Ciel Schnee (Remastered RWBY Ver 1.5)

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Remastered Ness Arnett

Introduction of Character

Name: Ciel Schnee
Nickname: Ice Prince, Lord of Ice
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Symbol: Schnee Snowflake

Affiliation(s): Atlas Academy, Atlas Military, Schnee Dust Company

The Character's Appearance
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 57Kg
Eye Colour: Crystal Blue
Hair: Short White Hair
Complexion: Snow White

About The Character
Status: Active
Occupation: Hunter, CEO of Animus Industries, Atlas Specialist.

Handedness: Right
Clothing: Black Arctic Coat with white fur sleeves and Black fur hood, Grey Scarf, Black Long Sleeved Shirt, Black Dress Pants, black dress shoes,
Outfit Colours: Black and White
Physical Characteristics: Piercing Blue eyes, 'Property of W.F' Branded on back.
Accessories: Black Mittens when he has to shake hands with the Poor or Faunus, and a single Topaz earring in his left ear.

Personality: Ciel is a staunch realist, believing those Faunus who risk their lives in the SDC to be street trash at the mercy of society and those with superior abilities and initiative. By reputation Ciel is a master of human psychology and the art of observation, displaying acts of insight so profound his abilities appear supernatural. Ciel is very strict, proud, and accustomed to a luxurious lifestyle. As a result, He also refuses to stay in a poor environment for long periods of time. Ciel is stern with his orders, especially in the assertion of his authority, because he expects his workers to complete them without any shortcomings. Ciel often finds it entertaining to challenge others in areas of both strength and skill. He and Winter frequently work together, and only the latter seems to be fully aware of Ciel's schemes. Furthermore, Ciel has a relatively cold outlook on life. His main goal is for those who have those of the Faunus to experience the same level of humiliation and suffering he did growing up. During his time as a slave to the White Fang who tortured him cruelly, he was branded with a mark he absolutely does not want other people to see. The symbol was burned into his skin located on the back middle torso. Ciel possesses unwavering determination — instead of falling into hopelessness, Ciel chooses to die without regrets by working hard to fulfill his revenge, despite Weiss's insistence that he should live a happier life. He often compares predicaments to games such as chess, and is willing to gamble with his life on the line to win them. As the CEO of Animus Industries, Ciel possesses business acumen and impressive keenness in management affairs. Cunning and artful, he successfully administers both his company and branches of the SDC simultaneously. His greed is described as "knowing no boundaries"; when he learned that a Famous Actor could double the sales of his new product, he immediately put up advertisements of her for promotion. He is undaunted by dense mysteries and macabre cases, and confident that he will be able to solve them all. He is readily prepared to resort to dishonest measures such as bribery, as long as he can gather more information on enemy companies and do his job swiftly and efficiently — though, he claims it is simply flexibility on his part. As his duty sometimes obliges him to disguise himself, he is quite a versed actor; unscrupulous, he has no qualms about lying and believes that humans do not as a species. He is merciless with his enemies, and does not hesitate to command his special task force of assassins to eradicate anyone who stands in his way. Ciel displays signs of post-traumatic stress disorder because of the abuse he went through, as a slave in the White Fang. He occasionally has flashbacks of the traumatic event, and when he does, he would become completely unaware of his surroundings. Due to his horrific past, Ciel seldom smiles. He had once admitted that he has forgotten how to smile happily, though after being Smile (Disguise) he appears to be much better at smiling naturally, though he is usually faking it. Ciel does, however, show genuine concern for the well-being of those close to him. For instance, he jumped in front of a Ursa to guard Weiss. He had also sworn to protect her from a horde of violent Beowolves. He pays ample attention to the needs of his servants; when he had heard that they desired new items, he went shopping with them and provided them with necessities. Although he usually presents himself as a solemn and mature person, Ciel can be rather childish at times. He is exceedingly competitive, a trait which he acknowledges himself. He is unsatisfied with withdraws, and refuses to quit until a victor is declared. Jacques had noted that because of Ciel's talent in competition, he tends to overestimate his skills and think that he can never lose. Nonetheless, the experience of losing to Ozpin in a hunting game humbled Ciel quite a bit. Despite his genius intellect, Ciel is masterful at using his Semblance.

