Freed Silver (Remastered RWBY Ver.)

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Klein Maximillian Remaster

Introduction of Character

Name: Freed Silver
Nickname: Mr. Silver, Prodigy Monster, Reviver of Magic, Silver Eyed King
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Enhanced Human

Symbol: Parasol Corporation

Affiliation(s): Parasol Corporation, Nekro's Clan.

The Character's Appearance
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 74Kg
Eye Colour: White-Silver
Hair: Short and Messy greyish-Silver hair.
Complexion: Porcelain

About The Character
Status: Active
Occupation: CEO and Head Scientist of Parasol Corporation, Bodyguard of Jewel Dragovich.

Handedness: Right
Clothing: Black shirt, White Hoodie which can clip together with Black internals and Hood, Star Studded clips on left and right chest of the hoodie, Black Jeans, and Black Sneakers.
Outfit Colours: White and Black
Physical Characteristics: Beautiful Eyes
Accessories: Metal Luck Charm on Hoodie Zipper.
Aura Colour: Silver

Personality: Silver is a stalwart self-assured young man in the prime of his teenage years, who lives alone with his younger sister in Menagerie, under the directive of the Nekro Clan. Besides being their home's caretaker, Silver's raison d'être is to be Jewel, his sister's, guardian. In that sense, one would regard it as rather appropriate and even convenient that the man designated as a sort of a bodyguard of the future head of one of the world's most influential underground organizations to have such a stern countenance and hard-bitten demeanor as himself.
Silver possesses an athletic and sturdy body. Furthermore, aside his deep-set eyes and piercing gaze, his looks are often considered rather rare. Other characters generally view him as austere and competent-looking. His usual unyielding stoic countenance hardly ever betrays bewilderment or enthusiasm, but whenever it does, it's often at the minimum level. Except for the color of his eyes, Silver's looks are altogether divergent from his sister's, a far cry from her magnificent beauty, as acknowledged by numerous people. Silver is extremely intelligent and analytical. His emotions are merely skewed in a certain direction, with one particular aspect becoming especially sensitive. Thanks to his distinctive analytical power, he is able to promptly categorize people into hostile and non-hostile. (Normal people see 3 types, hostile, neutral and friendly, but they have a hard time quickly determining who is a friend and who is an enemy, since they aren't bestowed with such a peculiar sensitivity). This is certainly convenient for military and political reasons, which encompass most of his activities. As a result of extremely high-end custom magical procedure Surgery by Atlas and his mother that he was unwillingly subjected to at a tender age, Freed does not possess the ability to feel any strong emotions like fear, despair, envy, hatred, disgust, gluttony, lust, sloth, and love, with the exception of a single individual. Due to the achieved results of the magical procedures, added to the extensively dire experiences amassed throughout his training years as a living weapon, one could state that the only remaining soft spot in his personality would be the love he nurtures for his younger sister. Because of this, he tends to either spoil her too much, or be extremely overprotective and completely ruthless when there are even the slightest threats towards Jewel's safety. His world revolves around Jewel and he loves her dearly. Moreover, in the eyes of people in general, because Silver sees no problem with his recurring and rather blatant displays of affection towards his sister — although she also acts the same — , he is time and again labeled as a siscon. Contrary to popular and widespread belief, Freed is not apathetic to the point of deserving the emotionless label, since he can be kind and caring towards his friends, and even tease them for his own amusement. Furthermore, while he doesn't possess strong sexual cravings, he can still feel aroused and indulge in carnal delight, as he is perfectly aware of the enticing beauties surrounding him, which also includes even his sister. Due to being treated as a Counterfeit Silver-Eyed Warrior, he seemingly underestimates the merits of his own abilities and constantly looks down on himself, although that is likely an act, since this consensus is the underdeveloped product of third parties' short-sighted perspectives. Additionally, it is left unclear if Silver actually believes such a biased judgment. Nonetheless, one could interpret it so, since Freed has a habit of exhibiting overabundant amounts of modesty, whenever he is praised for his outstanding dexterity and achievements.
Among his several idiosyncrasies, Silver is often teased by his friends for displaying a total lack of common sense regarding social interactions, as a product of his numerous misunderstandings and uncanny responses towards regular teenage affairs, which could be explained by his deprivation of any real social background that did not concern bureaucratic matters.
In conclusion, Silver is a man who, despite having undergone dire straits and having lost even his emotional freedom, is still confident in himself and his aptitude to change the world for the better, as proven in a number of instances throughout the creation of the Parasol Corporation, for the good people he believes in, and for the actualization of an exuberant future for his beloved sister to rejoice.

