Chapter 9

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So I rate this chapter PG-13 for reasons. I feel like my babies need it, I've even felt some of your guys's stress so here's a gift from me too you. *Smirks evilly because she knows something you don't*

"Where the hell have you been Katherine?"


Katherine whips around to find him standing thence with his paper bag slung around his shoulders, he looks the same with his inviting blue eyes and rumpled black hair. He looks good.

Of course he looks good, its Jack.

"Don't worry about it Kelly, she's been with me." Spencer said not bothering to hide the smirk from his voice.

"That's exactly why I'm worried, what the hell Katherine?" He snapped at her. Katherine found herself in real trouble, Jack was unaware of her new found feelings, he had no clue she'd spent half the day sleeping in Spencer's bed and he didn't know they'd payed his father a visit. She wanted to rip out her hair from all the stress.

"Jack, let me explain." Katherine said walking up to him. He smelt like fresh paint and newspapers and it took all her will power not to press her nose to his shirt and breath him in. She also wanted to slap him because he didn't tell her everything, she wasn't sure which she would do first.

"Explain what? That's youse been lying ta me and you've been spending a lot more time with him then I've known?" He asked anger flashing in his eyes.

"I've been lying? Your the one who's been lying! You never told me Spencer was your brother!" She snapped pounding on his chest with every word. It seemed to hurt her more than him. His eyes widened at her words and he glanced up at Spencer angrily.

"You told her that?!" Jack snapped at Spencer grabbing Katherine's arm and pulling her closer to him protectively.

"She kissed me for it." Spencer said straightening his collar.


"No! Spencer don't! Jack please just listen to me. I needed to know something, and Spencer was the only one willing to tell me!" Katherine said grabbing his arm and making Jack look at her.

"So ya let him mack on youse because I wouldn't give you what ya wanted?" Jack asked angrily the grip on her arm was tightening and it was starting to hurt.

"Relax Kelly, it's not like she wanted to kiss me. At first." Spencer said leaning against a box of crates.

"At first?! I don't believe this. Katherine, were leaving." Jack said giving Spencer a withering look.

"But Jack... I..." She looked over at Spencer and frowned, she didn't want to make things worse for anyone and Jack was looking close to punching him.

"Come on." Jack urged pulling her away. She reluctantly let him take her away, she glanced back at Spencer and he gave her a smile. She couldn't smile back, she was just to confused. Jacks grip tightened as he pulled her around a corner and out of Spencer's sight. "I can't believe youse Katherine." Jack said his eyes glaring ahead of him.

"Nothing happened!" She said trying to loosen his grip. She realized her words and shuttered at how big of a lie they were.

"Then why were youse talking a stroll in the dark with him?" He asked sounding annoyed.

"He was walking me home!"

"From what?!?"

Katherine hesitated, Jack would be mad if he found out. Maybe she should lie, but what would she tell him? She already felt guilty enough, she didn't want to make it worse.

"F-from the prison." She stuttered. Jack stopped in his tracks and pulled her to a stop with him.

"The prison? Please don't tell me you did what I think you did." Jack said coldly.

"I-I had too! Nobody was telling me anything!" She snapped making it clear she was talking about him.

"So now youse know, are ya happy?" Jack asked coming closer to her menacingly.

"I don't know, I'm still confused I-"

"You are so stupid Katherine, how could you possibly think going to see my father would be a good idea?" He snapped.

"I wanted to know! Is that to much to ask?!?" She cried feeling frustrated tears sting her eyes. Jack shook his head and brought her over to a darkened corner, she thought he might kill her.

"Do you even know why my father is in jail?" Jack asked pressing her against the wall.

"No! You never told me!" She says sarcastically. Jacks blues eyes are fierce as he grabs her face and forces her to look at him.

"He murdered Spencer's father." Jack says through his teeth. Katherine's limbs turn to ice and her eyes widen in shock.

"What?" She chokes out.

"Ya heard me, Rob got caught up in tryin' ta help put my father in jail, so my father put an end to em'. There's another reason Spencer hates me, I'm punished for my fathers actions." Jacks voice wavered for a second before hardening again. "My father may seem like a nice guy at first but deep down he's a killer and he deserves to be behind bars for the rest of his life."

"I'm so sorry." She says feeling even worse. His hard eyes lock with hers for a while longer before he lets go of her face and backs away.

"Whatever, let's go." He says gesturing for her to move on. She reluctantly obeys and walks with him in silence until they reach the stairs of her apartment. She starts to climb the steps but when she's half way up she notices Jack isn't following her.

