New Ninjago Book?

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Heyyyy!!! I was thinking maybe I should do a new Ninjago book... Should I?... I had this one for a while... It's called Fake Honesty.
Here's the cover! 👇

If you want to know what it's about then... Here you go.... 👇

"You don't understand, Kai." Lloyd snarled, Kai glared.

  "Dammit Lloyd, I do." Kai snapped, Lloyd stood up.

  "No! You don't! You don't know how it's like to lose a father! I had to banish my own father! I thought he was going to be with me forever! But... You don't always get what you want..."

  Kai sighed, he wrapped his arms around Lloyd.

  "I do, Lloyd." Kai whispered, Lloyd sniffed.

  "You have to be honest with us... Mostly yourself. This is just fake honesty Lloyd. You have to trust us. Please, let us in." Kai begged, Lloyd buried his face in Kai's arms.

  "All I wanted was to be found.." Lloyd whispered, Kai smiled.

  "I found you." Kai whispered back.
  Lloyd had been going through depression, he can't take it anymore. He's been missing his father so much. Lloyd keeps this pain a secret, he thinks that no one will get suspicious. But that's when Lloyd's wrong...

  Kai Smith, Lloyd's best friend had been noticing some different things about Lloyd.. Like.. Why does he always wear his green hoodie? Why does Lloyd always have puffy eyes? When's the last time Lloyd has eaten? When was the last time Lloyd had candy? When's the last time Lloyd actually hanged out with the team? Why is Lloyd always in his room? Since when does Lloyd sleep in? When's the last time Lloyd trained?

  Kai will do anything in his power, to find out what's wrong with his best friend... Join Kai's journey to find figure what's wrong with Lloyd...

  But Lloyd isn't the only one that has Fake Honesty...

  Kai, had been smoking ever since he found out that his parents are alive, and the time twins had them... Kai feels so stupid, he wish that he earlier...

  Kai wishes that he was happy like Nya, but he can't... He feels like if he was smart enough then he would of found his parents earlier....

Will Lloyd notice new stuff about Kai?...

  Will he find out what's wrong with Lloyd before it's too late? Find out in Fake Honesty...
Yup... Um... This is not a Greenflame book, I'm sorry... If you think I should let me know. Or if you think I shouldn't then let me know as well... Thanks! Bye!
~Nae Nae

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