My Mate's Choice 38

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I woke up even earlier, or perhaps I didn't sleep throughout the night. I just wanted to make sure that I didn't let go of Beatrix and made sure that she was safe. Even though I believed that Beatrix's nightmare was just part of her hallucination, I somehow felt that there were really harms out there and as her mate, I had to take care her - something which I should have done long time ago.

While Beatrix was still curled and asleep next to me, I thought about the things that I should do to get Beatrix and I's relationship to work. There were still much more to be done like, we haven't complete our marking and mating process. It has been so long and I hoped there would still be room in Beatrix's heart to complete them with me.

"Calvin?" A knock on the door, followed by Brody's head popped in. "Is she awake?" I placed my index finger to my lips and shook my head. I didn't want Beatrix to wake up yet because she seemed to be in need of sleep. "Alright, breakfast is ready for y'all. My pack is having some bonding session at the basement's living room so just help yourself."

I made the OK sign with my fingers and Brody closed the door right after he tossed a pair of shorts my way, still remembering that I wasn't dressed since I came last night.

And in silence while I waited patiently for Beatrix to wake up, I couldn't help but played with her hair like I did last night. Wrong move! Beatrix stirred and after rubbing her eyes several times, it finally focused on me. I waited for further reactions but there wasn't and I decided to make the first move.

"Good morning?"

"When did you arrive?" She responded, with another question.

"Last night. You were having a little bit of a nightmare last night," I reminded her.

"And you haven't leave after that?"

"I won't. I won't leave you, anymore," I stated, placing a hand on her cheek.

"Oh okay," she said, awkwardly and then she moved closer to me. She slowly placed her head on my shoulder and said, "Thank you for saving me last night."

I smiled even though she couldn't see. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close and at that moment, I knew I felt her starting to give in - and it was more than enough for me. If she was willing to do so, I was willing to do more.

* * *

"I think Eddie wouldn't want me to be back yet," Beatrix said nervously as she slowly threw in some of her clothes into her bag, with my help except that I didn't throw them but I folded them nicely.

"Eddie said its fine. Your mom and dad and everyone else are missing you," I told her, "And if you don't wanna go back to our pack, then it means that I'd have to move in here." Then I moved towards her, wrapped my arms around her waist and whispered into her ear, "Because I cannot take care of you from afar and I don't wanna be away from you."

"I'm sure Brody wouldn't mind if you stay here longer," she said and I thought I felt her stiffening her body, like she disliked being in my arms. Or was it just my feelings.

"No, Beatrix. As much as Brody don't mind, we don't belong here," I told her. I wouldn't be selfish. I knew Eddie also felt guilty for making Beatrix decided to go away and I understood as well why he hadn't apologize. It's called man ego. "We go home, okay?" I coaxed and Beatrix slowly nodded.

I knew she was being hesitant. But I also knew that she was kinda not being herself at the moment. She didn't talk much - only did when I started. I guess it was because of last night's nightmare that was making her feeling like that; nervous.

I took her bag and sling it over her shoulder and then took her hand. I led her out of the room and we met Brody on the way.

"Hey Brody, thanks for letting me stay here..." Beatrix started quietly.

"Don't mention it. You're always welcome here but I'm not sure if your mate would allow you to come here again without him because he's not very welcome here," Brody joked and I playfully punched him on the upper arm, not that it'd hurt anyway.

"But thanks for taking care of her while she's here. I owe you," I declared.

"No problem. Repay me by taking good care of her," Brody said and sent us off to the back door in the kitchen, like I requested for.

"We're going home by the woods?" Beatrix asked.

"Yes. I'll change into my wolf form and then you'll climb up on my back okay? I'll run back home and you'll enjoy the breeze," I told her.

"Is it okay? Hmm, I might fall off..."

"Trust me; I won't let you fall off me okay?" I assured her and then she nodded. She watched me removed my top and then shifted into my wolf form.

I looked at her, waiting for her to get on my back but she just stared at me. After a while, one her hands touched the fur on my face and she started caressing. It was weird but I enjoyed it very much that I didn't stop her. I let her stop doing it by herself and then she slowly and carefully climbed up my back. I turned my head around and licked her calves, making sure that she was ready.

Beatrix wrapped her arms around my neck and after making sure that she was secured, I ran back home. I ran as fast as I could but still make sure that Beatrix wasn't falling off. I wanted her to enjoy the breeze and just have fun even though I was pretty sure that her eyes would be blurred by now because of how fast my speed was going.

We were gonna reach in no time but I wanted to spend more time with Beatrix, just like that and so I took the long way home and lingered around the woods just outside the pack house before I stopped and placed Beatrix down on the balcony in the back door.

I shifted back to human and went to her. "Did you have fun? Were you enjoying the breeze?"

"Yes, yes I did. Thank you but now put on some pants," she said but her eyes remained staring into mine.

"Why? It's only you and I don't mind," I told her honestly.

"So what if someone else is around here and sees you like this? It's embarrassing," Beatrix said and then she dug into her bag before throwing a towel at me which I then wrapped around my waist.

