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"Ta-taehyung, I c-can explain." Hoseok stuttered as the boy practically trapped him against the shelf, towering over his fragile self.

"You really got some explanations to do, Mr. Jung Hoseok."

"Yeahh, stop calling me that. That just makes me want to evapourite." I fucked up really bad.

"Then better you learn to condense back because I will only be calling your name from now. Irresponsible horse." Taehyung spat as he clasped his fist in front of the older's face, gritting his teeth as if he was controlling a punch.

"Sir, he is going to shit his pants." Namjoon spoke in concern, bringing Taehyung back to senses.

"You both know what she called me? She freaking called me a kid!! A kid!!! She asked me to be a good boy and do my work! You think that is acceptable?" Taehyung snarled at them, pulling his almond hair locks in his fist.

"Is he ok?" Hoseok asked Namjoon, slowly sneaking behind his big body to cover his shivering self.

"Definitely doesn't look like it."

"DO YOU KNOW HOW INSULTING IT WAS? I FEEL LIKE SMASHING HER HEAD ON THAT STONE!" Taehyung said pointing at a sculpture which his father cherished.

"You think her head is worth that three million dollar sculpture?" Hoseok accidently asked making Taehyung stop and give him a dead ass glare. I need to start hitting gym before these people get on my head.

"H-hyung, hyung..." The door almost broke when a man in grey suit rushed inside with his ipad and a file.

"You!! You will pay for my door? Can you all stop annoying me for once, what kind of monkeys did I allow in to work with me? YEAHH, JEON JUNGKOOK, next time you open the door like this, I will make you open it twenty times when you leave." Taehyung shouted, throwing a paper weight at the boy who dodged it quick.

"The worst timing!" Jungkook eyed the two older men who was practically stuck to the wall to not get hit by flying objects.

"Why the hell did you come in now? To stare at my face?"

"U-uhh, i-it's just t-that Ms. Y/N...she se-sent me the decoded data of tho-those files and I t-think we have a problem." Jungkook managed to say as he slowly took small strides to the other with shaking hands.

"Don't you dare open your mouth to speak about that witch or I will make you drown in my fish tank." Taehyung roared like a tiger while jumping up and down.

"Not gonna lie, you really look unprofessional." Jungkook tsked not knowing the situation, only to be strangled by Taehyung.

"911, s-someone." Jungkook said tapping Taehyung's hand which was choking him.

"Taehyung, calm down!! Atleast check what Jungkook brought now, we are having a tight schedule." Namjoon sighed as he pulled the boys away. Well he is big enough for that.


I took a deep breath and analysed the situation. God! How did I lose my cool so easily? I literally tell myself everyday to stay put even in the midst of a commotion so that I can focus. Sure, these people give me headache from time to time but I am supposed to guide them through it. I indicated Jungkook to connect his ipad to the screen while sitting back on my chair. Sure, whatever she did might be useful for the company but she really isnt coming back.

"So, as we can see here! The code is sorted out and we have a clear picture about the set up. We can develop this software just as our client requested on time too." Jungkook explained.

"So whats the issue?" I asked, scanning the screen carefully.

"Well, thats not where the problem is." Jungkook sighed as he opened another folder and my eyes nearly fell down.

"H-how did this happen?" I asked, getting closer to the screen.

"Oh shoot, this is bad."

"I am pretty sure our team wouldn't copy another's code...I assume s-someone spied on us."

"Jungkook, they already held a press meet regarding their software. They literally own the copy right and we can't do anything." I couldn't believe what we did for the past five months is going to be useless.

"We can try appealing with a proper data of development of this software. We have enough proofs but the problem is that, these weren't fully correct and running until Y/N fixed it a day ago." Jungkook spoke, pointing at a certain code.

"Collect all the data regarding this software and our resources. Make a presentation on it, so we can go to the court but...." I can't take a risk on this. We will have to pay millions as compensation if we fail this project and on top, company will be black listed.

"But we can't rely on it. We need to act smarter." I groaned while covering my face. I can't give up this easily.

"We just have a month to submit the software, sir." Namjoon spoke, words drowned in disappointment.

"Jungkook, any other idea?"

"We are not going to let this chance slide." I looked up at the trio who gave me a confused look. I have never lost this easily.

"We need to upgrade this software by adding more features by the time given. I will mention what all you have to add."


I can't believe what I have gotten myself into. These people were adamant that I have to get that weirdo back in the company to finish this project. Did I take over the company imagining to have someone to help? Can't I hire normal people who think like professionals for once? Since, it was already decided by them... I just nodded my head accepting the fate.

"Finish off everything in two weeks and submit the report." Taehyung spoke as he finished checking the last file from his table.

"Wait till she responds atleast."

"What about it? Is she going to reject the offer or so?" Taehyung scoffed hearing the words come from Hoseok.

"You literally threw her out of the office."

"Practically, it was Namjoon hyung and not me. But logically it was because she disrespected her boss, the CEO!" Taehyung fisted his hands again.

"You can't blame her for mistaking you as a kid, Taetae. You literally am a college going boy." Hoseok sighed as Jungkook chuckled in response.

"HEY HEYY HEYY!! YOU SHUT UP! YOU ARE FREAKING TWENTY ONE!" Taehyung shouted at the youngest one, pointing his index right in front of his nose.

"You are just against me today." Jungkook nodded his head as he got a notification in his ipad.

"Oh, she responded." Jungkook smiled as he opened the mail, but soon it dropped to an inverted curve.

"What happened? She was sent back to assylum?" Taehyung asked, his eyebrows arching.

"This is an easy thing, we can accept the offer." Hoseok said as he read the mail.


