School Shopping

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It was a week since Chara moved into your house. You walked around Belk with Chara floating along behind you as you looked through the various racks of clothes.

"Do I have to do this?" She asked you. You sighed and answered her for the fifth time, "yes, Chara. We have to. You want to look decent going to school tomorrow don't you?" She huffed and crossed her arms.

"I'm so bored!" She said.

"I'm sure there's something you can do. Help me look for clothes or something," you said, looking through some sweaters. She huffed and floated off toward a nearby clothes rack. She looked through the t-shirts and started staring at one. You walked over to her and looked at the article she had found. It was a black shirt with a large pink mustache on it, a white M behind it. You saw the tag that read "TubeStars! Limited brand!" You saw her face light up as she lifted the shirt from the rack.

"Can I get it, (y/n)? Please!" She asked you. You looked at the price tag on it.

"Seventy five dollars!?" You said much louder than you had intended. You saw Chara's smile falter slightly after you said this.

"I-I can help pay for it. I still have a bunch of G from when I was in the Underground," Chara said.

"Is there any way of converting it into cash?" You asked. You really wanted to get this shirt for her, but you didn't have enough money.

"Yea! I remember seeing a Monster ATM at the front," she said, her excitement returning. You walked with Chara to the front of the store to turn some of her G into cash.

"Okay, we got some money now! Let's get this shirt!" Chara said. You stopped her and told her that she should find a few more shirts and a few pairs of pants along with some new shoes.

"Oh...okay then. Let's go back to the shirts. I think I saw another one over there that I like," she said.

-time skip-

You and Chara stood at the check out line holding a few t-shirts, a sweater, two TubeStars! shirts (they were buy one get one free), a few pairs of jeans, and two boxes of shoes, one pair of Vans and one pair of Sperry's. Most of the clothes were on sale, so you weren't too worried about the total price.

"That'll be $170, ma'am," the clerk said. Chara pulled out the money she had converted and you pulled out some cash as well. Once everything was bagged up and paid for, the two of you walked out to head back home.

I don't wanna add another part for the authors note, so I'm just gonna say it here. We hit 10K reads! Hooray! Thank you guys so much for this and 100+ followers! I hope you are liking this story so far!

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