Izutsuki's Introduction to Aldrea Primary School.

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 The excitement was palpable off of Izuku to get to school the next day and show off his quirk to his friends at school. Tsubasa and Tesaki were close friends with Katsuki and have been told of Izuku's quirk by the explosion user and were already talking about what it could be over the weekend. Though they weren't exactly close friends, they tended to make fun of him for not knowing what his quirk was, now that Katsuki is impressed over Izuku's quirk, the two of them were wanting to see what he can do. Izuku rushes his mother through their morning routine, trying to get her out the door quicker than normal to show off his quirk. She laughed seeing his excitement and the aura of happiness created by the young boy improved her day before it had even really begun. Inko's blue sadan pulls into the student drop off and is quickly spotted by Katsuki, Tsubasa and Tesaki who rush over to the car as Izuku steps out of it.

"Hey! We heard you got your quirk! Bakugou said it was epic too! You gotta show us!" Tesaki shouts rushing up to Izuku with Tsubasa landing nearby shortly after.

"We've been talking about what it can do all weekend. I think you have some kind of mind control quirk. Tesaki thinks it's xray vision or something lame." Tsubasa laughs with a nasally tone.

"Step aside boys. We have someone to introduce you two to." Katsuki says walking up behind them and towards Izuku. "You ready for this Izuku?" Katsuki asks offering his fist as a greeting.

"I wonder what they'll think of him." Izuku responds with a closed eyed smile, meeting Katsuki's fistbump. "Alright. So, my quirk is a really cool one. It can make us as strong as 1,000 All Mights!" Izuku announces with a few students gathering around and looking on.

"Yeah right. Prove it Brokkuri." One of the girls says from the small crowd that formed around them.

"Alright. You ready?" Izuku asks standing a few paces away from Katsuki and facing the other students.

"I was born ready."

"Fuuu..." The two boys start shuffling their feet towards each other and pointing their arms in towards the other. "-Sion!" They flip the directions that their arms are facing in and raise their right and left knees respectively. Murmurs flow through the crowd of students and even get some of the adults to look in at them. "Ha!" The two lean over and touch the tips of their index fingers together in the perfect pose. All of a sudden, the playground is enveloped in a massive glowing light that even gets the attention of a couple local heroes out on patrol. Two vortexes of orange and green energy manifest in the light then blend together like two whirlpools conjoining to form one. The spinning energies converge on a small sphere then expand into a human form. Standing at a fair bit taller than the rest of the kids, the silhouette of Izutski emerges from the light and smoke he had created. The clothes of a genie present on his body, from pointed shoes and puffy pants to the silly puffy vest revealing the toned muscles of his torso. A wrapped blue silk belt floats in the wind with two long ends fluttering from a knot on the right side of him.

"Wooooaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!" The kids all say in unison seeing the fused being.

"Alright! Wassup everybody and extras! I am Izutski Midugou. The fusion of Izuku and Katsuki." He announces to the kids standing around. The boys look on in wonder of seeing the fused being from their childhood movies and animes, and the girls blush seeing his get up. "You may bask in our glory!" He shouts setting off two atomic blasts in the palms of his hands that leave mushroom clouds in their wake.

"Um... Who are you? I don't think you're one of my students." Izuku's and Katsuki's first grade teacher asks getting the fused being to turn around and face her.

"Relax, Teach. We're your students. I am what Izuku's quirk can do. He can fuse his body with that of someone else creating THE ULTIMATE HERO!!!" Izutsuki throws a double peace sign in the air getting the other kids to start cheering seeing him act just like Gotenks.

"Do I have to put you on the roster now? Is this permanent?"

"No, or I don't think so, this is only the second time we fused and the first time only lasted for three minutes." He explains before turning back to face the class. "Alright. Who wants to see what we can do?!" He announces and earns himself a cacophony of cheers from the students. "Here goes nothing!" Izutsuki announces before placing his hands together creating a ball of energy in both.

"I've always wanted to try this!" He thinks to himself creating a sphere of the explosive force he would normally generate on his palms. Pointing his hands towards the sky, he shoots the ball towards the cloud cover above them. The class watches in awe as an orange and green swirled ball of explosive power flies from his hands and into the heavens. Once hitting the cloud cover, the blasts explodes into a perfect sphere with a shockwave so powerful it rips apart the cloud cover revealing the sun behind it. As a bit of flare, the blast emulates that of a fireworks display with tons of little pops and sparkles happening after the main explosion. Everyone, from passersby to heroes and police to the teachers and students watch in awe of this blast. Izutsuki smiles rubbing his index finger under his nose before suddenly defusing back into Izuku and Katsuki.

"That was fun!" Izuku says happily, giggling to himself.

"Definitely. We need to do that again!" Katsuki agrees, but both boys are tired and out of breath since the fusion body takes a lot out of the two of them as they come to find out.

"Well, thank you two for that little show but we have to start school now. Everybody inside." The main caretaker says ushering the students inside while two other teachers pick up Izuku and Katsuki helping them into the main building, seeing as they are a bit too tired to get up at the moment.

Later at recess.

"Wow! That was amazing! Think you can fuse with us now too?" Tsubasa asks rushing up to Izuku, who still looks a bit worn out from the fusion.

"Probably but, I'm still tired from earlier. I only got it yesterday and it makes me super tired. I haven't had it for as long as you guys have had yours." Izuku responds, slowly eating his lunch and regaining his energy.

"Well if you only got it yesterday that makes sense but you gotta fuse with us sometime man! That was epic! I wonder what we would be like fused?" Tesaki ponders pinching his chin in thought.

"He should fuse with people with awesome quirks, not you two. Sure flight is cool but I can do that with my explosions. And the fingers? Give me a break, you probably couldn't fuse with those lanky fingers of yours." Katsuki puts down.

"Kacchan be nice. If they wanna try to fuse then we can try but can we do it tomorrow or some other time? I'm really tired." Izuku pleads before going back to eating his lunch.

"Oh alright fine. I'd be lying if I said I didn't care what or who else you can fuse with. After lunch you wanna play heroes or something?" Katsuki questions.

"That sounds good."

"I wanna join too."

"Sure!" the three answer before start talking about how strong Izutsuki could be and if he is actually stronger than 1,000 All Mights.

After getting home from school, Izuku fills his mother in on all the things that had happened that day at school. Inko replies that she saw the fireworks display that the fusion had created that morning and even managed to spread the clouds. Izuku then gasps and starts shouting about how cool Izutsuki was and how cool the other kids thought they were even saying that some of his other friends want to fuse with him too. His mother merely smiles before giving Izuku the idea that maybe he should start coming up with ideas for his fusions to be able to do when fighting villains, and different hero names for each of the fusions. A gasp and a flash later, izuku had already run up stairs to his room to get his hero notebook before furiously writing the ideas he's having onto the pages. One thought however crosses Inko's mind, how far could he go as a hero if he was forced to rely on others to fuse with to use his quirk. How good of a hero could her son be if he was forced to rely on others in every situation he got himself into as a hero, or what if he was alone? She shook the thought out of her mind, saying to herself that his quirk just developed and that they don't know the limits or what it's capable of. For now, she will support her son's decision to go into hero work as much as she can. 

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