Fear(s): Danger towards his Sister
Likes: His Sister, Science.
Dislikes: Harm coming to his Sister, Threats.
Habit(s): Apathetic towards people who aren't his friends
Fatal Flaw(s): His Sister

Strengths: Physically, having trained with Top combat hunters since he was six years old with Headmasters and the Ace Ops in his preteens & teens, it is said that Silver is second to none and is evaluated to be a master class fighter. Despite being best at long-ranged combat, he is almost unmatched in close combat, due to his physical abilities. His physical abilities are so great that even without the use of weapons and a semblance he can even match Hunters using Aura to enhance their physical abilities.


Silver is a student of Marcus Black, a famous ninjutsu user and someone who passes on traditional shinobi magic know-how. Due to this, he can handle multiple opponents at once and emerge unscathed. Silver's physical abilities surpass normal Hunters, who usually just rely on sure and semblances to accelerate or fortify their bodies to prevent injuries. It is also thanks to his training that Silver can sense dangerous and hidden presences without relying on his unique ability, Aura Veins. Marcus himself has said, "It's possible that I'm unable to beat Silver in pure martial arts." Thus proving his physical prowess. Before his present age Silver had learned enough techniques to be considered a master or something close. Through his ninjutsu training, he is a master of chi utilization.

(An Example of his Ninjitsu)

From a conventional magic standpoint, while Silver's casting speed for complex systematic spells is slow, among other unique users, due to his slow, artificial Magic Calculations, Freed has the highest known Psionic count, giving him access to the rare Ion Decimation counter magic and high magical endurance. Silver's intellect and understanding of magic on a theoretical level also allow him to use magic in ways that no one else does. However, Silver is not limited to using his artificial Magic Calculators. Prejudices aside, the abilities that he has had since birth allows him to excel in combat and assassinations and makes him a balanced fighter. Silver's magical abilities and talents give him the greatest advantage in long-range magic. It has been stated that Silver excels in extreme long-distance precision attacks and over the horizon (OTH) sniping, and can easily snipe human targets from a range roughly distanced at 1200 meters. It is indirectly implied, that his OTH magical sniping gives him the greatest attack range out of all the magic subjects.

Supernatural Power Inheritor

Silver is a Supernatural Power Inheritor. As a Supernatural Power Inheritor, Silver can apply his Psionic's to directly cause phenomena through will alone. Because this is done without an Activation Sequence, he gains overwhelming speed while sacrificing the versatility of systematic magic. Despite the fact that Supernatural Powers and Magic are one and the same, differing only in the usage of developed Sequences, it is not considered to be "magic" by the Parasol Corporation. It is because of this strange prejudice that he hides his abilities. Despite being a Superpower user, Silver prefers to use a specialized ACD because it is easier and less "tiresome", being a more efficient conduit for Psionics, particularly when utilizing Loop Casting. This is hinted when he mentions that even Supernatural Power Inheritors prefer ACD's for their speed and stability.
Silver's status as a Supernatural Power Inheritor is hinted particularly when it is revealed that he used Dispersion on torpedoes without a ACD faster than anyone could cast any magic with their ACD. It is also mentioned during the banquet night of the Beacon Ball that when Silver is using his innate magic without a ACD, he is equal to any Magician using a ACD.

Birth-Specialized Magician

Silver can perhaps be considered a type of Birth-Specialized Magician (BS Magician). However, instead of only having one specialized type of magic, he has at least three types of highly-specialized types of magic: Decimation, Aura Veins, and Regrowth. The first is considered difficult and high-class while the second and third are unknown to the world at large. Owing to this circumstance, his natural Magic Calculation Area is dominated by these types of magic, particularly Decimation and Regrowth, rendering him unable to wield other types of Systematic Magic without his artificial Magic Calculator.
While Silver's innate abilities are undoubtedly powerful, strictly speaking, at least according to the Dragovich Family and international standards, they are not "magic", which involves the altering of the aura instead of simply breaking down and restoring Aura. His abilities are thus noted by others that know as being more akin to superpowers. This is the main reason why the Grundy family treats him as an outcast or a fake Magician and why enemies tend to consider him to be a "monster".

