beatrix told me.

I furrowed my brows. Beatrix told everyone how much Carlos had beaten her when she was captured. When in the same room with Carlos, I had to control my wolf so much from pounding onto that shit guy to death for beating our mate.

"Why the special treatment for Carlos?" I asked.

"Because he's Sally's mate and they deserve to be with each other. Because I know how much they yearn for each other just by the look in their eyes even though they haven't spoken a word to each other," Beatrix explained while looking me dead in the eyes.

And for some reason, I felt the pinch.


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