"It's Dark.But It's Safe,I'm Here For You"

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Story #3 *part 2*

Anything can happen when it's really dark.
That's the main factor of Tommy's rational fear.He would believe there was a Monster or mob somewhere hiding in a corner,waiting to Attack him.He could believe there's a dangerous hole or steep edge he could walk into and he wouldn't know.
And now that he's blind...

Warnings;Dark thoughts,Panic Attack(kinda?),flashback(manipulation)



This took a little while :'D
As always,feel free to point out any mistakes I made

Alright,time to write the other fic-


Tommy used to own a nightlight.Or,more preferably,a small lamp that sits on his bedside table;but Tommy likes calling it his nightlight.

As a little boy of age three,Tommy was terrified of the dark.

Is terrified of the dark.

How dim his surroundings was;only a faint outline of shadows that belongs to the monsters that watch him sleep,only to find out it's just his coat being hanged from the chair.

Then there was this glowing eyes just outside his window at night;thinking it was a mob waiting for the perfect opportunity to attack.In reality,it's just a curious animal,like a bird or a raccoon.

Oh,but let's not forget the sounds of the growls just somewhere around.Now this one,Tommy knew it was a zombie that wandered about outside his home.But truthfully,the creature could be about fifteen blocks away from the house.

So it's either that zombie was actually in front of the house or Tommy has really good hearing.

Could be both.

Whatever it was,Tommy couldn't handle it.He'd wrap himself up with his favourite blanket and clutch his stuffed cow close to his chest.He'd run out of his room and into his father's study,where he knew Phil was.He'd hear his dad call out his name with such gentleness and comfort,allowing the boy to crawl up his lap.

Phil always knew how to calm down his little bird.Especially at times like this,when Tommy was petrified.

The man would adjust the blanket so Tommy could squirm a little when needed,one arm holding the boy's  back while the hand carded his hair.Phil's other hand would hold Tommy's,fingers intertwined and reminding his little boy that dad was right there with him.

Phil would sing a tune;one that calmed Tommy almost instantly.The melody would give you this calm and nostalgic feeling,but at the same time an adventurous and warm tone.Its a song you'd hear when you're treading through a thick forest as you head inside a clearing just ahead;the calm colours and fresh wind greets you upon entering.It was mysterious but fantasy-like,in a way.Like a fairytale just waiting to be explored.

He doesn't sing it often,only when he deems the situation necessary.He didn't want to bore Tommy with the exact same song every time.He didn't want to ruin the song for him.

But as Tommy grew,he became more hesitant to find Phil whenever he's scared of the dark.Despite the man's assurances,Tommy would deny his help;saying something about how he's a big man and that big men aren't afraid of the dark.

His family knew his fear of the dark wouldn't go away anytime soon.So they bought him something to fight off the darkness.

A little lamp.

The boy found it ridiculous at first,saying he didn't need it.But as time passed,he kept using lamp often,lighting up his room until he fell asleep.

Yes,it was dangerous.They live in a cottage that consists of so much wood for walls and all that,of course something was bound to happen when you leave a child's lamp burning at night.In fact,that's a very stupid decision.

But here's the thing;Tommy's family knew this.

So every night,since getting Tommy that 'nightlight',they stayed up for as long as they needed until the blonde boy fell asleep.And after a few more seconds and confident that Tommy was asleep,they'd creep into his room and turn off the lamp.

Sometimes they'll stay a little longer,fondly watching their youngest finally getting some rest.Sometimes they'll plant sweet forehead kisses and a mumble of 'goodnight bubs'.Sometimes they'll tuck him into the sheets and brush away the strands of hair.

Tommy wouldn't know this.His family would always remember that.

Then everything changed after that night.

The night that forced Wilbur—who was alive and sane—to grab his baby brother and make a break for it into the woods,by his father's command.

The night Techno's secret was out and nearly costed a life.

The night Phil had to force and watch his family—his children—to run away from the dangers,to stop the beast—he would never call him a beast,never—from tearing up the home they lived in,to pray that one day everything would be okay.