The 3 Innate Magics

Aura Veins

Aura Veins, also known as Aura Eyes among the Traditional Magicians in the Parasol Company, is a sensory ability that allows Freed to connect to the Information Dimension and identify the landscape down to every detail. Every person and object imprints their Aura within the Information Dimension, and every system and type of magic projects Sequences onto the Aura through it. Because of this, nothing can escape from Freed's Aura Eyes. Moreover, he can identify and examine each and every Aura and Sequence and target them separately, irrespective of distance. It can be used to analyze any physical device or material at least down to the atomic level and his artificial MC can dissect even the most secretive magic. As a result, compared to normal Sensors, Aura Eyes is a Supernatural Power that might attract more attention from Magicians than Normal Hunters. Only phenomena that obscure a target's information can offer some level of protection, but even then, such protection can be destroyed by some form of decomposition, either singly or as part of a Loop Cast series. Completely hiding one's information does not prevent detection as Freed will notice the lack of information. Only by disguising information can detection by Freed be possibly avoided. Coupled with Freed's other Innate abilities, Aura Eyes enhances his ability to use Decimation and Regrowth with greater precision.

(Using Aura Eyes)


Decimation is also known as Dissolver, Disintegration and "Monster's Way". By itself, Decimation can destroy areas, objects, or obliterate Aura and Magic. With Aura Eyes, Silver can identify the design of any Weapon or Magic, then by using Decimation, he can break down that design or structure entirely or selectively choose bits and pieces. For information bodies, such as magic spells, he can disassemble the design or neutralize it by deleting just a portion. For physical objects, he can break them down into their constituent molecules, or even further into pure energy. If used on a person, the parts that form the human body, including skin, flesh, nerves, body fluids, bones, and cellular structures could be decomposed at a molecular level, leaving what appears to be dust and gas. This is one of the most difficult magic imaginable, able to directly interfere with the design information. The activation speed of Decimation is implied to be under 0.05 seconds, as he was able to decompose Ruby's bullets that would reach him in under 0.05 seconds. Furthermore, with no retaliation, Silver is capable of decomposing 36 individual targets simultaneously, but under constant fire his upper limit for individual targeting is 24. Additionally, Silver is currently capable of setting up Decimation as an Area of Effect magic and no longer requires someone to protect him while utilizing Matter Burst, unlike a time In Beacon when Glynda had to exhaust her Aura to shield him. Alternately, Silver can use Decimation as a contact-only magic to create the illusion that magic or weapons fail to affect him.
Interestingly, another fact is that, besides being possible to be taught to others, it probably also has proper Activation Sequence which should be programmed into his famous Silver Trident Weapon.

(Decimation used on Bullets)

(Decimation on Physical objects)

(Decimation on Living Beings)

(Decimation used as an AOE Magic)

(Decimation used on Magic)


Regrowth, also known as Restoration, is the opposite of Silver's Decimation powers. Instead of breaking down an Aura or Magic, it can restore it. Coupled with Aura Eyes, Silver can "read" the structural information of any object up to 24 hours in the past and with Regrowth, he can restore anything--organic or inorganic--to any point in that time frame. This means that he can restore maimed or fatally injured people, including himself, to a state before they were injured. Unlike Decimation, Regrowth is entirely unique to Silver.
Regrowth emits no detectable psionics and activates/finishes so quickly that "it is beyond the speed of human cognition" and cannot be detected by the vast majority of Magicians or Hunters. This skill is both passive (done automatically) and active (under conscious control). A requirement of the skill is that Silver must "read" all the information about the target he is trying to restore. Unfortunately, when trying to heal people, this means that Silver must "read" and then experience the recipient's pain in order to use Regrowth.
The amount of pain that Silver has to experience is a condensed form of how long and how much pain was experienced by the injured person, within the amount of time that he needs to read the Psionic Change-log. For example, Silver healing Yang during the Fall of Beacon, Yang had experienced the pain of the injury for 30 seconds before Silver had cast Regrowth. Silver took 0.2 seconds reading the Psionic Change-log, hence in 0.2 seconds Silver experienced 150 times the amount of pain and suffering that Yang experienced in an condensed form. It is the cost that he needs to pay in order to instantaneously 'remove' all injuries of any type or form incurred on a human or machine by reading and rewinding the Psionic Change-log and then making a full copy to restore the human or machine to its previous state before the injury occurred. Regrowth is also used by Silver to duplicate spells. It was used by Silver to copy the magic used to seal and bind Cinder in Ozpin's Clocktower. It is probably used by him to research other magic that he has encountered, as well as devices, and relics.

