{18} - Separating.

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Niall's P.O.V

I had to agree with it whatever it was. I so badly wanted Megan to trust me back that I really was willing to do anything for her. Why, of all things, these dramas happened to me?

I didn't want to take a break from Megan, nor from our children. All the 'breaks' from being away from Megan and Amy during the kidnapping and from the time that Megan was in coma was definitely enough. I didn't want more but I knew very well that I had to consider Megan's feelings.

Megan also wanted Amanda to be out of jails. I didn't know where in the right mind of Megan's decided that but I always knew that Megan was such a kind and lovely young woman. She was too nice that she sacrificed her feelings. She didn't want Amanda to suffer like her, having to suffer behind bars with a big belly. It just made me love her more but I couldn't say the same for her.

"Do you think they would allow me to take Elly now?" Megan asked me. I was still lingering around in the room. Megan didn't say I could stay but she didn't ask me to go away. So I'd rather stay, and watched after her.

"You wanna see Elly?" I asked. I felt bad at the same because I was too busy thinking of Megan that I had forgotten about my daughter who was just a few rooms away from me. What kind of a father I am.

"Yes," Megan answered, "I... erm, I wanna feed her."

I smiled and nodded before heading towards the door. I believed the nurse would allow me to take Elly because her mother wanted to feed her. I'm sure they wouldn't mind.

* * *

I heard Elly burped and chuckled to myself. She was such a small baby but her burping sound could fill the whole room. Megan was so happy to be holding Elly. The nurse seemed to have no problem with me taking Elly late night but she insisted for Megan to make it fast because both the baby and the mommy needed their own rest.

"She's asleep," Megan told me.

"Do you want me to send her back to the nursery?" I asked.

"Yes. Can you also find out for me when will I be out? I'm so tired on this bed," Megan whined.

"Alright, I will."

I took Elly from Megan and when my skin brushed hers; our eyes were connected for a second before Megan looked away. I felt like I was falling in love again and again with Megan but I was sure that Megan didn't feel it that way. I could see how she was trying to talk to me normally but I could also see from her posture that she wasn't comfortable with me.

Like earlier, when she wanted to breast-feed Elly, she was embarrassed that I'd see those things that I have already seen. We were like, strangers.

I was about to reach the door when Megan reminded me again, "Do not forget to check on Amanda."

"Okay," I answered in reluctance.

"Oh, and if Amanda is released, be sure to release Jake as well. I'm not sure if he's arrested as well because he was somehow part of the kidnapping, but he's not at fault," Megan continued. Firstly, I felt jealous that Megan was talking so friendly about Jake, like she had known him for a long time. Secondly, I was lost on how I should tell Megan that Jake was dead.

"Erm, Megan," I started slowly, closing back the door that I managed to open; "Jake is dead. He was shot on the day that we saved you and Amy."

"What? How?!" Megan yelled, but tried as possible to keep her voice low. Her face expression turned to horror-shocking.

"Someone shot him," was all I said before I saw Megan slowly fell backwards on the bed and curled up. I wanted as bad to go to her and hug her and let her know that everything will be fine as long as we have each other, but I felt that she wouldn't appreciate my presence yet.

Megan's P.O.V

I curled up on the bed and let the tears fell. Why did I feel everything was repeating? Did every guy I met have to die? First, Daniel. Now, Jake. How did he die? What happened? He saved me, only to sacrifice his life?

He was a good friend. I shouldn't have mourned as much as I did for Daniel but still, Jake and I had our moments together and most of all he saved me, recently. Not just me, he saved Amy as well.

I started to think that my life was cursed.

* * *

I woke up to the sun shining so brightly. I didn't know who opened up the curtains but it was shining so brightly that I couldn't open my eyes until I heard a voice.


I looked down next to my bed and frowned in confusion, "Hey sweetie, what are you doing down there on the floor?"

"Granny told me that you can go home today. So, I'm picking the clothes for you to wear and also clothes for Elly," Amy answered and grinned at me.

I threw her a smile and told her to climb up the bed, leaving my clothes scattered on the floor. Oh, I've missed Amy so much. I kissed her forehead and that was when Mom, Niall's Mom, came in.

"Hey, I see you're awake. The doctor told me that you can be discharge today, along with Elly," Mom said happily and gave me a kiss on the forehead, just like the one I just gave Amy.

I didn't know if I should be happy with the news. I of course was happy that I can finally not just lie down on the hospital bed. Seeing that Niall had agreed for us to take a break only means that I wouldn't have any place to go. That mansion belonged to Niall and I was considered just like a tenant.

"Are you okay? Why you don't look happy about it?" Mom asked. She furrowed her eyebrows causing some lines to occur on her forehead.

I knew I could be open to her. So I told her about my agreement with Niall to take a break from each other for a little while. "I still have my apartment back in LA but I couldn't go without Elly because Elly needs me."

"Megan, I'm so sad to hear this. There's no need for taking a break from each other. I believed you and Niall would be able to work things out. There's no need for separations. There's no..."

"But I'm hurt, Mom!" I didn't mean to raise my voice, but I did. It was sad for me to be away from Niall too but why couldn't anyone understand that I was hurt, that the knowledge of having your biological sister pregnant with your husband was just ridiculous. Why couldn't anyone try to freaking damn understand me?