"I wanna go to my room. I'm kinda having a headache because you were going too fast," Beatrix complained. "But I enjoyed the ride, thank you."

And with that, she took off to her room. She just entered, without greeting anybody.


While I already had my rest, I still felt tired. Or I just didn't want to see anybody because if I did, I'd have to explain the reason why I left. I also have yet to meet Eddie to talk about it. Should I apologize? But I was just stating and holding onto my rights.

Calvin had gone back downstairs after he brought up dinner for me. We stayed in my room for about an hour, eating dinner because I told him that I was still having a headache from the ride earlier which wasn't a complete lie.

"Hey Beatrix, can I come in?" Celina squealed when she popped her head into my room.

"Hey, come in," I said back, trying to show that I was as excited.

"Oh goodness, I've missed you so much. You didn't even call me when you reached the pack. Did you have fun? Was Brody taking good care of you?" Celina shot me questions.

"Yes, yes he did. I'm fine now, am I not?" I tried to joke.

"Yeah, I take that you're not angry at Eddie anymore. I'm not supposed to be telling anybody about this but I'm telling you. The reason he was very angry at you that night was because we were getting on it when someone called because there were commotions. So actually, the reason he was angry was not you but because he wasn't getting it," Celina laughed and I joined her but after a while, our laughter died down. I knew whatever it was; I had to be the one to apologize to Eddie. He's my brother after all.

"So, I heard that Mr Mate brought you back home. Have you finally, accepted him fully? Celina asked as she moved closer to me on the bed and I sense some hesitance in her question. Everyone knew it was a very sensitive question.

"I don't know..." I finally said.


"You know about the nightmares that I was getting when I just returned here? It came back when I was at Brody's and it only stopped when Calvin is around. So I believe it's just something got to do with us being mates and we shouldn't be away from each other but I don't know."

"To be honest, I'm really tired of being away from him. I knew, whatever it was we're gonna come back to each other because we're mates and we practically need each other to live. I know I need him but it's just that I couldn't find myself able to open up to him. Every time I did, I remembered other things like Valerie. I know, it's wrong of me to keep blaming on Valerie but I just cannot trust this relationship because I feel scared that I still need to compete with her to get to the top of Calvin's heart."

"I want to love him. I want to have a proper relationship but I cannot do it when my heart is still feeling doubtful towards everything else."

I knew I could trust Celina. Even though she was older than me, it was really easy to talk to her if I couldn't find Sally. Plus, Celina being someone elder actually usually gave me the best advice.

"Trust me, Beatrix. Don't force it but you have to keep trying. It will come naturally and you'd soon find yourself not able to tear away from him. Calvin is honestly not as bad as you thought he was. He is a really good mate if not in your eyes. He took care of you when you're sick even though at that time you disliked him. He slept right outside your door, on the floor just so he could be nearer to you. Yes, maybe he did something wrong but that is in the past. I think he have made up enough. Give him the chance because at the same time, you're also giving yourself a chance to be loved."

I nodded. I wouldn't deny what Celina just said but I couldn't do anything about it. My heart wouldn't trust even though I could feel myself not wanting to be away from Calvin.

Celina embraced me and then kissed my head like a sister would before she said it was time to meet her mate in their room. I quickly blocked whatever she was talking about and shoo her out of my room.

A few minutes after Celina left, Calvin came back. He gave me a warm smile and switched off the lights. For a second, I went panic as I realized that I had been scared of the dark.

"Calvin!" I called for him loudly and just when I was about to climb out of the bed to him, I felt him next to me. I just knew it was him and not anybody else.

"Shhh, I'm here. We'll go to bed early tonight, alright? We both need this," he said as he lay me back down and then wrapped his arms around my torso.

His mouth was close to my ear and what he kept doing was cooing me with some sweet and loving words before he started giving me open mouth kisses on my neck. I didn't know what he was up to but I was enjoying it until it started to get a little bit heated.

Calvin moved on top of me and then I felt his hand everywhere on my body and those were what got me distracted from feeling and knowing that Calvin's teeth were scraping on the side of my neck. I was as though only back to reality when I felt the sharp pain on my neck which slowly weakened me and then gave me pleasure.

"Mine now, Beatrix. Open up to me. You're mine," I heard Calvin said as he sucked on the lobe of my ear. "Say it, Beatrix. I wanna hear it. Say it."

I wanted to do as Calvin wanted but I was getting too sleepy and at the same time I wanted something more from him, something I never wanted. Sleepily, my hands roamed around Calvin's body before it stopped at the zipper of his pants.

"I'll give it to you baby, I promise. As long as you say it," Calvin said into my ear. I thought for a while, what was it again that he wanted me to say?

"I'm yours, Beatrix. Only yours. Say it," Calvin whispered. Oh yes, that.

"I'm yours, only yours," I copied and I saw Calvin smiled widely before he really gave what I wanted and needed at that point of time.

Yay, so they mated. Where's the Beatrix and Calvin shippers? ;)

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