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I walked outside to see my car still parked to the side, the duo waiting for me in the back seat. I kicked the empty soda can which was near the pathway, imagining it to be her head. Like does she even know me? Who I am? How important it is to treat me with respect? I crossed the road and went to my car, driver opening the back door as in cue.

"Stop messing my car." I whisper shouted seeing them fight over a bag of chips. How many mental should I handle a day?

"How did it go? Did she get angry? Did you say sorry? When is she joining? You didn't mess up right?" They bombarded me with questions. I did apologize and even paid for her foood. Godamnit!

"She will work from tomorrow." Always talk something else rather than what you want. Kim Taehyung, I am proud of you.

"Wow, we need to celebrate this." Jungkook clapped his hands in excitement.

"We totally should, right Tae?" Hoseok hyung asked me. Celebrate me saying sorry to a weird staff?

"I have plans with hyung today." I rolled my eyes, taking out my phone to text him.

"It has been long since we met him, should we also join?"

"I mailed you both some files, get it done by morning for the meeting." Taehyung spoke not even sparing a glance at them. As if I will let you both enjoy after making me feel like shit.

"Rude." They mumbled in unison before going completely silent.

At times, I wonder if the CEO should keep this kind of relation with the employees. They are my best friends since the past few years and I have appointed them so their skills wont be wasted. They all are incredibily talented as long it is concerned, so I just wanted them to be at a good work space. I think that was a mistake. Now they are eating my brain and giving me anxiety attacks every now and then.

Two hours later...

"Hyung, we need to go back soon. It is eight already, I have work tomorrow."

"Can we get two irish bomb, please?" I heard him place the order. Irish baaamb. Thats how he spelt it! Cute!

"Irish baaaamb?" I mocked him and he showed me a blank face. Mood killer.

"Stop working so hard and focus on studies."

"Irish baaaamb is coming from the company. Dad messed up enough, I have to take the company back to the market." I honestly don't get how relaxed my family is regarding this.

"Money defines everything?" He asked me seriously. Well it does. We need money to pay.

"I t-think so."

"Your concept is different than mine Tae. I can never be you, I enjoy what I am doing now." He smiled a little while passing me the drink.

He taught me how to drink it, we chugged it down in one go and honestly, my insides were burning. I am not much into drinking, alcohol tolerence is lesser than my patience level. Now you can guess. I was just watching him drink and talk about music for the rest of the time, totally adoring him when someone approached us.

"Hyung..." He chimed while shoving his hands over MY hyung.

"Ohh, you..." Hyung smiled at the new boy and shook his hands.

"Its been a long time, how are you?" He asked with an eye smile while sitting down next to us. I dont like uninvited guests.

"What do you mean by long time? I saw you yesterday at the studio." Yoongi chuckled, passing his own drink to the boy. Wow? Rare!

"It still feels long. Who is this?" Finally some attention.

"I am Kim Taehyung. His younger brother." I am polite enough to introduce myself.

"Kim?" He asked in confusion. Ofcourse we get this a lot.

"Yea, no adoption...same blood. I took over my mom's surname while he took our dad's. Kim Yoongi doesn't sound so good and Min Taehyung too." Yoongi explained proudly.

"You guys look too different to be called siblings too." The guy said. Offensive. I know my hyung looks pale as a zombie and a little chubby.

"We get that a lot too." Hyung looks too patient with this person.

"I am Park Jimin. I work with your hyung and I am a producer." He finally spilled his name.

"Cool. So you guys carry on, I have to go back." I smiled and stood up only to be pulled back to seat.

"Will go together after a while." Hyung protested while sipping on his drink. Well, his soul gets possessed when he is drunk. Its like he and Hoseok hyung changes spirit.

"As much as I would love to, I have work." I gave him a pressed smile but he forced me to chug down two more shots before leaving.

"Taehyung..I love you." Hyung called out to me.

Wait what?? Love?? Him?? That tooo to me? Wow! How drunk is he? But as usual I just nodded my head with a small smile and left the club. The night was rather cold and windy, the alcohol in my body started acting up quicker than I imagined. I was walking back home because I wanted to sober up once I reach, to go through some files. The moon looked bright and full, wait...is it blue colour today? I rubbed my eyes and stared at it again. I can't be this drunk.

I knew that I am tipsy but still in senses so proceeded to take small steps, balancing myself properly. I started counting my steps so that I wouldn't go zig zag until I felt someone pull me back. Oops! I could see a man blabbering something from his car. Well, he is too loud for my liking so I just showed my middle finger at him. Good job, Taehyung.

"How dare you do that, kid!" I heard the man shout at me. What did he call me? Kid?? Again?? Kid? Me?

"Did you give birth to m-me? I am not a kiddddd!"

"Sorry, sir. He is a little drunk, I am extremely sorry. Please excuse us." Someone said from beside me, maybe the one who pulled me from getting smashed under that car. Familiar voice but I am not liking it. My vision was half blurry by then that I stood rubbing my eyes.

"Take him home instead of causing trouble. Kids these days are so lost." He cursed before driving off. Who invented that word??

"I am a grown up man, use your eyes properly!" I protested even after being drunk as hell.

"Are you alone? How much did you even drink?" I heard the person next to me ask, while pulling me to the side.

Someone was holding me really tight. Hey, I am not going to fall down!

"W-want to go s-ssss." I mumbled showing my pinky.

"What is ssss?" She asked me. Omfg, its that weirdo!