Fear(s): Allowing the White Fang to exist.
Likes: Sweets, Rich Areas, Money, Winter, Weiss, Killing Faunus in his way, destroying each remnant of the White Fang.
Dislikes: Faunus, the White Fang, Menagerie, Jacques.
Habit(s): PTSD Flashbacks of the White Fang if sitting in rooms with Faunus for long periods of time.
Fatal Flaw(s): Loses composure when fighting Faunus in rage.

Strengths: Ciel is able to command a vast number of troops under his rank, and had the authority, prestige, influence to revoke any Headmasters's title at any time. Most of all, he had the ability to order a Blitzkrieg attack on any island that he deems a threat. In fact, his overall abilities were so vast that Ironwood personally suggested to the Council that Ciel should become the succeeding Council Leader.
He is also a skilled navigator, being able to travel the world of Remnant with a bike. Along with this, he is very powerful, as being an Atlas Specialist grants him the title of the strongest individual fighter within Remnant and Atlas Military, and is able to fight against notably powerful figures such as Qrow Branwen, defeating him with relative ease even though Qrow was distracted during the fight, and could even fight Hazel and Tyrian themselves equally. He was able to easily overpower Yang and the other members of RWBY single-handedly. He also appears to have great speed, appearing behind Glynda without her noticing until he made his presence known. Aside from that and his Semblance's powers, Ciel's physical prowess are also extremely high, as he is able to repel simultaneous attacks from Ruby, Weiss, and Blake without taking any damage, and took a Explosive imbued kick from Mercury and was seen with no injuries moments later. Ciel even took a Explosive punch from Yang whilst at low Aura, only receiving a minor cut on his lip.

Frost Cocoon:

Ciel is able to conceal himself in the safety of a cocoon made entirely of ice to defend against attacks. Anyone who attacks this Cocoon would be immediately impaled by a Spiral Icicle.

Ciel tends to use this ability when dealing with fast opponents to hit them with a perfectly timed attack.
Instant Icicle Spears:

Ciel can summon forth multiple large icicle spears capable of impaling Humans.

Ice Shooter:

Ciel is capable of freezing certain particles in the air to the point of creating lances which can pierce Mech's.

Frozen Dominion:

By touching the ground, Ciel is able to freeze anything and everything within a 30 Step Radius around him, leaving anyone within it in a Frozen State.

Ice Summons:

Much like the rest of his Family, he is capable of summoning creatures completely composed of Weiss, though unlike Weiss, he does not use it for every fight he has.

Flash Freeze:

Ciel is capable of narrowing down the path of what he freeze's as well as how much he wants to freeze within an instant from anywhere he touches.

Frozen Navigation:

Ciel is capable of Freezing the water below him as he rides across the ocean on any vehicle, meaning he could potentially just freeze multiple miles of ocean until he reaches his destination.

Blizzard Cometh:

Due to the unique nature of Ciel's semblance, it oftentimes happens to Blizzard wherever he goes, while it's a rare occurrence, it usually happens when he's in distress. When he visited Vacuo and met a Faunus there, the desert grew colder and a blizzard occurred in the hot temperatures.

Weaknesses: Faunus drive him mad, He is affected by Area attacks and Fire Attacks.

Weapon Name: (None)

Weapon Description:

Ciel is a Semblance-based fighter.

Relationship With Others
Cold-Hearted Prince of Ice, The Frost Monarch, Monopolizer, The unexpected talent, The Branded, Faunus Hater, Faunus Killer, White Fang Oppressor, 2nd Schnee Child.
Friends: Winter, Ironwood, Weiss, Whitley, Ozpin, Glynda.
Team: None
Enemy(ies): Salem's Faction, Canine Barca, The White Fang, Faunus, Rival Companies, Menagerie.

