Jack Heart (Remastered RWBY Ver 1.5)

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Introduction of Character

Name: Jack Heart
Nickname: King of the Sea, Lord of Water, Hydra
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Symbol: Hydra

Affiliation(s): Beacon Academy

The Character's Appearance
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 53Kg
Eye Colour: Crystal Blue
Hair: Short Blue
Complexion: Pale

About The Character
Status: Active
Occupation: Huntsman-In-Training, Fisherman, Prince of The Ocean

Handedness: Right
Clothing: Casual long sleeved white shirt, Blue Jeans and Blue and White Sneakers.
Outfit Colours: White and Blue
Physical Characteristics: None
Accessories: Untied Blue Tie that loosely fits around the collar of his shirt

Personality: Jack has a very calm personality. He has a good sense of humor, and tells jokes and Puns often. He generally shows humorous emotion in a battle by saying smartass comments when he messes up or the enemy does something. He's generally a very kind person, who shows concern for his comrades, but has no qualms injuring his enemies in battle but won't go further, even after the battle is over. After his battle with Emerald, he starts thinking about Emerald's choice of not betraying Cinder, which baffled him to no end, as it wasn't a logical choice. During the course of time, he starts to even regard his enemies as friends. He has a great dislike for smoking, which is ironic since his main technique of cooking fish is to use smoke.

Fear(s): Killing People
Likes: Fish, Water, Humans, Faunus, Jokes and Puns.
Dislikes: The White Fang, Salem.
Habit(s): Speaking to Animals and Fish.
Fatal Flaw(s): Unknown

Strengths: Superhuman Senses: Jack possesses enhanced senses to help him better navigate underwater.
* Enhanced Vision: Jack's vision lets him see in the darker environment of the sea, as his eyes reflect all available light, giving them a distinct sheen in darkness. From his perspective, the seemingly dark environment of Darkness like Cave's or Sewers is brightly lit, with the vivid and vibrant flora and fauna of the sea being as clear as though he were on land.
* Amphibious Adaptation: As his Semblance is constantly Active, Jack can survive both on land and in underwater environments for as along he desires with no hindrance to his performance.
* Aquatic Respiration: Jack grows gills when Underwater, thus, is able to breathe underwater, thereby meriting his nickname, "Hydra". This also allows him to clearly talk underwater with others as if he was above water.
* Marine Communication: Jack is able to telepathically interact with sea life, and induce them to ally with him. Indeed, according to Ozpin, Jack is the first and only Person to possess this Semblance. He first manifested this as a young child, when defending himself against two bullies. He could also communicate with the monstrous Sea Feilong, much to the Grimm's surprise. After mastering his Semblance, Jack's powers of marine communication were boosted, granting him control over every oceanic creature on Remnant. It even allowed him to persuade the Sea Feilong's and other Mythical Aquatic Creatures to battle alongside him.
* Hydrokinesis: Jack can control water, though he was less precise in this ability. Needing his Trident to better channel it. Jack was able to hold off a torrent of water single-handedly using his mother's Trident, preventing the rushing Tsunami from overtaking the Vale Shoreline. After mastering his Semblance, Jack's control of water was considerably boosted, to the point that he could produce massive waves and Typhoons.
* Master Combatant: Having been trained by Ozpin from a very young age, Jack is an extremely skilled fighter, both in armed combat and melee, whether it be above or in water. However, Ozpin noted that Jack's years of water combat have dulled his land combat prowess, making him less capable in such combat. He likewise has been taught very advanced combat techniques. His skill is able to defeat entire groups, even fend off entire armies with relative ease. He could fight on par with the equally well-trained Tyrian and the armored Atlesian Paladins, and even holding his own against considerably stronger Hazel.
* Trident Mastery: Having been trained by Ozpin, Jack has become extremely skilled in battling with a trident, using one to defeat hordes of Grimm. As per Ozpin's training, Jack can employ a rare combat move, performing a rapidly-spinning with his trident so fiercely that it became a blur, which upon doing so will to repel all attacks attempting to penetrate this trident defense. Indeed, after seeing Jack employ this move to win against Cinder in their duel in Haven.
* Expert Swordsman: While Jack rarely uses swords in combat, he was trained by Ozpin to be an exceptionally skilled swordsman. With his skill, Jack was able to seamlessly disarm Yatsuhashi of his broadsword, and used the sword to defeat him and the other members of his team.
* Expert Marksman: With his Trident, Jack has immensely proficient marksmanship. He can strike down several Grimm with a single throw. Jack was notably able to throw it after being launched forward by the Beacon's Initiation Plate, spearing a distant Nevermore in the head from a considerable distance away.
* Expert Swimmer: Jack is an extremely skilled swimmer, learning to quickly propel himself from water, like a dolphin.