(An Example of Regrowth)

Baron Lance
The "new magic" that Silver developed, is in order to counter Magic and semblances, such as Maiden's Magic, and Marrow's Semblance. This magic is based on the Free After Execution (FAE) theory used to make Paranix, a weapon developed by the Parasol Corporation. Silver cannot properly use the magic and is still in the stage of development. However, it is suggested that it is ready for practical use and demonstration. During the Atlas Invasion on the Parasol Corporation, Silver displays this magic to disrupt all capable fighters with semblances and further decimated the small army in a matter of minutes with his enhanced forces.

(Activation of the Baron Lance, Freed does this without the Paradix)

(The Paradix, which is capable of "shooting" the Baron Lance sequence and cause an AOE effect to negate Magic and Semblances)

Systematic Magic
In order to allow Silver to use Systematic Magic, instead of just his Supernatural Powers, his mother operated on Silver when he was 6 years old, installing another Magic Calculator Chip or Magic Processor (resulting in him having two) in his mind. This allowed him to use "real" magic. However, the artificial processor is inferior to the natural processor in multiple ways. Silver's invocation speed, the scale of the Magic Sequence, and phenomena rewriting ability--the metrics used to rate magicians internationally and at Normal standards --are considered inferior to most magicians and barely passing as practical magic ability. For example, Silver's invocation speed is at least four times slower than Jewel's, meaning that most forms of complex magic take unacceptable amounts of time for Silver to accomplish. To that extent, his mother considered Freed to be both a fake and incompetent Magician.

Artificial Processor
The artificial processor does have some advantages though. Since his artificial processor is located in his conscious mind, Freed is able to visualize and fully comprehend any spell after seeing it only once unlike other magicians who can only experience the physical manifestation of magic spells. Consequently, multi-variable quantitative processing speed and calculation scale are all beyond normal magician limits, allowing Freed to use magic, especially Non-Systematic Magic, in unique and creative ways. As shown when he is even able to "hijack" Ozpin's interrupted and incomplete Activation Sequences and use them as his own.

Flash Casting
Flash Cast is the Silver Family's secret Single Systematic Magic Casting Technique. It is made possible by mentally "carving" the images of the Activation Sequence into memory, allowing the user to recall the Activation Sequence directly from memory instead of a ACD to construct the Magic Sequence of the spell in the Magic Calculation Area of the brain. Brainwashing the user's mind in this manner allows for faster casting of single systematic spells that are not overly long or complex even without the use of a ACD. In Freed's case, he takes Flash Casting to a whole new level. Because of Silver's unique ability to actually see even the Magic Sequence (which is different from Activation Sequence) of a spell, it is heavily implied that as long he can remember the full structure of the Magic Sequence itself, not only can he bypass using the Activation Sequence of a spell from a ACD-like the rest of the Silver Family, but he can also bypass recalling the Activation Sequence and even bypass the process of constructing the Magic Sequence in the Magic Calculation Area. This allows for true instantaneous casting of any single systematic magic spell that he sees and remembers as long as the spell is short (five processes or fewer). As his natural abilities are Regrowth and Decimation, Silver does not specialize in any Systematic-Type Magic when he is not using his natural abilities, usually relying more on Non-Systematic Magic, especially counter magic, along with his physical abilities to bring the enemy down, as shown in his tendency to use Resonance and Compound Waves (both Non-Systematic Magic) to knock his enemies out. Nevertheless, he does seem to slightly favor Oscillation-Type Magic in combat

It allows one to slow down the movement of an object at a constant rate. The interference strength required allows for a large scale deceleration to a fraction of the velocity.

