Ophelia Rose Little (MCU)

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Name: Ophelia Rose Little
Nicknames: Lia, Bird Girl, Birdy/Birdie, Little Bird

"Your hands are scarred from murder. And yet... I trust them completely."


Age: 25

Gender: Female

"The horrors you have committed are not who you are."


Personality: Before Hydra, Ophelia was a very outgoing and friendly person. She was social and loved to meet new people and do new things. After working for Hydra though, she was different. She is more reserved and often sits back and observes others rather than participating in conversation. She doesn't work for Hydra anymore but some of the habits they taught her have stuck with her. She pays very close attention to detail, analyzing and calculating everything. This makes her good at knowing when someone is lying or hiding something. In the months that she's been rescued she has come out of her shell a bit more, but she is still different than before.

History: Ophelia had a normal childhood. She was the only child and she was very close with her parents. She graduated high school and went to college for a couple of years. She got a job with SHIELD shortly after graduating high school. She wasn't a field agent and mainly did work such as helping repair or invent new technology. She was smart and good with computers, making her perfect for the job. One of the undercover Hydra agents at SHIELD saw her potential. Hydra kidnapped her as she was heading home after work and for four years they trained and experimented on her, turning her into their spy. Because of her size and innocent appearance, she made the perfect spy that no one would suspect. They gave her two large sparrow-like wings, earning her the nickname Sparrow. SHIELD got her back from Hydra and managed to undo the brainwashing that had been done to her while she was working for Hydra.

Powers: flight and enhanced vision

"My biggest fear is that one day you will see me the way I see myself."


Appearance: Ophelia is average height, standing at 5'6" and she has a rather slim and athletic build. Her eyes are a blue gray color and she has fair skin. She keeps her brown hair cut short so it doesn't get in the way while she's flying. (Faceclaim: Willa Holland)

Accent: American (northern)

Powers: flight (wings), enhanced vision
Skills: krav maga, Brazilian jiu jitsu
Weaknesses: Closed spaces (she relies on her wings a lot for fighting)

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