{17} - Compromising.

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Niall's P.O.V

Mom went into Megan's room to bring Amy home since it was a quarter past 11 at night. Louis told me what he had said to Megan, causing her to perk up and got angry before the boys went out. Then Amy, being the lovely daughter she was, scolded Louis for making her Momma cry. Me on the other hand, I didn't even say anything to Louis for making my wife cried. I just kept quiet, because I knew I was the reason why. If I hadn't told them, they wouldn't make Megan cry. But I definitely needed help in my marriage and that was why I told the boys.

A few minutes after Mom got in; a woman aged about 40 went out of the room. I didn't know who she was. I didn't recognize her and I didn't manage to go after her as she walked away quickly to exit the level. I couldn't help but think if that woman had hurt Megan. But if she did, Mom would definitely have gone out and ask for help.

Then I realized a thing; I was too busy obeying Megan's request just so she wouldn't be angry at me. But the thing I didn't realize was with me, staying away from Megan, I wouldn't be able to explain myself out. I wouldn't be able to try and make up for being a terrible father and husband.

Megan's door cracked open and Mom got out slowly, carrying Amy with one arm and using another one to close the door. "Come, let me help you," I offered to carry Amy to the car because I knew Mom wasn't as strong anymore.

"No, it's okay. I can manage," she declined me politely. We stayed silent for a few seconds before Mom asked me, "Are you gonna stay for the night?"

I shrugged. I honestly didn't know but deep down, I knew I really wanted to stay in Megan's room and take care of her and hold her hand because only that way I knew she was close to me.

"I asked you a question," Mom suddenly said firmly, "Are you staying here or coming home with me?"

"I'm staying," I decided. I still could watch over Megan from a room's away.

"Good. Because she wants you in her room now," Mom said.


"You heard me," Mom said sternly, "She wants you in right now. Go before she changed her mind or before I change my mind to drag you home."

Mom was being a little fierce towards me since she found out about everything but I still should be glad that she didn't create any distance with me like Megan did. Oh, but Megan wanted me in her room.

"Goodnight Mom," I said and kissed her cheeks and bend down to kiss Amy's forehead. Mom walked away without kissing me but I didn't mind.

Once she was gone, I walked to Megan's door and slowly, feeling nervous, I knocked on it. I heard Megan's voice from inside saying that I could come in and I felt like crying. Oh, how much I have missed that voice.

I finally found the courage to open the door and popped my head in. Megan was looking at me. Her face was impassive, making me feeling half-hearted if I should enter the room or not.

"Come in," Megan said, as if she was sensing my indecision. I got in and closed the door quietly before walking over to Megan's bed. I sat on the chair next to the bed, unsure if Megan was allowing me but I did.

We were then engulfed in a very intense silent. I didn't know how brave I got but I took one of Megan's hands in mine and kissed her knuckles. I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to hug her. Heck even if I could make love to her right now, I would. But I couldn't.

"I'm sorry," I muttered just loud enough for Megan to hear me. I didn't realize I was crying until I a drop of my tears fell onto Megan's knuckles. I quickly wiped her knuckles off.

"We need to have a proper talk," Megan said and pulled her hand away from the one in mine.

"We do," I agreed and looked down on my lap after wiping my tears off.

"Go ahead," Megan signalled for me to start.

"It happened during that period of time when I went back to UK. You remember that time you were angry at me because of the few previous night that I went home drunk? Well, when I was in UK, I attended a friend's birthday, Demi Lovato. It was a normal birthday party with drinks and all. I didn't know exactly what happened until the next day I woke up, already in the bed with...with Amanda. I never knew what we did. I supposed, we were both drunk and Amanda wouldn't recall anything when she wakes up due to the hangover and all. So I decided to fly away and flew back to LA," I explained.

"I never knew her name until recently; on the day you wanted me to get you some mango pudding. She suddenly appeared in my life and told me that we did something during Demi's birthday. That was when I first knew her name and from then on, she started appearing in my life and wanted me to be responsible of the baby she was carrying because she said it was mine from that night. I didn't want to believe her but I don't know why I just did because she seemed sincere. I mean, she didn't go to humiliate me on the media or anything; she just wanted me to be responsible."

"I told her I will, as long as she stayed away from me. Before I knew it, you and Amy were kidnapped. Everything happened so drastically. I didn't realize that from then, Amanda didn't appear in my life anymore. She only did when you were being sent over here. That was when she started haunting me back. Then on the day when she made her first appearance in front of us, that was when I knew she was your sister or perhaps someone related, as well as your kidnapper. Amy was so terrified of her and she told us that Amanda was the one that kidnapped you. I got the police to run some investigation and we knew that you two are related from your last names."

"That was all. I made a mistake and I am sorry. I didn't dare to be truthful to you because you were pregnant and your condition didn't allow me to break anything that is...heart-breaking. I am really sorry, Megan. I wished I could rewind the time and make things right. Please forgive me," I begged and gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

Megan's P.O.V

I was still frowning at the end of Niall's explanation. It was a whole total different thing from what Amanda had told me. Now, who should I believe? Niall was my husband while Amanda was my sister whom has never regarded me as her sister.

Slowly, I took in what Niall had told me.