It was the night he last saw Techno and Phil.

He was nine at the time.

And now he was sixteen.

And the dark had never been this scary for him.

After Dream blew up his camp,took his sight away,and later rescued by his two other family members;Tommy wondered if he deserved this.

He wondered if permanent blindness was a reasonable punishment for everything he's done.He wouldn't admit it out loud—he just couldn't—but he knew he was being an asshole to everyone.That's something he knew.He'd wonder how the people around him even put up with his shit.

Tommy flinched when this muffled thud reached his ears,followed by faint whispers.His mind instantly supplied the information that it's just Techno and Phil downstairs.He eases a little,but he grew concerned;what the hell happened?

Since he was brought into Techno's cabin—which was in the middle of a tundra,much to his confusion—the two grown men had been treating his wounds.

He'd hear them mutter something about how thin he was or how some burns were bad,resulting in permanent scarring.Its not like he'll see it,Tommy remembers voicing out that thought.

Speaking of seeing...

Techno confirms that—yes—he's permanently blind now.

His elder brother told him how he had this very brunt bruise on his face;a huge patch on his left cheek that ran up towards and across his eyes and ends just beside his right ear.Techno had even decided to wrap bandages around his eyes,saying that they should give the wounds a chance to heal.

So now,Tommy had this white bandages wrapped across his eyes and a huge patch of it on his cheek.

Phil said he looked intimidating,an attempt to cheer him up a little.

Tommy did not react to his attempt.

He wasn't sure how long has passed since his dad and brother found him,all crippled.And it turns out it's only been three days,thanks to Phil.

Speaking of Phil,the man sticked by his side almost all the time,guiding him around the house or keeping him company.He'd tell him what he was holding or what he was looking at,explain what sounds he heard or where they stood.

The usual Tommy would tell him to fuck off and stop babying him,stop being to clingy and yell at them.

But this Tommy said none of those things,instead he silently reacts to his words.

He and Techno would slowly teach him about using his other senses to get around;but again,it's small.They wanted him to heal up first before teaching him anything.Tommy didn't understand why they were helping him;they hated him,don't they?

Another thud reaches his ears and Tommy curled underneath the sheets,pressing his hands against his ears and took deep breaths,trying to remember what Techno and Phil taught him,that breathing technique—was that what it's called?

Breath in....


Breath out........

Breath in....


Breath out........

Breath in....


Breath out........

Breath in..—

Another thud.

Tommy didn't realised he whimpered until he heard the faint whispers,which were getting louder and it didn't sound like whispers,stopped.He held his breath when he realised things sounded so quiet.Did he interrupted something?Did they hear him??

A spike of anxiety hits him and he fumbles underneath the sheets.He ignores the sharp and sudden pain his injuries gave and unconsciously allowed some 'unwanted' memories to resurface.He manoeuvred under the fabric,twisting his limbs until he was certain his head was pointing towards the foot of the bed.

He wiggled cautiously to allow his face to peek out from underneath the sheets that swallowed him.His frame trembled a little as the unnerving assumptions filled his brain.

Are they mad he interrupted?

Were they going to take him back to Dream!?

Will they injure him further?

Was there even a purpose to heal him?

Are they going to kill him?

He whimpers again,his eyes burns with emotions.He shouldn't even cry,he'll just ruin the bandages around his face.It'll become uncomfortable and Techno's going to be annoyed at him for ruining it oh shit he's going to make him mad he's going to die-

The door opens and he freezes.He held his breath as he listens to light and calculating footsteps,the floor creaked with each nearing step.

His shoulders tensed and his braces himself for any attack;a slap to the face,a stab with a sword.Maybe they were going to drag him out of the covers and toss him onto the floor.They'll probably kick him out and let him die in the snow—is dying in the snow painless?

He should probably do them a favour and do the deed himself,that way they don't need to deal with his useless ass.Dream always said that he's a useless and arrogant and cruel person in the entire server he should just stop it already-

Two warm and callous hands gently grasped the sides of his face.Both thumb gently caressing the bandages and the exposed skin.Tommy nearly lets out a content sigh at such comforting feeling,the one where he'll feel safe?It's just like his childhood.

