Ciel Lucis Rosseweiss (TTOB)

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Full Name: Ciel Lucis Rosseweiss
Reason or meaning of Name: Heaven, Blue Sky
Nickname: Ice Prince
Reason for nickname: For his Cold demeanour and loyal personality
Gender: Male
Race: Human/Frost-Folk
Occupation/Job: Heir to the Rosseweiss Household
Social Class: Royal
Story: Blood Inquisitor
Sigil/Crest/Symbol: Rosseweiss Heir Sigil

Title: Cold Hearted Arch-Mage
Reason for Title: Gained from his cold personality and puppet-like apathy, very calm and collected.


Age: 15
How old they appear: 17
Eye Colour: Crystal Blue
Glasses or contacts: None
Hair colour: Snow White
Hair length: Short
Hair style: Untamed, long in front of face, short on the nape
Weight: 64Kg
Height: 5'10"
Type of bodybuild: Thin
Skin tone: Porcelain
Skin type: Clean
Shape of face: Diamond Cut
Distinguishing marks: None
Freckles: None
Moles: None
Scars: None
Predominant features: None
Looks like:

Preferred clothes:

Alter clothes:

Are they healthy: Perfectly Healthy


Favourite colour: White
Least favourite colour: Vibrant Colours
Favourite music: Classical
Least favourite music: Everything but classical
Why: Detests impure noises
Favourite food/s: Cold Foods
Least favourite food/s: None
Why?: As long as it has nutrients, he doesn't care how it tastes
Literature: Enjoys mystery and fantasy novels.
Expressions: Ciel has a dominating pair of eyes and moves his body as if to demand respect and recognition, his mere presence makes one feel as if they are in the presence a Ruler.
Expletives: Peasant, Insect, Lower-Life, Monkey, Simpleton, Unremarkable Peon, Lowly Fool.
Mode of transportation: Carriage, Frost Horse, Ice Magic, White Dragon.
Risktaker or cautious: Cautious
Same when alone: Cautious
Habits: When girls hit on him he tends to berate them with a cold gaze, only managing to further make them fall for him. He is apathetic in even the most serious of situations, whilst others panic he remains calm, making it hard for others and himself to talk normally.
Favourite drink/s: White Wine
Least favourite drink/s: Any other Alcohol besides White Wine
When: To relax themselves
How much: 5 times a month
Hobbies: Researching, Reading, Studying.
How do they spend a rainy day: Studying and Researching in Haerst Crystal or at Rosseweiss Fortress.


Hometown: Rosseweiss Fortress, Haerst Crystal
Type of childhood: Royal Heir, Studious, Lonely
First Memory: Awakening in his mother's arms, just before her death
Most important event that still affects them: Knowing that his Supreme Frost Body caused his mother's death
Education: Studied under the kingdoms greatest scholars
Life changing events: Being told by the Patriarch that he would be the Heir to the Rosseweiss Household, and the 3th Rosseweiss to achieve the Inquisitor Title at Haerst Crystal
Brief bio/backstory: During the birth of Ciel, his mother endured the hardship of his unexpected Supreme Frost Body, his cold temperatures was well greater than that of any other Rosseweiss child and ice user, Ciel being unable to control his Supreme Frost Body, ended up freezing up his mother's entire body. But in the end she managed to birth Ciel safely, able to hold him in her arms before her body froze entirely, claiming him to be "The Greatest to be Ice Inquisitor" the Rosseweiss will ever have before being frozen entirely. Ciel proceeds to grow up in a secluded and studious environment.
Complete bio/background: During the birth of Ciel, his mother endured the hardship of his unexpected Supreme Frost Body, his cold temperatures was well greater than that of any other Rosseweiss child and ice user, Ciel being unable to control his Supreme Frost Body, ended up freezing up his mother's entire body. But in the end she managed to birth Ciel safely, able to hold him in her arms before her body froze entirely, claiming him to be "The Greatest to be Ice Inquisitor" the Rosseweiss will ever have before being frozen entirely. Growing up, Ciel went through many tutors and great scholars, becoming essentially a Prodigy amongst his peers, his peers gained a large amount of envy and annoyance towards Ciel and shunned him from their groups, resulting in Ciel growing up in a practical isolation without friends, with his father being busy as the Patriarch of the Rosseweiss, Ciel enjoys reading and learning more. His knowledge is said to exceed that of normal teacher at Haerst Crystal, meaning he's even outcasted by most of the teachers. His capabilities far exceed even experienced combatants, but even so Ciel feels isolated and craves adventure under his cold demeanour, he hides himself underneath a facade of coldness due to the trauma of killing his mother at birth and being a natural genius.


