Dantè Dragovich (Scrapped Remastered RWBY Ver 1.5)

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Introduction of Character

Name: Dantè Dragovich
Nickname: Lord of Cinder
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Symbol: Fire League

Affiliation(s): Anarchist (Former), Atlas Military (Current)

The Character's Appearance
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 64Kg
Eye Colour: Amber
Hair: Red hair which kept short, ruffled, and spiked, with one strand of hair near the opposite sides of his head falling over his face.
Complexion: White

About The Character
Status: Active
Occupation: Colonel of the Atlas Military Demolitions Brigades.

Handedness: Left
Clothing: Dantè wears a black, leather jacket with a fur collar and a white V-neck underneath. He wears dark blue, denim jeans held up by a simple brown belt, with a silver chain attached from the belt to his back pocket, additionally with black shoes to top off the rest of his outfit.
Outfit Colours: Black, Red, Blue, and white.
Physical Characteristics: Muscular
Accessories: A silver ring on the right handed wedding finger, and a Necklace with a Uncut dust-shaped Charm with his Dog-tag. He also has a piercing in his left ear

Personality: Despite his status as a Colonel, Dantè actually cares little about the title and at one point in his life, questioned why he even had it. He is quite lazy and spends a lot of his time sleeping, which he does so much that he is able to fall into a deep sleep in a matter of seconds. Likewise, he is not affected from being woken up by a head slam, reacting calmly when such an incident occurs. In contrast to this casual nature of his, Dantè has been said to be the most violent-tempered of all the Military Ranks, such a statement being more evident in his younger years. Dantè also appears to have bad manners. Ironwood notes that he has complained about being served food from the schools Cafeteria yet eats it all anyway. Food is occasionally an attribution to Dantè's dark sense of humor. He once suggested to name a dog "B1" and grew hungry once he looked at a Dog, which is a known recipe of the dog to be commonly eaten in Vacuo.
Dantè possesses a genuine relationship with all of his Underlings and cares for their well-being. However, since his Wife's disappearance, he has since been more quiet and distant towards them. Nonetheless, his genuine concern for them has not wavered and he remains close to his Underlings. Dantè is an avid smoker, having smoked since his early twenties.

Fear(s): The loss of Cinder
Likes: Playing with Fire, Smoking, Sleeping, Being Lazy.
Dislikes: Winter Schnee, Schnee Family, Ice and Water.
Habit(s): Sleeping suddenly in conference
Fatal Flaw(s): In due time, his Smoking Habit will kill him.

Fire Aura: With his Semblance, Dantè has power over fire, imbibing itself in his red-colored Aura. When exerted, the Aura has great offensive potential to allow Dantè to attack his enemies. The Aura also provides defense, as it was able to protect Dantè against the attack of Cinder, The Fall Maiden and Ex Wife whom is an incredibly powerful combatant.
* Great Flame Slash: Dantè engulfs his Weapon with his Fire and holds it in the air. A wave of the Fire is ejected and sent towards a great distance at a relatively high speed. It is able to horizontally slice through an entire clock tower and cause the upper half to collapse. This flame is hot enough to scorch and melt metal.

* Illusion Breaking: Dantè's Aura was able to effortlessly break and disintegrate one of Emerald's most powerful illusions to date just by releasing his aura into his surroundings.
Aside from the powers granted by the His Semblance, Dantè possessed immense physical strength which is attained from the extremely rigorous training in the harsh environment of Atlas mainly from hunting and fighting wild Grimm since childhood. His incredible physical prowess were supplemented by his extraordinary fighting skills. Even in his early childhood, he was able to beat some local thugs who spoke ill of his father "half to death", he was also shown sitting on top of a huge Nevermore killed with his fire. He could also easily break a giant tree with a single kick. In his childhood, before he unlocked his Aura and Semblance, Dantè was able to best school bullies in every single sparring match, despite being untrained at the time.
Dantè demonstrated his strength during his battle with Cinder: he was able to take Cinder's attacks, which were so powerful that the first made Dantè cough up blood and the second nearly broke his neck, and retaliate. Winter noted that, as expected of the Colonel Demolition division Leader, Dantè's basic combat skills were quite formidable even without his Semblance. Dantè has shown the ability to control heat and fire. This ability is first used when he barbecues a Beowolf simply by touching it. Later, he makes the flame of a candle grow by holding his hand over it. He is also capable of freely controlling his own body temperature, which is higher than a normal human's, as Winter, upon touching him, says that he is "hot", not "warm". Dantè can also set his whole body or parts of it on fire and is immune to the flames emitted by his Great Firesword or by others.


Dantè sets his entire body on fire, also burning everything in the near vicinity.

Final Devastation

A more powerful Ignition Attack, Boasting increased range and heat, it is first used to destroy a White Fang base stationed near Argus.

Flame Body Modification

Dantè can create different forms of flames on his body, without his weapon he can form a Fire spear on his hand which can burn off limbs of enemies and scorch the untouched skin, a drill-like fire which can pierce and melt skin, a large fire fist which can be used to singe skin and burn through the opponent, he can shoot fire-like bullets from his fingers to burn holes into whatever he fires at.

Weaknesses: His fire can be put out with Water unless he does it to boil the water.

