Ace Zaraki (Seven Deadly Sins Ver.)

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First Name: Ace
Last Name: Zaraki
Age: 21
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight

<Traits of Voice>

Language Spoken: Multiple
Style of Speaking: Calm and Elegant
Volume of Voice: Soft

<Physical Appearance>

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 69KG
Eye Color: Light Red
Skin color: White
Distinguishing Features: None
Build of Body: Slim
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Messy
Complexion: Pale
Posture: Straight
Typical Clothing: Black clothing
Is Seen By Others As:


Likes: Reading, Playing Mind Games, Toying with people, Telling Lies and Truths to confuse others, Puzzles, Doing whatever he wants.
Dislikes: Things with no Logic, Boiled Eggs.
Fears: None
Personal Goals: Achieving Godhood
General Attitude: Calm and Resourceful
General Intelligence: Higher than anything else
General Sociability: Easily can win over others with words
Memory: Photographic Memory


Teen Years: At an unknown point in the past, Ace became part of the Liones Army at the age of 13 under special recommendation. He invested himself in the research and creation of War-Beasts even before Liones had even thought of their capabilities. To this end, he sacrificed hundreds of Creatures and hundreds of citizens who bore talents to his own Abilities, but was not satisfied with this. At one point, a young Knight watched Ace meet with three other Demons who were kneeling before him. One of the Demon's handed Ace a Black Sword, prompting Ace to put the Sword in a sheath. Ace and his subordinates left a dead Private a short distance away. Ace eventually caught Gilthunder's attention, and was promoted to a lieutenant in order for Gilthunder to watch over him closely, but Gilthunder's action only helped further the realization of his plans.
Adult Years: In events a few years after, he caused a partial collapse in the Army of Liones for a short duration after causing massive death and havoc to many innocents and knights, he now wanders around listed as Dead for he wasn't found during the Bloodbath of Liones and the Sins took the Blame.


Friends: Anyone he believes will be beneficial
Best Friend[s]: None
Love Interest: A woman who can nearly rival his intelligence


Peaceful or Violent: Both
Weapon: Sword
Style of Fighting: All forms of Sword Styles, Mental attacks, Words.
Magical Ability:

Perfect Control

It controls the five senses to the point where it can make the target misinterpret another person's form, shape, mass, feel, and smell to be an enemy's. The initiation condition for the Magic Ability is to show the enemy the release of his Magic. After seeing it just once, this person will completely succumb to the Magic every time it is released, regardless of how long ago it was seen, as the Subjects from the practices Ace performed since he was 3 were affected even after over 15 years. When Ace turns off the Magic by force of will, the image shown melts away or shatters. The complete Magic of Perfect Control is absolutely flawless; even if the target is aware of being under the Magic, they cannot resist its influence. The hypnotic abilities of Perfect Control make it a highly useful tool in combat, for Ace can create simple or complex illusions to deceive his opponents. For example, by creating a decoy of himself, or other illusions to distract his opponents, Ace can hide his own movements and attack with impunity.