Mother/Figures: Olivia Rosseweiss
Relationship with her: Only by birth, she died after birthing him due to the Supreme Frost Body of Ciel completely freezing up her body.
Father/Figures: Gregorio Lucis Rosseweiss
Relationship with him: Strained, Being the Patriarch of the Rosseweiss as well as an influential figure in Haerst Crystal leaves him little to no time to be with Ciel
Siblings: None
Birth order: Ciel
Relationship with each: None
Extended family: Many
Close: None
Why or why not: Ciel is hard to interact with because of his personality, he rarely is able to speak with unless he is on a mission with a team.
Friends: None
Enemies: Those who he is tasked to eliminate or capture.
Why: Ciel is loyal to his duties as the Heir of the Rosseweiss, he follows the orders of his superiors.
Best Friend: None
How'd they meet: N/A
Significant other: None (Yet)
How'd they meet: N/A (For now)
How'd they fall in love: N/A (For now)


Best described as: Cold, Serious, Bitter, Refined, Elegant, Domineering. Ciel appears to be emotionless and serious during his life, unless something out of the ordinary or shocking happens. He is very detached in his manner of speech, and would rather not bring personal feelings to the table. He takes pride in his role as a Heir, and is always respectful towards guests, especially to those who are royals themselves. But he is known to walk with confidence, but his eyes showed a stalking predator for its next meal, murky and faded under a cold demeanour, his presence alone demanded ones respect and attention, not at all what one would expect from a Heir but from a Veteran General.
Greatest strength: Able to make clear, well-thought plans under dire circumstances as well as keep a calm and collected mind whilst in combat, capable of leading others very well.
Greatest weakness: Unable to connect with others' emotions very well due to his cold outlook.
Most at ease when: Reading
Least at ease when: Around multiple people who look at him in envy
Opinion on fighting: His duty as the Heir to the Rosseweiss
Priorities: Succeeding the Household, Becoming an Inquisitor.
Soft Spot/s: None
Is soft spot/s obvious to others: N/A
If not how do they hide it: N/A
Philosophy: Loyalty isn't grey, you are either completely loyal or not loyal at all.
Motto: "Loyalty at heart, loyalty at hand"
Memorable Quote/s: "A cold heart is my protection mechanism. I don't feel anything for anyone."
How s/he feels about self: A Genius, A Royal with a future to help mankind to safety, the Future Hope of the Rosseweiss, A Lone Prodigy.
Past failures s/he would be embarrassed to have other know about: Failure to properly make Tea.
Why: As a Royal, a Tea Party is a normal occurance, unable to even make Tea is an embarrassment, especially to someone like Ciel, it'd absolutely destroy his image as his peers will have something to bully him with.
If granted one wish what would it be: For him to not have the Supreme Frost Body
Why: It is the reason why his life is so hard and the reason why his mother died.
Extra: None


Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist
Why: Believes that effort breeds success.
Introvert or extrovert: Introvert
Why: Isn't able to connect with others easily unless it's to take comman.
Handedness: Left
Drives and Motivations: To become the Heir of the Rosseweiss, to become a Inquisitor.
Talents: Ice Magic, Swordplay, Fencing, Masquerades, Royal Dancing, Studying, Long-Term Memory, Wordplay.
Extremely Skilled at: Sword-fighting, Studying, Ice Magic, Talking, Dancing, Commanding, Political Business, Financing, Reading.
Extremely Unskilled at: Making Tea, Connecting with others, Making friends, smiling, Laughing.
Good Characteristics: His wordplay and manners with Guests and his superiors.
Character Flaws: Berates Peers who are overly exotic with him or jeer at him, berates girls who hit on him (Which always ends up backfiring as they crave him more-)
Mannerisms: Dominant in his movements and way of speaking, with his peers he is polite and cold, unless they tend to be too energetic and jeer at him which causes him to berate them, he is serious when it comes to his tasks and duty as the Heir to the Rosseweiss.
peculiarities/Quirks: Presence holds a very authoritarian aura, him merely being around one would feel as if they need to drop to one knee as if greeting a ruler.
Biggest Accomplishment: Taming a White Dragon, Completely encasing a Troll in Ice, Exceeding his classes and own teachers with his knowledge, mastery in Ice Magic at a young age, Announced as the Heir to the Rosseweiss Family, Recieving a special status in Haerst Crystal, Developed an entirely new Ice Magic Spell
Minor Accomplishments: Hosting a Masquerade Ball at the age of 6, Hosting a Theatre Act at the age of 7, Hosting a Banquet at the age of 8, Hosting a Royal Party at the age of 9.
Darkest Secret: Wants friends, wants to explore, wants to smile normally.
Does anyone else know: No
If yes did s/he tell them; N/A
If no how did they find out: N/A


Reliance on Magic: Heavily
Type Learned: Ice
Gifted or Learned: Gifted
If gifted how did they discover it: By birth, his Supreme Frost Body's Magic Aura seeped out and froze his mother's body up.

Weak Spells: Ice Lancers, Ciel freezes the air particles and created lances of ice, launching them at his opponent, he can make between 1 to 100.

Ice Spirals, Ciel casts his magic into the ground, Using the earth to freeze upward, creating a large array of Frozen Spirals to pierce upward from the ground.

Strong Spells: Frost Comet, Activating the power of his Supreme Frost Body, Ciel freeze's a large amount of Air Particles, formulating a giant ball of Ice and sends it downward into his enemies, upon impact it shatters and releases a freezing air current which turns the entire area into a snow wonderland with all plants and trees, rocks and earth, and life itself frozen in snow and frosted over.

Icicle Cannon, Using the Supreme Frost Body, Ciel shoots out a highly concentrated beam of Frost which upon impact, freezes a large portion of the target he aimed at.

Signature Spells: Sub-Zero Touch, Ciel's signature Spell is a simple grab and capture spell, he uses his ice to practically instantly freeze an opponent, leaving them incapable of moving and probably make them suffer from frostbite.

Ice Cocoon (Automatic Spell) It conceals Ciel in a Defensive shield of ice and attacks anyone who touches it for even a second, this ice acts on its own to defend Ciel from any danger, whenever someone strikes the cocoon, it will freeze the surrounding area and pierce the attacker with a large ice spike.

Last Resort Spells: Ice-Make Magic, with the secret of the Supreme Frost Body, Ciel is capable of creating what is known to be 'Ice Beasts' and can be made from Ciel's ice when he is using his Supreme Frost Body at 100%, he can create Monsters and all sorts of creatures with his ice to attack, defend, or flee.

Strong Against: Water, Wind, Earth, Tree, Beasts, Humans.
Why: Ice has a natural way of being the bane of many things.
Weak Against: Fire, Sun Magic.
Why: Ice can melt at a certain degree, meaning that the Magic Ciel has when he doesn't use his Supreme Frost Body will just melt from Fire or Sun Magics.
Experience: Fighting Classes, Missionary work, Capture missions, Sword Fighting Tournaments.
Training: Weapon Training, Magic Training, Fighting Classes.
Extra: Tends to Self-learn a lot more on his own time to learn more about his power


Reliance on Ranged Weapons: Next to none
Bows or Guns: N/A
Favourite Weapon: None
Weapon Name: N/A
Enhancements/Special Properties: N/A
Explosives: N/A
Preferred Explosive: N/A
Strong Against: N/A
Why: N/A
Weak Against: N/A
Why: N/A
Experience: N/A
Training: N/A
Extra: N/A


