Famine Fatale (Remastered RWBY Ver.)

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Plague Remaster

Introduction of Character

Name: Famine Fatale
Nickname: Pestilence
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race: Faunus (Crow)

Symbol: Rod of Asclepius

Affiliation(s): Nekro's Clan

The Character's Appearance
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 61Kg
Eye Colour: Aqua
Hair: Messy Golden Blonde
Complexion: Olive

About The Character
Status: Active
Occupation: Ghost Surgeon, Doctor, Scientist, Biological Surgeon, Torturer, Leader of Nekro's Organ Trafficking and Ghost Surgery Branch.

Handedness: Both
Clothing: White jacket with a high collar, which covers the lower part of her face downward, while baring a good portion of the lower half of her large breasts. The jacket has a zipper running along its entire length, which is opened from the bottom upwards. It has a beige air filter on either side just below the trim. The jacket's sleeves completely envelop her arms, terminating in black glove-like extensions at her extremities, resembling the appearance of a cat's paw.
Outfit Colours: White and Black
Physical Characteristics: Tattoo of 3 on the left side of her right breast, 2 Scars on back to where wings would be located.
Accessories: Her Gas mask consist of the sides of her face, her mouth, and an extensive area below and around her neck extending down to, and also covering, her breasts. She usually hides this from view with her jacket.

Personality: Famine is a skilled manipulative sadist. According to Nekro, Famine was a former surgeon dismissed from a hospital for a medical accident two years prior to becoming Leader of Nekro's Organ Trafficking and Ghost Surgery Branch. However, the deaths were not accidents but were just cover-ups for Famine to freely operate on them, diagnosing healthy patients ill before doing so. She would sometimes limit their anesthetics so the patients would regain consciousness mid-operation, allowing her to delight in the patient's suffering as she experiments on her unwilling subjects, placing Parasites into them. Fancying herself a doctor, Famine is driven by her morbid curiosity, insisting on recording every death she witnesses and enjoying every single moment, as she claims these are for her own personal progress as a surgeon and scientist. Her sadism gives her enough ruthlessness to even endanger Salem and Adam. Famine is also prone to gloating, presenting her philosophy of one's own progress at the first opportunity and expressing her enjoyment at others' suffering loudly as her experiments come to bear results. Famine has also revealed to Gale that she believes in a theory of happiness. This theory claims that true happiness can be derived from two kinds of situations: When one's despair is replaced with hope as circumstances get better for them, and when one looks down on another falling into despair themselves, the latter of which Famine takes preference.
Despite her sadistic nature, Famine is very fond of her servant Meat, treating him as a pet of some sort and giving him treats regularly. She even confides her ambition of surpassing Nekro during a fight between her and Sun in her confidence over her invincibility of deadly diseases and various medical dangers. She also seems to get off on the suffering of those she infects, shamelessly groping herself as her enemies suffer in agony and also loves to flirt with boys younger than herself as well as tease them with her body lustfully.

Fear(s): Running out of Diseases, Infections, Parasites, and Subjects to use.
Likes: Operating on Patients, testing her diseases, infections, and Parasites on patients, experimenting with illnesses to become more potent, torturing people, pleasuring herself with the suffering of others, Her pet Meat.
Dislikes: Being hindered by societies laws and views, Ozpin, Ironwood, People hurting her pet Meat.
Habit(s): Groping her breasts when she fantasizes about making innocent boys squirm in agony as her hazardous diseases destroy their bodies.
Fatal Flaw(s): Extreme Levels of Insanity.

* Famine's great medical ability and experience allows her to heal practically any sickness or injury, even if it is terminal. She is said to be so skilled that she can distort Brother's rules of life and death.
* She however cannot bring back the dead, patients must be brought to her alive in order for her to heal them and she is also unable to heal specific brain-related injuries, such as Amnesia. However, in the latter case, she was able to configure Qrow's Aura to control his Semblance with support from a healthy parasite.
* Due to her years of experience, Famine is also extremely perceptive, mentally and emotionally.
* She is easily able to guess what one of her patients wants to accomplish and usually already has what they have in mind. If she is unable to procure what the patients want, then she usually has a backup plan in mind.
* She is also capable of using sign language.
* Surgical Genius: Famine's sick experiments gave her an intimate knowledge of the human body, especially which body parts she can cut while preserving her patients life. Her surgery skills are great, as she could perform surgery on herself quickly enough to bisect her own body. In addition, her knowledge of medical tools and sealing blood vessels allows her to limit her blood loss so that she wouldn't bleed out.

Weaknesses: Only interested in Patients, outsiders trying to stop her fun will end up becoming a Subject to her hands.

Weapon Name: Myiasis

Weapon Description:

(Mainly uses the sickle, uses the sword when needing to bisect)

Relationship With Others
The Pervert Doctor, Lady Fatale, 4th Horsewoman of Apocalypse, Plague, The Hunter, The Torturer, Mad Doctor.
Friends: Meat, Elf.
Team: None
Enemy(ies): Atlas, Police, Academies.

The Character's Abilities
Agility:    6/10
Swordsmanship:    4/10
Long Range Accuracy:   2/10
Defense:   10/10
Offense:   10/10
Aura:  6/10
People Skills:   10/10

Special Skill(s)/ Semblance: 

Night Vision

As a Faunus, Famine is capable of seeing in the dark.


Famine spreads a deadly hazardous cloud of Disease and Infection, which eventually consumes people's flesh. The Cloud growth is triggered by a lowering of altitude and has unlimited range, as long as other people are infected with it. She is also capable of speeding up the process of other infections, diseases, and Parasites.

Brief History: As a child, Famine lived in abject conditions and was even homeless at some point. As she puts it, she regretted the moment of her own birth, feeling that her birth into the world was a mistake. Due to her interest in Surgery and the Human Structure she became bored with the world and more intrigued by the mysteries of Diseases, Parasites which could easily kill Kings. Because of that, she took an interest in Despair and Death, which she believes is unpredictable and exciting, at a very young age. As a child, she was close with Law Kojiro, who later she tortured into becoming her personal pet, Meat. Both of them didn't have any other friends. One particular moment between the two when they were elementary school students was when Famine spent a month operating on his body at the public park in Vale, and she even used very advanced techniques for her age. The surgery got closer to completion and many people from around the neighborhood came over just to watch her work. With all this attention, she released a gas of disease from her Semblance and everyone was infected with various diseases and fatal parasites. Famine had a strong desire to "paint the world in despair" and planned to start The Plague, the most brutal Incident in the history of mankind at the Public Park in Vale as everyone caved into Pestilence. Because of her strong desires and clear borderline insanity. Nekro drew her over to the Underground because of his promise to give her "Endless Pleasure" to live her entire life dedicated to him. She couldn't resist his offer when he added a bonus of endless test subjects so that she can create the ultimate disease nobody can cure. She was also placed as one of the 4 Most Dangerous Apocalyptic Beings on Remnant. Holding the 4th Position, the Apocalypse of Pestilence.

Trivia: She likes to tease teens such as Jaune with her body. 4th Horseman, Horsewoman of Pestilence

Theme: Templum Maleficus

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