{15} - No more.

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Aren’t you guys amazing? That’s why I’m updating early :)

Oh and before I carry on, I just wanted to remind you guys that Megan believed Niall was in the crime together with Amanda. Just need to clear this in case you guys get confuse in the middle of the story.

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Megan's P.O.V

"What Megan? No, no it can't be. We will take care of her and raise her up together," Niall said, loudly. But, my decision was final.

I couldn't believe that everything was blocked out of my mind for a while until I saw Amanda again. I knew I was in the hospital and I was close to being safe in there. Amanda wouldn't be able to hurt me anymore, physically. But mentally, it still hurts knowing that my own sister was doing this to me, along with my husband. A husband whom I loved dearly.

"Please leave me alone Niall," I said in a whisper, sounding begging. I really needed some time on my own. I didn't want to talk to Niall anymore. He was a betrayer and no matter how much I loved him, I need to hate him for what he had done to me and Amy. He led us on, into what we thought the most lovely and luxurious life only to drowned us into the sea.

I decided, from now on, I was going to stand up on my own as a single mom again and I would raise my daughters up. I didn't need Niall. I didn't need anyone and I sure wasn't going to trust anyone, anymore.

"Megan, you need to listen to me. I will change for you. I will leave everything behind. I love you..."

"Just get out Niall!" I screamed at him. If I wasn't weak, I really wanted to hit him. How dare he said he loved me when he was actually with Amanda, working together to watch me fall?

Niall was about to say something but I quickly press the emergency button on the side of the bed, calling for the nurse, the doctors and whoever that was available.

"Please get him out of this room. I really could stand no more with his presence here. He's making me in pain," I told the nurse, lying along, and trying to get her sympathy to get Niall out. I saw the nurse shot him an apologetic look before telling him to leave my room.

"Megan, please don't do this to me," Niall said, holding on to me and the bed, not wanting to leave. I was at the verge of crying. I loved Niall, no matter what and seeing him like that, crying in front of me made my heart break. But he broke my heart too. He lied. He betrayed. He was just putting an act.

"Please get him out!" I screamed and pretend to be going hysterical again. Immediately the same nurse went to the door and came back with two more male nurses. They both pulled Niall out and then the first nurse locked the door before coming over to check on me.

"Nurse, please don't let him in room anymore. Please," I said. I was begging. I didn't want to see Niall anymore. It hurts.

"We'll try out best, Ma'am," she said.

"Can I please have some painkillers? I feel so painful, everywhere," I told her.

"Alright, I'll come back with your medication," the nurse said.

I was then left alone. If I wasn't weak, I would have tried something to sneak out of the room but I was weak and even though I wasn't in pain, I just needed some medication. I knew the drugs that they were giving me could cause drowsiness. I just needed it because I needed sleep so badly, that I didn't want to get up.

I got it. I fell into a long -but no so peaceful- sleep.

Niall's P.O.V

I was still there, just outside Megan's room, sitting on the floor and hugging my knees. I couldn't stop crying. I was so sad. I was so disappointed. Did my love really mean nothing to Megan? Was her love that thin for me that she wouldn't give me any chance at all?

I did my best for her. I wasn't asking for anything in return. I knew what I have done was wrong and all I wanted was a chance for me to prove to her that I really did love her even after whatever that happened. I wouldn't ask for anything else rather than to prove to my family that I would, change for the better, for them because I love them so much.

"Niall..." I heard a familiar soft voice. I looked up and saw Liam and the other boys were kneeling down around me. They came back to visit.

"Liam," I cried and went into his arms, crying like a baby on his shoulder. None of them said anything. I only felt Liam's hand on my back, stroking it trying to sooth me down but nothing actually could help me at that point of time.

The next thing I felt was being pulled out and dragged into an empty room. I didn't want it to be there. I needed to protect Megan whether she allow me in her room or not. Therefore, I tried struggling out of Liam's grip.

"Mate, relax," I heard Louis say.

"No," I said and wiped my face, "I need to take care of Megan. I need to sit in front there because she wouldn't let me in. I need to take care of her."

"Niall, listen to me," Louis' voice was stern as he held my head in place and looked at me fiercely, "You're tired. You cannot do this to yourself. You need sleep, you need your rest, and you need to eat. I may not understand what you're going through right now but you know that we all will be here for you not matter what and you need to stop being selfish because seeing you like this, torturing yourself also means that you're torturing us!"

I let Louis' words sink into me before I slowly let my tears out again and hugged Louis tightly. Then I moved to hug the other boys. I didn't know what was in my mind. I suddenly felt very selfish for hurting everyone and all I ever wanted was for them to be fine.

"I'm sorry Louis. I'm sorry Zayn. I'm sorry Liam. I'm sorry Harry," I chanted as I hugged them repeatedly.

Then I fell to Zayn because he was hugging me tightly. "Don't do this to yourself mate. We are all here for you," I heard him whisper before I felt myself getting weaker and eyelids getting heavier.

Louis' P.O.V

Seeing Niall like this broke my heart, broke our hearts. This wasn't our Niall. We didn't mind about him not being able to go on tour and promote the acoustic album with us. But we did mind that now he didn't love Nandos like he did, that he didn't strum his guitar as often, that he didn't smile for nothing, that he didn't joke anymore, that all he was doing was abandoning himself without him realizing.

