le cirque des monstres

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All of my OCs for penniegrange05 's roleplay in one spot because why not?


Sage (Brian Whittaker)

What are you most looking forward to seeing at the circus? The variety of acts and magic.

Aria (Aiyana Lewis)

What are you most looking forward to seeing at the circus? The way all the acts look so magical.

Beckett (Miura Haruma)

What are you most looking forward to seeing at the circus? Acts to do with fire and anything dangerous.

Luna (Emily Bador)

What are you most looking forward to seeing at the circus? Apart from all the creatures, an escape from life.


Kay (Francisco Lachowski)

Creature type/powers: Phoenix/Turns into a Phoenix at will, can manipulate fire.
Weakness: Water and snow puts out his fire and prevents him from changing forms or manipulating fire.
Backstory: He was the quiet boy, but a little flirty and fun with his friends. He had a good life. He has a younger sister who has cancer. Childhood friends with Celeste, went to the circus with her. He wants to escape and find his family but after seeing his friend punished all the time he lost a lot of hope.
Name of Act: Phoenix Inferno
Other: You See Fire when you look into his eyes. He has flame patterns around his eyes, across his cheeks and covering his arms.

Celeste (Virginia Gardner)

Creature type/Power: A fae/Shrink to the size of a pixie and manipulate light.
Weakness: Darkness drains her powers.
Backstory: Childhood friends with Kay, they went to the circus with her parents a few months ago, but when the new acts were being picked her parents didn't make it and forgot about her when they erased their memories. She was very upset and attempts to escape daily which just gets her punished all the time.
Name of Act: Illumination

Elric (Colton Haynes)

Creature type/Powers: Hydra Dragon/Can turn from a dragon to a human whenever and manipulate any element (only one at a time)
Weakness: The cold makes him sluggish and he has anger issues.
Backstory: Spent his life as a player, his mum was raising him on her own with a string of boyfriends. He tried to help out, sometimes. He went to the circus with a date before being selected and turned into a creature.
Name of Act: Hydra Boy
Other: When he transforms to a human he still has scales on his arms, back, legs and cheeks. His eyes stay the same as well.

June (Ashley Moore)

Creature type/powers: Shapeshifter
Weakness: Shapeshifting drains her of her energy and she can only last about ten minutes in any form but human.
Backstory: June lived a quiet life and her family surprised her and took her to the circus for her birthday. None of them were selected and despite missing them she sees the circus as an adventure. She finds it intriguing and doesn't want to escape.
Name of Act: The Shifter

Adriel Evan (Froy Gutierrez)
Creature type/powers: Invisibility
Weakness: Emotional, powers don't last long
Backstory: He bought tickets to go to the circus with his girlfriend but she broke up with him the night before the show. He was pretty upset but instead of whining and moping around about it he went to the circus with his little brother instead. When he got picked and his brother didn't he was upset because they weren't together. Until he realised what was going on and was thankful his brother not only had to go through what he did but he wouldn't remember him to be upset about.
Name of Act: Now You See Me


Wynter (Lucky Blue Smith)

Creature type/powers: Snow Weaver (my own creature)/Can control and manipulate snow/ice/water. Leaves a trail of ice behind wherever he goes. Can make the temperature colder.
Weakness: Heat, fire and his need for power.
Backstory: He had very controlling parents that tried to make him be the child they always wanted. So he had always wanted to runaway from them but he never had anywhere to go. When the circus came to town, he took notice of the ringmaster and decided this was his chance to run away.
Name of Act: Snow Weaver
Other: He's cold to the touch, Snow White skin and lots of white and blue markings covering his body. Henchmen of the ringmaster.

Miyu (Hoeyon Jung)

Creature type/Powers: Salamander (spirit of fire)/Whole body turns to fire and she can control the element itself.
Weakness: Basically anything that can put out fire.
Backstory: Her parents abandoned her as she was a reckless teenager. She lived on the streets and stayed at friends houses when she could. Then she rounded up as much money as she could  once she heard the circus was coming to town. Being turned into a creature originally got her down but then she saw it as her escape and follows after the Ringmaster as one of his henchmen.
Name of Act: Girl on Fire
Other: Henchmen of the ringmaster

Cassian (Alex Lange)

Creature type/power: Angel/Voice mimicry and dreamwalking
Weakness: His wings are sensitive and he can only use one power at a time but when he does it makes him tired. Then his whole personality could probably be a weakness.
Backstory: His parents died in a house fire he set himself. No one from the rest of his family would take him in so he became an orphan, transferring from foster family to foster family. One took him to the circus where he became obsessed with the vibe and the creatures. He was ecstatic when he was turned into one himself and would probably follow Nikolas to the end of the world.
Name of Act: Angelic Insanity

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