"Are you coming?" She asks confused.

"No, I'se gonna stay at the Logging House tonight." He said gripping the strap of his paper bag.

"But... I want you to stay with me." She says and feels a little guilty for saying that.


"Cause your my boyfriend!" She says throwing her hands in the air.

"Wouldn't ya rather stay with Spencer? Seemed to me like you two got a little friendly." He says his expression darkening. She gives him a sour look and marches back down the steps until she's standing in front of him.

"Stop accusing me! You can trust me Jack!" She says feeling very frustrated, her frustration soon turns to guilt when she remembers she'd kissed Spencer only an hour before.

"Can I Kath? Can I really-"

She cuts him off with a rough kiss to his lips, she pulls away before he can react and pushes him toward the stairs.

"Stop making me feel bad and get into my room now!" She snapps pointing to her door a few feet above.

"No I ain't-"

"Get up the stairs Kelly or so help me I will make it so you'll never walk again." She threatens holding up both her fists. He gives her a dirty look but climbs the stairs none the less. She follows closely behind him making sure he didn't try to make a run for it, Jack tended to do that when he was angry or upset.

"I don't wanna-" He starts but she cuts him off with a look that could kill. He wisely shuts his mouth as she opens the door and heads in. Reluctantly he follows her.

"Now," she says turning around to face him "sit down and let's talk about this."

"I don't want to talk about this Katherine." He says staying put.

"Then what do you wanna do? Scream at each other because I promise that won't help. Jack please listen, I've learned more about you today then I have in the three years we've been together. Do you even know how that feels?" She says clutching her chest. "I just wish I could of heard it from you, it saddens me to think I have to ask other people about you."

"You don't have to ask, you just have to make out with them!" Jack snarled back. Katherine all but snaps. She punches his solid chest, over and over, and over again until he catches her wrists and pins them to her sides. Again, she's pretty sure it hurt her more then him but it sure felt good.

"Stop it! Stop it!" She struggles trying to get out of his grasp. Her frustration with him and herself makes her scream. She sounds like she's 5 instead of 21 but at this point she doesn't care anymore. She's so confused! Now that Spencer's out of her range she can feel that familiar tingle in the pit of her stomach she always gets when around Jack. She feels stupid for ever thinking she could like Spencer, sure he was a nice guy and he was very good looking (not to mention he was a fantastic kisser) but with Jack there filling her mind she found it easy to push Spencer away from her thoughts. Buy this time she's screaming nonsense at him saying things along the lines of 'You never told me anything!' Or 'You always say you wish you had family but you really do! Why did you lie?' Something like that she wasn't sure because Jack started yelling back. The entire apartment was filled with their screams and she was certain she would be getting some complaints from the floors above and below her tomorrow. She needed him to listen and she knew the way to to it. In fact, she'd done it once before, that night up on the roof when he'd been accusing her of spying. She'd kissed him and he shut up and listened. Jack liked to kiss her, she liked to kiss him. What better way to get them to both shut up then with a kiss? So she kissed him, or more like crashed her lips to his and flung herself into him. There shouts immeadetly cut off as his back hit the wall. She pulled away and slammed her fists into his chest one more time before kissing him again. He seemed surprised but he kissed her back. One moment she was pushing him against the wall and then next she was being shoved on top of her coffee table. She heard a crash as her only potted plant that had been in the table hit the ground and shattered into a million pieces. She couldn't focus on her plant because at that point Jack crawled on top of her and pinned her down.

"You hit like a girl!" He hissed into her ear.

"I am a girl you- you-" she couldn't think of anything worthy.

"I know you are, that's why I'm going to enjoy this." He said pressing against her harder.

"Bring it on Kelly." She challenged and wrapped her legs around his hips.

His hands ran the length of her body and she forgot about everything. Who was Ryan Spencer anyway? What was he compared to Jack? Surly she hadn't felt anything for him... right? The thought was pushed from her mind as Jack got under her skirts, she was done, she couldn't think anymore.

"I can't believe ya kissed em'." Jack whispered in her ear. "He's my damn brother!"

"Half brother! Now will you please shut up so we can do this?" She snapped not wanting anything else in the world but Jack.

He obliged her.

And Ryan Spencer and Jacks dark past were temporarily forgotten.

Authors Note: Your welcome. I decided to not leave you with another cliffhanger. Your welcome. Don't get youse to it.

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