"I'll head out to buy some food for him and come back as quick as I can," Zayn said and walked up to me. Niall's head was resting on my thigh while his leg was at the other end of the bench, on Liam's thigh. Zayn bent down and kissed Niall's forehead before leaving.

"I really think we should do something to help," I said.

"I think so too. But what are we supposed to do?" Harry asked. His curls weren’t in place and he looked just as worried as us.

"I do think that we should help out but I guess we shouldn't interfere. Niall's an adult now. He's a dad. He's a husband. He should know that this all was coming. It's part of his responsibility," Liam said.

"But we really should help him in some way," I insisted. I couldn't stand still, seeing him so devastated.

"We don't even know the reason to him being devastated," Harry said.

"He was because Megan and Amy were kidnapped. And from what Amy told me earlier, now Megan didn't want to see Niall because... well because I don't know. I really feel that Megan's being ungrateful. Niall was always searching high and low for her and now that he had found her, she didn't want him near her," I voiced out my unhappiness.

"The thing is mate," Liam tapped my shoulder, "We have no idea what exactly happened to Megan, to Niall and between the two of them."

It was true. I looked down at Niall's frowning face; only he had the answers.

Niall's P.O.V

I stirred in my sleep. I was having the same nightmare over and over again. Mom was scolding me, and then Megan suddenly turned up, consoling me then leaving me. It happened over and over again that I finally decided that I should be leaving all these pain behind.

I opened up my eyes and saw Louis. We were in a white room and I knew instantly that we were still in the hospital. "Hey Louis," I said and he immediately caressed my hair. I was suddenly reminded of the thing I was currently going through and instantly wished I was back to sleeping.

"Niall, Zayn bought you Nandos," Harry informed.

"I'm not hungry," I said, "Actually I'm still sleepy. But I wanna check on Megan first."

"But I suggest you eat first. You wouldn't be allowed in Megan's room," Louis reminded me. How could I have forgotten that Megan now hated me for what I have done with Amanda? She wouldn't let me near her and she wouldn't as well let me near our kids.

"I'm just gonna ask the nurse," I insisted and got up, only to have Louis pull me back down.

"Eat," he said sternly, like he was scolding me.

"I want to see Megan," I told him quietly, not realizing that I had tears streaming down my face. I was actually begging for Louis to let me go and see Megan.

"You will," he said, his voice softened, "We will help you find a way. But now, you need to eat. Just a bite. It's Nandos."

That word 'Nandos' didn't seem to give me anymore tingles and excitement. I just nodded and shredded a few pieces of chicken and then I was done. "I have no appetite," I told the boys quietly.

"Niall," suddenly Harry was in front of me, "We want to help you. We know you are going through a lot. We really do want to help you because we care a lot for you. But we need to know everything. We visited Amy and your mom but we couldn't really get a clear picture of everything."

"Yes Niall. We really do want to help you. Don't push us away. We're like family, remember? We're gonna be there for you whatever it is," Zayn said. "Just don't hide anything from us and we'll do everything we could to help you."

There were a lot - too many to tell the boys. Then I realized that I really have been keeping things from them. Slowly, I eyed all of them, "Where do I start?"

"From the beginning," Liam encouraged, patting me on my back.

"During Demi's birthday last year, that morning when you guys found me already missing from there, that was because I woke up even earlier and found myself naked next to a woman. I didn't remember a thing and I felt guilty. That's why I fled, quickly back to LA. I didn't want to feel like I was cheating on Megan."

"Then you know how my life turned to perfect when Megan accepted me fully. It was all beautiful until recently, that woman, whom I woke up next morning to during Demi's birthday appeared in my life. Her name was Amanda. And... and she was pregnant. She said it was mine. I didn't know whether I should believe her or not but I couldn't help but think that she wasn't lying. She said she just wanted me to be responsible. She didn't mean to ruin my career or anything."

"I was torn. Megan was pregnant and so was Amanda. I know I shouldn't be thinking of Amanda but I just couldn't help but be responsible as well. She wasn't asking for too much. Just for me to be responsible. Then she stopped appearing in my life for a while and that was when Megan and Amy were being kidnapped. I didn't even think about Amanda because my mind was too filled up with Megan and Amy."

"I don't know if you guys will get confuse from here but recently, just yesterday actually, Amanda turned up in front of me and Megan and Amy. Megan started throwing a fit at me and she was hysterical. I didn't know what was going on. I was shocked that Amanda decided to make an appearance in front of Megan that I didn't realized that Amy was terrified when she saw Amanda. And she made a statement that Amanda was the one who had captured Megan and herself."

"Amanda is in the locked up at the moment. The police believed that she could be the kidnapper because one, of the false statement she gave and second, Amy as a child couldn't be lying. I am starting to believe that Amanda really was the kidnapper because Megan seemed to have found out what happened between me and Amanda that night during Demi's birthday. And she... she wanted a divorce."

I paused. I cried, letting my tears out. We cannot divorce whatever it is.

"Couldn't you guys have a talk on it first?" Louis asked. I honestly have no answer to his question but I did know why Megan wanted it.

"I wouldn't blame her," I said, "Because, Amanda and Megan, they are actually blood related."

"This is so bloody complicated," Harry remarked and I had to agree.

"Is there anything else that we should know?" Zayn asked, ignoring Harry. I shook my head.

"I honestly have to say that I am disappointed that you're keeping so many things from us. But just so you know, we will still help you and be here for you no matter what."

* * * * *

You know what to do for early updates? ;) x

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