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Name: Dryn Ursula
Age: 17
Parents: Ursula
Personality:  He's complicated. He likes to keep to himself and is quite reserved as he won't tell you anything about himself or his feelings. But he does like to flirt and have a chat. Though he's one to have a lot of teasing in his chats. Unlike his sister, his temper is controlled and something he doesn't even realise he has. He only gets soft around the people he cares about or are willing to care a lot about him.
Looks: Kyle Ellison

Likes: Shells, his sister, flirting
Dislikes: People getting close, personal questions and people hurting his sister
Strengths: Can cast spells and potions, can fight pretty good
Flaws: Spells need practice and his overprotective

Name: Elric Gothel
Age: 18
Parents: Gothel
Personality: Stereotypical bad boy. If you meet his standards there's no stopping him from flirting his way into your pants. And your pants only. He's not one to make friends, have close relationships with people or get romantically and seriously involved with someone. That's because of the trust issues created by his parents and first serious relationship. Because of that he sticks to himself. Luckily he likes himself a lot. He's confident in his looks and his skills to get whoever he wants. A little too confident it comes to point of arrogance. If you want a conversation that has to do with something other than sleeping or smoking with him he becomes quite rude and even more of a jerk. He'll only be kind to get something he wants. Which is unfortunate since every other time he's being a flirt or getting angry. His anger is almost embedded into his soul and is certainly not something you want to see. Don't get on his bad side, though, and you'll never have to see it. But if you do he won't hesitate to beat you up. Severely.
Looks: Colton Haynes

Likes: Himself, smoking, flirting
Dislikes: Serious relationships, people caring
Strengths: Knows his way around words and can fight
Flaws: Arrogance and anger

Name: Chase Gothel
Age: 20
Parents: Gothel
Personality: He likes to consider himself the only person of real importance. Yes, he can care about others but if it came down to saving himself or jumping in front of a bullet for someone else he'd save himself. The main emotion he conveys is charm and mischief. When first encountering him he comes off as dark and mysterious. Really he's a confident and rebellious flirt who will rarely do as he's told.
Looks: Thomas Brodie Sangster

Likes: Himself, being rebellious, simply having fun
Dislikes: By the books kind of people, being confined to rules
Strengths: Charmer and confident
Flaws: Doesn't listen or know when to follow some rules

Name: Wynter Jadis
Age: 19
Parents: The White Witch
Personality: Like any psychopathic person, no one ever realises it until you're upfront and having a conversation with him or you look into his eyes. He has barely any emotion and the little emotion he does show is all an act. He's very good at that, pretending to be someone he's not. His acts usually involve a lot of sweet talking and charm in hopes to get something from the person. Be warned he only ever asks for favours because he believes he's worthy of your time. But no matter how much he pretends he can't hide who he really is forever. Plus, he's that arrogant and confident that he much prefers his true self. Blame the narcissistic personality disorder. He completely lacks any empathy, loyalty and compassion towards others. Which makes it all the more easier for him to be such a sadomasochist. He likes to hurt others, and don't be surprised if you see him carving a snowflake into his arm. That's his sick form of entertainment. And that's just his emotionless side. Which is the only side you want to see because the other one is worse. When he does feel he feels angry, violent and viscous. That's only if you set him off. However there will be the rare occasion he gets mad with no explanation or obvious cause. Piece of advice: if you do not know why he's angry do not ask.
Looks: Lucky Blue Smith

Likes: Himself, his power, his status, the cold, being in charge
Dislikes: Basically everything but himself
Strengths: His magic is quite powerful and he has a way with words
Flaws: His entire being is flawed man

Name: Luca Hook
Age: 16
Parents: Captain Hook
Personality: He keeps to himself for majority of his waking life. Silence is his happy place and his thoughts are just that, thoughts. He hates small talk and likes conversations to be kept short and to the point. He'll do anything his father or other villains ask of him, whether they're right or wrong, he'll do it if it means keeping them pleased.
Looks: Alexander Ferrario

Likes: Silence, not talking,
Dislikes: Noise, small talk,
Strengths: Good with a sword and daggers
Flaws: Does whatever people tell him without question and rarely puts himself first

Name: Tane
Age: 18
Parents: Moana
Personality: Very much like his mother. He's headstrong, fearless and confident. He'd dive in the deep end without a second thought so long as something good comes out of it. Since getting something good is all that he's about. He likes to believe he can defeat all forms of evil both big and small and always looks for the good in people. He's super nice to those he knows deserves it and tries to convince everyone to be kind and caring.
Looks: Reece King

Likes: Water, the ocean and beach
Dislikes: Cities and places away from nature
Strengths: Can control water, fearless and headstrong
Flaws: Can be reckless, doesn't know when to stop

Name: Adriel Ali
Age: 17
Parents: Aladdin and Jasmine
Personality: He a people person, loves the attention, the crowds and being with people. He's mischievous and loves messing around with his friends but not in a way that would harm anyone. He is a total flirt and teases everyone he comes across in a fun and friendly way. He doesn't let people tell him what to do or push him around. Especially those he knows won't accept his fun and carefree nature. He's adventurous and loves exploring unknown places, he loves the sense of discovery.
Looks: Froy Gutierrez

Likes: Being carefree, having fun, teasing people playfully
Dislikes: People pushing him around or telling him what to do
Strengths: Can teleport, lighten the mood real easily
Flaws: Doesn't know when to stop having fun

Name: Noel
Age: 16
Parents: Gaston
Personality: He grew up around manipulative and abusive people, all of which taught him to be such a kind soul. He would sneak out of his home and befriend people, talk about his dreams and hopes and try to brighten others days. Of course, due to his family he's been left scarred and cautious and very nervous. He's shy at first and struggles to trust people or let them in. Though he's kind enough to say hi even if he doesn't want to hang out with you.
Looks: Mats Van Snippenberg

