"Take My Hand,I'll Take You Home"

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Story #3 *part 1*

When Tommy was young,he hated the dark.It would always give him an unsettling feeling in his guts.
Tommy is now 16 and is in exile.
He makes a mistake,or he believes he did make a mistake.
It left him with irreversible consequences.

It so dark...

Warnings;Major Injury,Panic Attack,Descriptions of injury(?),mentions of blood.


This is a little shorter than usual,but that's because there more to this story!
About three parts~This story has three parts~
I was inspired by that AU I found on Insta and decided to make this.Of course I changed a few things,but eh-
It's the same premise.

School is almost over and shit,so I'll probably be back to full writing mode by early May!
: )
So yeah-
If I made any mistakes,please feel free to point it out.


Tommy wasn't exactly sure how it happened.

But all he knew was that he hid supplies somewhere,thinking Dream wouldn't find it.It was his only source of survival if the man kept destroying his hard work.Everything underneath that place,inside those chests he had dragged in,kept every available necessities he needed to stay alive.

Dream eventually found out;saw a little,gaping hole underneath the house Ghostbur built.

Tommy vividly remembered how angry—more like pissed off—Dream was,the tone of his voice filled with such rage and hatred,it scared him.

Tommyinnit is never scared.

That's a lie.

He remembered how Dream grabbed him by the collar of his torn and tattered white shirt,almost tearing up the weak fabric.His legs stumbled by the force Dream had and he was tossed to the ground.His side ached when it collided with the dirt and pebbled floor,the injury on his side still flaring in pain after not treating it yet.

Zombies are a bitch.

But here he was,curled up on the ground as Dream yelled profanities and forced him to understand that what he did was unforgivable.Dream told him that because he broke the rules and disobeyed him,he'll punish him.

Tommy remembered how he begged—begged—him to not hurt him.How he said how painful the punishments were and that he promised not to cause any more shit.He said he'll obey him,even going as far as throwing all his equipment onto the ground.

Dream was still not satisfied.

Dream said that his new punishment was more severe.Irreversible.

"You wanna be blind to every mistake and chaos you make?Then be fucking blind."

There was this smell of gunpowder.A faint hiss reached his ears and he sees red and green through his blurry vision.The green colour slowly fading out from view as red grew larger.Soon his head was shoved closer to the red,heat emitted from that bright colour and-

The next thing he knew was that hot,searing pain being blasted towards him.How the fires nearly engulfed him if it weren't for that harsh tug that sent him backwards.His vision went blind white,his voice gone sore from the screams,and his ear becoming deaf.

Everything was black,all he could hear was static and only static as he panicked.

What happened?
Why is everything so dark?
What's that sound?
Are his remaining belongings still alright?
Where was he again?
Why does everything hurt?

Where's Dream?

Eventually,the static was slowly fading.But his vision remained dark.He knows he's moving his arms and hands around,feeling the ground's warmth from that explosion he managed to survive.His face and arms were stinging,as if they were being-


If...that was an explosion...then that red stuff was TNT,right?So that green...green...

He whimpered when he's being grabbed by his hair,it's roots being tugged on harshly by a hand covered by fabric,it's fingers scratching his scalp that he could've sworn something was oozing out.

"Be a good little boy,Toms~",Dream says,his voice laced with venom,"I'll come visit your sorry ass next week.Lets see if you could survive this time,you ungrateful shit."

Dream shoves his face towards the ground,the grass poked him but it felt like stabbing.Everything burns and everything hurts.It was like he was drowning in lava,nothing but fire and heat covered his body.At the same time,it was like he was under the ocean water,his hearing muffled and disoriented.Things were heard and others just sounded so far away.

But most importantly,Tommy felt like he was locked up in a dark room.No light peered through his vision,only an inky like black was all he could see.

Tommy hates the dark.

His voice felt so raspy and he wondered why.


Ah...he's screaming...

He's screaming for the man,who did this to him,to come back.He begs him to help him,yelling how he can't see anything and how he's panicking.He yells how he won't be a bad boy anymore and that he'll be good,he would if he just comes back-

He keeps calling,eventually calling out a different name.A name of someone who he knew is never coming back.That name of the person who's been there for him since he was young.He knew he does not walk with them anymore,yet he still calls out to one of his brothers.


