My Mate's Choice 37

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I waited only about a minute outside of the Red Crescent's pack house before I saw Beatrix running out of the door. I quickly got out of my car and in no time, Beatrix was in my arms. She cried on my shoulder and couldn't stop sobbing.

"It’s okay, Beatrix," I whispered to her and then guided her to the passenger's seat. I opened the door and gently pushed her in before tossing her bag of clothes to the back.

I jogged to the driver's side and then started driving without another word. I was surprised when Beatrix called me a few nights ago saying that she wanted to move into my pack. I had asked her why but all she answered me was, 'If you're my friend, please come and get me.'

And there was no way I could let it all go. I felt indebted to Beatrix especially after she saved Belle and about a quarter of my pack members whom were captured away. I told her that I was gonna be there for her and I would fetch her and right after that, I called Alpha Eddie to ask about it.

"She's growing into an adult now. She can make her own decisions and be at wherever she wants to be," was his answer and I clearly know that there was something wrong and I didn't think it was gonna be about Beatrix and Calvin anymore. I know that they were in good terms already. But wouldn't he stop her from leaving? Where was he?

Nonetheless, I was planning to find out soon. Should Beatrix be in my pack house, then she would be under me and I'd have all the rights to question her.

The Red Crescent's pack house wasn't that far from mine. It would take about an hour drive but since I was dying to know some answers from Beatrix, I sped up and reached home in about half hour.

"I'll show you your room first and then introduce you to the pack?" I suggested as I parked my car. Actually Beatrix didn't need any introduction because almost everyone in my pack knows her as our hero for saving us.

Beatrix just nodded. She has stopped crying and she just looked tired and sleepy. I carried her bag and led her upstairs to where a room has been prepared and decorated for her. She sat on the bed and I placed her bag just next to her leg before taking a seat next to her.

"Do you wanna tell me?" I asked and even if she wasn't going to answer me, I would force her to. But luckily, she nodded.

"I wanna tell you, but not now," Beatrix said and I could hear her voice shaking.

"Why?" I asked as I moved closer to her.

"Because... I will cry," she said and soon after that, she cried. I quickly fetch her, a glass of water and calmed her down by staying with her and rubbed her back.

I stood her until she told me what was wrong and happening to her. It took her awhile but a box of tissue and many many glasses of water later, she told me and I trusted that she had told me everything.

She started from how she caught Calvin with Valerie in their cottage and then to the mean words that Valerie had said to her, to the point of her anger bursting and then Eddie scolding her for doing so. And the best part she told me was that Calvin never once approached her to console or talk to her. That was when she decided she should go.

After hearing Beatrix's story, I decided to call Calvin because I wanted to hear his side of story. Calvin and I had become the best of buddies and I didn't want him to think anything else about me and Beatrix anymore. I was only in picture because I wanted to help Beatrix.

I may not have found my mate and I wasn't sure how mine was gonna be but up to this point, Beatrix's and Calvin's one was by far the most complicated one.

"Hello," I heard Calvin's voice. I only managed to call him in the night right after Beatrix had fallen asleep.

"Hey, it's Brody," I said.


"Beatrix is at my place right now and she told me some story," I told him. "What's happening to the two of you?"

"It's just her being selfish," I heard Calvin said. It was kinda unbelievable to hear that from Calvin but then he continued, "She didn't even want to hear my explanation. She just assumed that I wanted to be with Valerie. What about my feelings? She should know by now that whatever it is or whoever it is, I would still choose her. But no, she just left assuming that I wanted Valerie over her. She just left, assuming that she had made the right decision for me."

I was about to tell him that both of them are talking and deciding with a disoriented mind when I heard Beatrix's loud scream coming from her room. Literally throwing my phone aside, I climbed up the stairs and opened up Beatrix's room. She was still in bed but she was screaming hysterically asking for help.

I quickly went to her and shook her head, trying to wake her up.


"Beatrix? Beatrix, come on wake-up. Beatrix, calm down," I heard someone said into my ear and I quickly shot open my eyes. All I saw was Brody, looking worried at me.

"Hey, are you okay? What's wrong?" He asked as he massaged my shoulder and wiped off some sweat that was pricking on my forehead.

I looked around, trying to find him but there wasn't any sign of him. Gabriel was back!

"Gabriel is back, Brody! He wanted to kill me. He brought a knife along with him," I told Brody, panic.

"Alright, alright. Calm down. Look around, nobody's here. You'll be alright. It's just a bad dream," Brody coaxed and then lay me back down on the bed. "My room is just 2 doors away from yours. Should there be anything, don't hesitate to come to me. But right now, I assure you there won't be anybody in this room except you. You're safe here, alright?"

I nodded even though I didn't believe him. I haven't had this in a long time, so why now. Why was he back? Probably Gabriel knew that I was no longer with Calvin and he wanted me back. No! I do not want to be with a vampire. I've seen and watched how he was gonna mark me as vampire and I wouldn't want to go through that painful process.

I just wanted peace.

* * *

"You've got nobody to protect you now," Gabriel hissed. He was on top of me and he had one of his hands over my mouth so that I couldn't scream. I was aware of my tears flowing but Gabriel totally ignored that.