Water Spider:
It is a surface tension amplification magic.

Non-Systematic Magic:

Non-Systematic Magic aims to manipulate the Psions themselves rather than altering Aura using the Psions. Therefore, the limitations of Silver's artificial magic processor (mainly the lack of processing speed in altering Aura) do not apply. This is probably the reason why Silver so often relies on Non-Systematic Magic. Unfortunately, while Non-Systematic Magic is called magic, it is usually only sufficient for combat as distractions, interferences, or traps and not for creating a phenomenon.

Compound Waves:
Silver fires several waves of Magic Psions to resonate with a person's biological waves, creating a hallucinogenic effect in his opponent, disrupting their equilibrium and knocking them out. These waves vary in frequency, making the technique highly difficult to accomplish

Psionic Transfer:

One of the Freed Family secret techniques is the ability to transform information into Psion signals and transfer that information through the nervous system and into another person's subconscious Magic Calculation Area. Silver performs this technique multiple times with Jewel to send her images and locations of targets. He also uses a variation of this technique to forcibly suppress uncontrolled power by forcing raging Psions back into the body.


It is a magic that incapacitates the target. It works by utilizing the fact that Magicians are able to feel/see psions, and creates 2 psion waves, set to be in phase with each other. This creates constructive interference and, when centered on a magician, creates the effect of resonance (which, in this case, creates the feeling of sea sickness to the point of unconsciousness).
Most forms of counter magic are categorized under Non-Systematic Magic, as they are techniques that directly manipulate Aura itself and not the phenomenon-altering mechanism of Aura. Silver excels in counter magic and has even developed techniques himself.


Demolition is one of the two strongest counter magics within Non-Systematic Magic. It uses compressed Psion particles to blow away the Activation Sequence. It is simply a cannonball of Psions that has neither structure nor a Magic Ritual to modify an event, so it is not affected by Zone Interference. There are only two known "flaws" in the technique. First is that the Psions travel in the physical realm (as opposed to the Information Dimension) and thus has limited range. Second, Gram Demolition is a highly inefficient technique that requires an incredibly high Psion count, making it an incredibly rare technique. Like his other Decomposition magic, Silver is also able to apply Gram Demolition on his own body for usage in close combat as Contact-Type Gram Demolition.

Far Strike:
Far Strike is a form of Demolition developed by Silver. It works in the Information Dimension (Aura) rather than the physical realm. Far Strike affects the astral form rather than the physical form.

Gram Dispersion

Gram Dispersion is the other strongest counter magic within Non-Systematic Magic. Gram Dispersion is literally that: Gram (or Magic) Dispersion/Dissolution. This magic takes a Magic Sequence and decomposes it into a group of Psion particles without a meaningful structure. Gram Dispersion is considered impossible to use in the age of modern magic. To dissolve a magic sequence as required by Gram Dispersion, it is necessary to analyze the magic before the magic is activated. Since with the advent of ACDs, spell invocation take less than a fraction of the second, a full understanding of the magic being used before the magic has been cast was considered impossible. However, Silver is able to use this because of his other ability, Aura Eyes.

Specific Magic Jamming:
Specific Magic Jamming or Pseudo Cast Jamming is a counter magic developed by Silver. It involves utilizing the Psion waves that interfere with one another when using two ACDs simultaneously. One ACD invokes the jamming spell while the other ACD does a spell reversal. From two opposing spells, the simultaneous activations will release Psion incident interference waves. It is difficult to use as this jamming must be done precisely at the moment the opponent is casting (or recasting) their spells and because all three spells (the user's jamming spell, the user's reversal spell, and the opponent's spell that the caster is trying to jam) involved must be of the same type, hence "specific" magic jamming. Silver is able to use this because his artificial magic processor allows him to read and interpret any spell he sees

Magic sequence constructed in the subconsciousness is transmitted from the highest level of subconsciousness to the lowest level and then projected on the object while going through the "Gate" located between the subconsciousness and consciousness. The "Gate" is exposed in the information dimension and "Gatekeeper" scrambles all magic sequence coming out of the gate. So long as "Gatekeeper" is not removed, a magician is rendered powerless, just like normal human beings.