The Character's Abilities
Agility:    10/10
Swordsmanship:    5/10
Long Range Accuracy:   4/10
Defense:   10/10
Offense:   10/10
Aura:  10/10
People Skills:   10/10

Special Skill(s)/ Semblance:

Ice Monarch

Ciel has a Semblance that allows him to control, create, and become ice. He can create enough ice to cover a entire Nevermore, a Sea Feilong or several square miles of ocean within mere moments. He was even able to freeze the tsunamis created by Titan Grimm, despite their size surpassing that of Atlas Barriers. In battle, he uses his ice powers to disable and immobilize enemies, freezing their bodies solid just by touching them, and threatening to shatter their fragile forms. He is also capable of breaking himself into his particular element to avoid damage from most physical attacks. Ciel also has extreme amounts of resistance towards cold, due to his Semblance. This Semblance is so powerful that his usage of it during his battle with Salem permanently changed the weather on one side of the Dark Continent, turning that side into a frozen wasteland. In addition, Ciel is one of the few people in the world who has adapted their Semblance to travel efficiently across the sea. In his case, he freezes the water underneath his bike, and then rides across the sea, due to the water freezing as the wheels pass over it.
Ciel is shown to be quite adept at using weapons formed out of his ice, such as swords, spears, and tridents.

Brief History: Ciel was a regular child in the past who maintained a cheerful disposition. He would often smile and play with his family along with Weiss Schnee, his younger sister, and his younger brother "Whitley". Weiss said that when he were there, Schnee Mansion was full of smiles.
On the brothers' tenth birthday, he was running through the manor when he came across his dead servants, He called for help and ran into Klein, who urged the young boy to flee. Before he could say more, however, Klein was attacked from behind by an unseen assailant who then grabbed Ciel.
Ciel was then sold, and his kidnappers commented that the former is rare and worth more than two people. He was bought and Ciel was branded by his new owners, giving him the mark of "Property" He cried that he was hurt, dirty, and homesick.
The buyers initially treated him kindly, giving Ciel a bath and treating him to a splendid feast, including game meat. Ciel, cheered by this turn of events, that he thinks he has been saved by "a really nice person." He was dressed and brought into a room filled with masked Faunus. They declared that they wished to raise their Revolution to a new level in power, and that Ciel was a lamb, pure and innocent soul, brought to fulfill that purpose by being defiled, as the Humans supposedly desired unclean and tainted souls. Ciel was then attacked and violated.
He was then chained in a cage while masked Faunus looked on and remarked about what a splendid evening they will have. Ciel sadly wondered why no one was there to help him. One of the masked Faunus then placed Ciel on a table as a sacrifice, and he was stabbed multiple times while the rest looked on gleefully.
Fully embracing that there was no God coming to save him, Ciel managed to summon his Semblance which he later named Ice Monarch, it was the semblance that only a few Schnee's would possess, one being his Grandfather. It appeared in its true form and told Ciel that what he had sacrificed will never return. Ice Monarch asked Ciel if he wanted to make a contract and have his wish granted. Ciel declared that he wanted the power to take revenge on those who mistreated him. The White Fang tried to stop him from talking, but Ciel and the Ice Monarch forged their contract. He then used his Semblance to kill his attackers; Ciel then froze and shattered the building. Finally, Ciel stated his absolute orders: Nobody must protect the White Fang nor Faunus who engage with him. The first place Ciel traveled to was the nearest SDC-affiliated Hospital, to where he was reunited with Weiss 5 years after his kidnapping.


Ciel was tortured and Raped by the White Fang for 5 entire years.

He was 9 when he was Kidnapped, 14 when he escaped.

Theme: Velkhana

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