Weapon Name: Great Firesword

Weapon Description:

He can ignite the entire sword in flame, Fire Dust has been infused into the blade, though it will never shatter due to the constant use, forming the sword slowly into Obsidian Alloy

Relationship With Others
The Lazy General, Colonel of the Pyro's, Pyromaniac, ill-willed Leader, The Fall Bachelor.
Friends: Qrow
Team: None
Enemy(ies): The White Fang, Cinder, Salem, Grimm.

The Character's Abilities
Agility:    3/10
Swordsmanship:    6/10
Long Range Accuracy:   4/10
Defense:   9/10
Offense:   10/10
Aura:  10/10
People Skills:   6/10

Special Skill(s)/ Semblance:

Heir to the Eternal Flame

He is able to use his Semblance to ignite his Aura on fire, unaffected by it. He is able to use it like a weapon, expending Fire from his body and enhance his weapon. He can even consume more fire in order to make his attacks more powerful and weave Fire around like a walking Fire Hazard.

Brief History: Dantè had gestated in the womb of his mother, Cecilia Dragovich, for five months when his father, Ivan Dragovich, was killed. To protect Dantè, Cecilia kept him in her womb for an additional 15 months, giving birth to him in Atlas a year and three months after Ivan's death but dying from the exertion immediately afterwards.
Dantè was placed in the custody of A local Captain of a Cruise ship, who put him in the care of Faunus, the family of Bellora in Mistral. During his childhood, Dantè would encounter people who voiced their hatred of Faunus and any offspring they might have, causing him to feel alone and worthless. Once, this led to him nearly beating some of them to death, shocking the Faunus. When the Captain came to visit, Dantè asked if he should have been born at all, and the Captain replied he could only find that out by living. Dantè later met Cinder in Mistral, which Cinder claimed to be from. The two shared a dream of becoming anarchists, and stole money and treasure in preparation for the day they would set off to become what they wanted.
One day when he was ten, After hunting a buffalo when the Captain brought his daughter Melody to live with them. After the family ate the buffalo he caught, Dantè ran off and Melody chased after him, wanting to be friends. Dantè met with Melody one day, and they compared the treasure that they had stolen. But Melody heard and she found out about their dream to become Anarchists, Dantè and Cinder tied Melody up and decided to kill her, but were unable to. Suddenly, Goons of the White Fang came in, searching for Dantè who had stolen his money. A goon captured Melody, and to Dantè's horror, Melody called out to him. the Goon took Melody away to get Dantè's location out of her, Dantè and Cinder worked to move their treasure to another location. When Cinder returned after moving the last of the treasure, she revealed that Melody had not revealed Dantè's location, to Dante's shock. He and Cinder then broke into the Goons' hideout to rescue Melody, and the leader grabbed Dantè, but Cinder freed him before rescuing Melody. Dantè and Cinder stayed behind to fight the Leader, defeating him. Afterwards, Dantè asked Melody why she risked death rather than revealing his location, and Melody revealed that Dantè was the only person she had. Since the trio's actions would make them well-known to the town, Dantè and Melody brought Cinder into the Bellora Household.
One day, however, Cinder was found by a woman named Salem and forcibly took Cinder. Dantè tried attacking, but was grabbed away by Grimm arms coming from the ground. Salem told Tyrian to do whatever they wished with Melody and Dantè while she took Cinder away, but Cinder promised to go without a fight if Dantè and Melody were spared. Afterwards, Tyrian told Dantè and Melody that Cinder was fortunate to be given the life of a servant to the Goddess, and kept his agreement to not harm the two and left. That night as they prepared to sleep, Melody wondered if Cinder was all right, but Dantè reminded her that they were trying to forget about her. Later, Nicki Bellora came and told Dantè that Melody had gone out into Remnant only for her to be eaten up by a pack Beowolves. Dantè went to avenge Melody, only for Nicki to force him down. Nicki said that the Grimm killed Melody and Dantè would have no chance of avenging her until he grew stronger, ordering her family to tie him up. The next morning, Dantè was released after calming down, and received a letter from Melody explaining her decision to set out into Remant early, expressing her desire to see the world Dantè went to the coast, where he sat; still crying. Dantè promised to get stronger and pleaded not to die before getting Vengeance for Melody. Dantè promised himself not to, for he had to live for their lives with no regrets, and decided to set sail as an Anarchist when he turned 17. As things returned to normal, Dantè continued adventuring as he sought to become stronger and more independent, although he at first struggled to accomplish things without Cinder.
At the age of 17, Dantè set out from Mistral and began his life as a Anarchist.
When Dantè turned 24 in his Criminal Career as an Anarchist, he met Cinder once again, strong and even more beautiful. She seemed to be different though, personality-wise. They happily married for 3 Years, in that time she found two friends by the names of Emerald and Mercury, unaware of her plans. They were happy... but Cinder had her own plans. She wanted power, craved it so that her and Dantè could be together forever and alas it all failed when Dantè escaped, to atone for his sins and realizing the true threat of what he knew was Salem at what she did to Cinder and what Cinder had told him; entered the Atlas Military where he waged battles with many People and made many Enemies. He still deep down loves Cinder, but he knows how wrong she is for her Lust for power unless he gets corrupted himself.

Trivia: Dantè and Cinder were a married couple for 3 Years. Dantè joined the Atlas Military when he was 27, in 2 years. His Semblance and Feats earned him the rank of Colonel and becoming the Leader of a newly formed Demolitions Brigade.

Theme: Soul of Cinder

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