Aqua Needles

Redirecting water underground, he can sprout them upward in sharp needle-like pillars to pierce his targets.

Water Torrent

Formulating a current of spiralling water within Jack's hands can create a destructive spear of buzzsaw-like water to destroy any target in its path.

Aquatic Creation

Through Jack's Hydrokinesis abilities, he can formulate creatures much like Schnee family summons out of Water to attack enemies, these creations can be anything Jack wants them to be depending on how much water he has.

Sea Vortex

Jack can create a Water Tornado as long as he is in the core of it, he basically creates a chaotic shield of watery defence which shreds through all attacks with its rapid speeds, Jack communicates with dangerous Aquatic life to ride on the currents of his water tornado as to further endanger all those who are caught up in it.

Wrath of the Sea King

Jack's Ace in the Hole. Dividing the sea in two, he drags the opponent into his perfect battleground. Calling upon power unheard of to flood the battle area wherever he is by taking a large portion of the sea to drown the area he is currently at or just to trap him and his opponent in his field of battle. This level of attack however if he uses it to bring a huge part of the sea towards him comes at a cost... he'd be bedridden for months.

Weaknesses: Very Dry Areas and Land which is soft like Sand can make him feel weird when fighting, tripping up more and more.

Weapon Name: Maidens Tears

Weapon Description:

it once belonged to his mother Jewel, who left him the Trident after her death. This weapon is extremely durable.

Relationship With Others
Fishman, Handsome Man, Ocean King, Fisherman, Hydra of the Deep.
Friends: Anyone whom he can take a liking to... which is mostly anyone in any way. Be it Personality, way of thinking or Actions.
Team: None
Enemy(ies): White Fang, Salem.

The Character's Abilities
Agility:    10/10 (On Land) 11/10 (In Water)
Swordsmanship:    9/10 (On Land) 8/10 (In Water)
Long Range Accuracy:   10/10 (On Land) 10/10 (In Water)
Defense:   8/10 (On Land) 11/10 (In Water)
Offence:   10/10 (On Land) 16/10 (In Water)
Aura:  10/10
People Skills:   10/10

Special Skill(s)/ Semblance: 

Poseidon's Heir

This Semblance is constantly active, giving Jack all of the abilities listed in Strengths.

Brief History: Jack Heart was born to Baikal Heart, a Human lighthouse keeper in Atlas, and Jewel Heart, A Faunus Fisher. When Jack was still a child, their home was attacked by the White Fang sent to bring back Jewel so that she could face punishment for betraying the White Fang by Sienna Khan. While Jewel managed to fight them off she realized she had been shot through the lung and collapsed, with a few last words, she left him and his father. Before she left, she imparted Jack her Trident from her legacy in the White Fang. believing him to be the key to uniting the Humans and Faunus one day. One day, when his school went on a field trip to an aquarium in Vale, Jack was confronted by two Faunus Bullies for seemingly talking to Faunus normally. However, when Jack cried out, a shark came to his aid, slamming against the tank hard enough for a large crack to form. The crowd around stood back as the remaining animals surrounded Jack. Unlocking his Semblance caused Jack to grow up with incredible powers, including the ability to breathe underwater. However, Jack's ignorance regarding how to handle these powers induced him to become very conflicted, and somewhat reserved, with internal struggles. When he was 13, Jack was approached by Ozpin, the Headmaster of Beacon Academy, and began to train him in unlocking his Semblances abilities so that one day Jack could help his plans against Salem. Jack is discovered by the Atlas Military. Watts in pursuit of proving the existence of extraordinary individuals hidden amongst the general population, discovered Jack's existence by hacking into the Atlas Military's database and retrieving footage from two Atlesian Bots, which recorded a video of Jack emerging from a shipwreck in the Atlas Docks.
Footage from one droid showed Jack emerging from the shadows, and then aiming his trident and quickly destroying it while another recorded him jumping back into the ocean and swimming away from the docks, causing an underwater sonic boom in his wake.
He headed to Beacon once he reached the age of 17, after training his abilities most of his life, visiting his mothers Gravestone and seeing his father off. He left to bring both the Human and Faunus worlds together.

Trivia: Jack does despise the White Fang, but wants to see them locked up rather than killed.

Theme: He Commands the Sea

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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