Joanna Summers (PJO)

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"Stay close to people who feel like sunlight"


Name: Joanna Summers
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Godly parent: Demeter
Personality: Joanna is a fairly reserved and quiet person, but she isn't soft when angry. She cares deeply about her friends and nature and if someone does something to offend either of those things, she will stand up to defend them. She's a loyal friend, although she doesn't have very many. She doesn't speak much unless she's around people she's comfortable with. She doesn't talk about herself and her feelings much, not wanting to be a bother to other people. Most of the time, she's friendly and sweet.

"I am a brutally soft woman."


Backstory: Joanna's father was a farmer in Alabama. She grew up with a simple life, just her and her father. She didn't know much about her mother, but her dad spoke of Demeter's love of nature and how kind she'd been. Joanna didn't know much other than that. She grew up with a deep respect for nature and animals, and when she turned nine years old she discovered she had some control over the plants around her. Her father sent her to Camp Half-Blood, knowing she'd be safer there.
Love interest: Percy Jackson
Power: has control over plants, can sense location of plants, teleportation using plants

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