Chapter 12: Making the right choice

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Things were finally going smoothly and 'Celestial Cafe' was almost ready.

"Looks like we'll be able to open by tomorrow morning." Celest wiped her forehead as she sat down. You two were arranging the last of the tables and decorations which took you two a lot longer than you expected.

"Yeah, and Tomiko said that the new employees are ready to start tomorrow too so that's a plus." You added with a sigh and took a sip from your sports drink.

You two turned your attention towards the door when you heard it ring. "Looks like I got here just in time." Of course, it was your knight in shining armor coming to the rescue with,

"FOOD!" You shouted.

"Hello to you too Y/n." Izuku chuckled. You were already chomping down on one of the sandwiches and simply wave your hand as a greeting.

"Thanks for coming by Izuku," Celest spoke up seeing you weren't going to talk for a while, well at least until there was no food left. Izuku handed the other bag to your friend before you could take her share away. "How have you been?"

"Good, work is less hectic than usual so that's good." He gave a small smile. "Although after this I've gotta get back. So what's left for the cafe?"

"Just the customers." Celest let out a short laugh. "We got everything done thankfully, all that's left is to open up tomorrow morning."

"Yup! And check it out! We've even got a better sound system than before!" You chimed in since you finally gulped down your food.

"She speaks!" Celest joked making Izuku laugh while you pouted.

"Well I can clearly see that the change was for the better, this place seems bigger than the last one." Izuku started walking around trying to see every little detail. There were more tables, a few new coffee machines, not to mention the spacious storage and extensive baking equipment.

"Yup! Things happen for a reason ya know?"

"Yeah." Izuku took a side glance at you, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Well, I'd better get going. What do you two say about coming to my place tonight to celebrate the grand re-opening?" He offered.

"I've got plans tonight, sorry about that." Celest scratched the back of her head embarrassed about turning his offer down.

"No problem, maybe another time." He turned to look at you. "Pick you up at 7?"

"Sure thing!"


You walked inside the familiar apartment taking off your shoes in the process. It was starting to feel more and more like home every time you would walk in.

"What game do you wanna play today?" Izuku asked as he settled down the grocery bags on the table. You were prepared for that question and rummaged through your bag and took out a tall metal box.

"I brought Jenga!" You announced proudly making your boyfriend laugh.

"Great! Let's eat dinner first and-" Izuku paused for a moment as he looked through the bags.

"What's wrong?" You asked and walked over to him.

"I forgot the drinks,"

"Don't worry about it, we can just drink water." You shrugged not wanting to complicate anything.

"No, I can run down to the store real quick and get us something, can you wait here a while?" He asked politely with his hands clapped in front of him as a sort of apology. You couldn't help but chuckle and playfully roll your eyes.

"Sure go, I'll start setting the table." You waved him away and started getting to work.

"I'll be right back!" Izuku jogged over to the door, slipped on his shoes and was out in seconds. You did as you said and started looking through his cabinets for plates and chopsticks until you hear the doorbell ring.

Did he forget something?

You walked over to the door and opened it with the chain on just in case. "Izuku?" You responded as you peeked outside.

"Huh? No. sorry, I'm actually here to drop this off to a Midoriya Izuku?" The man looked somewhat confused since he didn't see a guy answering the door. You noticed the box in hand and figured you could receive it for now.

"He's not here at the moment but I can receive it." You unlocked the chain and fully opened the door.

"Sure thing." The delivery man handed you a paper to sign and you followed his instructions. "Thank you." He bowed and then left without another word. You watched as he left then got back into the apartment.

The box seemed pretty important since it was white and it wasn't even taped down, I was only held down by flaps.

That's weird, why would- AH FUCK.

You mentally cursed when you bumped into the corner of the table making you drop the box.

Shit that hurt... You rubbed your sore side but you forgot about it when you noticed the box fell open. Shit shit shit! You hurried over to the spilled items and you were about to put it back but to be honest, the green suit caught your attention.

What the...

You lifted it up from the ground and let it unfold, letting your curiosity get the better of you. You were speechless when you noticed it was a hero suit, to be more exact, it was Deku's hero suit.

"Ma-Maybe he cosplays?" You thought out loud. You started folding it back up but you saw a small paper not too far away that probably fell out as well.

I got it fixed up! Hatsume had to help me out this time but I don't think you should have any problems with it anymore. By the way, how are your Boots doing Deku? If you need to repair anything else don't hesitate in asking, Take care! -Higari

You fell to your knees in shock.

So that means...Izuku's the number one hero in Japan... How tHE FUCK DID I NOT-

Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard the doorknob jiggle and out of instinct you immediately put the costume away back in the box along with the note.

"I'm home~" Izuku called out as he took off his shoes.

"Hey," You called out casually. "how'd it go?"

"There was a long line, sorry I took so long." He apologized and settled the bag on the table.

"No prob, hey a delivery man came by and dropped this off." You motioned to the box you left on the couch. Izuku lifted his eyebrows as he walked over to the package, but he noticed the pristine box and you could see how he tensed up slightly, something you probably wouldn't have noticed before.

"O-Oh!" He accidentally stuttered. "Did he mention what was in it, by any chance?" He asked cautiously. This would have been a good moment to say that you knew but something inside of you was stopping you from doing so.

"No, he just said it was a package for you. So I signed it and left it there. Why? What's inside?" Izuku drummed his fingers on the smooth surface as he tried to think of an excuse.

"Probably some important documents the company sent me. What do you say we start eating, I'm pretty sure you must be starving by now." He smiled sweetly towards you and patted your head as he passed by you and towards the kitchen.

"Yeah..." Was all you said seeing how he wanted to keep it a secret.

Someone as important as the number one hero must have a good reason to keep hiding his identity.

You looked towards the kitchen as he took out some glass cups.

I should wait until he tells me himself, there's no point in pressuring him.

"Oh right! I almost forgot." Izuku put the cups on the table and then went for his bag. "One day, while I was heading for the cafe I passed by this place," He took out a small flat box. "And I thought you might like this." You could tell he was trying to be as nonchalant as possible but that blush that spread across his face gave him away.

You carefully to the box from his hand and opened it up to see a silver bracelet.

"Wow, Izuku this is amazing but I-"

"I won't take no as an answer, you deserve that." He gave you his signature smile and you couldn't help but accept.

"Thank's Izuku." You took it out and placed it on your wrist. "I love it," You walked over to him and placed a kiss on his lips. "Thank you." He showed you his signature smile, obviously elated that you liked the gift.

"You're very welcome. Now, let's start serving dinner!" Enthusiastic as usual, he skipped on towards the kitchen leaving you staring at him in aw.

So this dork is the number one hero? 

You let out a chuckled sigh.

Please tell me I'm making the right choice.

~ Celestial-Red & MMSpaMEM ~

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