Thinking back of the times that I wasn't talking to Niall because of his drunken night made me cringed. It was the first time I felt so terrible without Niall, to be honest. Then, he talked about going to Demi's birthday. I never liked Demi Lovato because when I was younger and I was in a total obsession with Jonas Brothers, Demi was Joe's girlfriend and I kinda got jealous over this fan-celebrity thingy. I always thought Joe and I would be together someday and knowing Demi had the same birthday as me just made me hate her more. Why were we even born on the same day?

But that wasn't the point, obviously. Niall was in UK celebrating someone else's birthday, someone whom I dislike, instead of mine. And that was when everything started. Meeting Amanda, the sex, the trouble and this drama.

I recalled Niall being so restless on the night that I told him to get me the mango puddings. Then he started going home late... me drinking wine... the fight... Our relationship only got better a few days before he supposedly went for his tour; before the kidnapping happened.

"I don't know who to trust, which story to believe," I finally voiced out my irritation, "Amanda told me a different story. Now you're telling me a different story."

"I honestly don't know what Amanda’s version of story was but just so you know, what I have told you are the truth. I wouldn't want to lie to you anymore."

Niall said that he had only known Amanda recently during the whole mango pudding incident while Amanda told me that both Niall and her have been together to bring me down. Then I remembered Jake. He had no idea about Niall. Maybe Niall was telling the truth? Maybe Amanda was lying?

"Amanda said that you and she have been in this whole thing together to destroy me. Basically, you were just pretending to love me and what the time comes, both you and Amanda could easily break me. Amanda was the only sister I ever told you about and even though I dislike her, I just didn’t think that she was lying."

I shouldn't have told Niall what Amanda said but I couldn't help that my heart still felt that it could trust Niall the best.

"That's bullshit!" Niall raised his voice, "That urgh...urgh...bitch! She's lying!"

"I was hoping," I told him the truth.

"Yes, she was lying. I never knew her until recently. Urgh, I'm calling Inspector Richard now so that she should just let her rot behind bars forever," Niall mumbled to himself and started dialling on his phone but I stopped him.

"Wait!" Niall looked at me and waited for me to continue. As much as I didn't want to do it, I knew I had to consider a few facts and that I couldn't be selfish. "I... I want Amanda, out of the lockup."

"What?!" Niall was looking at me, frowning. "What do you mean? She hurt you. She freaking kidnapped you and hurt Amy. Amy was so terrified. And look at you. You know how much I suffered all those nights you were in coma? And, you're telling me that Amanda shouldn't be locked up?!"

Niall was angry. I could easily tell that from the tone of his voice. But I couldn't help but also find him selfish. He was talking bad about Amanda like he hadn't done anything wrong. He was one of the reasons that everything became even worst now.

"So you're telling me that it's fine to let a pregnant woman rot behind bars. I was pregnant and you knew how much I suffered being caged. If you're thinking that it's all karma for Amanda, think again. She's pregnant and the baby might be yours. As much as I wanted her to rot behind bars, I can't help but think the consequences of her baby. The baby is innocent and the baby is your child. So are you sure you'd want to put your child in a hard life because of what happened between you, me and Amanda?"

I was raising my voice towards the end, without me realizing. I was upset that I had to defend Amanda but I knew I did it right. Niall was still silent. I had no idea whether he was thinking or just plain daydreaming.

"I'm sorry," he finally said. "I am really confused. All I wanted to do right now is try to win you back. I know the fact that even if we're just a few centimetres away; you're actually so far away from me. I cannot stand that. It's hurting me that you're trying to create a distance between us. I just wanted us to be like we used to. I didn't mean to be selfish, but I really didn't think of anything else except you. Heck, I even forgot about our children sometimes. You never left my mind and I'm so stress about it. I don't know what to do."

My heart was broken enough to break even more. My heart was clenching at Niall's word. Even if it was hard, I had to admit that I still did love him. I just couldn't accept all these dramas around me that involved Niall with another woman and to make it worse, the woman was my sister.

"We need a break from each other," I finally voiced out, "As much as I want to forgive you, knowing that you were being framed, I just can't."

"But Megan, we can try other things out. I promise, I never liked Amanda. I never did, Megan," Niall said, holding my hand and kept kissing it.

"I know. But you need to understand my feelings. I'm so hurt," I told him and I lost it. I started crying. My heart felt so painful. I could literally feel it breaking.

"Megan, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Niall said and engulfed me in his warm bear hug. I didn't protest nor did I push him away. I just tried to enjoy it; feeling like it would be the last one.

"I know. I can tell how sorry you are," I told him and pulled away to look at his handsome face. "But we really should take a break from each other. I don't hate you. I just really cannot stand the idea of my husband having a baby with my sister or even have slept together, I really cannot. I'm sorry," I sobbed.

"No, don't be sorry. I am at fault. Not you. I am sorry," Niall said and cupped my face, planting a kiss on my forehead. Oh, how much I've missed his kisses. "But Megan, excuse me for my bluntness, there's a chance for the baby is not mine."

I cringed. Since when were we so formal to each other? And I realized that I had missed us too. But no, I won't stop this feeling from doing what I really should be doing.

"Whether the baby is yours or not, we will find it later. All I want you to do is get Amanda out of the lockup. Then, we'll take a break. Where our marriage and family will go, we'll lead from time to time," I finalized.

"I really have no say for this right?" Niall asked quietly.

"Please... do it for me."

Niall was silent for a minute before he said, “I will do anything for you.”

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