Likes: Peaceful places, walks, meeting new people
Dislikes: His family, his scars
Strengths: Observant and can tell when others are upset or lying
Flaws: No physical strength

Name: Cassian
Age: 19
Parents: Hades
Personality: Cassian is just insane to the point where he needs to be in a mental asylum. He's egotistic and rarely likes other people but when he does he's the most loyal and obedient person they'll ever know. I guess you could say he gets a little obsessed. One minute he'll be a total flirt, luring people in with his charming nature but one wrong move and in a second he won't hesitate to spill blood.
Looks: Alex Lange

Likes: Himself, blood, violence, fire, the colour crimson
Dislikes: Little kids, nice people and people who think he needs help or to be looked after
Strengths: Physical strength, kind of immune to pain, magical abilities
Flaws: Temper, insanity, arrogance and he's still learning to control his magic

Name: Flynn Hatter
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Parents: Mad Hatter
Personality: He's the madder one of the two. Big attention seeker, loves being centre stage. He's a giant goofball and loves to crack jokes and have a laugh. He's not one to take things seriously and will always try to lighten the mood.
Looks: Bartek Borowiec
Likes: Cake, braiding hair, laughter, dancing (not that he's good at it)
Dislikes: Serious stuff, party poopers,
Strengths: Can cheer people up, get attention easily,
Flaws: Doesn't know when to shut up, take things seriously or tone down the madness


Name: Kasta
Age: 17
Parents: Ursula
Personality: She's a girl you don't want to mess with. There's only two people in the world she cares about and that's her brother and herself. But instead of being caring in a nice and compassionate way she's snarky, sassy and feisty. Her temper always gets the best of her and she goes off with a hot head and a bad attitude. To those she doesn't care about she's a cold hearted bitch. Her only redeeming qualities are her confidence and bravery.
Looks: Hailee Steinfeld

Likes: Herself, Dryn, being sassy
Dislikes: Anyone other than her and her brother, when people point out her flaws
Strengths: Can cast spells and concoct potions of all sorts, her confidence and bravery
Flaws: Potions need practice and her temper and attitude

Name: Chaundra De Ville
Age: 17
Parents: Cruella De Ville
Personality: Quite the opposite of her mother. She has such a love for animals she will stop whatever she's doing to pat or save one. She's not only kind and caring to animals but also to humans. Those she believes deserves her kindness, of course. If you do then she treats you with utter respect, trust and loyalty. But if you break that then the one part of her mother that she got will show. Her temper. She's able to control it to some extent though.
Looks: Camren Bicondova

Likes: Animals, cats especially,
Dislikes: Animal abuse, her mother
Strengths: Control of temper, acting,
Flaws: Temper,
Other: Pretending to be a villain.

Name: Valentina Heart
Age: 15
Parents: Queen of Hearts
Personality: Actually quite difficult to piss off but when she does get angry someone is bound to lose a limb or a life. She sees herself as neither good or evil but she sides with the villains so as not to lose her pride. She's quiet, reserved and usually keeps her cool so long as no one manages to push enough buttons. She acts heartless but deep down somewhere she cares. It just takes her a while to show that side of herself.
Looks: Cher Lloyd

Likes: The colours red, white, gold and black.
Dislikes: When people talk to her or expect anything from her
Strengths: Has some magical qualities and is observant
Flaws: Temper when set off and doesn't know how to be nice

Name: Sasha
Age: 16
Parents: Jafar
Personality: She's your basic bitch. She does what will benefit her without a care for others unless her care is to hurt them. She does everything asked of her from the villains for the praise and sake of being seen as high as they are. She's a total pushover. She likes being mean to people and letting them know she's better than them. Anyone who questions her usually ends up with a broken bone of some sort.
Looks: Taylor LaShae

Likes: Herself, impressing her father
Dislikes: Her siblings, being called names
Strengths: Good control of magic and spells, pretty good charmer
Flaws: Can't handle insults very well or her pride being knocked down

Name: Adistone Bell
Age: 13
Parents: Tinkerbell
Personality: The sweetest little fairy that was ever born. She's all bright smiles and kindness. But unfortunately someone blew out that spark of happiness and now she's always on her toes, scared and glancing over her shoulder. She thinks most people are out to get her and doesn't know who to trust anymore. But that doesn't stop her from smiling at people who pass her by.
Looks: Elle Fanning

Likes: Gardens and flowers, going for walks and meeting nice people
Dislikes: Seeing things dying or uncared for, mean people
Strengths: Can fly and can convert between pixie and human size
Flaws: She's very innocent and doesn't understand how people can be bad, super jittery
Other: Was captured by Hook for sometime before she escaped

Name: Adley White
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Parents: The White Queen
Personality: Calm, suave, kind, absentminded, mysterious, calm, sophisticated, elegant, charismatic and fair.
Looks: Alice Kristiansen
Likes: white, jewellery, castles, cooking, peace
Dislikes: war, conflict and violence
Strength: magic, persuasive
Flaws: can't handle violence, often in her head

Name: Freya Hatter
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Parents: Mad Hatter
Personality: She's super friendly and playful. Always has a smile on her face and is ready for a party. She's not afraid to be her outgoing and bubbly self. She has a bit of a protective streak for those she comes to like and care about. And of course, a little bit mad.
Looks: Karen Gillan
Likes: Tea, tea parties, sweets, jokes, jewellery
Dislikes: Anything dull, serious situations, humourless people
Strengths: Protective, stands up for herself, physically strong
Flaws: Can't take things seriously, madness can get a little overboard

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