He stops to think,scavenging through every memory he could remember to recall who would do this kind of thing when he was younger.Where,as a very tired but scared child,he'd flip his entire body so his head rests on the foot of the bed and he'd hide under the blankets.Where someone would enter his room,after hearing him cry,and gently hold his face to remind him that everything is okay and that dad's going to keep him saf-

Oh wait...

"Hi Phil..."

A sigh of relief."...Hi Toms."

Tommy leaned heavily on Phil's hands,basking in the comforting warmth he didn't realised he was craving for in such a long while.There was a wet chuckle.His dad's fingers traced the outlines of his bandaged covered cheek.

"Did...",he started quietly,"...did something happen...?"

There was this quiet sigh,"Tech's just...he's mad.",he mumbled,"Not directly at you,of course.He's mad at who ever did this to yo-"

"Why?".The fingers paused and Tommy wished they didn't;It was really comforting."Don't you guys hate me?"

Phil stutters over his words,before he asked,"What gave you that idea,bubs?"

Tommy found his throat going dry at that nickname.His hands wormed it's way to grasp Phil's,holding tightly as he tries to find the right words to say.The man's thumbs traced over his fingers,a silent encouragement of 'take your time'.

"Dream said so...",he quietly answered,imagining that his eyes were squinting at these strange emotions his chest carried,"...everyone said so...",his hands tightness further,"...Techno said so..."


Tommy flinched,his body squirmed a little.He lets the fabric drape down over half his face,at least he thinks he did.Phil's hands remained on his cheeks,but they were a little tighter and...shaking?

"First of all,When did Techno say he hated you?",Phil asked and Tommy takes note of the slight shaky tone in his voice.

He hesitated,"...in that fucking speech of his...He wanted me dead,didn't he?He hates me,for sure."

Phil's body stilled—well his hands did,anyways—before he took a deep breath."Toms...Techno never meant it.He was in the heat of the moment,he was angry,but he could never hate you."his hands felt like they were trying to pull him closer,"He doesn't want you dead,he never does.He probably said it to fool everyone else,you know how he is."

Tommy was sure he wouldn't believe that for a while,but he said nothing about it.

"Second,Dream is a lying bastard.",He could feel Phil snarl at that and Tommy was close to protest when he added,"Whatever he said,it's a lie.The other might do hate you,but us?Your family?That's just bullshit."

He sniffles,"I thought you did hate me..."

"Since when,Toms?"

"That night..."

The air stilled around them.Tommy was so sure he fucked something up.But,once again,nothing painful happened.And he's confused when Phil rests his forehead on Tommy's,still holding his cheeks."Tommy,the reason I allowed Wilbur to take you away was because I knew that if I didn't,something bad—fuck,maybe terrible—would've happened to you."

Phil lets go of his cheeks and Tommy bit back a whine.The man instead takes his hands again,holding them close."I knew that Wil might take you to a place where I can't go,but I trusted him.I tried to send letters as often as I could,but sending in letters to different servers is difficult than sending letters to different kingdoms.",he take another breath,"...Tommy,I swear to you,I tried.But the universe just likes to fuck things up for us."

"So...you never hated me...?",Tommy sounded so small and meek,a hint of hope in his voice.

"Oh Bubs...",Tommy felt Phil press a kiss onto his matted hair,"...I could never hate you.You're a little shit,yeah.But that's what makes you you;my little blonde and feisty baby with the energy of a raccoon and a heart too big for his body..."

"...'m not a baby..."

Phil chuckles,"Not anymore.But you'll always be my little golden boy,Toms.Never forget that."

Tommy wondered why the bandages feel pretty uncomfortable now.He lets out a hic and choke sound,a sob?Was he crying?His body almost curled,his shoulders uptight and head hung low.He distinctly hear Phil gently shushing him,pulling him closer until he knew Phil tucked his head underneath his chin.His face was pressed against Phil's shoulders,cradled closely by his arms holding his body close.

