Chapter 13: What are friends for?

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"We're in the building." Earphone Jack answered in a low voice as she stuck her earplug into the ground. "So far there's no one in the upper floors."

"I'm moving forward." Invisible Girl said as she slowly went ahead.

"Alright, Uravity and I are on standby." Deku looked towards his partner with a nod. It was another day for the heroes at work and they were called to some suspicious activity going on in an abandoned warehouse.

"I've spotted 3 people, two men and one girl. They've got a bunch of computers and what seems like science equipment?" Invisible Girl relayed to the team.

"Wait, there's two more people, they're coming our way, and fast!" Earphone Jack stood up from her crouching position and readied herself for what was to come.

"We're gonna need backup, fourth floor." Invisible Girl instructed quietly, not wanting to give herself away just yet.

Deku and Uravity were instantly on the move and heading towards their friends. "On our way." Invisible Girl felt bad about not being able to help out her friend but now was the time to take advantage of the fact that the enemy was distracted and get the information they needed.

Deku and Uravity rushed into the scene. "Watch out!" Duku called out as a piece of scrap metal was flying towards them. He tackled Uravity to the ground as it flew over their heads. "So he manipulates Metal..." Deku thought out loud as he analyzed the villains movements while Uravity was beginning to blush at their current position.

"You guys alright?" Shouted Earphone Jack as she launched her ear jacks towards the metal user and tied up his feet.

"All good over here!" Deku stood up and gave Uravity a hand.

"From the information we got, they said that one of them has a speed quirk. We need to get our hands on at least one of their computers before they try to escape with them." Uravity composed herself as she focused on the task at hand. Right now is not the time to get flustered.

"Right, I'll get the other two, you and Invisible Girl get the info." With that Deku was already on the move, trying to take out the villains. It wasn't anything too difficult considering that these villains were more likely brains instead of the brawns.

"Ace get out of here now!" It seemed like the leader was the one who gave the order as the girl was slightly in a panic as she tried to get her hands on the computers. She bolted to the main working station and reached for the computer but it slipped right out of her grasp.

"Sorry but I think we'll be taking this!" Invisible girl said, a smile could be heard in her voice. And just as she was gonna reach for anything else she could get her hands on, it was gone.

"What the??"

"Are you the one with the speed Quirk? Gotta be faster than that." Uravity had the tips of her fingers touching each other and it was then the girl realized that her comrades were defeated and they had lost. She fell to her knees and held her hands up in surrender.

The team proceeded in tying them all up and gathering them together.

"So, I'm guessing you're the leader here?" Deku asked seeing him constantly look at everyone.

"So what if I am? What are you gonna do? Torture me until I confess? Well tough luck cause I ain't talking!"

"Alright, so what about you?" Uravity walked in, she was known for being good at getting information out of people. "You surrendered and didn't put up a fight. Do you think you can help us out? We promise you won't be in as much trouble as your leader here." The girl looked no older than 18, her breath was shallow as she considered her options, but one look at her leader and she turned her gaze towards the ground.

And just when Uravity thought she wouldn't budge, she heard her barely mutter, "They sent us here, offering good pay to some and threatening others..."

"You mean Gray Zone?" Invisible Girl asked as she pulled on her gloves. "That person's name is all over these documents." The villains looked at each other, not knowing what to say, meaning there was something more to their story.

"Look, if you tell us who this person is we'll make sure that wherever you're held, you'll be protected just in case this person wants to try and silence you later on." Uravity offered knowing what kind of situation they might be in.

"It's our boss!" The one with dark blue hair answered desperately.

"Shut up!"

"They sent us here! They wanted us to test out some weird thing but they didn't tell us what for and we haven't even gotten any positive results!"

"Now you've done it! Would you shut your trap-!"


"Alright alright, I think that's enough for now." Earphone Jack tried to calm them down. "We're gonna need a unit to come and take them in." She reported to her ear mic.

"And don't worry, we'll take into account how you helped us out." Uravity showed them a soft smile that would warm anyone's heart.

"Hey, we've gotta head out, they're calling us for another mission." Invisible Girl said as Earphone Jack was talking through her ear transmitter.

"Alright, thanks for your help Invisible Girl." Deku thanked.

"We'll see each other soon Earphone Jack!" Uravity waved goodbye to the duo before turning to look at Deku. "We should get this information to the intelligence unit."

"Right." They rushed out as soon as possible and headed for Deku's company building. Once the paperwork was done the two of them headed out pretty late finally in their civilian clothes.

"Man what a long day." Ochaco stretched her arms out to the sky, her bones popping to her satisfaction.

"Yeah, I'm just glad we got that over with." He let out a sigh. "Although we still have work to do." Izuku started making his way to his car with Ochaco closeby.

"But at least that girl was cooperative, and not to mention that guy blurted out enough information for us to get a lead." She said with a smile, trying to see the bright side.

"That's true." He locked the doors once they were both in the car and started the engine.

"Do you mind if we make a stop before I drop you off?" He asked somewhat embarrassed to ask.

"Sure, no problem, I'm not in a big hurry anyway." She said sweetly, enjoying the time she could spend with him.

Izuku drove down the highway, the street lamps zooming by in blurs while a playlist you created was playing in the background. "I didn't know you liked Twenty one pilots." Ochaco started up a conversation.

"Oh, yeah, I only just started listening to a bunch of different types of music. If you want you can choose whichever song you like." He handed her his phone as he kept his eyes on the road. Ochaco took it into her hands and started looking through the songs and she noticed the title of the Playlist.


