{3} - Attention.

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Niall's P.O.V

As soon as I heard Megan's light snore, I kissed her softly on the cheeks and got off the bed as quiet as possible. I didn't want Megan to wake up.

I didn't know what was wrong with her but I knew that if I were to keep questioning her right after I scolded her, I would just be adding oil to her fire. Megan wasn't the temperamental type but she had become quite sensitive and fierce during this pregnancy.

I took my phone went downstairs. It was 10 minutes to 10. I needed to call someone. I dialled her number and waited impatiently.

"Hello," she answered while panting after what seemed like forever. Oh wait, why was she panting?

"Hello Mom? Why are you panting? Please don't tell me you're doing what I shouldn't be thinking you're doing," I said to my mom with a faked horror-shocked voice.

"Rubbish. You don't be like your brother, getting on my nerves 24-7," she rambled.

"What did he do now?"

"I wanted to watch Opera and he hid the remote from me from changing the channel because he's watching some robot shows," Mom continued rambling and I found it funny that he was fighting with Greg over TV shows because she once scolded Greg and me for doing the same thing.

"It's not robot shows! It's Transformers," I heard Greg's voice from other side of the line and chuckled.

I heard Mom scolded Greg some more before getting back to the phone, "Your brother really needs to grow up and go get married and let me live in peace already. Anyway, how are my beautiful granddaughter and the upcoming one?"

I smiled at how Mom's tone could change from talking about Greg to Amy and her upcoming sister.

"Oh they're fine," I answered her, "But I need some help regarding your daughter-in-law."

"Why? What's wrong with her?"

"I don't know. You know what, I just caught her almost drinking a wine," I complained to my Mom.

"What?!" My mom shrieked. "Why would she do that? She knows that she can't drink because she's pregnant."

"I know. That is why I'm calling. I don't know what's wrong. She was pretty much angry at me and she cried to sleep. Well I scolded her of course for almost drinking so that's why she's sad but other than that, there's nothing wrong."

"You scolded her? You shouldn't scold a pregnant woman! They are sensitive at heart and at everywhere. Obviously she would cry. Did she say she hates you?"

"Yes," I answered, recalling Megan sobbing and telling me that she hated me before she dozed off.

"Good. I would say that to you too if I were Megan."

"But I can't possibly just stay quiet when she was about to drink right Mom?" I protested. I knew my mom and Megan are both females and my mom had had gone through what Megan was going but not everything that I did and caused Megan to get angry or upset was my fault.

"Yeap, true true. But why did she suddenly want to drink?" My mom asked and I sighed loudly because I didn't know the answer.

"I don't know."

"Hmmm, let me think. What is the last thing she craved for?"

"Mango pudding," I remembered.

"Did you get it for her?"

"Nope. I told her to get it by herself," I answered and my mom literally yelled through the phone.

"Niall Horan! You stay exactly at the spot you are because I am coming over!"

"What? Coming over? Why? What for?" I asked frantically.

"To scold you, obviously. How could you even have the heart to tell your wife to get the food she craved for by herself?"

"But she was fine with it," I argued.

"And so? She could be lying," Mom continued taunting me.

"But Mom, that couldn't be the reason for her to be mad and started to drink!"

"Yeah, true true. Let's see. What else have you done for her?" Mom asked. She was like a predictor.

"I haven't got the chance to do much. I have been coming home late," I admitted.

"Bam! You found the cause," Mom said. She started explaining the reasons why Megan could be mad at me. Firstly because she felt like she craving for mango pudding wasn't important to me because I didn't get her any. Secondly, I haven't been spending much time with her. And she thought that I stopped loving her because she gained weight and size. But I was still unsure of the real cause.

"So you better do something to make her feel loved again," my mom advised.

"Alright Mom, thank you. I love you," and with that I put down the phone. I spent a little bit more time in the living room before my phone beeped a reminder.

'30 weeks baby check-up.'

I already know what I should do.

* * *

I was awoken by Megan's irritating alarm clock. Usually, I would just pulled her closer to me and advised her to throw the alarm clock away but right now, I had to be the one throwing the clock away.

I reached across Megan and grabbed the alarm clock at the night stand and turned it off. Megan started stirring in her sleep. The alarm clock was set so that she would have enough time to prepare herself and breakfast for Amy before sending her to school. And I have decided I should take over that duty that morning to gain Megan's attention.­­

"Go back to sleep baby," I whispered in Megan's ear and rubbed her belly in circular motion. Megan mumbled and within seconds I heard her light snore.

I got off the bed carefully not to wake Megan up and headed to Amy's room. I waked her up and let her shower and get dressed on her own while I did the same. Once done, I went down to the kitchen and poured two bowls of fruity pebbles for Amy and myself.

I was telling Tony, the driver through the intercom buzzed, that I would be sending Amy to school today so he was off for the morning when Amy walked down the stairs.

"Poppa!" She called cheerily. I turned off the intercom and went to get her at the end of the stairs.

"Hello baby girl," I said to her and kissed her forehead.

"Where's Momma?"

"Momma's still sleeping. She's tired. So, I'll be the one sending you to school today," I told her and Amy's eyes lit up.

"Yay!" She cheered. "You always got home late and I don't get to see you."

My heart sank at her words. I got distracted that I had forgotten about my daughter whom needed my attention. "I'm so sorry. I've been busy working with Harry, Zayn, Liam and Louis," I said, not really lying.