Did he eat sandpaper at some point?His throat his getting pretty rough and dry,like he hasn't drank anything yet.He probably hasn't,not that he remembered.But that's not important right now,he's vulnerable.He can't see shit and it's not poggers at all.


Tommy hates the dark with a burning passion.He hated how he couldn't see anything,how he had to flail his arms around just so he knows he wasn't going to crash into something.How he had to reach out his legs so his toes would feel the steps of any stairs he had to climb up or down.How he had to stay so so quiet so he would know there wasn't anything breathing down his neck in an attempt to attack him.

He hates the dark.

He's scared of the dark.

He scared that something would grab him,take him somewhere far away from the things that made him feel safe.He's scared that something was happening and he couldn't see if it was that bad or not.He scared of everything when it's dark.

He hates the dark.He scared of the dark.He doesn't want to be in the dark.

He needs help,he can't do this.Him asking for help just proves how he really didn't want to deal with this,how badly he's doing.He needs to know what to do.He needs someone there for him.Dream's not there,he needs someone.He needs to know he's not going to fucking die like this.He needs...

He needs...

He needs...



Tommy remembered how is dad would come into his room,a storm outside and candles lit their rooms.His dad would wrap his arms around his once small body and hush him gently.Tell him that everything is okay,that dad was there for him,always.

Where was he now?


He keeps calling out until he couldn't,his shouts and yells morphed into dry coughing and shaky sobs.He was no longer kneeling on his knees and had limped to the burnt mess that is the ground.His body curled in on himself,his arms covering his face and his hand gripping his own hair to ground himself.

"Dad...please...come back,dad...."

Tommy didn't know how long he's been on the ground.His vision remained a black void,but his hearing went normal.

At first,when the static stopped,all he heard was the wind rushing pass him.When he fell to his side,there was flapping,faint chirps and caws,but Tommy didn't fully acknowledge them.Not when he can't see shit.He pondered about why Dream decided to do this.

Yeah,he must be punished for disobeying the man;but even he thinks this is a little too far.

"You wanna be blind to every mistake and chaos you make?Then be fucking blind."

That statement replayed in his mind to the point his head throbbed in pain.The once thick and oozing and warm stuff trickling down his head was gone,his skin growing dry and almost crusty.The tears kept going,but at least he didn't have to deal with the blurry vision when he cries...

Fucking dammit,he didn't have to deal with it because he can't even fucking see the blurry vision.

He has no vision.

And that thought scared him more than it should.Not being able to see faces and structures hurts him.He loves seeing faces brighten up at anything good that happens,buildings that stood tall and grand left him in awe,and being able to tell if someone was sad or tired.

He depended on his sight for the majority of everything;everyone has right?

What's going to happen to him now?He's going to be stuck like this,pathetically limp on the ground as he cries like a fucking baby-


He freezes.

Strings of mumbled curses reach him faintly,the ground shook—almost vibrating—and he realised those were caused by nearing and rushing footsteps.Tommy tries to get up,he really did;but his arms weren't moving,his fingers only being able to curl.


He knew that voice,that worried and scared one.He's heard it through soft lullabies when he had a hard time sleeping when he was young.He'd hear it through fond chuckles and wheezes whenever he and his brothers were playfully bickering in their home.

The last time he's heard that voice call out his name like that was when the night of tragedy struck them.

He doesn't like to talk about it.

"Oh my gods,Tommy-"

A pair of hands pulled him up and a spike of panic rose in him.This is Phil,right?The same man who should be his father?It should be him right?Right??He doesn't really need to panic,it's just his dad!His dad that he hasn't seen since that night oh shit that's why-

When was the last time he properly had a conversation with him?It should be recently,shouldn't it!?No no no,wait any normality he had with this man was before that-


No stop thinking about that night,it's far in the past.Tommy,get a grip on yourself dammit.Was he breathing right?Where did the air go??Oh fuck,he's suffocating isn't he!?Someone's choking him,surely!The man isn't Phil,there's no way the man that should be his dad is choking him,there's just no way-

But what if it was?

Oh God he's gonna die,isn't he!?