Psion Marker:
Through the events that occurred during his search for Salem, Silver had gained experiences and further developed Far Strike and acquired this new ability, Psion Marker. Due to this technique, Silver was able to pinpoint the target and read some of their data through their Aura. However, Silver was only able to read target's personal data, he had still not perfected his use of the psion marker to widen his Aura Eyes range. Ironically, while Silver can be considered a counter magic specialist, he is even better at countering counter magic. Most means of counter magic either involve Cast Jamming via Antimetal or relying on Zone Interference to prevent the other magician from casting. Cast Jamming relies on steady but meaningless waves of Psions to create "background noise," greatly disrupting the spell invocation speed to the point that the spell cannot be cast. However, this Psion wave can either be blown away with Demolition or disassembled with Gram Dispersion or Decomposition as even Psion waves have structure. He can decompose Zone Interference, as stated when he uses Trident. Moreover, Zone Interference does absolutely nothing to prevent Non-Systematic Magic.

Silver has shown a genius-level intellect and ability to create new magic sequences and software in ACDs. He spreads his innovative ideas about magic under the name Mr. Silver, which is known throughout the community around the world. His innovative ideas have given the name "Mr. Silver" immense fame because he is called the genius engineer that advanced ACD software technology by ten years within one short year.

Silver Eyes:
Silver was implanted Silver Eyes, and experimented on. His Silver Eyes can harness even more power than any other Silver Eyed Warrior. Silver can be called the 'Silver Eyed King' for the sheer power of his eyes.

Destructive Semblances:
Silver can use regrowth to survive practically anything, however. He cannot regenerate if the Destruction destroys his entire body, brain, or heart.

The processor in Silver's brain is what practically holds him together, without it he'd not be able to do a majority of the things he can do.

With great power comes great responsibility:
Silver can use Regrowth on others but the cost is that he experiences nearly 10x more pain than what the one injured experienced depending on the amount of time they were injured for. If they were injured for 30 seconds, Silver can use Regrowth and feel 30x the amount of pain they did to his psyche.

Weapon Name: Silver Trident

Weapon Description:

(Silver modified his Gun to shoot Magic of which he can use)

Relationship With Others
Hunter of Maidens, The Maiden Killer, Magic King Silver, Mr. Silver, The Genius of the World, Magic Reviver, The Man who created True Magic.
Friends: Jewel Dragovich, Luna Queen, Winter Schnee.
Team: None
Enemy(ies): Anyone trying to steal his research, anyone trying to harm Jewel

The Character's Abilities
Agility: 10/10
Swordsmanship: 7/10
Long Range Accuracy: 4/10
Defense: 10/10
Offense: 10/10
Aura: 10/10
People Skills: 7/10

Special Skill(s)/ Semblance:

With all his enhancements to his own body, he never unlocked his semblance and primarily used his Aura to assist his magical prowess.

