Discovering United Power

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A little preface before reading this story, this idea is inspired by both Dragon Ball Z/Super, Dragon Ball Super Broly, Dragon Ball Fusion Reborn and Steven Universe. The fusion methods that I am going to use for this story come from both of these franchises. So, as to eliminate any confusion as to how Deku can fuse with someone without having to do the Metamoran dance here you go. That being said, I hope you enjoy this story because I have had a lot of fun working on it.

It had been two years since Izuku had gone to the doctor to find out what his quirk would be, at the exam they found out he did in fact have one but had no idea what it did. In that time he had stayed close friends with Bakugou Katsuki and the two of them would occasionally hang out at each other's houses and watch movies and animes from the prequirk era. One such of these films was the most grossing of the late 2010's a movie known the world over called Dragon Ball Super: Broly. As the two boys enjoyed their movie a thought was bouncing around the 6 year old mind of Katsuki, they had yet to figure out what Izuku's quirk was. He dismissed the thought for a while as they watched the movie but an idea came to his mind that maybe it could be related to the show. There have been people in the past who had similar abilities to people in animes and some people with quirks able to grant wishes to an extent. So it isn't that far fetched to think that his friends quirk might be related to something from dragonball.

The two continue watching until the fusion occurs between Goku and Vegeta resulting in the birth of Gogeta for the first cannon time in the franchise. Bakugou rewinds the show a little bit to the moment they are in the pose then pauses it. Izuku turns over and gives his friend a questioning look before he stands up.

"Is it time for food already Kacchan?" He asks before stretching from laying on his chest looking up to the TV.

"Well it is getting close but you never found out what your quirk did right? Want to try to find out what it is then? My mom is probably out of the house right now and my dad is just reading his book in the living room. How about we try to find out?" Katsuki replies motioning to the TV.

"Sure! Hopefully it's super cool like yours is!" Izuku exclaims.

"Alright! Let's try to do something from the show. Hmm. try doing the Kamehameha." He suggests as Izuku takes the pose.

Izuku extends his hands out in front of him with his fingers curled over slightly but not closed. He places his wrists together then brings his hands to his side with his hands over each other looking like a cage with his fingers as the bars. "Kame-hame-ha!' He shouts, throwing his hands forwards but nothing happens. "Nope that's not it." Izuku says before plopping down on Katsuki's chair.

"Hmm... so if that one is out of the way then I think the other blasty stuff is not gonna work either. Try doing Goku's teleport thingy with the two fingers." He suggests.

"Nope doesn't work either." Izuku says after placing his fingers on his forehead and thinking of his apartment.

"What about the dance they just did? Gogeta is super strong! He's stronger than 1,000 All Mights so if we can become someone like that it would be awesome! All the bad guys running for the hills! Let's try it!" He says with an excited voice pointing at the TV to show the pose between Goku and Vegeta.

"Oh! That's a great idea! Let's try it but we have to get the pose right unless we want to be really old or fat." Izuku replies.

For the next ten minutes the two rewatch the scene where the two fuse over and over again. Izuku makes it a point to draw the pose as stick figures in his hero notebook vol2. Each time they watch it they take a mental note of where their legs are, how far they are leaned over anything that can help them do the dance. After they think they've seen it enough times the two decide it is time to try it out. They move some of the toys around in Katsuki's room so they have enough space to try it out before taking the first pose. They stand with their arms pointed to their left and right before shuffling their feet and bringing them their hands around over their bodies and meeting in the middle. "Fuuuuu-" the two say as they shuffle over towards each other. The throw their hands back to the place they started from and lift their knees up with Izuku raising his right and Katsuki raising his left. "-Sion!" The final step is them extending their raised leg and pointing their fingers up in the air. As their feet hit the ground their fingertips touch one another before they say the last word. "Ha!" they both exclaim finishing the pose.

Suddenly the room fills with a brilliant white light that envelops the two six year olds, this light is visible from the street where Inko had just arrived with Mitsuki to come pick up Izuku. The light from Katsuki's room causes both mothers to almost panic as they rush inside and tear open the door. Marasu is torn from his chair by his wife and the parents bolt to Katsukis room. As they open the door they see even more light but a moving votex of orange and green colors inside it. The vortex moves about before condensing into a sphere before that disappears and a silhouette of a single being appears in the light. When the light fades the parents are met with what looks to be a kid around 6 or 7 years old with a strange hair color. The sides of his head have blond spiky hair growing from it and the top has green curls. The left eye is red and the other is a green color with freckles on both sides of his face. He's wearing a genie's vest and puffy genie like pants. Gold writs coverings over both arms and a puffy trim around the vest and wrappings at the waist.

"Ha ha! It worked! I figured out what Deku's quirk is! It's fusion baby! Oh this is awesome!" The being exclaims pumping his right fist several times before looking at the adults. "What's up Pops and old lady oh and hi Momma Inko. Kacchan and Deku fused into me you may now bask in my glory." The fusion says with a smug look on his face before getting smacked on the side with the red eye by a paper fan.

"I'M NOT OLD YOU BRAT I'M 27!!!" Mitsuki shouts knowing that it was her son who called her old.

"What are we going to call you then? I think it's amazing you two finally figured out Izuku's quirk but you left the room quite a mess." Inko exclaims looking at the room that looks like a tornado-oh a tornado did go through there.

"Well that's a good question. What should my name be? I'm a fusion of Izuku and Katsuki so I only exist because of Izuku's quirk but my quirk is Katsuki's explosions." He says before activating an explosion creating a mushroom cloud in the palm of his hand. "I think a good name would be Izutsuki Midugou. The fusion of Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugou" Izutsuki says, giving them a thumbs up.

"Well I'm impressed boys you two could be quite the powerful duo if you were able to fuse against some villains when you become heroes." Marasu says, causing the fusion's eyes to light up in excitement.

"You got that right! Deku the fusion hero and Bakugou the explosion hero fusing on the battlefield to take down some poor sap trying to cause trouble. Hero work will be a breeze. No one will die on our watch and we will be the most famous hero of all time!" Izutsuki exclaims, setting off several explosions at once in his hands. Just as he is about to set off another one his body glows white with light and the two split falling onto the floor.

"Huh... guess it doesn't last 30 minutes like in the show." Katsuki says standing back up.

"I need to get stronger for us to be fused for longer I think. How long was that?" Izuku asks, looking at the watch on his wrist. "Man... that was only 3 minutes."

"Don't get so down in the dumps Izuku, now you can show your friends in school your quirk plus when you two go to UA you'll train there until the fusions last for hours instead of minutes." Marasu suggests causing Izuku's face to light up and for stars to appear in his eyes.

"That begs a question though, what happens if he fuses with a girl? Will the fusion also be a girl?" Mitsuki asks as the two boys just shrug without having a clue what would happen. 

Once again Huge thank you to Ryan_Nerd7 for the art of this story. He is the one who has drawn all the fused characters that you will see in this including the one at the top.

As Always I'll see Y'all in Hueco Mundo!

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