He's blind and he's pathetically crying at this point,he didn't even realised until he choked on his own sob.He was mumbling,chanting a title and a person.He just wants to go home,feel safe and loved.He doesn't want wars anymore,he's tired of fighting.He doesn't want more bombs and swords and arrows flying above his head and-

Large hands ran through his matted hair,gently tugging his roots and lightly scratching his scalp.There was this quiet and,almost comforting,shushing;the same one he'll get when he's crying after having a bad nightmare as a little boy.The other arm was holding his side,pulling him towards this warm chest,his ear planted where he could hear and feel a steadying heartbeat.

"I've got you,Toms.I'm here..,"he said,his voice sounding a little strained;like there was this strong emotion being buried beneath,"...dad's here,bubba..."

Tommy visibly relaxed,his left hand reaching up to find Phil's—his dad—cloak.But instead of finding the soft fabric of the man's clothes,a rough and calloused hand made its way to his.His tensed once more,knowing both of Phil's hands are on his head and side.

That means...

"What happened to you,Theseus?"

Never,in a million years,has Tommy heard such worried and—was the scared?—tone in the blood god's voice as he holds his hand.Its hard for him to imagine Techno's face all worried.All he could think of was...

Tommy found himself crying again;"I can't see...it's so dark,dad!",he wailed,pulling the hand close and holding on tight,"I can't see you dad!Where are you,dad?Tech??"

The arms tightened and the hand he held squeezed his tight.

"We're right here,Tommy.I promise,me and Tech are right here with you.",Phil's shaky voice tells him,a clear evidence that he's close to crying himself.

"Tommy,I need you to breath for us.",Techno's hard,but soft voice commands him.It didn't sound like a command,though;which is a little weird.To Tommy,it sounded like he was reminding him to breath.

He followed his instructions anyways,breathing in the air and letting it out.The hand that held his arm moved and Tommy knew Phil's hand was cupping his cheek,a faint and pained sting caused him to flinch a little.

"We need to take him.He's hurt bad."

"I know."

Phil's arms were loosening and a spike of panic attacks him.He lets the hand—Techno's hand—go,flinging himself towards where he knew Phil was and clings himself on him,holding his clothes tight as he whines.He was wrapped again,the person who held him rocked his body as he murmured assurances.Something heavy,but warm and fluffy swallowed him,tuffs of soft fur-like fabric poked his face.

The arms loosens again,but a strong pair of new arms picked him up before he could even let out a cry.His mind told him it was Techno that was carrying him,realising his elder brother is the only person who could radiate such warmth.

He clings onto him,burying his face on Techno's chest as he continues to cry like a child who's been in the dark for too long.

Techno's arms tightens and Tommy wondered why he felt so protected.

They were beginning to move,his body bouncing a little with every step.Tommy knew Techno's trying his hardest not to jostle him.He could feel Phil's presence right next to him,something being placed on his head not long after.

Tommy was close to falling asleep,hearing muffled sounds as he drifted off to sleep.

He was exhausted.

"We're bringing you home,Theseus."


Phil expected something different when his murder of crows came to bring him news of his youngest son.He expected them to say Dream was being a bitch again,another reason of why they should finally kill the bastard.

You see,Phil had sent his crows to watch over his sons—remaining sons,in fact—and report to him of their status.As much as Phil wanted to run towards Logstedshire to save his little boy from that excuse of an admin and protect him,he couldn't.

Not when every attempt of escaping was met with surprise visits.Honestly,Phil is starting to think that these people knew he was going to visit his sons.In fact,he's only able to visit Techno once before they 'upgraded' the security after his eldest son is now wanted.

It's only now that he managed to convince Tubbo to allow him to go out of L'manburg's borders.It was hard to come up with an excuse aside from,'I'm going to go visit my children you exiled.'.

And Phil expected his followers to say that Dream had hurt and manipulated him again.

But this...

Hurt! Help! Injured! Explode! Dark!! Dream!!! Hurt!!! Blind!

This was so much worse.

He and Techno rushed through the woods,the hybrid holding a sword tightly in his hand and Phil just running along with the wind.A million thoughts ran through his head as the camp appeared in the distance.

Was Tommy alright?How bad is he hurt?What did Dream do!?Is his baby boy still okay!?Probably not,but he's alright,yeah!?How bad is the injury because he swears if it's fatal-


The blonde teen was on the ground,curled into a ball.The ground ahead of him had a pit,black soot and gunpowder covers the dirt and little flames were put out by the wind.Blood was dripping and oozing down Tommy's body and the fear spiked.