I didn't know I was tearing until I felt some cold liquid on my cheek. Amy's arms instantly went around my neck, hugging me close. Then another pair of arms was around both of us.

"I'm sorry, Megan. We're both females, I should have understood you better. I'm really sorry. I know you've been through enough. I really am sorry," Mom spoke softly.

"No, I'm sorry Mom. I didn't meant to raise my voice at you," I apologized.

"No darling, it's okay. I should have tried to understand you better. Anyway, my house would be open for you. If you really do need a break from Niall and have nowhere to go, my house it is. It's your house too," Mom offered.

I didn't think that Mom's house would be a good idea but I didn't have anywhere else to go. I had no choice but to agree to it. I’ll move out from there when I have found a better place. Maybe I could try some other things there to forget about Niall.

If not for temporary, then maybe forever.

Niall's P.O.V

"Are you sure your wife doesn’t want to take any action against her?" Alice asked me for the umpteenth time.

"I'm doing this at my own wife's request. I didn't agree with it at all," I told her.

"You know you're wasting our time right?"

"I know. But this all wasn't up to me. I didn't have the choice either," I told Alice reluctantly.

"Well, seeing that Amanda is really your wife's sister, we will regard this case as family issues and nothing else. We would take it as we never handle this before. Is that clear?" Alice sounded firm. I nodded in reply and she told me to wait while she got Amanda out.

I waited for about a few minutes and then I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me torso from behind. I quickly turned around and pushed whoever that was hugging me. I wondered why I wasn't surprise it was Amanda.

"Get off me. You're kind of dirty and not to mention, stinks," I said to her. I wasn't lying and I wasn't trying to be mean. She really was dirty and smelly. If I were mean, I would have said that her heart is too ugly to even be a meter away from me.

"I don't care," she said, "I know you care about me and our son. I know you wouldn't let me rot in jail and give birth to our son so unpleasantly."

She attempted to hug me again but I quickly stepped back. I looked over to Alice who was staring at Amanda with that 'eww' look.

"Alice," I called, "If you don't mind could you get her a cab or something so that she can head to wherever she wants."

"Sure," Alice answered and smiled.

"No, no don't call any cab. Niall, please send me home. I don't think I can manage. I'll due in 6 weeks’ time," she told me but I didn't care. It wasn't time to care about anyone else except for my family.

"Oh really?" I raised my eyebrow at her. "My wife, your sister, Megan Horan was kidnapped 1 week before she gave birth. She still survive and still strong. So I don't see why you can't."

With that, I left her at the entrance of the police station while I got into my car and drove straight to the hospital. I already check with Megan's doctor and he confirmed that Megan could be discharged as soon as possible.

* * *

I went inside Megan's room and found her already dressed in a long sleeved dress. Elly was wrapped up with a pink blanket and was wearing a teddy bear hat. She was in the middle of the bed with Amy and Megan on each of her side.

"Everyone's ready?" I asked, trying to sound cheerful. It had been quite some time since we had our time together and I was already starting to miss Megan and Amy.

"Yes Poppa!" Amy answered me, "Let's go!"

I was about to head towards the bed to piggyback Amy and to get Megan's bag when Mom suddenly appeared from nowhere. "Can we talk for a minute first?"

"Yeah," I said and followed her out of the room. "What is it?"

"Megan will be staying at my place. Greg is in the car at the parking lot because your fans apparently found out that you and Megan are in this hospital. They were making a scene last night actually. But never mind about that. I'm sure you and Megan already agreed on taking a break on each other, right?"

I nodded slightly. My mind was disturbed by what Mom had said. How did the fans found out? I totally had forgotten about them while my mind was busy handling other things.

"Megan didn't want to stay in the mansion. She even wanted to go back to LA but Elly didn't have passport yet so yeah. I offered for her to stay with me in Ireland. It will be a little bit far from you but it's better than LA," Mom explained. Did Megan hate me so much that she really needed to go so far away just to 'take a break’? Man, I could lose her forever if I let her 'take a break' so far away.

"Yeah, it's better," I agreed in reluctance.

"Oh and one more thing, don't send us to the car. I don't think Megan could answer all the questions that Amy might throw to her. You know how talkative Amy is," Mom continued and I nodded again.

At the same time, Megan, Elly and Amy came out of the room. Mom immediately attended to them. She took Megan's bag and took Elly from Megan's arms before walking away first.

"Let's go Poppa," Amy called and came closed to reach for my hand but Megan quickly pulled Amy to her hips. She was carrying Amy even though she actually couldn't. She sure was having a hard time carrying Amy just after her operation.

"I've got work to do Amy," I told her and smiled. Amy's face immediately fell while Megan was just showing an impassive face all the while.

At last she said, "Bye."

I leaned forward and kissed Amy's forehead before muttering the same thing, "Bye."

As Megan turned on her hills, Amy's little hand managed to catch my big ones and I badly didn't want to let her go but I had to. Our hands finally detached from each other much to my reluctance. Amy was looking at me like she was closed to tears, like she didn't believe I had 'worked' to do.

And I felt like this would be the last time I could ever hold Amy's hand.

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