"No one cares about you anymore. Your brother hates you. Your mate is now with someone else because you don't know how to take care of him, how to please him," Gabriel laughed and then showed his fangs off.

I tried struggling but it was of no use because Gabriel was heavy and of course so much stronger than I was. And this carried on for several nights until Brody came to wake me up. Somehow, every time Brody wake me up, Gabriel will instantly be gone.

I knew I wasn't dreaming. I knew Gabriel  was really here because it felt so real and even after Brody had calm me down a bit, I could still smell Gabriel around.

The thing about being with Brody was that, he couldn't give me the comfort that I needed. I felt welcome in his pack and Brody was being such a good big brother taking care of me but I could also feel that he was getting tired of calming me down after every nightmare each night. And after telling me that it was okay and that there was nobody else in the room, Brody would just leave whether I felt safe or not.

I knew I couldn't have asked more from Brody. By letting me stay in his pack, it was already a big thing done. I couldn't keep depending on Brody to keep myself safe. But the thing was I couldn't do anything to protect myself.

And I was aware that I needed Calvin.


It has been a good sleepless nights. I tried forgetting about Beatrix but I couldn't. She never called and I've missed her. Brody had been calling me a few times telling about Beatrix but I've successfully ignored and tried not to care about everything mentioned.

I've missed Beatrix but I wanted her to miss me too and realized that whatever decisions that we wanted to make, we could never be complete without each other.

I was actually still mad at her for not wanting to listen to my explanations. She assumed that everything she was doing was right when it wasn't. Okay, it was probably my fault to agree with Valerie that day to go back to the cottage and it was also my fault to lean against her. Even Matt had already given me his piece. But not everything looked like it seemed and that's when Beatrix's fault's at. She should at least give me the chance to explain.

But no, she assumed that I wanted Valerie and not her. She assumed that I'd be happy with Valerie instead of her. She assumed that Valerie can take care of me better than her. She just assumed, assumed and assumed.

Brody had called me every night since a day after Beatrix left, telling me that Beatrix had been having a nightmare and it was hard for Brody to control her emotions. I didn't bother doing anything. I believed that was Brody's plan to try to get me to be with Beatrix again.

Don't get me wrong. I wanted to be with Beatrix and I know if neither of us gave in, we would never be together. But I had given in many times and that was still not enough for Beatrix. I just wanted her to realize that I loved her, with or without this mate connection.

And just like any other night, Brody called again. "Hello," I answered lazily.

"I won't give up not because I'd die if I don't call you. But this time, if you're not gonna help Beatrix, nobody will," Brody said immediately and at the same time I heard screaming.

"Help... Please... Let me go... Go away! Help... I'm sorry... Let me go..."

I could instantly recognized that was Beatrix's voice and my wolf was already stirring up to go help her. That was what we promised; to protect her. The voice sounded at distant and like he was reading my mind, Brody said that he was outside the room where Beatrix was sleeping in and he wasn't going to help Beatrix because it was not his responsibility.

Trashing my phone away, I shifted into my wolf and jumped right out of the window. I was aware that the distant between our pack house and Brody's was far but I ran as fast as I could. Plus, my wolf was fully energized and he couldn't seem to bear the thoughts of anybody hurting Beatrix and her wolf especially after hearing her screaming earlier.

In no time, I reached the back doors of Brody's pack house. I entered through a window, shattering the glasses into pieces in the process and quickly ran to the living room where I could already hear Beatrix's voice, screaming for help.

I saw Brody at the second level, holding a basketball shorts. I sprinted up the stairs, ignoring Brody and the shorts and pushed open the door harshly. I just knew which room Beatrix was in from her voice.

True enough, Beatrix had her eyes closed but both of her hands were around her neck and she was begging to stop. There was no one else in the room but I was sure that to Beatrix, there was someone else. I shifted back quickly and went to her bed.

"Beatrix," I called, "Beatrix, come on wake up baby. I'm here," I coaxed. It took some time before Beatrix woke up in a startled state. She was perspiring so badly and her eyes were bloodshot. She looked around the room before her eyes focused on me.


"Yes, me. I'm here," I said softly to her, cupping her face and slowly trying to lay her back down on her pillow.

"I'm so scared Calvin. He came, and he said no one is going to protect me. He said you hate me, everybody hates me..." Beatrix rambled on, breathless but I quickly calmed her down. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me.

"I don't hate you. Nobody hates you. I'm here and I'm gonna protect you, from anything," I whispered in her hair as I stroked her hair.

"But but he said..."

"Shhh. It's okay. There's nobody here. I'll be here even when you wake up later, okay?" I said and lay myself back, bringing her with me. I kept stroking her back and caressing her hair until I hear her breathing became slow and steady that I knew she had fallen back to sleep.

And as I held her to sleep, I realized that ego shouldn't be in the dictionary when it comes to love and mates and especially in ours.

* * *


Hey guys, thank you for reading. I’m so sorry I haven’t been updating. I’ve been really busy with school and world cup. LOL.


Anyways, I am left with less than 5 chapters and this story will come to an end :) 

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