Ace Zaraki (Akame Ga Kill Ver.)

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Name: Ace Zaraki
Age: 24
Weight: 69Kg
Height: 5'10"
Appearance (Description or picture):

Personality: Ace is a polite, soft-spoken intellectual, often addressing others by their given names. He rarely shows any sign of alarm or distress, and often has entire situations planned out well in advance. Whenever confronted, Ace is casual and uncaring, attempting to draw out a conversation and make small talk, which often infuriates those he is talking to. Ace initially appears to be a very kind, and well-respected and was looked up to by many, especially his lieutenants. However, this is just a mask to disguise his manipulative, and very dangerous, nature. In truth, he cares very little for his underlings, and is willing to use almost everyone around him as pawns to achieve his goals. He is willing to stop at nothing to further his ambitions, including manipulating or killing anyone if he deems it to be necessary. He frequently toys with others for amusement. In his free time, he often reads, and he gave a special lecture of Imperial Arms at a Academy because he excelled in this branch of arts. This optional course was immensely popular among the Scholar and Knight students, and many of them felt great sorrow at Ace's sudden departure.
As the commander of an army, the Imperial Dynasty, Ace controls his minions through acquired respect or fear. Revealed to Esdeath later on that they are all there to further Ace's ambitions unknowingly. Ace keeps more rowdy individuals like Wave and Kurome in line through intimidation and mind games. The Stray Mercenaries or Knights claims they follow him because he has no fear, something which most alike are born with and find him inspiring for it.
Esdeath has some sense of Ace's emotions and feelings, correctly pointing out Ace was enjoying the invasion by Night Raid. Because of his superior attitude and high intelligence, Ace is easily enraged when facing something or someone which he does not understand; for example, when witnessing Tatsumi not dying even after multiple fatal wounds, Ace becomes furious because he is unable to comprehend how a lowly ape has surpassed him in Willpower.

Background: At an unknown point in the past, Ace became part of the Imperial Army at the age of 13 under special recommendation. He invested himself in the research and creation of the Imperial Arms even before The Empire had even thought of the capabilities. To this end, he sacrificed hundreds of Materials and hundreds of people who bore talents to his own Abilities, but was not satisfied with this. At one point, a young Private watched Ace meet with three other people who were kneeling before him. One of the them handed Ace a Imperial Arm, prompting Ace to put the Imperial Arm in a glass and hand it back to the Man. Ace and his subordinates left an unconscious Private a short distance away. Ace eventually caught Esdeath's attention, and was promoted to a lieutenant in order for her to watch over him closely, but Esdeath's actions only helped further the realization of his plans. A few years later after a meeting. While leaving, Esdeath revealed Ace, who had been concealed behind camouflage. Complimenting his captain, Ace asked Esdeath when she had sensed him there. Stating she had known ever since Ace entered The Empire, Esdeath ordered Ace to follow. Noting his disapproval, Ace commented on how scary a person Esdeath was, prompting Esdeath to say that Ace was the scary one. After a few years working heavily and under the radar with his secret experiments, Ace eventually was promoted with his own control over an army and was reigned as the Empire's 'Most Intelligent General' and eventually was put in along with Esdeath into the Jaegars Squad.

Equipment and Skills:
Genius Intellect: Arguably, the most fearsome trait of Ace is his tremendous intellect. He is well-versed in the history, strategy, and tactics of the World, and is privy to knowledge unknown to many, such as the existence of the Night Raid, The Empires Secrets, Imperial Arms and its method of creation. He has created several Imperial Arms while avoiding any suspicion from the majority of The Empire and Night Raid. For over 25 years since he was only 13, he had been engaging in experiments involving unique and highly dangerous manipulations of People and Materials, including experiments involving the Combining of Imperial Arms and Imperial Arms to create something new. something which had never been done before. He has an innate knowledge of the Imperial Arms, rivalling that of its creators, Even knowing how to destroy them. He figured out the true nature of Night Raid, allowing him to counter their advances with small obstacles. He effectively deduces the true nature of the Empire and Night Raid via trial and error of the situations which revolve around it.

Master Manipulator: Ace has proven himself very crafty and a cunning man since his manipulation of the Empire's Army and Prince. He can deceive and manipulate others around him in different ways for a variety of purposes. For years, he convinced everyone around him he was a kind-hearted man with the best intentions for the people while performing horrific actions in the dark. He has a great talent for analyzing and observing everything in his presence, allowing him to understand a person's pattern of thinking and better manipulate them. He can formulate well thought out plans several steps ahead of others, some of which have a long term in mind. His most well-known plan spans over 15 years since he was only 8 years old to shake the world, a great accomplishment which involved moving people around like pieces on a chessboard and making sure they played the role he had planned out for them. He is masterful at plans within plans, such as kidnapping Tatsumi, allowing him to use his abilities as a User of Incursio to fight The Jaegar's and himself to lure many of Night Raid to him to trap them, making it easier for him to accomplish the goal defeating Night Raid.

Master Strategist & Tactician: Ace has proven himself to be a masterful and flexible tactician, adjusting seamlessly to any given combat situation, if not planning out events well in advance. He understands the strengths, weaknesses and mannerisms of his enemies, and creates strategies to achieve victory; this includes modifying a Human for the sole purpose of defeating Veteran Members of Night Raid like Mine. Despite viewing his power as worlds beyond others, Ace is highly cautious in battle, placing special protections on himself so as to leave no blind spots.

Immense Strength: Ace is strong enough to stop the blade of Akame with his sword and almost cut her in half with a single sword strike. He can stop the Imperial Arms of both Leone and Tatsumi with just one hand and destroy them with a single swing, proving his strength is more than enough to combat any opponent. Ace further displays his strength by cutting through the Imperial Arm and wrist of Sheele Immediately after Najenda used one key to remove the seal on Ace's arm in their HQ, Ace was able to move freely from his bindings without any further intervention from Najenda.

Imperial Arm: Solomon's Catalog

Imperial Arm ability: This Imperial Arm is able to Destroy and use other Imperial Arms

Additional weapons/equipment: Ace has one additional sword which he uses most of the time, he rarely uses his Imperial Arm unless in times which his life is threatened

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