Phil called out to him again,but the boy's body did not budge;his fingers only curling slightly.

He kept running towards him,leaving Techno to scout the area for any signs of the green bastard.He got onto his knees,his eyes burning as he sees his son's condition.

"Oh my gods,Tommy-"

He pulls him up and cradles him,his eyes staring at how burnt Tommy's face was.But his eyes—his once bright and bright blue eyes—looked so clouded and white,only a tinge of blue found.He sees how Tommy wasn't looking directly at him,rather staring over his shoulder.

His son continued to call him,whimpering 'dad' and 'help' underneath his breath.Tommy's breath quickens and Phil had to do something.

With his left hand,Phil ran his hands through Tommy's blonde curls,noting how it's colour was fading.His right arm cradled his body,pulling him closely at he quietly hushed and assures the boy that he's there,that his dad was right there holding him.He repressed a sigh when Tommy relaxed.

Techno reaches them.Grasping Tommy's hand as the boy was about to grip Phil's cloak.They could feel him tense again,the fear was plainly written on his face.

"What happened to you,Theseus?"

Tommy's crying and sobbing broke his heart,shattering it into a million pieces.

"I can't see...it's so dark,dad!",his baby boy cried,his body shook with sobs and whines,"I can't see you dad!Where are you,dad?Tech??".

Oh that hurts so much...

Phil holds him tighter,attempting—and failing—to keep himself together as he watches his youngest cry out for them.The corners of his eyes have gone watery,but he tries to at least comfort his boy.

"We're right here,Tommy.I promise,me and Tech are right here with you.",he tells Tommy,cursing himself for hinting the shakiness in his voice as he spoke.

Techno's face softens,but the rage swirled in his eyes for what the man had done to his little brother."Tommy,I need you to breath for us.",the hybrid said,bringing his other hand to grasp Tommy's hand tightly.

Phil sighs seeing Tommy controlling his breathing and Techno monitoring the blonde teen to make sure he's alright.The avian-hybrid moved his hand to cradle his son's cheek,retracting it afterwards when Tommy flinched upon touching the burnt mark.

"We need to take him.He's hurt bad."

"I know."

Just as Phil was about to hand Tommy to Techno,the boy flung himself back into Phil's hold.His heart shattered further when Tommy trembled when he holds him again.With a gentle motion,Phil rocked his youngest boy,mumbling that he was alright and that nothing bad is going to happen;that he swears nothing bad will happen.

Phil watched as Techno takes his cape off,wrapping the fabric around Tommy's injured and frail body.The boy looked so small seeing him covered in such large soft fabric,it reminded Phil of the early days during their childhood.

Oh how he misses those days so so much.

Phil loosens his hold again,but Techno picks his baby brother up quickly.Resting one arm on Tommy's back and the other swung underneath Tommy's legs.Phil noticed how Techno easily got back on his feet,frowning when he suspected Tommy's malnourished.

The glance Techno threw at him was another evidence.

Tommy squirmed a little,before pressing his face against Techno's chest as he cries.The hybrid tightens his hold,a glint of rage and protection evident in his bloody red eyes.They knew there was only one person to blame for Tommy's injury.

With as much little movement as possible,Techno and Phil headed back to the former's cabin.The avian on his side as he watches his little bird—his fledging—like a hawk,making sure he wasn't too hurt and keeping an eye out for any more dangers.

Phil took off his green bucket-like hat and placed it on Tommy's head.

Techno lets out a low grumble,then a faint chuff-chuff-chuff sound.

"We're bringing you home,Theseus."

When they knew Tommy passed out from exhaustion,the two looked at each other.Phil looked distraught and Techno looked angry.They knew that before anything,they'll have to take care of Tommy first.They'll go home,patch him up,and...find a way to help.

Tommy was their first priority.

But that didn't stop them from plotting a certain admin's murder for what he's done to their youngest.

The voices screamed for Dream's blood,his head off of his neck and his limbs torn apart.They screamed for justice for what happened to Tommy.Many cried as they tell Techno to rush him home and fix him,make him feel better.

Techno pushes them back into his mindset as the snow started picking up.


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