Brief History: Silver is the eldest son of Freed Shiba and Freed Maya. He is eleven months older than his younger and only sibling, Jewel. His birthday falls on April 24th. They are often mistaken as twins for being in the same school year, though sometimes they are not immediately recognized as siblings in general. Their father remarried six months after their mother's death; with the siblings now living on their own in a house which is described as a place that vastly exceeds the average size.
From a young age, one of the only things in which Silver showed any enthusiasm-like qualities was in Magic Engineering and ACD development. He has an aptitude for them and has continually displayed his interest until the present day, as he is aided by the circumstances. Their house has a basement with the same floor layout as the floor above but remodeled as Silver's lab. It is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment from Parasol Company with plenty of space for him to develop and test any new types of Magic that he may require. Silver is a child born of the Freed Family. From birth he was the apparent heir for the Freed Family; but after the birth of Jewel, discovery of his lack of ability to wield magic as it was intended, he was reduced to being Jewel's Guardian. Despite the facts of his parentage, he isn't accepted as a legitimate member of the family by many due to the fact that he cannot wield magic freely; the two types of magic he can freely wield are not considered magic by the family's standards due to their nature of only 'destroying' and 'restoring' information, not 'altering' them. In the present time, aside from his two natural forms of magic, he is only able to use imitation and theoretical magic; something which can be ascribed to his other unique abilities and superior intellect. Despite this deficiency he has taken advantage of his physical prowess and his superpowers to become Jewel's Guardian, which is considered to be a job of the highest importance in the Freed Family. His combat prowess has also become respected enough that he is now a primary combatant of the Freed Family. Silver's Magic Calculation Area is dominated by his powerful innate abilities, such as Decimation, Regrowth, and Aura Eyes. It is due to this imbalance that he is unable to use any other form of magic. So, to enable him to be able to use other magic spells, especially the Systematic-Type Magic, his mother, Freed Maya, and her younger-twin sister, Freed Mia, performed the Artificial Magician Experiment on the 6-year-old Silver. Maya used her unique and forbidden Outer-Systematic Magic Mental Design Interference, forcibly altering the area in the consciousness that is responsible for strong emotions (called the Limbic System) and installed a Magic Processor Model in an attempt to create an Artificial Magic Calculation Area and to implant artificial Silver Eyes and enhance them. However, the strain of the operation resulted in Silver losing his ability to feel any type of strong emotions except for those regarding Jewel. Even with this exchange for the installation of another Magic Calculation Area which granted him the ability to utilize normal magic (albeit at a significantly lower speed and power) it was still insufficient for him to be regarded as a 'true magician' by the Freed's.
An additional side effect of this procedure was for Silver to develop a perfect memory, allowing him to recall all of his memories with complete accuracy ever since the day of the experiment. It was later revealed by Maya that the operation was, in fact, to modify Silver so he would not lose control of his emotions and become a berserker, destroying the world with his magic. In order to ensure that Silver had something that he was attached to, Jewel in this case, Maya removed all his emotions, but for some reason, that was beyond Mia and Maya's understanding, he kept his love for Jewel. It is revealed that Silver's powers Regrowth and Decimation were influenced by the will/prayers of the Freed's (particularly Maya and Mia) for a superman-like savior when he was just a fetus. The Freed originally celebrated his birth, but due to the destructive potential of his magic, Kaiba Juuzo proposed the idea of killing the new-born baby, Silver, but he was protected by Freed Joestar. When Silver was a baby, he was raised to be a warrior. As early as when he was able to stand up, he was subjected to training in the optimization of his body. Silver soon became able to walk and the combat training began. No matter how hard he cried and screamed, his will was ignored. As the family always resorted to locking him up, Silver soon gave up on his rebellious attitude. Starting from killing a wild animal, then a military grade dog, then military strengthened animal, and finally a living soldier. Silver first killed a man when he was six, immediately after the artificial magician experiments. He sank in a skilled 30-year-old combat magician in a pool of his own blood from the very start in combat, neither out of an accident nor a surprise attack. After Freed Joestar passed away, Maya took over the position of Family Head. Then, Maya and Mia performed the Artificial Magician Experiment on Silver. Later Silver was assigned as Jewel's Guardian. Maya announces that Silver is her son and also Silver and Jewel's engagement, Silver is freed from the position of Jewel's Guardian. He is then formally recognized as a Dragovich, though his family name is kept as Freed for now.

Backstory of "Mr. Silver"

Silver is in fact half of the enigmatic Mr. Silver - the far famed Mr. Silver renowned as a genius engineer who advanced ACD Software technology by ten years within one short year. Currently, "Mr. Silver" heads the Third Division of Parasol Corporation. The name of Mr. Silver was used for several reasons. First, Silver was not of age when he developed the Loop-Cast system that Silver is famous for; legally, it would be impossible for Silver to patent any of his inventions and developments without being of age. Second, Maya wished to keep information about Silver, a mere Guardian under the Freed, under wraps as much as possible; having his real name attached to inventions and state-of-the-art technology would have been inconvenient (as too much attention would be placed on him and by extension, Jewel). It seems there is a plan discussed by which Silver will finally be allowed to use 'Freed Silver' for his inventions after came of age.

Trivia: None

Theme: Danger - 6:24

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