Special Abilities:
Genius Intellect: Arguably, the most fearsome trait of Ace is his tremendous intellect. He is well-versed in the history, strategy, and tactics of Britannia, and is privy to knowledge unknown to many, such as the existence of Demon Magic and the method of creation Magic. He has created several Demon-like Creatures while avoiding any suspicion from the majority of Liones and everyone. For over 15 years since he was only 6, he had been engaging in experiments involving unique and highly dangerous manipulations of People and Demons, including experiments involving the Combining of Magic, something which had never been done before. He has an innate knowledge of the Sins, rivalling that of them; Themselves, even knowing how to destroy them. He figured out the true nature of Meliodas' Full Counter, allowing him to counter its effect. He effectively deduces the true nature of the Sins Abilities via trial and error of the situations which revolve around them.
* Master Manipulator: Ace has proven himself very crafty and a cunning man since his public betrayal of the Liones Military. He can deceive and manipulate others around him in different ways for a variety of purposes. For years, he convinced everyone around him he was a kind-hearted man with the best intentions for the people while performing horrific actions in the dark. He has a great talent for analyzing and observing everything in his presence, allowing him to understand a person's pattern of thinking and better manipulate them. He can formulate well thought out plans several steps ahead of others, some of which have a long term in mind. His most well-known plan spans over 5 years since he was only 14 years old to shake Britannia, a great accomplishment which involved moving people around like pieces on a chessboard and making sure they played the role he had planned out for them. He is masterful at plans within plans, such as using the Deadly Sins to fight Hendrickson, allowing Hendrickson to easily find a Demon Corpse and to use the blood of the Demon to extend the life of himself as the plan behind the plan and hand lure many of his enemies into his hideout to trap them, making it easier for him to accomplish the goal invading the Kingdoms when they send out their knights or hires.
* Master Strategist & Tactician: Ace has proven himself to be a masterful and flexible tactician, adjusting seamlessly to any given combat situation, if not planning out events well in advance. He understands the strengths, weaknesses and mannerisms of his enemies, and creates strategies to achieve victory; this includes modifying a Animal or Creature for the sole purpose of defeating Holy Knights like Guila. Despite viewing his power as worlds beyond others, Ace is highly cautious in battle, placing special protections on himself so as to leave no blind spots.
* Martial Artist: Ace is so fast, opponents commonly cannot discern even being attacked by him until after it has taken place. Ace can easily outmaneuver Escanor's Fastest slash and Gilthunder's Fast lighting strikes to the point where he could casually lay a hand on Merlin's Breast and still dodge a point-blank attack. Ace can dodge simultaneous attacks at close-range and evade Magic, and even when being attacked from behind.
* Master Swordsman: Ace is a highly skilled swordsman, with his skill supplemented by his immense strength. He can perform tremendously powerful and precise strikes and cut through very sturdy targets, such as buildings and Demons. He cut down four Demons and four Apprentice Holy Knights with ease, and easily overpowered a Demon Awakened Hendrickson.
* Hand to Hand Combat Master: While preferring to finish his fights quickly with his Sword, Ace is a highly capable unarmed fighter. Repeatedly, Ace has caught his opponent's weapons with a single hand. While fighting offensively, he exhibits tremendous agility and dexterity, combining both sword and barehanded skills to simultaneously strike with his sword and kick opponents with great force.
* Immense Magic: Even by Great Holy Knight or Sin standards, Ace possesses a tremendous amount of Magic Power. When Ace noted that the Magic in its half-awakened state can be fully activated when temporarily fusing with someone else's Magic with at least twice as much Magic power as an average Holy Knight, he calmly proved able to do so himself. He claims he is more powerful than all of the Holy Knights. Even after spending a year and a half sealed away in Solitary and losing most of the powers granted to him by his Magic, Ace's Magic Power increased to the point where restraining him to a Magic-suppressing item after his release was necessary to keep it in check. His Magic is violet and very Violent. His immense Magic is the reason why Ace was chosen as the Special Holy Power by the Great Holy Knights.
* Master Magic Control: Merlin stated Ace's mere presence is monstrously overwhelming. The force of Ace's Magic is great enough to, without any effort, bring Normal people, and even the strongest Emerald Ranks, to their knees. He has stated it takes a lot for him not to "crush an ant" in his path. He can focus his Magic to break through dense barriers that are permeated with Magic or Items

Magical Power Level: 450,000


Occupation: Wanderer
Current Home: None
Favorite Types of Food: Steak
Favorite Types of Drink: Wine
Hobbies: Gaining Knowledge
Talents: Strong, Highly Intelligent, Good with Money, Exceeds Normality in Tactics.
Favorite Colors: Black and White

Music Theme: In Emptiness

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Battle Theme: Cometh the Hour

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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