My Mate's Choice 32

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I told him! I told him something that I shouldn't, or probably not yet. I wasn't sure if Sally would want anyone to know whether she and Carlos were mates. But for some reason, I knew Calvin wouldn't tell anybody. I somehow felt that I could trust him; just like I trusted him to pick my clothes and underwear.

Gosh! That was embarrassing. No, it wasn't as embarrassing as sleeping naked and curled around him.

"Erm, do you want to meet the Alpha now?" Calvin asked, breaking the silence. I nodded and he helped me up and then slowly guided me towards the door, out of the room and down the stairs. All the time, he was holding my hand and making sure I wouldn't trip and slowed down when he felt I needed to.

He told me earlier that I could depend on him. Of course I'd have to because he's my mate. But that was the thing I was afraid of. I was afraid that Calvin was only doing all of these because we were mates and not more than that. I was afraid that I'd get hurt again knowing that Calvin was only doing this because he couldn't be with Valerie.

Maybe it was a wrong thing to release Matt from the prison. Maybe I should let him die. Maybe I should have helped Gabriel kill Matt. That way, there was no way for Valerie to be back with her mate and she would be happy with mine just like Calvin would be with her.

"Beatrix," someone acknowledged me while I was still occupied in my thoughts. Looking up, I saw Matt and standing almost hidden behind him was Valerie.

Other than that, I also sensed from the atmosphere that their scent were mixed and was still radiating close around them. It didn't take a genius to know what they did last night or just do or whatever.

I noticed the tension between Matt and Calvin when they stared straight into each other's eyes. Suddenly I felt Calvin's hand tightened around my wrist area and he wasn't doing it in a protective way. He was trying to control his anger.

At that moment, I had to do all I was capable of not to cry. It was the thing I had been afraid of. I knew Calvin was giving Matt the death glare because Matt and Valerie did it while Calvin had to be away from his girlfriend. They were fighting for the same girl. No one would even spare me an eye.

"Hi Matt," I said back and smiled slightly, "I have to quickly go find the Alpha now."

With that, I slipped my wrist out of Calvin's hand and tried to walk away quickly from him and to Eddie's office. I knocked for a while before the Luna opened up the door.

"Beatrix," she exclaimed, pulling me for a hug, supporting me as well. She brought me over to the seat in front of Eddie and I sat down.

"How are you feeling, Beatrix?" Eddie asked concerned as he stopped doing all the papers he had in front of him and focused on me.

I'm heartbroken. I'm hurt.

"I'm good. I wanna talk about the rogues' punishments," I said.

"Go on, Bea."

"I want Carlos to be accepted in the pack," I stated.

"Are you freaking kidding me?" Alpha Eddie boomed.

"Listen to her first," the Luna chided and I was thankful for her presence.

"I know it's hard, especially because he's the rogue. But, the procedure should still be the same. He'd have to promise to be loyal and whatsoever to the pack but he needed to be here."

"But why?"

"His mate is here, Eddie," I informed and he frowned. If he was gonna ask me who was his mate, he was definitely a dumb Alpha and I wouldn't be sorry for calling my brother that.

"Who?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not sure if she wants me to let you know about it but I wanna help her. Hmm, I'll find her and talk to her and I'll come back to see you."

I got up slowly and when I was at the door, Eddie asked, "What about the rogues?"

"That will be up to them and you to punish," I said, not really bothering because at that moment, Sally was my priority.

I knocked onto door where Sally was staying in and waited for a few minutes before she croaked the door open. Her eyes were puffy like she hadn't been sleeping in forever.

"Can I come in?" I asked. Sally didn't answer but sniffed and opened the door wider. I entered and followed her to the bed.

"I'm gonna ask the Alpha to accept Carlos into our pack," I informed and Sally's eyes immediately widened.

"For what?" She shouted and even so, her voice was hoarse.

"Sally, she's your mate. You two have all the rights to be together plus I know and I can see it in his eyes that he really wants to change and be a better person. The power of mate is huge, Sally."

"Yes, but he hurt you Beatrix. He needs to be punished," Sally said.

"He's been punished. The days when he was thrown into the basement and not being able to do anything to get to his mate when he knows she is around is enough to punish him. It's making him miserable enough. Listen Sally, if you'd agree to this, I'll make the Alpha agree as well. This mates stuff is beyond our control Sally. Carlos is meant for you and I know deep down your heart, you want to be with him too."

"Then what about you?" Sally questioned.

"What about me?" I shot back.

"Calvin is meant for you as well but why hadn't you forgiven him for what he did?"

I was taken aback by Sally's question but I knew that she was only asking this to push the thoughts about her and Carlos being mates.

