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With a snap she returned to the castle. Her eyes looked upon Huginn, "They are in the castle already the others came to support them." She whispered her knees feeling weak. Her shoulder tingling with the touch of Huginn. Her eyes meeting his she had heard his words. Tears threatened to well up in her eyes. She didn't think she would ever hear those words from him.

Taking a deep breath she turned her attention to the others. "They are welding a solid silver blade. They are coming for me." She explains softly. She hated that everyone was in danger because of her. "I'm sorry everyone is in danger because of me. This is not what I wanted to happened." She whispered softly. "But we cannot let this happen. Get everyone prepared we can't let them get by with trespassing into our world." She said more determined than ever.


Huginn was relieved when she returned to him, and met her eyes from beneath his hood. He could see the tears there, though he didn't know it was from the single word he had chosen to use. The news that they were in the castle already set him on edge instantly, sobering him from the gentler feelings that had been settling over him. His mind began whirling with his attempt to find an answer. To help keep the pack safe. To keep *her* safe. When she began to apologize to everyone, it momentarily stilled those thoughts. "There is always an enemy to the royal members. This is not the first, nor will it be the last. And it is not for you to apologize for." He said, sure of every word he told her. "The pack is strong, and filled with loyalty. You should let your commander lead them, and keep you safe." Without an heir, without someone to fill her shoes, Huginn knew this pack would fall apart. The warriors would be nothing but rogues. What she had worked for, what she envisioned, would be for not. "Please."

But before he could hear her answer, the door to the great hall blew open. The explosion seemed to rattle and rock everything around them. Huginn nearly fell from the force, his lean body stumbling to the side before catching himself. His hands never left where they held Raven. Not wanting her to fall either, after what she had just done with Hermod. "My Queen?" He asked, wanting to make sure she was okay as dust filled the air around them from the debris. But the sound had deafened him, his ears ringing. Huginn wanted to cry out to her again, but he knew it would be pointless. Head turning, he saw most of the stunned wolves were on the ground. A few had gotten back to their feet but some closest to the door were not moving.

It was the soft thumps along his shoulders and head of small pebbles falling, that made Huginn look up. The floor above them was nearly ready to collapse, and he did not doubt the one below would too. Soon, the entire castle would be nothing but rubble. With this realization, Huginn looked to Raven again, his eyes meeting her's once more. He didn't tell her what was in his heart, knowing she would not be able to hear him. But it was there in his black eyes before he leaned in to kiss her. The warmth that radiated between them, it helped to sooth his runaway heart, so that when he pulled away Huginn knew he had the courage to do what he had too.

Without any further thought, Huginn shoved Raven out the open window behind her. He knew Sheba would save her from the fall, and he couldn't help but smile to himself at the wonderful mate he had been given as the castle gave way and collapsed around him.

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