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Sorry for not posting in 4 days! I've been really busy but I'm back! :D

So the image above is what Evadne looks like. You are probably wondering who Evadne is. She is the smartest, sweetest, cutest, most beautiful amazing person on this entire planet! Or in other words, my crush.

She is super smart and loves learning. She reads all the time. Her favorite Disney princess is Bell. Her favorite color is red. Her favorite animals are the chipmunk and the alicorn. She crochets just like me! She's just so amazing.

I also used to hate her when we were younger. She still is a little bossy and controlling but she used to be WAY worse when she was younger. I have so many funny and fluffy stories about her. Those will be posted next chapter :)

So a month ago I asked my friend for her phone number and she gave it to me. So this morning I finally got the courage to text her. This was our conversation. (Stuff in () are my thoughts, not texts)

Me: Hiia

It's Elodie

What u doing?

Her: Hi. This is Evadne

How are you?

Me: I'm pretty good

I have an exam tomorrow tho

(I actually don't have an exam tomorrow but she loves reading and learning and stuff so idk I freaked and said that I had an exam!!! Anyways lets continue...)

Her: On what subject?

Me: (internally gay panics) Science

Genetics to be exact

Her: We're studying that to! (I laugh at her normally perfect grammar hahaha! No seriously who texts all perfect like that?! But she didn't this time muah ha ha! To, no it's T O O! Sorry for my weird commenting read on :)

Me: Cool!

It's a really interesting subject

It's actually fun to learn about

Her: I agree.

I've got to go, I have class. Talk to you later!

Me: Bye!

Her: *she sends a waving memeogi of her of herself*

Me: Ttyl

That was the end of our convo. I'm actually in science right now while I'm writing this lol.

Also, Adelpha came to my house for a few hours yesterday. I planned on coming out to her but I chickened out. She kept talking about boys and stuff and I just couldn't find a good way to tell her! :(((((( Please comment any tips to help me tell her please! She deserves to know that my world doesn't revolve around "cute" boys like she thinks it does!!!

Question: Do you have any crushes? If so who? Do you have more than one? If so how many?

Question 4 of the LGBTQ+ comment challenge: A quote you try to live by?

My answer: I have four quotes I try to live by.

1. Be yourself; everyone else is already taken

2. We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars

3. To love oneself is the beginning of a life long romance

4. Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much

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