Standing up as strong as I could, I answered her. "First of all, the situation between you and Carlos are totally different from mine and Calvin. Calvin knew we were mates but he still preferred his girlfriend, Valerie over me. He hurt me. He was kissing me one second and the next he had sex with Valerie. Whereas for you and Carlos - you guys have never met and the only reason that is stopping you from opening your stubborn self to him is because he's a rogue and he had hurt me. He didn't hurt you, did he? He didn't lie to you, did he? He didn't lead you on and then go with another girl, did he? All I could see from his eyes is that he is yearning to be with his mates and let me tell you, those are exactly the kind of eyes I want to see in my mate."

At the same time when I finished my words, I inhaled Calvin's smell from around the corner and my assumption was he was just outside the door and he heard everything that I said.

Suddenly, I wanted to reach for him to console him and say that I didn't meant it but I just decided that I didn't have to do so. This wasn't about me or him. It was about Sally and Carlos.

"If you have your decisions made, let the Alpha know. If your decision supports mine, Carlos will stay. If not, he will be executed." And with that, I limped out of the room.

* * *

That evening, we had a small pack meeting between the Alpha, Beta and me. Calvin was also present as well as Sally. I told Alpha Eddie and the Luna about the little talks I had with Sally and I had to tell them that Sally was mates with Carlos and it led to the meeting because Eddie didn't want to delay the matter anymore.

Shortly after everyone was seated in the lounge room, two of the pack's men brought Carlos in. His face was untidy and he was immediately on his knees when the men dropped him to the ground. His hands were cuffed and he had troubled trying to remain his posture.

On other occasion, I would have scolded the men for being so inconsiderate towards Carlos who was already weak but I let them be because I wanted to see Sally's expression.

I looked at her and she had her face covered with both of her hands. Even so, I knew she was crying - there was no other reason to cover her face from her own mate and all of us.

"So I heard the two of you are mates, am I right Sally? Carlos?" Alpha Eddie's voice boomed but nobody answered. "I demand for an answer," he continued afterwards.

"Yerse," Carlos answered loudly and hoarse.

"Sally?" Alpha Eddie turned to her, also wanting an answer from her but Sally just remained quiet.

"Usually, silence means consent and this time, I'd regard it as a yes," Alpha Eddie proceeded, "Before we carry on with the punishments, I'd like to know if you want to be with him. He's a rogue. He hurt my sister. He wounded most of our pack members. But he's still your mate."

"I...I...” Sally stuttered. "I don't know."

"Please..." we heard Carlos' weak voice. “I'm sorry. I don't deserve you but I need you. I need you so bad that I'd give up everything right now even though I am almost nothing. I've been yearning for a mate; for you but being a rogue pushed the thoughts away. Please... I will try to be a better werewolf."

The room went silent right away except for Sally's sound of sobbing. When the silent dragged for a little too long, Alpha Eddie decided, "We'll  execu..."

"Alpha!" Sally stopped Eddie's sentence. "I want to be with him, Alpha. I want to be with my mate." Sally cried and approached Carlos. She knelt down in front of him and hugged him by the head. And from Carlos' untidy face, I could still see the shine in his eyes and the small smile lingering on his lips. It wasn't a smirk like the typical Carlos would give. It was a sincere smile.

"Then I guess it's settled. Carlos, you'd still be prisoned today until tomorrow where you have to vow to be loyal to The Red Crescent Pack in order to be with your mate. Am I clear?" Alpha Eddie said.

Carlos nodded weakly and said, "Yes Alpha. Thank you. Thank you, Alpha."

The Alpha and Beta one by one left the room to leave Sally and Carlos to kind off catch up with each other.

"Are you sleepy already?" Calvin asked and I nodded. We, too, followed the rest out of the room. Calvin held my hand until we reached the bottom of the stairs and he said, "I'll see you in your room while I fetch some milk for you."

I nodded again but I frowned when Calvin started to move away. Why did he sound like he was so distant from me; like he was upset or angry at something?

Ah, Matt must have ruined his mood.


I poured the glass of milk for Beatrix with a heavy heart. I heard clearly what she said to Sally when I was looking for her earlier.

'All I could see from his eyes is that he is yearning to be with his mates and let me tell you, those are exactly the kind of eyes I want to see in my mate.’

It broke my heart to know that Beatrix hadn't seen the love and yearn that I had had for her in my eyes. It hurt me to know what whatever that I told her about me always being here didn't make her feelings change for me. It was very sad to know that Beatrix was not seeing everything that I was doing for her to make her yearn for me like I was yearning for her.

Was it because she had totally closed her heart for me or was this just my punishment?

Carlos is accepted! But Beatrix and Calvin…

Let me know what you think of this chapter below :) x

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