{6} - Please...

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Megan's P.O.V

I was awake but all I could see was darkness. Where was I? Why my head was throbbing? Every part of me felt painful. And then I suddenly heard someone crying. The voice was familiar. I'd always wanted to console the person who was crying. But who was she?

Things were like replaying in my head. I suddenly saw myself somewhere and not far away from me, I saw a small figure. It was...a girl. I walked deeper towards the girl and I saw my little girl. Amy! She was with someone else, laughing so vainly.

"Momma!" I heard she called me but her mouth wasn't moving. Who called me? I tilted my head and then I saw another Amy. How many Amy was I supposed to have?

"Momma, help me!" I heard Amy's voice again but her mouth wasn't moving. I looked around and realized that there was many of my Amy. There were more than one Amy in the room, and all of them were crying and sobbing and asking for my help. What should I do? Why couldn’t I do anything to help? What happened?

"Momma!" Amy cried again and this time I forced my eyes to open. The lights were hurting my eyes and I was squinting as I looked around. What was going on?

It took me a minute to realize that I was in a small empty room. My legs and hands were tied up and across me was...Amy!

"Amy!" I called her frantically. Her hands and legs were tied just like mine and there were a cloth stuffed into her mouth. Then everything came back. Niall leaving for tour... Going shopping... Picking floral shirt for Niall... Some masked guy pulling Amy... I was captured too...

God! We were being kidnapped. How long has it been already?

Amy was crying badly and it pained me. She wasn't far from me but I couldn't do anything to come closer to her seeing my legs and hands were tied.

"Amy," I called very softly, "Baby you need to calm down. Stop crying and Momma promise I will bring you out from here very safely."

Amy tried her best to stop crying, I could tell. But her sobbing was still there and so were her hiccups. She was scared. Her hair was messy. One of her sandals was missing. Her face was dirty.

I was so annoyed. Where were the kidnappers? What did they want? I couldn't take that they were torturing Amy like that. They could torture me if they want.

They could torture me if they want, I repeated to myself.

I looked down to my belly. It was still round and big and suddenly I felt the kick. My baby! They couldn't torture me. They couldn't torture Amy either. Heck! What did they want? Why aren't they showing up?

I suddenly heard the clicking sound from heels. Amy's eyes widened immediately, her body was shivering and I instantly knew she was feeling very terrified.

"Baby baby calm down..."

And the door flung open. A woman walked in, looking high classed. She wore a tight-fitting off-shoulder black dress that stopped mid-thigh. She was pregnant? Her tight dress was hugging her belly very tightly. Her black eyeliner was drawn thick on both upper and lower waterline and her red lipstick made it look like she was a witch. But, she looked familiar.

"Ah! Look at this motherfucking lazy bum ass woman. Slept well?" She asked me. I cringed. How could she swear like that easily in one sentence? But that wasn't my concern. She was using vulgarities in front of Amy.

"Who are you?" I asked. I realized that my voice was hoarse. It was dry and I needed water.

"You don't remember me dumb girl?" She sneered.

"What do you want?" I asked.

The woman suddenly clapped her hands and faked a humor laugh. She walked towards Amy and I struggled to freed myself. With a smile on her face, she grabbed a bunch of Amy's hair and spoke very loudly into her ears. "Your mother has officially lost her fucking memory. Maybe if she didn't, then she'd know what I want."

"Let go of her," I said daringly to the woman.

"Or what?" She challenged as she pulled Amy's hair even tighter and harder, causing Amy to break into another terribly cry and whimpered.

"Please," I said, my voice low. I was begging, "Please don't hurt my daughter."

"Maybe you'd wanna try this method," the woman suggested, "you know, like the old times."

I didn't get her but I didn't say anything. I saw her gripped on Amy's hair loosened slightly and then she continued, "How about you say...'Please Queen Amanda'?"

Niall's P.O.V

It's been two days that I died. I didn't feel alive at all. I couldn't be alive when Megan and Amy were still missing. All the police did since two days ago was gave my Mom a called and said that they were still working on the case.

Screw the police! I never think they ever did their job.

"Niall...Niall," Mom called, "Wake up darling." I was still lying in bed, unmoved since the night I got in. I didn't want to move even though I knew I had to do something to find Megan and Amy.

