Fall Kingdom Lore

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Fall Kingdom

- The Fall Kingdom has plenty of forests surrounding it, with trees that are constantly red/green/brown.
- There's plenty of lakes nearby as well. Some have enchantments in them though, good and bad.
- There's places for crops and plants as well.

- The Kingdom is in a constant state of fall weather. So it can go from being warm and sunny, to being cold and rainy. There's more storms towards the end of the year, but it's typically not anything too horrible.

- There's nothing too special about the flowers of the fall kingdom. They're relatively normal. There's some special flowers that can only grow in the fall kingdom, but nothing too notable.

- For the most part, there's lots of normal wildlife like foxes, deer, wolves. There's a large animal population, even though there's hunts hosted throughout the year. There are some special creatures though.
- There are rumored to be fall spirits who try protecting the creatures, and prank the nobility. They're incredibly hard to catch. (The woman in the collage is an example)

King Bram - Travis Van Winkle
Queen Aurelia - Isla Fisher
Prince Henry - Chad Michael Murray
Princess Emberly - Lucy Boynton
- The King has a mistress named Byrne. When he declared her as his mistress and started becoming more harsh, Queen Aurelia ran away and left her children behind.
- When the Queen was still there, she was known for being one of the most kind people there. At least until her husband became power obsessed and too much to handle.

Kingdom Spirit:
Cormac - Jan Francken
- Cormac is very uptight. He believes in tradition and upholding history. He will semi suck up to Clio, but believes he should've been made the head of house instead. He's not a horrible person, but he like, doesn't really have friends.

- Tradition and history are heavily valued in the kingdom. They have a lot of very old ways and are behind in terms of how the world is changing and their ideals.
- Again, there's the power dynamic between men and women unfortunately. With the King in charge, he's put men in a position of power.
- Arranged marriages are ridiculously common here. Marrying for love is only considered around the commoners for the most part.
- Whipping boys are popular here. It's a person who's punished for something someone else did. Upper class, nobility, and the royals use this because they don't want to damage their own faces.

- The Fall Kingdom is one of the better off seasonal kingdoms. While they technically sided with the Dark Kingdom, they just outwardly pretended to side with the Light Kingdom. Their allegiance is really to whoever is in the most power at the moment, which they hope is themselves one day. They're most closely aligned with the Spring Kingdom, due to both of them valuing tradition and looking aesthetically pleasing.

- They actually have a decent amount of agriculture growing, considering the weather. Most of their money is made from the foods and produce sold though. Since they have a lot of furs, and meat for hunting. They're also very well known for their baked goods.

- Royalty is the highest and then nobility. Following after that is the upper class, and lastly the commoners. In terms of living conditions, the commoners are still fine, they're just not treated well by upper class people. The caste system is valued a lot in this kingdom.
- Unfortunately, there's also a bit of a power dynamic between men and women. With the king being a tyrant who does as he pleases, men have relatively more power than men in the kingdom.

- For the most part there isn't too many events where the upper class and lower class mix, but there are some. There's balls hosted and a few holidays, but the most notable events are listed:

Masquerade Ball
- Happens at the very end of the year, usually. There's a huge ball hosted for everyone to attend to. It's a tradition started by the Queen, to help people forget caste for the night. Everyone will wear a mask, and typically there's some sort of costume esque theme.

Baking Competition
- As baking is one of the primary sources of income, every year it has to be decided who will be the provider for the palace that year. So a bake off is hosted, and the winner is paid for the year and bakes for the palace.

Beauty Pageant
- With the vanity of the Fall Kingdom, and the roles women are put into in it, a beauty pageant is also hosted each year. Anyone is allowed to compete in it. The winner typically has a line of suitors by the next morning, which is considered great.

The Hunt/Hunts
- There's multiple regular hunts hosted throughout the year, but only nobility and upper class can participate in the ones with royalty.
- Once a year "The Hunt" is hosted. Instead of animals being hunted down, it's women. It was an event created by the King, shocker. Women hide and and the hunt begins. Whatever man finds the women is their date for the ball hosted that night, it's also how a lot of arranged marriages start.

- There isn't really a particular magic that originates from here. The most popular form of magic is using enchantments to enhance or manipulate. There's also the fall spirits who have magic, but no one usually encounters those. Magic isn't exactly looked down upon here per say, but it's not loved.

- The Kingdom colors are reds, golds, and browns.
- Looking good is something that's valued in the kingdom, for the most part. So even with the class difference, no one is like, walking around in a potato sack.
- With the weather changing a lot, they sometimes wear lighter clothes and sometimes have to layer up.
- Royalty look great at all times. They're always expected to look relatively perfect, especially Emberly.
- The upper class dress very nicely, but also occasionally have clothes they can go on the hunts in.
- commoners don't dress badly, but it's nothing super fancy. They typically have clothes that are a little more modest.

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