Infinity (Remastered RWBY Ver 1.5)

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Introduction of Character

Name: Infinity
Nickname: Lord of Wind
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Symbol: Wind Guard

Affiliation(s): Beacon Academy

The Character's Appearance
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 50Kg
Eye Colour: Blood-Red
Hair: Long Brown Hair.
Complexion: White

About The Character
Status: Active
Occupation: Huntsman-In-Training

Handedness: Left
Clothing:Black Hoodie, White Long-sleeved shirt with the right ripped off, Black jeans and Black Shoes.
Outfit Colours: Black and White.
Physical Characteristics: Amputated Right Arm.
Accessories: Giant White Scarf

Personality: Infinity shows contempt towards anyone who has different rules and expectations for themselves and others. Such as in when he is talking about the rule of power and that only Ozpin, Raven and Salem followed this belief when they were the most powerful, any other time and they would play victim. There are various times in the where Infinity states that he wants to use his power to protect the weak, and then at the same will state that he's only doing it for the money, which is sometimes confusing for others because it seems like he has no reason as to who he defends. However, this is probably because of the way he became strong. Instead of having been born powerful, he was weak and suffered for it, and to become powerful he had to work for it and made sacrifices. As such, he has the arrogance of a person who has power but still understands the feelings of those who are weak. And while he'll protect people who are naturally weak and have no chance of becoming stronger, Infinity looks down on people who have the opportunity to become stronger, but choose to rely on others instead, and needs to basically be bribed into helping them. This is most predominant when it comes to anything involving his fellow Hunters-In-Training like Jaune. Since every Huntsman and Huntress has the power to wield the ability to defeat Grimm and People, there should be very little reason for Infinity to help them, and his bitterness towards them makes him even more unwilling to step in. Theoretically, they could all hone their powers to become stronger, or be like Infinity and find another way of fighting they're more suited for. This is why he has to be bribed into helping Jaune and even his own blood-brother, Ren, who is the only person in his life who seems to care for him. Both Jaune and Ren are respectfully strong in the standards of normal people and have a lot of potential to become even more powerful, but they still rely on Infinity. While he may come off as very cold and/or arrogant when he comments on someone being weak or being paid to help out, his reasoning is very solid.

Fear(s): People like Ozpin or Salem winning their pointless war.
Likes: Floating Around, Helping Weak People, Eating Biscuits and Ice Cream.
Dislikes: People who rely on others, People who don't want to try to get stronger even if they have the Potential to, Charon.
Habit(s): Floating
Fatal Flaw(s): Can be countered by attacks faster than he is.

Strengths: Infinity's powers are extensive and he is by far one of the most powerful Wind Users in Remnant, able to fight as a one man army due to his power being on another level in compared to the rest of the Flock. He is undeniably the most powerful Wind-Related Semblance User to ever exist and talented enough to further his abilities.


Respectfully Infinity's most known habit and ability, the ability to fly as freely as a bird, he can go at neck-Breaking speeds in flight and generally floats around because he's too lazy to walk on his legs and get sore, he has no drawback for his semblance after all.

Wind Blade:

Using wind to coil around his arm and spin rapidly, he can then toss it in a direction as it cuts through even steel to get its target.

Wind Shield:

Gathering wind around his body at such a high velocity which it almost seems invisible, he is capable of deflecting attacks, he can also reflect the light and go invisible. This technique is what makes him gain the title of 'True Invincible Man' as to where Pyrrha only makes herself a little invincible.

Wind Vortex:

By manipulating the wind at high velocity in the palm of his hand, he is able to force it together to create a spiralling vortex of wind which can shred apart anyone who comes into contact with it.

Wind Shot:

Using his Wind Abilities, Infinity can launch a supersonic Wind towards any opponent that can tear through virtually anything.

Weather Manipulation:

Infinity has such a high Ability with his semblance, that he is able to willingly bring in the clouds and conceal the bright sky in complete darkness by bringing in the clouds by using the wind, he can even bring in rain cloud to make it start raining.

Black Wind: When Infinity is under influence of great rage, his Semblance activates his 3rd Form, black wind state. In this state, his eyes are Spiralling Stars, his wind turns black, and he is seen using mind reading powers. He has no problem about hurting others with his abilities, as long as he gets what he wants, as he loses rationality. However when in this state, his overall powers seem to be weaker due to losing control over it. In some instance when Ren helps him snap out of his rage, he states that his black wind is pathetic. At one point Ren states that he was never afraid of him in his normal state, and as he is so strong, his fear seems pointless. He takes the fear he feels of him in his enraged state as a sign that he is weaker. Despite being substantially weaker, he has no trouble defeating other strong fighters like Glynda, but not Ozpin. He was taken out of this black wind state when Ren used his Semblance on him to calm his Mind.

Weaknesses: When he is in his 3rd Form, he will become more Open for attacks, He cannot use his Wind if he is buried underground.

Weapon Name: Wind

Weapon Description:
He uses Wind as his weapon which generates anywhere around his body, all his capabilities are listed in Strengths

Relationship With Others
Lord of Wind, Wind's Strife, Freak, Master of Wind, Huntsman of Wind.
Friends: Ren
Team: None
Enemy(ies): Ozpin, Salem, Raven, Ironwood, Charon.

The Character's Abilities
Agility:    11/10 (Literally controls Wind and can fly at Supersonic speeds)
Swordsmanship:    5/10 (If using wind blades count)
Long Range Accuracy:   0/10
Defense:   10/10
Offense:   10/10
Aura:  10/10
People Skills:   6/10

Special Skill(s)/ Semblance:

The Wind God's Vessel

This ability is constantly active, like a God's Blessing. Infinity has the power to constantly use Wind. He usually flies around everywhere or levitate through the Beacon Hallways without realizing.

Brief History: Infinity is a former member of the Bond Tribe. He was banished from the family by his father after being defeated by his brother Rend during the successor ceremony for the Tribe, his family's sacred sword, due to his inability to use it. Four years later, at the age of 17, he returns to his Tribe as the most powerful Huntsman of Wind that has ever existed and destroys his once old Tribe.
It is revealed that after Infinity was banished from his family, his only desire became achieving great power. He traveled to a small town in Vacuo, where he caused all kinds of trouble. That is until, he met Sadako Rem, whom he fell in love with and eventually lived with. Infinity no longer desired power and along with working part-time at a restaurant with her, took up a job as a freelancer, doing simple odd jobs. His happiness; however, came to an abrupt end when an organization used a Charon Coin as a sacrifice to summon Charon and placed the Hit on Sadako for a long ancient treasure passed down within Sadako's Family, Charon successfully killed her with a single stab into her heart while also severing Infinity's right Arm and then vanished off into the night. Blaming himself for failing to protect her, Infinity once again sought out great power, thus his making a near-death experience and forcibly unlocking his Semblance, floating above the rocks he was about to land on. Some time after unlocking his Semblance, he killed the Organization's responsible for Sadako's death. Later, two years prior to his start at beacon, Infinity made a name for himself as the demon-like wind Huntsman, known as the Wind Reaper, who did not hesitate to hurt others as long as his task was completed. However, his personality began to turn for the good once again after coming to Beacon and meeting people.

Trivia: Infinity had his right arm severed by Charon when he attacked Sadako. Even without his Right arm, he has good balancing on his Left and can even handle any endeavour as a normal person would even with one arm.

Theme: King of the Storm

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