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I had never been this furious in my entire life. When Eliot got up and ran to bolt for the door I chased after him grabbing him by the front of the shirt and punching him square in the Jaw. He went down and landed on a corner table shattering it to pieces. He writhed in pain and desperately crawled away from me. It was so pathetic I almost felt bad. Almost. I shoved my foot into his face knocking him out cold, I hope that left a painful bruise. I grabbed my phone and dialed 911 telling them the address and that they better get their asses here quick.


I curled up against the wall with my head in my hands, I was sobbing making it a bit hard to breathe. My neck was throbbing where Eliot had choked me and other parts of my body hurt from being thrown on the floor. The sound of wood smashing made me jump and I peeked through my hands to see that Derrick had thrown Eliot into the corner table by our couch. He was breathing heavily and looked so angry. He then kicked Eliot square in the Jaw and he hit the floor staying down and not getting back up.

I got up and walked over to Derrick pulling on the sleeve of his jacket to get his attention. He whipped his head around and stared into my eyes, all the anger in his expression vanished and he now looked at me softly. "Molly" he whispered engulfing me in a tight hug. All of my worries melted away, and I felt safe, Safer than I've ever felt.

Sirens sounded outside my house and I realized he must have called the police. They came up and knocked on the door, and we opened it letting the two officers come inside and explaining everything that just happened to them. They dragged Eliot up off the floor and handcuffed him leading him outside to where the cop car awaited him.


I guided Molly over to the couch and sat down with her, wrapping my arm around her and gently rubbing circles on her back. she sighed leaning her head on my shoulder which caused butterflies to explode in my stomach. I wasn't sure what I should do to comfort her any further so I simply lay my hand on top of hers, willing her to understand that I was here for her. "Will you two be alright," one of the officers said looking at us in concern. I looked at molly for the answer "Yes I'm fine now" She said tightening her grip on my hand a little, I blushed a deep red.

After the officer left we sat there in awkward silence for a while, still holding hands. My heart felt like it was going to beat clear out of my chest. I jumped a little when molly was the first to break the silence, "Do you want to watch something with me" She said looking up at me quizzically. I swallowed my nervousness and handed her the remote. I had never seen Riverdale and molly had decided to make it her mission to educate me on the matter. Two episodes in and I was already hooked laughing and whining at all the characters.

"Why won't they just kiss already" I whined referring to betty and jughead, she simply giggled and we laughed making jokes for hours upon hours. Eventually, We said our goodbyes, and I waved to her as I walked down the steps. I had not been this happy or had this much fun in a long, long time. The whole walk back to my house I had a huge smile on my face, it simply wouldn't go away. I walked up to my door and opened it heading straight up to my room and blacking out pretty much just as I hit the pillow.

sorry this chapter was very tiny, next chapter some real action will begin to happen

until next time ~❤️~

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