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Just as he had thought, his Queen did not disappoint and made connection with the bird. When she spoke, voice blended with so many, he could see a few behind her shift back. Not afraid, only cautious. Regardless, Huginn turned towards the window once more, sending the bird out into flight. Hermod swept out into the open sky. The feeling of the wind in his wing feathers a thrilling sensation, as if he were all powerful. Getting higher, he caught a better draft, his mission quite clear now that they had connected. Though he thought it strange, since Huginn was the only one to do so before, he did not balk since it was his Queen.

As the raven reached the north side of the fence, the scout was not lying. Hunters, hard to see to the normal eye, were slowly stalking their way closer inside. They seemed a bit wary and confused that no one had confronted them yet. Hermod dipped closer, swooping in to land upon a branch. The hunters did not think to look at the black bird. What wolf would ever be able to connect to a raven?

"Why are they not coming?" Whispered one hunter, now that Hermod had gotten close enough to hear them.

"I'm not sure, and we have no way to signal that they aren't coming." Whispered another.

"We need to stop them. They will be slaughtered if they go in and the full pack is still there." The first one replied.

"Maybe we should go ahead, join them, to at least try and give them support." The second suggested, and a hum of agreement sounded around them.

The hunters moved then, beginning to make their way towards the castle now that they had a new plan. Hermod did not cry out this time as he left the branch to again take flight. Instead, the bird set out to see where the others that the men had been clearly talking about. As the bird got closer to the castle, a new movement caught his eye. Head tilting, he wondered what that shiny thing was. Swooping down, he quickly realized it was a knife blade of the purist silver catching the moons glow. It could only be meant for one in particular. The reason they wanted to lure the pack away. Even Hermod, a bird with simple thoughts, put the dots together.

They wanted to kill the Queen.

"My Queen?" Huginn murmured softly as he moved a bit closer to Raven. He had not thought her to stay connected to Hermod so long. It would drain her, not being used to such a gift. Reaching out gentle hands, he placed them on her arms just at her shoulders in case she collapsed when she returned. "My *mate*, come back." Huginn beckoned.

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