"It's okay," she said and walked ahead of me to the dining table. I helped her to the high chair and we ate our breakfast happily. There was no moment of silence. We were always talking about something and laughing. It was like some daughter-daddy bonding time.

"Alright come on. We don't want you late for school," I announce once I dumped the dirty bowls in the sink. I tied Amy's shoelace for her and got up, getting my car keys.

"Superman?" Amy requested with her puppy eyes. I tapped my chin several times -on purpose- making Amy impatient.

"Alright," I decided and sat next to her on the couch. Amy climbed to my back and wrapped her arms tightly around my neck. "Ready? 1, 2, 3!"

I stood up abruptly causing Amy to giggle because she was now flying like a superman on my back. She continued 'flying' like a superman until we reached my car. I sent her to school and piggyback her to her classroom before driving back home. I had to get Megan's breakfast ready before she wakes up.

Megan's P.O.V

I was so used to waking up early that even though I heard Niall telling me to get back to sleep, it only lasted for half an hour. I was awake again but I stayed in bed, rolling from side to side. I felt lazy to get off the bed but the smell of bacon and eggs from downstairs was tempting me.

I didn't bother to change to proper clothes. Still with my night gown, I headed downstairs. My heart was telling me that it was Niall, cooking breakfast but I also got a feeling that it could be Niall's Mom. She surprised me several times before.

But as I entered the kitchen, all I saw was my husband, dressed informally with an apron on the stove. Memories of last night flooded back. I sighed because I knew I was overreacting last night. I perfectly understand that Niall was busy with his work especially with the upcoming tour but he went a little too much of neglecting me.

I decided to pretend to still stay mad at him but I wanted his attention. So I went into the kitchen and went straight to the fridge to let Niall notice my presence. Which, he did.

"You're awake, baby," I heard Niall said and at the same time, the stove was turned off. My back was facing Niall so I didn't know what he was doing until he wrapped his arms around me.

I enjoyed being his arms for a moment until I remembered that I was supposed to stay mad at him. I removed his arms around me and went to one of the drawers to take a glass. I poured an amount of water into it and took a sip before I heard Niall's voice again.

"I made breakfast for you. Bacon and eggs and baked beans," Niall blabbered.

"I'm not hungry," I said and turned around, wanted to walk away.

"Just a bit. Taste my effort please," Niall begged.

"Okay," I answered with my reluctant voice. Niall grinned and passed me a fork. I grabbed them and picked bacon from the pan on the stove. I shovelled it into my mouth and instantly spat them out. "It's hot!" I whined. Niall quickly poured a glass of cold water for me.

I gulped them down and pretended to sulk. "I don't wanna eat anymore." I wanted to walked away when Niall scooped me off the ground and brought me out, placing me on the dining table. I didn't protest but I always wondered how Niall could bare my weight especially now that I'm 7 months pregnant.

Niall pulled a chair in front of me and he sat down on the chair, in between my thighs. "We need to talk about last night," he said softly but firmly.

"I don't want to," I said honestly. I knew that I will cry if I told him the real reason why I was mad and I also knew that I was just acting like that because of my pregnancy hormones.

"Please..." Niall said softly and kissed my knuckles.

"I don't know," I sighed, "I just hate you so bad lately."


"You're always not home. You get home late and when you did, you went straight to bed. You didn't even eat my cooking anymore. In the morning when you wake up, you'll only drink a glass of water and went to work. You don't have time for me anymore. You don't give me your attention anymore," I complained and I had tears slipping down my cheeks. I got so emotional these days.

Niall got up from his seat and wrapped his arms around me. I nuzzled his neck and let the tears slipped down some more. Niall rubbed my back soothingly and whispered, "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."

I nodded, knowing that it wasn't his fault to get busy but I just couldn't control my hormones and got angry over it.

"I didn't mean to neglect you. I'm sorry I have been really busy. I didn't realize that I have been prioritizing my work too much that I haven't been spending time with you and Amy. I'll make it up to you?"

I nodded and Niall kissed me. I missed his kisses. He sat back down on the chair and kissed my belly before resting the side of his face on it and wrapped his arms around me, getting comfortable. My hands instinctively went around his head. We stayed like that, hugging each other until my tummy growled very loudly.

Niall chuckled. "The baby's hungry. Come on, let's get you the food. It shouldn't be that hot now."

I nodded and smiled. Niall carried me down to a chair so that he can place the food on the table. He insisted on feeding me and I felt loved again even though I knew he loved me all along. I've gotten his attention and that was all I wanted.

"Alright come on, we need to get you shower and out we go," Niall said.

"Where to?" I asked my heart flattered at the thought of Niall bringing me out, surprising me.

"It's the baby's 30th months check-up. You forgot?" Niall asked me.

"Oh," I said, embarrassed at my own thoughts. "I remember that," I lied.

"Alright then, let's go," Niall said. "Oh but before that, promise me the next time you have something to voice out, just do it. I don't want you to keep it to yourself. I don't want any more arguments like this between us and I definitely don't want you to drink. I'm clear?"

I nodded, and buried my face in Niall's chest.


I'm so sorry for the late updates. I've been busy with school and exams and a lot of things.

The chapter is not editted >< So sorry for it.

I hope you enjoy it.


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