Sans The Skeleton

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"Hm?" The skeleton hummed, looking at you. You jumped being startled out of your thoughts. He giggled and shot you a smile.

"Hey, thanks," he said. You looked him up and down.

His white tee and blue hoodie were ripped as well as his sweat-shorts and he was missing one of his pink slippers. He was about five feet tall and his voice was deep.

"No problem. I just couldn't leave you to die. I hate the mistreatment of monsters. It's ridiculous," you said. The skeleton nodded, crossing his arms.

"I know right! Who knows what would've happened if you didn't show up. I only have 1 HP. It's a miracle I got my shield up in time. I would have attacked, but they just kept hitting at me. I couldn't do anything but keep my shield up. Besides, the shield is draining on my magic as it is. Any more strain and my magic would've been zapped out. I'd have been dust for sure," he said.

"By the way, name's Sans. Sans Skeleton," he added, extending his hand to you.

You smiled.

"(Y/n). (Y/n) (l/n). Nice to meet you Sans!" you said, taking his hand. What you did not expect was to hear a very loud and indignant fart noise. He stifled a laugh as the noise dragged on.

You started to giggle as the noise came to its end, then you erupted into laughter, Sans not too far behind.

"Oh my god! Was that a whoopee cushion!?" you asked, laughing hysterically.

"Yes!" Sans said through his laughter. It was deep and hollow, but very warm and friendly.

You two calmed down and started to talk for a bit. You figured out that he has a younger brother named Papyrus and that they are legal guardians to the child who set them all free alongside the queen of the monsters, who was the main caretaker for the child, named Frisk.

"That's really cool, Sans!" you said, smiling.

"Thanks. That kid is somethin' else, y'know? They are always so nice to everyone they meet," he said.

"Well, I really need to get home," you said.

"Sure, want me to get ya there?" he asked, offering you his hand yet again.

"Um I just live across the street. But, I do need help getting inside. My key was kinda being a butt and I couldn't unlock my door earlier," you said. He chuckled a bit.

"Okay then. Let's go, I'll get ya inside."

You led him over to your house, the setting sun casting a golden glow to the street.

Once you got there, Sans disappeared in a flash of blue.

"Sans?" you asked, looking for him. You heard your door click and it opened. Sans was on the other side.

"There ya go," he said. You stared at him for a moment, then blinked.

"Okay then. Thank you, Sans," you said.

"No prob. Well, I'm going to be at my friend's bar and grill tomorrow, Grillby's, with Papyrus. If ya want, you can meet us there," he said.

"That sounds like fun! What time should I meet you there?" you asked, a smile on your face.

"One sound good to you?" he asked. You nodded.

"Perfect. Well, night Sans. I'll see ya tomorrow," you said. He stepped out of your house and let you in. You waved to him real quick before closing the door.

You looked around your house. It wasn't the cleanest, but it wasn't too messy either.

You sighed and walked upstairs to get in the shower before bed.

~~~Timeskip cause reasons~~~

You flopped back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling, just thinking. You eventually fell asleep lost in thought about the events of that day.

And chapter 2 is revised (finally). This would have come out sooner, but for some reason it wouldn't let me paste the text into Wattpad! I'm just glad I had saved the old version, otherwise it would've been a disaster! Anywho, hope you all are liking the revisions. I'm planning on adding a few chapters and changing a few things to get the story to be less rushed, especially in the beginning. I'm going to let the reader ease into it before the relationship starts. I think this is a very great and important step for this story. More than likely I'll write all of the filler chapters before putting them into the story, otherwise things will get complicated. Hope that those of you waiting on the next part of LOT are doing okay in the wait. I know I'm not the best person to update my stories, but I'm getting there.

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