She shrugged and continued looking through it and chose a few songs. The time passed by quickly and they both arrived.

"Celestial Cafe? This is that place we went for my birthday right?" She said as she got out of the car.

"Huh? Oh yeah! They've got great food here and the coffee is amazing." He smiled. "Want me to treat you to something? You know, for helping me out today?" He offered as he opened the door for her, being kind as usual, but she saw it in a different light.

"Sure! Thanks Izuku." Ochaco walked through the doors, the smell of coffee and sweets in the air.

"Choose whatever you want." Ochaco felt the heat rise up to her cheeks at the thought of him being so kind and considerate. She tried to muster up some courage as she reached out to hold his hand but she stopped midway when she noticed you walking towards them.

"Izuku!" You called out gleefully as you walked over to him and planted a small peck on his lips as you would usually greet him. "Ochaco!" You shouted and rushed to give her a hug. "I'm so glad to see you! How have you been?" You asked, honestly happy to see her again after having such a good time together at her birthday party.

It took Ochaco a few seconds to realize what was going on and to come back to reality. "I've been doing well, we just finished up a mis-" Ochaco noticed how Izuku was shaking his head behind you, not wanting her to spill the beans. "-a job! You know, paperwork and such." She tried to wave it off with an awkward smile. Before you wouldn't have paid much attention to how she was acting but now you saw it differently.

She's a hero too.

"Wow you guys must have had a long day. Why don't you two sit down and have some coffee?" You offered.

"Aren't you going to join us?" Izuku asked.

"I've gotta finish putting away the stage equipment with Tomiko."

"Sure thing, we'll wait for you here, I'm in no hurry." Ochaco said kindly, not wanting to show how she was really feeling about the whole situation.

You gave a thumbs up and scurried away. Ochaco turned her attention back to the number one hero. "So she doesn't know." She picked up the small menu from the table to look though.

"Not yet. Not until Gray Zone is captured." Ochaco could see how worried and stressed out he really was.

"Izuku, I don't want to be that person but..." She reached out and gently placed her hand on his catching his attention. "Even if- Even when you capture this villain, there's gonna be more and you can't save her from everything." Ochaco felt horrible as she spoke, she didn't want to make him feel even worse, but she's his friend and she needed to tell him the truth.

"I know but," Izuku paused, trying to think of a good response but he just couldn't come up with anything at the moment.

"Is...everything okay?" You asked noticing how Ochaco quickly retracted her hand from Izuku's.

"Yeah, we were just worried about this new case we've got." Ochaco tried to play it off although you could see she was trying to cover up something.

"It's nothing to worry about Y/n, Deku will take care of it soon." He showed you a toothy grin and you tried your best to muster up a small smile in return knowing the truth behind his words.

"Right, well, if you guys want I'll take your order since Celest is busy right now." You offered getting a notepad from a nearby table. They both ordered some coffee and dessert and you went on your way. You let them continue their conversation about work, knowing that right now the whole situation was tense.

About half an hour later you heard Izuku call out your name.

"Yeah?" You answered, already changed into your regular clothes.

"We're just about done, you want to come to my place after this?" He asked. You looked back at Ochaco but she wasn't exactly looking at you in the eyes.

"Um, I can't today." You looked away. "I'm heading over to Celest's tonight.

"You are?" Celest chimed in hearing her name being mentioned. You looked at her and with a small gesture wordlessly said 'Roll with it'. "Right! We're having movie night." She smiled brightly towards the two undercover heros. "Don't worry, I'll have her back safe and sound." She gave Izuku a wink.

"Oh, okay, well then I'll see you tomorrow." You could tell he was a bit down since you rejected his offer.

"Yeah, I'll message you later." You walked over to him and gave him a small peck on the lips. "I hope you come by more often Ochaco, it was great to see you again." You gave her a hug and then walked towards the storage room, not wanting to be there anymore.

Izuku was about to follow you but decided it was best to give you some space for now. He would ask if you were okay later.


You arrived at Celest's apartment and flopped on her couch with a long sigh.

"You seem a lot more tired than usual, what's on your mind?" She asked as she settled down some juice and cookies on the center table as if she were attending to a child, but you weren't complaining.

"You knew since the beginning, didn't you?" It wasn't much of a question, more like a statement. Celest smiled sadly as she grabbed a chocolate chip cookie.

"Ever since he walked through the doors that night." She answered. You sat up straight and grabbed a glass of what seemed like orange juice.

"Why didn't you warn me?"

"You seemed so happy with him, I didn't want to ruin it."

"It would have been fine if he were a regular hero maybe, but he's All Might's successor for crying out loud." You sounded exhausted with each word you spoke.

"But he's trying so hard Y/n. Even if he's the number one hero in Japan, he's been by your side more often than any other guy you went out with." Celest turned her body towards you and took the glass from your hand to settle it down on the table and took your hand in hers so she would have your full attention. "He's doing everything he can to be there for you."

"I know but I wish he wouldn't keep it from me. I want to help him, I want to be there for him too but," You thought back to how Ochaco held his hand. "We're on completely different levels."

"So what? That doesn't mean you can't be with him." Your grip on your friend's hands tightened.

"You're right, I've just... I've been feeling a bit confused, that's all." You took a deep breath. "Thanks for talking with me." A smile pulled on the corner of your lips.

"What are friends for?"

~ Celestial-Red & MMSpaMEM ~

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