Chapter 10

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Katherine woke up to Jack tossing her off him. She'd been sound asleep and more than comfortable laying on his chest when he practically threw her off and got up. She guessed he was still a little mad at her. The sun was barely rising above the horizon making random rays of sunlight filter through her curtains.

"Where are you going?" She mumbled grumpily into her pillow.

"To sell papers so I'se can eat t'night." He said like it was obvious.

"I'll buy you dinner tonight, please come back to bed with me." She groaned sounding like a little kid.

"What about da other boys? Da ones who can't sell enough papers to buy dinner? Do I just let them starve?" He asked.

He had a point.

She scowled into her pillow knowing he was right and turned over so she wasn't facing him anymore. She pulled her blanket tighter around her body trying to untangle her limbs from the sheets, it was a bit chilly in her apartment and her bare legs didn't agree with it. She laid there trying to fall back asleep as he got ready but sleep wouldn't come. Her mind was starting to swim with thoughts of Spencer and she needed Jack to stay so she wouldn't be tempted to think about him. Not to mention she just wanted Jack to stay, she only ever saw him at lunch and then when he got back from selling, she wanted to spend more time with him. Maybe she was being selfish but she just needed him to hold her for a while longer.

"Where's my shirt?"

"I'm the living room, next to my pot you broke." She said gesturing to the living room.

"If I remember correctly it was you who knocked it off da table." He said as he walked out the door.

"Only because you threw me on top of it!" She called to him as he found his shirt. He came in a second later buttoning it up.

"Whatever, it was still your back that knocked it off the table!" He said straightening his collar. Katherine groaned giving up on the conversation, she stretched her muscles and instantly regretted it when they screamed in protest. She winced at the soreness between her legs and Jack didn't fail to notice.

"Youse okay?"

"M'fine, just a little sore." She said sitting up carefully and wrapping the blanket around her chest. Jack had the nerve to laugh.

"Your... actually sore? Ha! Now that's funny." He said slapping his knee. She glared at him and grabbed his pillow, with deadly accuracy she chucked it at him and nailed him in the chest.

"Don't laugh! You weren't exactly gentle to me last night!" She hissed feeling a little offended.

"Sorry, I was a little pissed." He said leaning against the door frame.

"Yea, I can feel it."

Jack just laughed again, she was a little pissed herself but maybe having him laugh was better than him yelling. Heck, him laughing was better than anything.

"Maybe we's need ta practice more often... ya know, let me make you sore a few more times." Jack said giving her a look that said he really liked that idea. She herself flush but nodded mutely, she had to admit it wasn't a bad idea. "You know I'd never hurt youse right?" He asked.

"Of course you wouldn't."

"So don't hurt me."

His words made Katherine feel terrible, she knew he was talking about Spencer and his past. She'd been so caught up in being mad at him because he wouldn't tell her she hadn't considered the reason why he didn't tell her. It was painful to him. She wished she could help, she really did.

"Please forgive me." She said getting up off the bed and wrapping the blankets around her bare body.

"It's fine Ace... I still love ya." He said starring at her feet as she came over to him.

"No, I shouldn't have- I'm so stupid- I just wanted to- I'm sorry. I jus-"

He silenced her with a kiss.

"Its okay, I'll get over it." His eyes were far away as he held her face in his hands. This was the Jack Katherine had fallen in love with, the Jack that cared about others, the Jack that forgave, the Jack that tied little boys shoes and stole food to feed them. "I just wish... I wish things were different. Sometimes I wish I'd know her, my mother I mean." He said. Katherine didn't say anything she only kissed him again trying to make him feel better. He wrapped her in a tight hug and for a few minutes they were silent.

"I better go." He said pulling away from her.

"Okay." She said sadly but she let him grab his paper bag from off the floor. He kissed her once more before heading out the door. The apartment got very quite and Katherine finally understood what Spencer felt like every day, that thought made her feel bad. Then she felt bad for feeling bad. Ugh! Her life was a wreck! Jack had said he wished he'd know his mother, she couldn't imagine what it would be like to not know your own mother. Katherine thought about her own mother and father, no doubt they were at some fancy meeting with some fancy people not knowing what their daughter was going through. What would her mother say if she ever found out Katherine had kissed two different boys in one day then gone home and slept with one? It was scandalous behavior but this was a new century, times were changing. She was changing. Her heart? Her feelings? Her head? He commonsense? She wasn't sure. Spencer seeped into her thoughts and she wondered if he was home right now, she wanted to see him. Not nessasrily the same want as the night before but more like a want to make sure he was okay. She felt bad for leading him on the night before only to go home with his brother (who happened to be her boyfriend) but she still felt a little bad.

So don't hurt me... Jack words bounced around in her head. She wouldn't hurt him, she would control her emotions, she had too. Katherine needed to see Spencer, just needed to make sure he was okay. Maybe to draw a few lines too, she needed to be careful though. Spencer had the same effect on her as Jack did, they both made it hard for her to think. And when she couldn't think clearly...

Never mind that she told herself Spencer needs you, nothing is going to happen. You love Jack and nothing is going to change that. Nothing.

Her decision was made, she was going to see Spencer.

Authors Note- Wow, I update three times in one day then don't update for like... what? Four days? I don't even know. Typical. Anyway, tell me what you think. I own nothing.

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