{5} - Kidnapped.

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Niall's P.O.V

I kissed Megan's face all over and then turned to Amy. I kissed her on the forehead and cheeks and then made her hugged me very very tightly. I was leaving now, for a week. 7 days.

I didn't feel good leaving Megan and Amy. Especially now, Megan was 8 months pregnant. She was most likely to due next month but I still didn't feel good. The longest that I had left her during her pregnancy period was 5 days and that was for a one day concert and a one day meet-and-greet in Japan.

What if she craved for something?

What if she suddenly was in pain?

"Don't worry too much about me, Niall," Megan voiced out, like she was reading my face.

"How could I not?" I asked her and leaned my forehead against hers.

"One week is short," she said and I frowned. The other day after the baby check-up, she said one week was long. "Plus, Mom is coming over later in the evening to accompany me. Like that, I won't be lonely."

I sighed softly and pressed my lips hard on her forehead, "I'll call you every day."

"I'll be waiting," she replied.

"And then tell you that I miss you."

"That I'll miss you too."

"Then say that I love you so much."

"That I love you more."

"I need to get going," I announced reluctantly.

"You should," she agreed and then hugged me, kissed me on the neck.

"Poppa, I want to kiss you too," Amy's voice broke our hug.

"Sure baby," I said and bent down, tilting my head to the side and Amy kissed me on the cheeks.

That was the longest I took to say goodbye. It resulted in me keep coming back to either kiss Amy, Megan or Megan's belly. But finally, I reluctantly made my way to my car and drove quickly. I kept telling myself that it wasn't gonna be so bad to be apart from Megan and Amy and our baby.

Even though I felt like something really bad was gonna happen, I kept reminding myself that those were just my disturbed feelings and thoughts and that I shouldn't think too much about it. With that, I drove to the studio to meet the boys before heading to Wales in our tour bus.

Megan's P.O.V

"Huff! Poppa goes to work," Amy whined as we walked back into the house.

"He'll be back in no time baby," I told her, trying to console my own heart as well. I wasn't fond of Niall leaving. Not now, especially.

"It will be boring," Amy said as she dropped herself on the couch.

I thought to myself for a while. I knew Amy hated Niall leaving just as much as I do. We both needed distractions so that we wouldn't think too much of Niall. He would probably start calling in tonight or tomorrow, which left me and Amy all lonely until evening.

"Do you wanna go shopping?" I asked Amy. "We can buy some food and goodies for granny."

Niall's Mom insisted on coming to 'watch after' me and Amy. So while waiting for her, why not we get some goodies outside and at the same time, distract ourselves from our dearest husband and poppa?

"Let's go!"

* * *

"Momma!" Amy called me. "That is nice."

I looked over to where Amy pointed. I was guessing a girl's dress or headbands or anything girly but I was wrong. Amy was pointing to a floral man's shirt.

"Poppa must love this. Can we get this for him?"

I smiled. Amy would still remember Niall in whatever occasion it was. I loved the daughter-daddy relationship that Niall planted for himself and Amy.

"Poppa will look very handsome," Amy continued praising Niall.

"Alright, alright. Let's get this for him," I said and went over to get the right size for Niall. Amy and I had shopped enough for ourselves even though it was just 3 pieces of clothing each.

I was busy looking for the best size for Niall that I didn't even think about where Amy might be wandering about. We were now at some street boutique, so I believed even though Amy might leave the boutique, she would meet Tony who was just standing by the car right in front of the boutique.

But I was totally wrong when I heard Amy's loud screech. I turned to the direction of her voice and gasped when I saw a masked guy had his hand wrapped around Amy and was pulling her roughly out of the boutique.

"Amy!" I screamed and at the same for help. I waddled myself through, trying to save Amy but who knew there was someone else from around me who already targeted me. I was suddenly being engulfed in someone arms from the back. My mouth was covered and my neck was being strangled by that someone's arms. It must be a guy because I could feel he was muscular.

I was too lost thinking for Amy and the fate of my baby. I couldn't think straight. And the last thing I remembered was Amy screaming my name and then I was gone.

Niall's P.O.V

"Hey Niall, can you give me a hand?" Brandon asked me as he lifted up one side of the drum up. Everyone knew that we at least need two people to carry a drum up.

"Yeah sure," I said and helped him carry the drum into the tour bus. While doing so, my phone vibrated for the umpteenth time. I didn't bother to pick it up, plus I didn't have a free hand at the moment. It has been vibrating since the boys and I were trying out our vocals.

Once I was done helping Brandon, the boys and I loaded into the tour bus and we instantly dumped ourselves on the bed that was located within the tour bus. It would be the only time that we can relax ourselves before the concert starts.

When we were halfway through the journey that I realized that I haven't check my phone. I took it out while making a cold drink for myself. There were a lot of missed calls from Mom and a few from Tony and Eddie. What did they want?

I decided to call Mom back first. She probably lost her way through and wanted to ask for directions. "Hello Mom."

"Niall!" My Mom started wailing. I frowned. What happened?

"What's wrong Mom?" I asked, panic, "Why are you crying?"

"Megan and Amy..." Mom wailed again.

I was sweating, anxiously. "What's wrong with Megan and Amy Mom?"

"They are being kidnapped, Niall!" Mom cried. "Come back Niall. What's gonna happen to them, Niall?"

With my Mom crying on the other side of the line, I couldn't think straight. I shut my phone off and trying to think of a way. I needed to get off the bus and goes back home.

Megan and Amy were kidnapped.

Just the thought like that made me want to cry. I quickly moved to the driver's seat and demanded David, the driver to stop the bus. I needed to go home. I needed to save my loved ones.

* * *

The boys followed me home and when I entered my house compound, there were police cars. I practically ran out of the car and headed inside. Mom quickly went to me when she saw me entered, and hugged me tightly.

"What exactly happened Mom? Who kidnapped them? Somebody tell me!" I was getting impatient.

"Sir, I need you to calm down," one of the officers told me, "Based on what your driver told me, he brought your wife and daughter out to go shopping and they were in the De' Flora boutique when all this happened. I had taken your driver's statement, as well as from the owner of De' Flora boutique. We need you stay calm and we'll try our best to locate your wife and daughter. We'll keep you updated sir."

The police officers walked out of the house and I quickly turned to Tony, the driver who was standing not far from where Mom, the boys and I were.

"Why did you bring them out?!" I yelled to him, while holding his collar up. If he hadn't brought Megan and Amy out, they wouldn't be kidnapped.

I was immediately being pulled back by two strong arms, belonged to Liam and Louis. "Mate, you need to calm down. He's not at fault. We all didn't plan this to happen!" Liam scolded me.

"But Megan, mate..." my voice broke, "Megan and Amy might be in danger."

And I lost it all. I started crying in both Liam's and Louis' arms. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Harry consoling Mom. I didn't bother what was happening around me. I just wanted Megan and Amy to be here with me.

That night, the boys tucked me in bed like I was a baby. But I was too lost for words. My face showed no expression at all. I hadn't cried enough but the tears didn't want to show up. When the boys finally left me alone in the room, on the bed, I curled myself and sniffed the pillow Megan always used.

I couldn't sleep of course. How could I sleep, knowing that Megan and Amy were in danger? Plus, they weren't the only two. The baby Megan was carrying might be at risk as well.

* * * * *

Sorry if this chapter is a little bit on rush. I still have a lot to learn on how to write on the kind of situation I had above. Nonetheless, what do you guys think of the chapter?


As for the baby names, once I have decided, I will announce the ‘winner’ on the same chapter I reveal the name. Meanwhile, just keep the names coming :)


-         Ree

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