Who's at the door?

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I squealed into my pillow, I can't believe that just happened he even walked me home afterward. I didn't know how one boy could be so hot and cute at the same time, maybe I was crushing on him. This thought made me blush a deep scarlet red. I took a deep breath and sat up grabbing my teal notebook from its hiding place. For the first time in a very long while I had a strong desire to turn my feelings into song, So I started writing, at first only single lines or phrases but eventually, it came together into a song. I had always been self-conscious about my songs but I was proud of this one. Not that id want to sing it in front of anyone. The thought made be blushy profoundly and I once again buried my face in my pillow.

Last night I had trouble falling asleep I was in awe at what had just happened. The strong words he said that had pulled me out of a dark place and the way we almost kissed in the water. After a while my mind started to wander to what thy heck I was going to do today, I was the only one home till 4 pm. I look up at the clock and notice that it's only 9 am "uurgghhh." Suddenly I'm startled by the ring of the doorbell. I get up and still holding my pillow and trudge down the stairs. "coommiinngg" I yell taking the last steps with a huge leap. When I open the door I'm shocked to see who it is, they are the last person I expected to show up at my house.


I couldn't stop getting the amazing night with molly out of my head. She had looked truly beautiful, the most pretty girl he had ever met. I had never had much interest in girls, but I couldn't stay away from her, something about her made her attracted me and I couldn't figure it out. Maybe I would go see If she had any plans today, and invite her out. The thought made me nervous, but I wanted to see her and she did owe me for helping her so many times. I went into the bathroom and took a shower, before changing into a set of clean clothes. It was always pretty cold here in the winter so I grabbed my favorite red hoodie before leaving my house.

The closer I got to Molly's house the more nervous I got and the more my palms began to become sweaty. Why was I so nervous, I just couldn't understand it. I finally walked up her front steps and to her porch. Her house was a whole lot bigger and nicer than mine, I guess her parents were rich or something. I ringed the doorbell and waited for a couple of seconds. I knocked on the door one more time. Glancing through the window I noticed the lights were on, but it's quite possible that they just accidentally left it on.

I was about to turn it down when I heard Molly's scream coming from inside the house. "Molly" I whispered to myself after a couple of seconds of simply standing there in shock I run-up to the door and try the handle. The door was locked so I started pushing and kicking up against the door, but it was no use it wouldn't budge. I tried busting down the door one last time and put all my strength into it. When my shoulder connected with the door pain spread through it and I winced. If the door wouldn't budge I'd have to try the back door, or better yet the window. I leaped down from the porch and started pushing against the window "MOLLY" I yelled trying to get her attention to make sure that I was in fact doing the right thing by breaking through her window.

"DERRICK HELP ME" when I heard her yell this with fear laced in her words all reason left my head. I looked down grabbed a large rock and threw it through her window. Taking a deep breath I leaped through landing awkwardly on the floor and growled at what I saw before me.


"Eliot what are you doing here," I said to Eliot who was standing in the doorway leaning casually on the door frame " I came to see you," he said looking at me with a playful smirk on his face. his expression changed softer "look molly I'm sorry I just want to talk things out between us, come on baby" I looked at him in astonishment "look there is no us I said to Eliot" gibbing him a stern look. He walked in plopping down on the couch and crossing his legs "pf course there is what you and I have is special"

I was so angry I could punch him in the face right now. "Get out of my house Eliot," I said giving him a death glare and pointing to the door. "What are you on your period or something baby," he said clearly pretending to worry and then snickers at his own lame joke. "I'm not going to ask again," I said anger evident in my voice. He stood up suddenly and grabbed my wrist anger dripping off him and punched me against the wall.

He put his hand on my thigh and I gasped at the sudden contact. "Listen doll face your nothin without me, without me you'd still be the loser new girl, you got that" I was too stunned to move, he began planting sloppy kissing on my neck and I cringed beginning to shake in fear. Suddenly the doorbell rang and I relaxed a little, but Eliot didn't stop, in fact, he grabbed me and threw me on the floor groping my breast and rubbing his leg into my thighs.

The person at the door knocked once more. I was frozen for a few more seconds before I let out a shrill scream hoping that whoever was at the door would hear me and come to my rescue. Eliot clamped his hand over my mouth as he looked down on me in rage, he put his hand around my neck making it hard for me to breathe. "You little bitch" he said. "MOLLY" I heard Derrick scream from outside. Derrick was here he could beat up Eliot in a heartbeat. I bit into Eliot's hand and he seethed pulling away long enough for me to yell out "DERRICK HELP ME" A second later a rock flew threw my window sending broken shards of glass everywhere, followed by Derrick looking around franticly. When he laid eyes on me and Eliot is face went cold with rage. Eliot got up to tan but I have a feeling he wouldn't be fast enough to escape derricks wrath.

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