"Niall, I found the location of Megan's iPhone. We could bring this to the police station so that they can help us," I heard Mom said. I quickly jolted up from the bed. My head pounded so heavily from my sudden movement but I ignored it. I ran to my mom -she was at the door- and snatched the laptop that was in her hand.

"I tried the 'Find My iPhone' app and I found hers," Mom explained.

"Mom, let's go to the police station now," I said and pulled her out of the door. I didn't bother to shower. It was fine that I stink. It was okay if I made the whole police station smelled like what Megan always remarked, a cow. Everything else doesn't matter until I found Megan and Amy.


* * *

We were at a very wide field. I didn't even know this place even existed until now. Where were we? I never know. I just quickly jumped into one of the police's cars before they brought me to this place where Megan's iPhone was believed to be at.

I don't even care about the damn iPhone. The officers were searching all around for the phone. Where were Megan and Amy? I wasn't here for the phone. I was here to find Megan and Amy. But they weren't around.

"Sir," one of the officer approached me, "We found your wife's phone somewhere near the roadside. We believed that your wife's handbag was being thrown out of a vehicle because we also found her purse and the house keys, along with her handbag scattered everywhere."

"So where is she now?!" I growled.

"Sir, I need you to keep calm. We will do our job the best we can," the stupid officer said before leaving me.

I went home, drained, exhausted, tired and most of all disappointed. I went to bed again and curled into a ball and cried, holding a 4R sized family photo of me, Megan and Amy in it.

"Megan, Amy...Poppa miss you so much," I whispered to myself, crying, "Please come back."

Megan's P.O.V

"Amanda, the keychain is mine. I just got it a few days ago," I whined when I saw my sister, Amanda attaching the new doll keychain that I bought. I was only 8 and it took me some time to save up my money for the keychain. Amanda was 11.

"But it looks better on my school bag. Plus, it's pink," Amanda said and smiled cynically.

"But it's mine," I tried again, "You have a lot of other pink stuffs. I don't."

Amanda was silent. She then detached the keychain from her bag and wrapped her fingers around it. "How about we play a game?" She suggested.

"What game?"

"You know everything that belongs to you, belongs to me right?" I didn't answer because I never knew that whatever that belongs to me, supposed to be hers too. "So whenever you want something from me, you need to kinda...beg for it."

"Beg?" I asked, not understanding at all.

"Yeah. You must beg for the things you want from me and at the end, you must say, 'Please Queen Amanda'."

"Amanda?" I asked in disbelieve. She was the kidnapper?

"You remember me now, bitch?" She asked with a smirk and released Amy's hair that she was gripping.

"What...How... What do you want?"

"Well I obviously want to ruin your life," she answered, stepping towards me. When she reached me, she placed a leg on my thigh, making me whimper because she was wearing heels.

"Amanda please...," I begged, "You're hurting me."

"Ops I'm sorry," Amanda apologized but didn't sound sorry at all. "Maybe if I placed it here, it won't hurt too much."

Suddenly, her legs were on my belly. My baby! "Amanda, please stop it," I said in a higher tone, causing her to press harder on my belly.

"You forgot the three magic words?" She whispered in my ear, while her index finger stroking my cheeks.

"Please Queen Amanda. Please," I said quickly. She was hurting me and she was as well hurting my baby.

Amanda smiled and patted my head after removing her legs from my belly. Thank god! "Good," she said, "You still remember them."

I sighed. I probably wouldn't be terrified of Amanda if I wasn't being tied, pregnant and Amy with me. "I'll be back," I heard Amanda say before she went out of the room and slammed the door.

And I cried, closing my eyes. I couldn't look at Amy. What kind of mother was I? I had gotten Amy involved in things that she shouldn't. Amanda only wanted to make my life miserable all the time. Now she's back and she was ruining both mine and Amy's.

There was still Niall. My husband! Was he looking for me? Was he worried? Would Amanda ruin his life too? No. Please, no. If she wanted to ruin my life, then mine was enough.

I felt a nudge on my arm and took a look. Amy was there. How did she walk? Maybe she crawled. Maybe she dragged herself. I couldn't hug her. I couldn't even touch her. So I leaned my face and buried it in her hair. "I'll get you out of her, safely," I promised and sobbed.

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