He thinks it's probably an uncomfortable sight to see,but he's blind so what's the point in that?He thinks Phil was kneeling on his knees,as Tommy was still laying flat on his stomach on top of his bed.Honestly,Tommy didn't give a fuck about that.

"Don't leave me...",he whispered,hoarsely,trying to bury himself onto Phil;hide away from the world,"Dad please,I don't wanna be alone-"

"I'm here,Bubs."Phil gently assured him,"I'm not going anywhere.Think you can sit up for a little?".

Tommy almost didn't want to,but he obediently followed Phil's instructions and slowly sat up.The sheets were still covering him,hiding his head like a hood of a cloak.His father's hands grasp him by the shoulders as they carefully twisted him to the left and scooted him over,maybe closer to the pillows.

Arms wrapped around him and Tommy melts into the touch,his head still tucked underneath Phil's chin,their bodies swayed ever so gently side by side.He wonders if this was what it felt like to held so protectively.When was the last time he was being held like this?When was the last time he heard that familiar tune now wait a second-

Phil was humming the song.

Tommy bursts out crying,the memories of his sweet sweet childhood resurfacing.The days when he and his brothers would play out in the summer sun,the days when the family would head to the festival market in that village near their home,the days he'd spend laughing and smiling away without a care in the world.

He remembers those nights where they'd watch movies,piled together in a makeshift nest that created by using the couch.The nights where Techno would read him stories and Wilbur adding in silly things to it.The nights Phil would hold him and sing him this very song.

His heart grew heavy with nostalgia.

"Y-you...",He shakily mumbled,"...you still remember..."

Phil's chuckles sounded forced and choked of emotions,drops of water falling onto his hair,"Of course I remember,Tommy.It always got you to sleep,yeah?"

Tommy cried harder,the bandages around his eyes had a mark where his tears poured.He didn't realised that there were already a few drops trickling down his cheek.Phil's arms moved and now Tommy's head was cradled by one of Phil's hands as the other cradled his cheek,wiping away the strands of tears that slipped.

There was more gentle and comforting hushes,although they sounded strained too.Phil pried him away and Tommy whines,until his forehead was pressed against Phil's again,"I'm here,bubs.I'm here.Dad's here,I'm not going anywhere.Not anymore,I'm going to stick by your side no matter what.Its okay now,Toms,I got ya son ."

Tommy forced himself to move so he could bury his face onto Phil's chest,his hands curled into a fist as they clutched the soft robes his dad often wears.He lets out a content sigh when the arms circled around him again,protecting and comforting and loving-

Tommy fell asleep in the arms of his dad.


Phil found himself crumbling further when he hears the soft snores coming from Tommy,repressing every shook of sobs that dares to disturb his youngest.He holds him closely,continuing to hum that sweet tune of sweet nostalgia even if Tommy was asleep to hear it.

He knew he wasn't the best father out there before,but he'd be damned if he doesn't do anything about it now.

Ever so slowly,Phil brought the sheets closer to their bodies as he laid himself and Tommy to the bed,still holding him close.His heart aches when he sees how painfully reminiscent the actions he did now and how he often does it before.

Pull his little boy close to his chest and lay to sleep in his bed,humming the song and listening to Tommy's snores and feeling his heartbeat.

Phil wanted to be angry.

Angry at the world that tore their family apart.Angry at L'manburg for hurting his family.Angry at himself for letting his happen in the first place.

Angry at Dream.

Oh is Phil pissed at that green bastard.Wait until the man gets his hands on his damn throat because he's about the bring hell on earth for what he had done to his precious sons that motherfucker had messed with the wrong family that fucking prick is going to learn why Phil is known as the angel of death and when he does he'll-

Tommy's whines broke his train of thoughts.

Phil sighs,shakily.He buries his face onto his son's blonde curls,musing how long they were starting to grow.Pressing one last kiss on his head,Phil closed his eyes to enter dreamworld.

"Goodnight,my little bird..."

Phil dreams nothing but a dark abyss.


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