{16} - Why now?

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Megan's P.O.V

I didn't manage to stay peace and calm overnight when I was alone. I was thinking about too many things around. My life was suddenly full of drama. I missed Amy. I wanted to meet Elly. I wished Niall hadn't done the things that he had.

I couldn't do anything. I couldn't go to Amy right now. I couldn't hold Elly and breast-feed her. I couldn't hug Niall to ease off my worry. I couldn't do anything. I was a useless mother, a terrible wife.

I wished things had been done differently. Such as, Amanda wouldn't hate me so much. Then she wouldn't waste any time to do something bad to me. Such as, Daniel hadn't died. Then I would be the happiest girl in a happy family. Such as, I didn't meet Niall. Then life would be so much simpler without the pre-drama of him being a celebrity.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. It was half past 11. Maybe the nurse wanted to send in early lunch. I looked at the door and a head popped in. I smiled.

"Momma," Amy greeted and galloped her way to my bed.

"Hello Amy," I said back and welcomed her in my arms as she climbed up the bed. Carefully, I lifted my body up so I was resting my back on the pillow.

"I brought McDonalds for lunch," she said, "I remember how hospital foods are not delicious."

They were indeed tasteless or I had forgotten how to taste due to the drugs they gave me. "Thank you," I said to Amy and kissed her forehead.

Just then, another person entered my room. I was expecting Niall, or was I not? He didn't come back after I shoo-ed him away. Well, he didn't have any reason to be here. He could be with Amanda out there, making out or whatever.

I found myself staring at the person whom just entered my room. It was Mom, Niall's mom. I started thinking further and deeper. Was Niall mom behind these too? Or, did she not know what Niall was up to all these while?

"How are you doing Megan?" She asked me and then came over, kissing me on top of my head like she usually did. Like, nothing had happened. Maybe she didn't know. "Where's Niall?" She asked again. She definitely didn't know about it.

"Momma, you want the cheeseburger or the McChicken?" Amy asked me.

"Which one do you want?" I asked her back.

"I want the Big Mac but Granny said, that one's for Poppa."

"Big Mac would be too much for you Amy," Mom said and stroke Amy's hair lovingly. No, Mom couldn't be involve with all these, I convinced myself. "Plus, the last time your Poppa's ate a proper food was many many days ago," Mom continued.

"Where's Niall, Megan?" Mom asked me again when I continued being silent to her. I didn't want to believe that Niall was worried, that he hadn't been eating right for fear about my health. Well, maybe he did. But he only did because I was carrying his child.

"I...I don't know," I stuttered. Then another knock on the door. Maybe that was Niall, saving me from having his Mom questioning me on his presence.

"Hey Megan," they chorused. They as in Harry, Louis, Zayn and Liam.

"Hey," I said in a low voice.

"Hey boys, have you seen Niall?" Mom asked them.

"Yeah. He's in the waiting room," Louis informed and then looked at me. They knew that I didn't allow Niall in. Then, did they know about what Niall was doing to me? Were they behind this as well?

"What is he doing there? He should be with his wife," Mom nagged and got up, I guess going to Niall to call him.

"Well, he's not allowed in the room," Zayn said and looked at me. Soon, everyone's eyes were on me except Amy who were nibbling on her (I guess) cheeseburger.

"What? What do you mean?" Mom furrowed her eyebrows.

"Megan doesn’t allow him in," Harry said nonchalantly.

Mom's eyes immediately darted to mine. "Is that so Megan? Why?"

"Because..." Suddenly the room was too squeezey for me. I needed fresh air. The room was having too many people that there weren't enough oxygen supply that I was suffocating.

"Why Megan?" Mom asked again. She was nearer to me this time and her voice has softened.

"We're... we're... we're getting divorce," I finally choked out.

"What? Why?" Mom raised her voice. I wonder if she was shock or she was angry.

"I... I don't know. Ask Niall!" I raised my voice back too.