"Hey, I am not a k-kid! I a-am your CEO." I started explaining. "I m-might look young, but t-thats just in family and ofcou-rse my h-healthy life st-style." I covered my mouth while burping.

"Can see that, CEO. Let m-me get you a taxi now." She said, noticing him almost about to fall on her.


I woke up when the sunlight hit right on my face, penetrating through my closed eyes. My head was breaking into pieces as if someone threw a rock at me, i can literally hear the blood flowing inside. I held my head in my hands and scrunched my whole damn body to control the pain. How much did I even drink? I kicked the blanket off my legs and slipped off the bed, only to hit the wall directly.

"Ouchh!" I stumbled back and fell on the bed again. There was no wall here till yesterday. I am sobered up or even if I am drunk, I know my bedroom well.

"Good morning, CEO."

"Good mor.... Uhh? What? How did you c-come inside?" I asked jumping up on the bed, hitting my head on the frame.

There she is, the one who almost ruined my days with one single word. The more I see her, the more I question my fate. Why is she all of a sudden everywhere? Why is she in my room now? Am I hallucinating too much?

"Are you planning to destroy my room or are you still drunk?" She kept a cup of something on the table and rubbed her shoulders.

"T-this is not my r-room?" I panicked once I looked around, eyes widening as the realization hit me. No no no!! You idiot!! Dont tell me, you passed out on her! Aghh, fuckkk!

I hate my memory at times! Usually people forget what happens when they were drunk!

"True, this is my room. Drink this for your hangover and I will arrange a taxi for you to leave." She casually spoke, pointing at the cup.

"How did I r-reach here?" I jumped out of the bed only to realize something missing. Fuck! Why am I just in my pants? Omg!!

"Well, looong story." She said cracking her neck and rotating her hands. What is she doing? D-did I? Never, I am not t-that bad. Omg, what if she?? My fucking sex life.

"D-did we d-do t-that? M-my tshirt?" I asked covering my upper body with my hands, hugging myself.

"Do what?" She asked innocently. I know you took the chance, you pest. I touched my neck and lips to check if its hurting...but no.

"I have to goo." I said as soon as I spotted my dress on the chair.


I dont know what she said because I was already running out for my life, grabbing my shoe from hallway. God! Burry yourself. You just slept on her bed, fucking dumb head with no self respect.

I had to go to the company but how the hell am I supposed to face her? I checked myself in the mirror for as long as I could remember to see if there is any mark, but gladly there wasn't any that I could spot. I was rolling on the bed, screaming into the pillow. I can't stay in bed forever. Don't chicken out Taehyung, you can do this.

I was hitting tata vigorously as if it is his fault. How did I even sleep without him? I looked at the plushie in my hand which stared back at me. I know, I can't sleep properly without hugging anything and that is why I have tata. Stopp staring you red clown!

"I can do it! I am strong! I am an adult!"

Only if self motivation works in such situations. I had to take back my authority, no matter what! I will show her my power and put her in her place. Stop being lame and forget it, Taehyung. I will never ever get drunk, God knows what all I said. Please, I will burry myself if I did that.


"Well, continue please."

"Trust me Haerin, that's all what happened. I took him to my home because he passed out in the taxi. Driver helped me to get him to the bed and then left." Y/N was explaining the situation to her friend who was videocalling since the moment, Taehyung left.

"He d-didnt do anything?" She asked suspisciously.

"He just slept for God's sake. He is just a kid, seven years younger to me so can we not sexualize the talk?" Well, I hate that I am too old but nevermind.

"Age doesn't matter in this, okay?"

"I certainly am not a pedo. Anyways, I have to go for work, it's already late and that kid is gonna make a mess." She said ending the call leaving a pouting Haerin on her own.

What does she expect him to do? Like kiss me or hug me in sleep as if in movies? Or like confess to me? I just met him twice and we already are at each other's throat. He is a kid no matter what, so the whole night he just held my hand while sleeping as if his life depended on it. I couldnt help but stroke his hair, he looked too fragile. Blame my motherly instincts.

"What was he talking about? Who in the world is tata?" I remember him asking for tata, most of the night.

I quickly freshened up and got ready for work. My shoulder's were nearly numb from the half sitting position, the whole night. He is the only reason! I could have pulled out easily but his whinning was bothersome so I just went with the flow. I regret. I really do. Well, maybe because I am older than him....well, fuck it! You are just soft hearted Y/N.

I wore a black blouse and an ash grey pants, blouse tucked in properly as my stomach was kindly flat this morning. I went to pick my shoe, my black converse but then something in me was telling to go with a slight heels. That black converse has got a story to tell, maybe later because today is a busy day and I am already late. Thanks to the CEO himself. I ran out to catch the cab which was already waiting for me.

"This time, its your fault Mr. CEO." I glared at my watch as if the time had stop.

The cab was really moving way too fast as the traffic in Seoul isn't that bad. I was at the same spot for the past ten minutes, I have no idea if the driver slept or not. I held onto my bag while tapping my feet, looking outside to see a billboard next to the traffic signal. Wow! Is that my so called CEO? I have never noticed it. It was an advertisement from some magazine, it seems like he was in the cover page for being a successful influencer.

I never knew he was this successful, I mean, I never imagined Mr.Kim's son to be the current CEO. He is way too young for it that I feel weird working under someone who is seven years younger to me. God! Why am I close to thirty?

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