Additional Lore/Ideas/Side Character Info

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The Gem Caves

- There's Gem Caves located in the tech Kingdom, away from everyone else. They're shut off to everyone except royalty, and most people don't even know about them. The caves are full of crystals, some holding magic or enchantments.
- The people there were referred to as "Gems". They lived in the caves. They were enslaved by the tech Kingdom and are forced to mine for the jewels that the tech royalty uses for power. Most have their own gem that their powers draw from.

The Island

- Island surrounded by thick forests and thorns. It has a power magical energy that it emits, almost calling people in.
- In reality, the island is a fairy tale looking village and huge castle. The "Queen" is a younger girl who can't control her magic, so to cope her magic has made the island and people on it more fairy tale like.
- The people are more like people acting in roles they're given. Each role is like a different fairytale character. Anyone who breaks character too much just... mysteriously disappears.

Spring Kingdom Wildlife

- I just forgot to do it and found cute images for it.

Additional Info for Side Characters

- Third oldest spring kingdom princess (if I decide I want there to be more than just Anastasia and Esme)
- The coldest, most closed off. The Casper of the family, because she is just as rude.
- As a child, Blanche was curious and explored where she shouldn't. She ended up being targeted by people against royalty. Blanche was rescued but she was cursed. There was a single vine on each of her wrists, like a bracelet. Everytime she begins falling in love, the vine grows upwards towards her neck. If she were to completely fall in love, the vines would strangle her.

- Fourth oldest spring kingdom princess
- She's a hopeless romantic. Believes in true love and soulmates. She's also the most flirtatious of the group.
- She inherited the ability to speak to animals and so she does that.
- Pretty much the Disney princess of the family.

- Persephone is the youngest of the spring kingdom princesses, and probably the least responsible. She's known for getting into the most trouble and visiting commoners.
- Has a cat named stick.
- out of everyone she is the least like her family.
- She has no powers

- I'm stupid and forgot to put it in the lore, but Marigold cheated on her husband and had a child. That child's rosella. Marigold just hid the pregnancy and gave Rosella away.
- Rosella is a servant to Anastasia, and knows Adelaide most likely.
- She inherited the plant manipulation magic and mostly gardens.

- One of the Gems in the Tech Kingdom that are/were(?) Enslaved.
- Her gem, like her name, is Lazulite. It gifts her some psychic powers. If she touches someone, she can briefly look through their memories.

- Out of the group, she's the bartender. It makes her more of an information person than a stabbing person (*cough* Jett *cough*). She brings her information to Osivia
- She used to be a noble before she ran and came to the bar.
- She's known for sleeping with people, but it's usually because people are trying to use her for free drinks.

- The crown prince to the throne, granted he only semi wants the throne.
- Born with black angel wings, which is something that usually comes from the Sun Kingdom.. but ya know.

- A fighter in the Dark Kingdom. Previously a pickpocket and thief stealing for her family, was caught and that's why she's forced to fight.
- Has tattoos that are her powers. Example, she has a wave tattoo and she has water powers that way. It makes her tired though.
- if I make her more important, she'll probably be with the border town group.

- Guard and assassin for the winter royal family. Very dedicated to them, but not always by choice since the King is pretty rude.
- entered the tournaments and won as a child, and that's how she was recruited.

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