"Niall is definitely not at fault," Louis raised his voice at me, "All he ever did was, loving you, you and you. He never stopped. His life was at the edge when you and Amy were the one who got kidnapped. When you were saved, all he did was be by your side. He left the tour. He didn't even eat properly. You see, half of his soul was with you and when you were gone, half of his were gone as well. He took care of you every second you're in the hospital. And now you easily wanted a divorce just because of one drunken night he had with your sister."

Louis. He was definitely behind this too. Oh God! I wanted nothing but get away from here. Louis was obviously siding his good friend. He wouldn't listen to me. I was the victim here.

"You don't even want to talk things out with him. You trusted your sister so much. Yes, maybe the baby that she's carrying belongs to Niall, but it was all a mistake. He didn't know that that girl was your sister until she appeared in the hospital while you and Niall were trying to fill each other."

I looked up at Louis and screamed, "Liar! Niall and Amanda have been in this together for as long as God knows. They wanted to bring me down. Amanda never liked me. She wants to destroy my life and she got Niall in and now she has successfully brought me down. So you don't come in this room and started telling me that I was at fault. You are not in my shoe. You didn't go through what I did!"

I was too angry. I didn't know I was crying until I felt myself shaking vigorously.

"What the hell is she talking about now?" Louis muttered out loud.

"Louis, Louis stop!" I recognized Amy's voice. "Don't make Momma cry anymore."

Amy's arms went around my neck and I leaned my head against her small shoulder, crying and hugging her tightly. She was the only one I could lean on, physically and mentally, at the moment.

"I need to get out of here," I heard Mom muttered before she stomped away from my room. Slowly, the other 4 boys followed. Then I knew that I had made everyone angry at me and most of all, hated me just for the things that I didn't know I was at fault.

Niall's P.O.V

I was pacing around the waiting room, waiting for the boys to come back. Yeah, maybe I wasn't manly enough to have to get the boys to talk and persuade Megan to let me in the room and to trust me back. It was the only way.

Suddenly the room's door was forced open and Mom came in, looking red. She was angry. "Mom?" I called. She came over to me, stomping her feet and her palms came in contact with my cheeks, surprising me.

"Mom?" I called again and this time, I was clutching my cheeks. It hurts.

"What have you done my son, Niall James Horan?" Mom yelled in front of me. What have I done? Just then the door was opened again and the boys came in. I guessed Mom knew everything that I had told the boys.

"Mom," I called again, "Mom I am very sorry. I didn't mean to hurt Megan..."

"Why are you guys getting a divorce?" Mom asked, shocking me.

"We're not," I replied instantly.

"Then, what Louis said was true?" Mom's eyes didn't leave mine. She was scolding me like the first time I was suspended from school for adding sea water in Mr Marc's coffee. Just this time, she looked even angrier.

I nodded, answering Mom's question. In return, I got another, harder, slap. I winced in pain but I didn't argue. I was indeed at fault.

"Then did what Megan said, true?"

"What did Megan said?" I asked softly, looking down, not daring to look at my mom when she was angry.

"She said that you and that whoever girl was in this together and you both were just trying to bring her down, you wanted to destroy her life!" Mom told me, raising her voice at every word.

"I don't know what she's talking about Mom," I told her, pleading that she would believe. Mom didn't say anything and I looked at the boys who were giving me an apologetic look. "I need to talk to Megan," I said afterwards and walked past Mom to get out of the room, only to be yanked back.

"Don't," Mom told me sternly, "She needed the space. She will have to talk to you eventually."

Mom's voice was softer when she spoke to me and I didn't want to make her angry further, knowing that I had already made her mad with the new truth. So, I nodded and sat down on the chair patiently waiting for Megan to call me back in her room.

Megan's P.O.V

That night about 9, while I was about to go to sleep, someone knocked on my door. I didn't answer but that person entered eventually. The room was dimmed but even though, I could still see clearly that face.

Did I miss her? Did I want to see her again?

