The Skeleton Brothers

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You drive over to the grill wearing a casual black t-shirt that read "Keep Calm and Love Monsters". It was the official club shirt, the iconic picture of Mount Ebbot stood proudly on the top. You found a parking space next to a red convertable near the front. You saw a couple of skeleton girls exit the doors of the restaurant laughing away. You waved and they waved back at you, smiling. You walked inside to see a fire man behind the bar cleaning a glass cup. You saw your skeleton friend and what what seemed to be his brother sitting at the bar.

"GREETINGS HUMAN!" The rather tall and loud skeleton said. He sounded eerily similar to Skeletor from He-Man, but it just kinda seemed to suit him. Sans chuckled loudly behind the skeleton brother as the skeleton picked you up and hugged you tightly.

"Can't...breath!" You say, trying desperately to catch your breathe when you suddenly hit the floor with a loud thud.

"Sorry, human! I was just very excited for your arrival! I, the Great Papyrus, am the cool, and rather handsome, brother of Sans!" The skeleton said, picking up sans very easily. Sans just lazily smiled at waved.


"Hey Sans. So, this is your brother, huh?" You say. Sans just shrugged.

"Yea. Isn't my brother cool?" Sans replied.

"BROTHER! I MUST BE OFF!" Papyrus said.

"Why, Pap?"

"Remember! I said I'd meet Mettaton in their studio!"

"Oh yea, go have fun!" Sans said. Upon those words escaping his mouth he made a very tiny version of the deer skull appear and he whispered something to it. It then proceeded to follow Papyrus everywhere, but he didn't really notice it.

"GOODBYE BROTHER! GOODBYE HUMAN!" Papyrus said, marching out the door, the floating deer skull following suit.

"What's that for?" You ask Sans.

"Eh, its like a camera of sorts. I can see what he's doing to make sure he stays out of trouble. Anyways, why are you still standing there, take a seat!" He said, patting the bar stool beside him invitingly.

"Aw so sweet!" You think to yourself.

(Excuse my 4th wall breakage, but from now on, when you see a fully italic sentence in quotes, that's your thoughts. Alright? Good! ONWARDS!)

"So, ____, what would you like?" Sans asked as you took the seat.

"How's about a burger?" You say.

"Alright. Hey Grillby! Two orders of burg please!" Sans said. "And a ketchup!"

You laughed. "What's he gonna do with ketchup!?"

That question was answered soon enough. Sans chugged down the ketchup like you would do with a cup of (insert favorite drink here). "How...what?" You stared dumbfounded at the skeleton.

"Oh,'s just a thing. Don't worry bout it, •____•."

(More 4th wall breakage, but when you see a • on both sides of the blank, it means only the first half of your name. Example, if you're named Taylor, it'd be "Tay" or if it's Ashlyn, it's "Ash". For weird names that don't make sense in this context, you can either ignore the • or use the last part of your name. Ok, good. Onwards...again!)

-time skip brought to you by the letter K!-

You finished the burger, you feeling full and content with life. You felt a bony hand on your shoulder. The familiar low voice rank in your ears, soothingly. You could fall asleep to his talking, but you didn't. You, by all means possible, will stay awake! The burger you ate somehow filled you with the DETERMINATION to do so.

"Hey, •____•, you ok?" He said.

"Oh, yea. I'm fine Sans. Thanks," you said, standing up. He chuckled.

"Good. I was kinda worried there for a minute," he said. He offered to take you back home, bur you took him instead. Papyrus had taken the car and Sans had no other way of getting home. He had offered to drive, but I didn't let him.

He gave you directions and soon enough you were at an apartment just down the road from your house.

"Thanks ______ for the ride. This was fun. Maybe we should hang out some more!" Sans said through the rolled down window as he leaned on the door from the outside.

"Okay, when and where?" You say.

"'s the park sound. This Wednesday afternoon?" He suggested. You loved the park!

"Sure. Sounds fun!" You say.

"Um...Pap will be in his cooking lessons that day, so it'll just be you and me. Is that ok?"

"OMG YES IT IS OKAY!! Oh shut up stupid voice in my head!"

"Yea. Fine by me!"

"Great, see ya then! Oh, by the way," he said, scribbling something down on a paper, "call me?" You smiled wide as you grabbed the paper.

"Yea, I'll call you, Sans. Later!" You say, driving away toward your house.

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