"She wants the CEO to apologize and invite her back on his own. She said, you can meet her over a coffee tomorrow evening." Jungkook sighed as he looked at Taehyung who was fuming.

"ME?? APOLOGIZE?? TO HER?? HELL, NOOO! What the hell does she think of me? I will apologize for her mistake? Never in a million years.

"The project is important." Jungkook reminded.

"My self respect is more important. I am never going to apologize to her for anything. She disrespected me, so I should be the one asking for an apology." Atleast I am taking her back to work. Ungrateful sloth.

"Upto you. Think about it, the project, the status, the goodwill, the profit too." Hoseok suggested as he left the cabin with his ringing phone.

Just because I look young, I have to face this humiliation? The world is so stereotypical. I am not going to apologize even if the world ends. If such a situation arises, then I am sending the official CEO to her. Why did it have to be her out of all?


Magically time skipped and I found myself sitting in the back seat of my car, in between Jungkook and Hoseok. They were holding my hands and strangling my leg so that I wouldn't move and to add to it, they kept giving me glances. Did I jump off an asylum or something? I tried my level best to get free but competing with Jungkook's muscle is like choosing broken bones.

I sighed and leaned back to the seat as my driver drove us to a luxurious cafe chosen by that weirdo. She just is taking the chance. The blood in my hands were practically stuck to some point that I cant feel it anymore. Are they really going to do this to me? I am not sick to jump off a moving car!!

My insides were doing flips as we approached the location. Do I really have an option? They made me practice, how to apologize the whole night and to the point, I asked them to shut up in the car. Am I a kid? Fuck, I just hate that word honestly. Once the car halted in front of a nice baby blue building, they allowed my hands to be free. Thank you?  "This is important for you, and for us...not for her." Hobi hyung reminded me for the tenth time.

"Can I step outside now?" Taehyung asked, shaking his hands to allow the dead blood to flow.

I took a very deep breath and counted till ten with closed eyes before going inside. I wont apologize! Ofcourse, she wasn't there...it was just five or six customers at random corners. Who else is going to come in such a luxurious place for a coffee? Not anyone like me. Money doesn't come from sky. I am not this luxurious. "Sir, the order?" A girl asked, standing by my table.

"One milk coffee. More sugar, less coffee powder and thick milk. No foam or cream." I ordered. I am not that picky, I can eat anything, as simple as that.

It took ten minutes for the coffee to reach my table and exactly that much time for that weirdo to come in. I could feel my blood boil when she stepped inside the cafe, my hands aching to choke her. I am not a violent person in general. She wore a pastel green dress, just above her knee...few floral prints scattered all over, an almost full balloon sleeve covering her hands. Not weird as I thought she would come.

"Good evening, Sir." She greeted me. Wow! Sir...sounds good.

"Take the seat." I mumbled. I am gonna make you apologize to me.

"Ohh, I have an order too." She told the waiter who was placing my coffee.

"Yes ma'am." One more coffee, what else?

"One large iced Americano, blueberry cheesecake and tiramisu with extra coffee in it." She chirped happily. You will pay for all this. Borrowed stomach from somewhere?

I wanted to protest her order but that is not so gentlemanly so I zipped my mouth. My hands were clutching onto my jeans ever so tightly under the table. Let's get to the topic, you weird annoying oldie. I glared at my coffee instead of her, somehow managing to stir it with a silver spoon. Coffee never looked this pretty.

"So, go on." She suddenly spoke, making me steal a glance at her.

"Go on with?"

"Ehh? The apology...for physically abusing me and throwing me out for no reason." Excuse me?? I am your boss!

"Sorry for my mistake." My mouth spoke something exactly opposite. What the hell is with you, Kim Fucking Taehyung? I wanted to evaporate in an instant, slap myself or drown my finger in that boiling coffee.

"With a little more genuinity?" Once this project is done, I am kicking you down the balcony of the top most floor.

"I am genuinely sorry for my mistake?" I huffed out, taking a big sip of my coffee to avoid her gaze but fuck....

I burned my throat, spitting out the coffee a little on my jeans. Anything more to happen? I coughed, holding my throat and taking in air with my mouth. Five seconds and I saw my life flashing into a black hole. "This is why I said you are a kid." She said, bringing a cup of water to my face with a worry. I dont neeed your helppp.

"Th-thank you." I gulped down the cold water with teary eyes, watching her order being placed.

"I just saved your life, kid." She spoke while sipping on her drink.

"I am not a kid!!!" I protested, stomping my foot.

"You are twenty two, right? That makes you a kid for me and look at you being so cute and bratty." She shook her head ironically.

"Cute?? Bratty?? I am your boss for God's sake. Age doesn't matter, you know? I am the one who runs that company! I am definitely not bratty and cute. This is so offensive and unprofessional, you are my staff." Taehyung gritted his teeth and slammed his fist on the table.

"Not yet! I haven't returned to work yet." She hummed while continuing to devour the food. Atleast chew the food, you look like a cow.

"Miss, I came here taking out time from my busy schedule. This will be the first time in history, a CEO is doing this." His eyes were almost boring holes through her but who cared.

"Alright, pay for this now. I will be at the office tomorrow." After almost what feels like an hour, she said. Pay for what? I didn't order all this.

"Okay." Fuck Taehyung, open your mouth and speak up.

"We have some new clauses to add to my working contract, sir."

"Uhh? What?" I asked confused. You better be kidding me.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow. See you, kiddo!" She ruffled his hair and ran outside.

"M-my h-hair? S-she d-did that to m-my hair?" Is she really normal? Where is my damn respect????

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