"Megan kid," she called me, still with the same nickname that she had given me since young, which I didn't like.

"Mom," I acknowledged her. My mom. My mom was standing in front of me. I suddenly was thinking of all the times when she actually never showed me that she loved me. I found myself still wondering why.

My hands instinctively went around Amy who was asleep on my bed, next to me. I couldn't stand the idea of having any stranger around me and my daughter, afraid that they would hurt me or my daughter.

"Megan, I...I'm sorry," she said and suddenly broke into tears. "I know I wasn't a good mother. I know Dad wasn't a good father. I know Amanda wasn't a good sister," she started. Nope, they still aren’t good.

"After you left, Amanda was the only one who took care of me and your dad. She worked so hard to take care of us and covered up our health expenses, house groceries. She was the sole-breadwinner because your Dad stopped working. I've heard about what Amanda has done to you. It is not acceptable, I understand. But Megan, with now she's in the lock up, your Dad and I loses a person we always depended on. I am not trying to beg you Megan but... we need your sister. She can't stay in the lock up forever. She needed to support us. Plus she's pregnant and she..."

I blocked my ears from hearing. Why? Why did my Mom sounded like she was begging me? Why hadn't she done that a long time ago? Why hadn't she begged for me to stay instead of running away and chasing me out when they found out I was pregnant with Amy? Why now? Ah, Amanda. She only came here for Amanda. Oh and why didn't she chase Amanda away too now that she's pregnant with someone else's husband?

So was it my fault now that Amanda was in the lock up for kidnapping me and Amy. Oh but wait, how was she caught? How was Jake?

Huff! Mom and Dad never changed. The only reason Amanda took care of them was because they never gave me the chance to be a good daughter of theirs. Mom only came here, to gain some sympathy from me to get Amanda out. She didn't even spare my feelings a thought. Oh wait, she never did. Not now, not then.

"Who are you?" A voice from the door startled me from my thoughts. I saw Mom, Niall's Mom, glaring at mine.

"Who are you?" My mom asked her.

I cleared my throats, gaining both attention and called Niall's Mom over. Even though there was a possibility of Niall's Mom disliking me, I needed her.

"Mom," I called my Mom but both of them looked at me. I held Niall's Mom's hand and looked over to my mom, "She's my mother-in-law. She has been the one whom took care of me, and the one who loved my daughter. She didn't chase me away, she never did. She loves me and I love her. She was the only Mom I have. You," I pointed to my mom, "never needed me. So why do you need me now? I don't see the reason."

"I've been bad," my mom said and I guess she sobbed. "But please Megan, think about what I have told you." With that, she left the room but not before shooting Niall's Mom some eye daggers. And as soon as she left, I removed my hand from Mom's.

"She's your Mom?" Mom asked me.

"Nope," I answered, "You are." I realized what I said a few seconds later and quickly tried to come up with something. "Erm I mean..."

"You are my daughter Megan," Mom said and kissed my temple. She wasn't angry at me. "I'm sorry Niall had to hurt you. But I'm sure he does have his side of story. I just want you to know that I am not siding him. I love you both and I don't wanna see you separating. I'm sure you can work things out. It's unforgivable for him to make someone else pregnant, but Megan, I know deep down inside you want to forgive him because I've seen how you two grow over past the months, loving each other."

"Mom, I..." I wanted to say that maybe she was right but I didn't have the strength yet. I knew I was weak and I definitely wouldn't be able to control my emotions if I were to talk to Niall.

"It's okay Megan. I know you need some time on your own. I just wish you would talk to Niall if you're ready. I'm just gonna bring Amy home and we'll come back tomorrow okay?"

I nodded and Mom kissed me on the forehead before lifting Amy up in her arms. Before she left, I called her one more time.

"Could you please call Niall in?"


Amazing people, 30 votes for the previous chapter? :) Can I have more for this one? Oh and, you know what to do for early updates. Let’s try to finish this story by before New Years :D

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