Reliance on Melee Weapons: Moderate
Preferred Weapon: Sword
Weapon Type: Sword
Favourite Weapon: Sword
Weapon Name: Frostbound
Enhancements/Special Properties: Causes Frostbite upon inflicting a wound
Strong Against: Brawlers, Fast-Paced fighters, Stamina Oriented Fighters.
Why: A single cut will ensure a chill across the body, meaning the muscles will tense up more, the more cuts and the more they'll suffer from Frost Bite. A Stab would induce almost crippling cold. Very painful for those who have to use their muscles in order to fight.
Weak Against: Magicians
Why: Magicians only need to speak and move lightly to attack, meaning that Ciel can only counter them with his own oppressive magic.
Experience: Sword Fighting, Capture and Hunting quests.
Training: Sword Training, Weapons Training.
Extra: Learnt his own fighting style by himself, mixing his magic and Swordplay together, a Magic Swordsman.


Magic or Melee Weapons: Both
Magic or Ranged Weapons: Magic
Melee or Ranged Weapons: Melee
Fighting Style: Oppressive Magic Swordplay
Combat Experience: Multiple Combat And Capture missions, Swordplay Tournaments, Against other teachers and peers.
Combat Training: Trained with the greatest Sword Masters and Magicians growing up.
Magic Contests or Tournaments: Both
If so how many wins: He has only entered 2. 1 Magic Contest and 1 Tournament. He has won both.
How many losses: None
Ranged Weapons Contests or Tournaments: None
If so how many wins: N/A
How many losses: N/A
Melee Weapon Contests or Tournaments: Both
If so how many wins: Like magic, he only entered 2. One Contest and on Tournament. He won both.
How many losses: None
Hand to hand Contests or Tournaments: None
If so how many wins: N/A
How many losses: N/A
Preferred method of fighting: Magic Swordplay
Honourable or underhanded: Honourable when fighting in Haerst Crystal, Underhanded when outside of Haerst Crystal and his Household.
Significant battles: Many battles against beasts and criminals
Important Wins: Against his Teachers, which ascended his fame and hate towards him.
Important Losses: None as of yet.


Strength: 7/10
Speed: 8/10
Agility: 8/10
Reflexes: 8/10
Knowledge: 10/10
Stamina: 7/10
Willpower: 10/10
Fortitude: 3/10
Charisma: 8/10
Stealth: 1/10
Luck: 4/10
Intelligence: 11/10
Wisdom: 10/10
Magic Power: 11/10
Mana Amount: 11/10
Mana Regen: 11/10
Swordsmanship: 10/10
Alertness: 10/10
Hand-to-hand combat: 0/10
Range: 0/10
Combat Readiness: 9/10
Poison Resistance: 5/10
Disease Resistance: 5/10


Normal Gear
Weapon: Frostbound

If carrying multiple how many; N/A
Armour: Rosseweiss Royal Armoury Armour
Books: None
Potions: None
Extra: Frostbound is enhanced with Ciel's Freezing Mana, inflicting frostbite upon wounding whatever it cuts or stabs.

Special Gear
Gear Name: N/A
Gear Type: N/A
Gear Class: N/A
Limitations: N/A
Restrictions: N/A


Blood type: O-
Love Language: Making irresponsible purchases to keep his partner happy
Biggest Dream: To become an Inquisitor and explore the world
Plans for the future: To gain the title of Inquisitor and being honour to the Rosseweiss Household.
Want Marriage: Yes, needs to continue the Rosseweiss Lineage
Want Kids: Yes
Lie/Myth they believe in: One Can survive thousands of years if they are preserved in Ice while awake
Extra: Supreme Frost Body: A Body norm with Pure Innate Ice Aura, Those who are born with this body have the highest affinity for Ice Magic and a very potent chill to go along with their magic, this constitution can boost Ice Magic by 50% and will exceed in learning Ice Magic by 100%, the overall Mana Pool And Mana Regeneration is also quite large as the one born with the Supreme Frost Body will have a near endless mana pool as they grow up- but it'll decrease in size and regenerative speed by the time they hit their 70's, At death's Door, the one with the Supreme Frost Body will be completely encased in a peerless Ice which cannot be Broken or Melted. Making it practically an invulnerable Vault.

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